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Barack Obama: Criminal or Incompetent

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posted on May, 14 2013 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by CALGARIAN
When has a president ever not been a criminal or incompetent in the history of president's in the USA?

The guy in the video is an absulute trash box, who knows what to say to get the trashy sheeples attention.

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 04:20 PM
I wonder what this guy was on when he made that video. Take a breath already!
As far as incompetency in political leaders, they're all incompetent and criminal. Gaining power has a way of making political leaders and representatives think they're above the law. I bet if you investigated every representative and president since George Washington, you would find some criminal activity being done behind the scenes. Some get caught and some don't. (With "W" the entire system showed how criminal they were. None of our representatives pushed for an investigation of all his criminal wrong doings).

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 04:41 PM
All presidents act like they don't know anything when SHTF.

1. Reagan--knew nothing Iran/contra--remember hearing "I don't recollect 1000 times from Ollie North?
2. Bush II- knew nothing about the fact there were no WMD, "not here, not there"
3. Clinton- knew nothing about having sex with that women
4. Obama- knew nothing about anything that is negative going on in this country
5. Whoever was in office with Tonkin false flag, he didn't know anything about that.
6. Whoever was in office when they put weapons on the lusitania to get US into WWI, that president didn't know anything either.

Stock market goes up 1.2%. All presidents know immediately.
Boogey man of the day gets captured: (Gaddafi, Bin Laden, Assad, Mubarak), presidents know everything.

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 04:41 PM
No, no, no.....

Make no mistake.

He knows EXACTLY what he;s doing. Although I hate the guy I would say he is really one of the smartest people to ever hold the office.

He is doing exactly what he wants, when he wants to and is working towards an end goal.

The man has done half a dozen things he should be impeached for and maybe even hung for treason but yet NOTHING sticks to him.

Everything he does somehow never seems to be connected to him or sticks. You think that's by accident?

No..... he is very smart and knows what he is doing.

The people of this country are the stupid ones I'm afraid.

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 06:08 PM
Incompetent and criminal.

Where's Woodward and the next Bernstein?

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by mwood
No, no, no.....

Make no mistake.

He knows EXACTLY what he;s doing. Although I hate the guy I would say he is really one of the smartest people to ever hold the office.

He is doing exactly what he wants, when he wants to and is working towards an end goal.

The man has done half a dozen things he should be impeached for and maybe even hung for treason but yet NOTHING sticks to him.

Everything he does somehow never seems to be connected to him or sticks. You think that's by accident?

No..... he is very smart and knows what he is doing.

The people of this country are the stupid ones I'm afraid.

I have to agree with you, Obama is pretty much the teflon don and is untouchable. To put things into perspective not too long ago we had bill clinton threatened with impeachment and most likely some jail time over his SEX AFFAIR. I'd say we've been hurdled past that incident by far

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 08:00 PM
Started as incompetent, but what do you expect from a Community Organizer, but he is quickly skirting the line to becoming a criminal.

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 08:02 PM
Of course he knew exactly what he is doing. U don't think the CEO of your companies knows almost everything that is going on? Mine is on top of game know everything.

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by Hopechest
Presidents rarely have the time to spare to micro- manage things

Especially when they are on the 150th round of golf in just over 4 years.

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 10:50 PM
Take it from someone who grew up during the Reagan years.Obama is not in charge of anything The President of the US is a figurehead just like all the other presidents since LBJ.Anyone who thinks otherwise is fooling themselves.

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 11:00 PM
There were people that knew what Obama was in the beginning.
This is just one of the quotes.

" What can be more dangerous then having a man bereft of conscience, a serial liar, and one who can not distinguish his fantasies from reality as the leader of the free world.
A pathological narcissist "

And for those that still don't get the connection with Obama and the Muslim world lets take a quote from Obama's book "Dreams of my Father" I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.

This will not end well.

posted on May, 15 2013 @ 12:43 AM
Well I just exposed Obamas long ignored "Enemies Lists" to the entire world. So I would say criminal! Mine was just an itsy bitsy thread without front page exposure. And as I always say, you can't hide things forever!

BTW, Obama is the first president to have an "Enemies List" since Nixon. So what does this tell you?

posted on May, 15 2013 @ 12:48 AM
Neither criminal, nor incompetent. Just puppet.

He comes out, says his lines, like he's supposed to, then goes back into the great white dome, and watches TV.

posted on May, 15 2013 @ 06:51 AM
reply to post by CALGARIAN

Once? = incompetent.

More than once? = criminal.

He's a criminal and should be arrested and put on trial.

posted on May, 15 2013 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by OtherSideOfTheCoin
Chill out dude, after 2016 you won’t have to worry about him anymore

Wow, so you're saying that we shouldn't care if the president is committing treason or is incredibly stupid simply because he'll have a maximum of 8 years to "lead" the country?

If the majority think like you, no wonder we're in this mess.

posted on May, 15 2013 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by cavtrooper7
reply to post by Alternative4u

Congratulations you've just said "I'm happy we lost intelligence assets in Russia. Spot on,absolutely right, we really don't need to know what goes on in Russia,pass the Koolaid mate.

So you ok if Russia have spys in the USA and UK? I mean they need to know what we are doing too......

It works both ways

I dont think he is anymore criminal or imcomptient than 90% of Politicians in the westen world.
They are all self serving scum.

posted on May, 15 2013 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by crazyewok

No boychik, WE TOO have something called counterespionage departments in every major investigation body in the US I ,having been around ,actually want them to STOP Russian spies.I don't want ANYONE to catch our HUMINT assets cause we are members of the same country.
Which I learned from TV in the 60s.
True spooks do nasty things sometimes and I don't like that either but they don't ask me for permission they ask bulls##t Barry or he directs ALL black operations that are within his clearance.

edit on 15-5-2013 by cavtrooper7 because: MISsplled

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 12:44 PM
obama is the biggest criminal I know and all of my uncles have been to prison.
edit on 16-5-2013 by Natecoates because: miss spell

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 02:22 PM
While I agree with what this guy says, he seriously needs to lay off the caffeine or whatever he is on. Holy hell he talks fast, moves too much and is just overall sorta freaky. If I encountered this guy on the street, I'd be crossing the street to get the hell away from him. Which is really sad because what he had to say had merit.

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 04:10 PM
I do not really care what happens to Obama, but I would like to point out a glaring inconsistency in the reasoning of some members, and people in general. First of all it seems that taking any legal action in landmark cases, which this would be if charges were brought against Obama, usually has a lot to do with precedents. The inconsistency I mentioned is that there are so many Republicans railing against Obama right now, and I want to know where this opposition was when Bush was in office?

They cannot tell me it is not about political affiliations. They cannot tell me it is about right and wrong. It is NOT. This was made readily apparent over the past couple of decades when Clinton faced impeachment for "lying," as the Republicans so often said, despite the fact it was a personal incident and was really no one else's business. Okay, so a Democrat is in office, and the Republicans rally for impeachment based on the fact that he apparently lied about what happened. This is all they could get him for really, since he did not really break any other laws worthy of impeachment.

Okay, so then we get a Republican in office, Bush Jr. It has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the entire Iraq WMD fiasco was concocted by Bush and other members of the government, and that when Bush made the various announcements regarding WMD's in Iraq, he had prior knowledge that this was not the case. THAT seems like a pretty serious offense, and far surpasses the "lie" that Clinton told. My question is where were the Republicans who wanted to "do what was right?" They said nothing because Bush was a conservative. Plain and simple.

And now, to prove what I am saying, we have Obama. A Democrat in office, and we see the same Republicans lashing out. Has Obama done anything worse than Bush? Nope. Obama simply continued what Bush started, so if Obama goes down, Bush should go down first. So where is the precedent for punishing presidents who lie to the people, who use their power for bad things? And I have already told you why this is happening...It is a Republican push against the Democrats, and has nothing to do with what Obama did or did not do. If that were the case, we would have seen the same thing with Bush. The truth is that the Democrats are not as notorious for pushing legal action against a president from an opposing party. This is just another example of Republican "morality" at its finest.

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