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Disabled killer whale survives with the help of family who hunt for its food...

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posted on May, 19 2013 @ 05:01 PM
A killer Whale that is missing its right-side pectoral fin and dorsal fin is cared for with the help of the Pod.

He said: 'Incapable of fast hunting and ambushing prey it has to be dependent on the pod which, one assumes, looks after it very well.

These creatures have complex social relationships. The more I learn about them the more I think we should leave them alone in the oceans.

The young whale is missing its dorsal fin and its right pectoral fin and cannot hunt...

posted on May, 19 2013 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by purplemer

A touching story, now for true evidence that they are sentient and human like we need to know about another group that follow it around and point and laugh and call it a spaz

edit on 19-5-2013 by skalla because: typo

edit on 19-5-2013 by skalla because: maor typos, spaz that i am

posted on May, 19 2013 @ 06:09 PM
Well that poor guys in the crap house then because David scumbag Scamoron will insist that being disabled is no excuse, he must be made to WORK!

Sorry about that, couldn't help it.

Theres been several vids recently showing dolphins helping each other, even helping dying members to the surface for air. There was the vid of the dolphin that sought human help because it was tangled in fishing line. There was the vid of the otter that jumped onto a guys boat when beckoned to escape a hungry whale.

The way the world is now I think I'd prefer to be a whale than a human.

posted on May, 20 2013 @ 02:56 AM
reply to post by purplemer

What a beautiful story.. These marine beings are fascinating creatures. It is a shame that some of our species finds it difficult to pull together and help one another out... We should take a leaf out of their book...!

Great find purp

posted on May, 20 2013 @ 04:53 AM
reply to post by purplemer

cool! orcas are pretty smart... i have a real respect from them after visiting the whalers museum in maui learned a lot...apparently besides the caged ones they don't really attack humans in the wild... not to mention there are less evil than their ugly dolphin cousins lol....

posted on May, 20 2013 @ 04:56 AM

Originally posted by purplemer

These creatures have complex social relationships. The more I learn about them the more I think we should leave them alone in the oceans.

Or at least give them more credit as intelligent CREATOR Creations of EA*RTH and respect them and others more and their habitats ... good point purplemer


posted on May, 20 2013 @ 07:55 AM
reply to post by purplemer

Very touching story.

Don't elephants also take care of their "family's" and have social structures?

I'm always sooooo offended, when I see a documentary or news clip, that suggests "Could it be that animals grieve?" Can animals communicate emotions? Are you kidding me!? Of course they do! GAH Makes me wanna send a check to PETA! But I won't.........

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 07:49 PM
I suppose that people have the tendency to think that because something does not look like us, it is not similar, even when it comes to something like intelligence. But the truth is that whales live in the ocean, obviously, and their body types are a direct result of that evolution, and that has nothing to do with their intelligence. Well maybe it has something to do with it, but not much. So it is easy for us to animalize any animal that is not human, even though these animals are obviously intelligent to some degree.

The fact that the group cares for this whale is evidence of a social structure that is beyond what we see in many other animals. And a developed social structure, by itself, alludes to intelligence. I agree that whales should not be hunted, plain and simple. It is cruel to kill anything, although it is necessary at times. For humans to survive we must kill and eat animals at this point in time, but hopefully some day in the future we will scientifically advance beyond the point of needing to kill for food. Maybe we can just take a pill or something. Or synthetic food. We already know companies can make anything taste good with processed chemicals, so maybe the idea is not that far away. Selling it to the public however is another story. And some chemicals are dangerous to the human body, making it less likely this will come to pass.

But I suppose we have reached this stage already, in a way. As I said, much of our food is processed anyway, not from a real animal. Or maybe from parts of an animal. I bet we waste a lot of animal foods as well, here in the US. That just means more will have to be killed, and it is a shame.

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 10:28 PM
we always hear or are shown, cherry picked hunting/violent scenes of animals. I believe a lot is done, like any other Elitist programming to Deceive us into this supremacy garbage...

I stumbled onto this one day, looking through animal vids, which I often do. I find that there is a Lot about animal behavior we are not told about,

Anyway this one I saved, I never forgot it. Animals Do live, they Do bond and they Do protect,

But more, is the presumed weak animals, stand up, and often times, win.

Think in this day with tyranny, we could learn a lot from these supposed weaker ones, what Love really can do.

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 11:51 PM
I think it's sad that when we discuss things like morality we say ... if God didn't provide our morality, if it just happened, then we are just animals.

Animals are awesome, and I think regardless of your belief system they have feelings and thoughts. I sometimes wonder what would happen if dolphins or whales were suddenly given thumbs and the ability to build tools and write or record their language.

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by Pinke

Animals are awesome, and I think regardless of your belief system they have feelings and thoughts. I sometimes wonder what would happen if dolphins or whales were suddenly given thumbs and the ability to build tools and write or record their language.

We really should be on the slippery slope towards accepting that animals represent a spectrum of sentience - with some being closer to us than others. The science is already out there and isn't gaining the traction I'd like it to.

I'm not sure I'd wish for dolphins with thumbs and tools though. Those clever SoBs would be like the Manson Family with rows of sharp teeth; rape, murder, kill!

Whales'd be better, but they'd need pretty big keyboards and huge mobile phones. It'd kick start the economy and be a nightmare squeezing down the aisles at the local supermarket.

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
reply to post by Pinke

Whales'd be better, but they'd need pretty big keyboards and huge mobile phones. It'd kick start the economy and be a nightmare squeezing down the aisles at the local supermarket.

Oh gee, I hate slow walkers in super markets!!!!!

Designing whale fashions would be mega awesome though. I would change career immediately. I wonder if whales and dolphins would do the opposite of humans and start trying to be deliberately hairy or something like that.

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 12:25 AM

They are among the few species in the world to look after members of their family who cannot look after themselves. Their patience and compassion for each other surpasses, perhaps, even that of humans...S&F for the wonderful thread..peace,sugarcookie1

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