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'Merikin priorities. No wunder ours kidz is stoopid

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posted on May, 13 2013 @ 12:25 PM
This one chart shows why, after all the money we toss into public education, our kids still keep getting dumber and dumber.

Everything Wrong With America In One Simple Image (INFOGRAPHIC)

When a country places more importance on sports than on academic achievement, its decline is inevitable. The American Decline is real and this is where it comes from.

This is why intelligence and knowledge is disparaged in the country that reached the Moon. These days, intellectuals are mocked as “faggy” and unmanly as if brute strength somehow contributed to the technical prowess, economic agility and innovation that made America a superpower.

Addicting Info

Yep, that's right; the highest paid public employees in most states aren't the governor or some high ranking bureaucrat, not even the college president in most states. The positions that demand the real big bucks in most states are the ones that have to do with the sports teams.

If that doesn't say a lot about 'Merican priorities, I don't know what does.

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by FortAnthem

But if we are all equipped with knowledge of the greatest game in the world, aren't we by default the greatest people in the world? You must be crazy if you don't believe that football is the gateway game to intelligence.

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by PhysicsAdept
reply to post by FortAnthem

But if we are all equipped with knowledge of the greatest game in the world, aren't we by default the greatest people in the world? You must be crazy if you don't believe that football is the gateway game to intelligence.

I wasn't aware Americans played Rugby

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 12:48 PM
Which is one of the main reasons I despise all professioal sports.

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 12:51 PM
Unfair comparison.

These Coaches bring money to the district... I used to think this way as well, our High School built a Football Stadium rather than upgrade the Computer lab. I was irate- Then I saw the numbers.

At least here, Football not only pays for itself 100% but makes money (even after paying coach's salaries)

Paying for better coaches means more wins means more tickets sold and vendor items sold. At least here it is all seperate from the "regular" budget and is in a budget of its own which ends up pouring money into the other budget- If that makes sense.

-But I understand your point. I was flipping mad when it happened here until attending Parent meetings and having everything explained.
EDIT: I meant to say we expanded out Football Stadium (we already had one.) =)
edit on 13-5-2013 by DarKPenguiN because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 12:51 PM
Star and flag! There is far too much emphasis on sports in all schools. College, high school, jr. high school, etc.

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 12:58 PM
Totally misleading, but that is the name of the game now in "investigative reporting". A journalist that reports "news" using the moniker Justin "Filthy Liberal Scum" Rosario? Sounds legit.

Coaches are paid using the tens to hundreds of millions of dollars many of these schools generate selling tickets, selling advertising and receiving donations from athletic boosters.

Athletic departments generate their own income and run on their own budgets. This money is completely separate from tax money, tuition and the "higher learning" departments at these schools.


...While these salaries may seem exorbitant, you must factor in the revenues from ticket sales, concessions, souvenirs and the like. While Mr. Tuberbille and his staff earned a collective $5 million in annual salary, that's just 10% of Auburn's entire athletic budget. With football the predominant revenue-generating sport, the return on their salary is close to tenfold.

If parents are worried about rising tuition costs, which increased 6.6% at public four-year schools during the 2007-08 academic year, perhaps they should read a recent survey from the Chronicle of Higher Education. It found that the pay for public-university college presidents rose by an average 7.6% in 2007-08. Over the past five years, their salaries increased 36%, compared with just 19% at private institutions.

Is there much to lament about the culture of college athletics? Certainly. But parents aren't paying Nick Saban to lead Alabama in the SEC title game today against No. 2-ranked University of Florida. They are, however, paying both college presidents.

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by FortAnthem
This one chart shows why, after all the money we toss into public education, our kids still keep getting dumber and dumber.

Ridiculous. American children are not getting "dumber and dumber." It's just that there are so many children these days there are more of them who are average. Just regular kids. And because there are more of them, it seems like there are less smart kids. But that's not true either, because the number of smart, braniac kids is larger, too. Why do you think the best colleges can ask for such incredibly high tuition? Because of supply and demand. There is no shortage of very bright kids going to excellent colleges.

The American economy and industry can't function if they're run by dopes. We have incredibly smart kids growing up to be incredibly smart adults developing and running insanely complicated companies and systems and being doctors and lawyers and accountants, etc.

Dumb person, heal thyself.

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by hotel1

As a matter of fact, America does have two rugby teams (last time I checked).

They played in the world cup in 2007 and 2011. The two teams they have is Georgia and USA.

However, I don't think that they are talking about rugby here, but American football. Rugby and American football is not the same thing.

Isn't this common knowledge???

edit on 13-5-2013 by AlwaysWonder because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by FortAnthem

Do you honestly think that the salary of a coach has anything to do with education?

I would counter argue that the free fall of higher education standards directly correlates to the lowering of college admission standards over the last two decades. Not everyone has the ability to achieve a higher education, but everyone has the right.

Coaches are paid to train players. Trained players win games. Winning teams sell gear. School makes money.

How much money does the Iowa State math department bring in? How much money does the University of Georgia English department bring in?

Rather than worry about how much a coach is being paid be upset that SAT and ACT scores can be waived if the school wants you.

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by AlwaysWonder
reply to post by hotel1

As a matter of fact, America does have two rugby teams (last time I checked).

They played in the world cup in 2007 and 2011. The two teams they have is Georgia and USA.

However, I don't think that they are talking about rugby here, but American football. Rugby and American football is not the same thing.

Isn't this common knowledge???

edit on 13-5-2013 by AlwaysWonder because: (no reason given)

It was meant as humour sorry should have put the lol
emoticon, next you will be telling me Americans play cricket

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 01:04 PM

WAY too much emphasis is placed on competition in this country, as opposed to working together as a society to overcome real problems in a very dysfunctional world. Sports, like politics and religion, fosters contempt and division among the populace. As a society, we are devolving, instead of evolving.

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by hotel1

Got me there!

But, as a matter of fact, USA does have a cricket team! They are just not on world standards at the moment!



Official site

This was fun, but just had to put it out there!

By the way, S&F for the OP

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by AlwaysWonder
reply to post by hotel1

Got me there!

But, as a matter of fact, USA does have a cricket team! They are just not on world standards at the moment!



Official site

This was fun, but just had to put it out there!

By the way, S&F for the OP

Happy days me old mate. I have relatives in Nashville and games of cricket frequently take place on the lawns of those big ol houses they have down there.

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 01:23 PM
When you encourage kids saying only way you can make money is to becomes a sportsman or singer... you get generation retards. Keep learning in whatever forms it maybe.

I use to tell myself why the heck am i learning calculus in high school... then realized it when i needed it during my bachelors. Sure someone can spend time learning it, but i was already preped for it.

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by FortAnthem
I can understand some of the commentors in this thread when they talk about sports generating money for schools but this isn't always the case. In many American high schools, junior high schools and middle schools the sports coaches are the highest paid employees on staff regardless of whether they produce winning sports teams or generate money for the schools when in the not so distant past they were among the lowest paid educators and had to teach academic subjects part of the time besides coaching sports. I blame this on professional sports and the outrageous salaries that the players make. Nearly every parent thinks their kid is the next big NFL or NBA super star and demand the schools provide the very best for them often at the expense of other beneficial student programs.

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by DarKPenguiN

One also need to look at what happened at Penn State where they overlooked a former coach's child molestation for years on end because they were afraid it might affect their revenue stream.

Not only are these coaches paid way more than other faculty members, they hold vast amounts of power on campus and sometimes abuse that power by getting their players off when they misbehave in situations where any other student would be expelled immediately.

When you allow you decisions to be made by the amount of revenue a sport brings in to the college as opposed to what is best for the academic environment of the college, the balance of power has shifted too far and needs to be set right.

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 02:24 PM
On a more serious note, the education problem is not a isolated problem.

In our country education is at a real low. From scandals of school textbooks being dumped to teachers that don't have the right qualifications for the job (but demand higher salary raises, taking days to toy-toy in the streets, while they should be teaching children that is already behind in their work).

Textbook Woes

This is all happening in the poorer communities. There are some feelings that the government is keeping the children "dumbed down" in order to get more votes. How is this possible you might ask? If the kids aren't learning how to think for themselves and not take the "pretty" words of our country's leaders as the "alpha and omega", then they would be able to make their own decisions. They are not taught how to rationalize. They believe in fairy tales, that never comes true.

It is a sad state, and to knowingly dump textbooks is a crime to our young people!
edit on 13-5-2013 by AlwaysWonder because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by FortAnthem

So what does the highest paid salary have to do with our children's education?

Because lame ass parents (not pointing fingers OP) are too lazy to make sure their children are raised the right way and expect a high paying teacher
to raise your child and educate them.....

Pick up a freaking book with your child and teach them smarts, the school can help along the way but stop letting the internet teach your child skills.....Teach them yourself!
edit on 5/13/2013 by Chrisfishenstein because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 08:04 PM
This is an interesting "infographic".

My opinion is that there is no "smoking-gun" here to pinpoint the reason behind stupid children these days.

The real reason is public education.... "period"... Sports is a contributing factor... Indoctrination is a contributing factor. Television and social media is a contributing factor..

I digress.... There are innumerous contributing factors to the ignorance of Americas children. But has the root-cause been identified???? No... The root-cause of the decline of American children in regard to intelligence is the fact that so many keep having children to feed the beast.. If you don't want your kid to be subject to this time and place, don't have them.. The solution is simple... Wear a freaking rubber and don't reproduce.

Once you or your spouse expel one of these tricycle motors, all bets are off. You have no more control over their up-bringing than you have control over the world... I have no control over the world, so I choose not to feed it my offspring.... SIMPLE!

There is not one underlying problem with society..... Society itself is the problem... As long as mob-rule (democracy) is making decisions, one can rest assured that progress will never be made... Children will continually be indoctrinated to a level of mental retardation. There is no hope. Stop feeding your children to the beast.


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