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What brought you to ATS?

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posted on May, 11 2013 @ 10:39 PM
Hello friends of ATS!!!

I was reading another thread earlier today and I read a reply Don'ttreadonme sent to a guy who was celebrating his 9th birthday on ATS, and he asked a very simple question "what brought you to ATS" and that question alone got me thinking... It got me thinking about what brought me here, it got me thinking about what brought all the members to this site. I'm curious to read how you all became ATS'rs, did you just stumble across this site one late night, did a friend recommend it to you, were you investigating a conspiracy where the official story just didn't add up to you?? I'm curious to hear everyone's reason and their story to why they came here (if they even remember)...

For me, It was years after 9/11, and I was at my buddies house when one friend said "you need to see this movie" it was Loose Change (1st cut) and it BLEW ME AWAY... I understand that 9/11 is a very divided topic on this site and I'm not looking to get into the ins and outs of that specific topic, but it was the first movie that really got me questioning the official stories we were being told by our Government/Media... So I went home that night, googled it, began running searches and before you know it I stumbled across ATS. I, like so many others, love that I found this site, I come here every day, I read incredible threads, learn from amazing people and I get a better perspective on things in life. That one night where I saw that movie opened up my eyes to all the interesting stories and conspiracies around us, and Ill be ever grateful for that..

So ATS members, how did you become an ATS'r... One who Deny's ignorance??? Please share!

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 10:54 PM
UFO topics and my interest in anything extra terrestrial or supernatural.

I still have a special place in my heart for these things. But the innocence of youth has been eroded by my understanding of the human mind.

Where I once saw endless possibilities, I see limited comprehension. I see more of a desire for thing to be a certain way, which allows people to overlook logical explanations.

But I still hold my hopes that one day, perhaps, it will be us who are the aliens, visiting another planet. And maybe for someone, somewhere on some exotic planet, they will feel the exhilaration I once hoped to feel when we first made contact with an alien species.

I do have to overlook human nature for this to be something I ponder... despite the smart hats we wear, we're still pretty savage beasts..

edit on 11-5-2013 by winofiend because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by jhn7537

It was about 10 years ago and I was doing a search on Alta Vista for a part of Female Anatomy and a link for ATS popped up so I clicked it.

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 10:57 PM
reply to post by winofiend

Winofiend- you've been a very active member since joining in 2012.. its obvious by your post/star count.. Definitely a good member to have here... And Aliens/UFO's I can definitely relate, I do have a sweet spot there for them too, I love stories, I love the threads, what i dont love is the CGI clips we need to try to debunk to able to see the "goods" that come to ATS...

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 10:58 PM

Originally posted by ShadellacZumbrum
reply to post by jhn7537

It was about 10 years ago and I was doing a search on Alta Vista for a part of Female Anatomy and a link for ATS popped up so I clicked it.

10 years ago??? Wow... So were you a long time lurker before finally signing up??

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by jhn7537

I only lurked for a couple of years.

My original ID got banned so I had to create a new IP and a new ID.

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by ShadellacZumbrum
reply to post by jhn7537

I only lurked for a couple of years.

My original ID got banned so I had to create a new IP and a new ID.

Star for that response.... I believe we've all been there on one site or another

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 11:03 PM
I was looking for Bigfoot news when I stumbled on ATS.
Took years before I felt ready to join the discussion.

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by randomtangentsrme
I was looking for Bigfoot news when I stumbled on ATS.
Took years before I felt ready to join the discussion.

Very nice.. The what got you going on Bigfoot, was it just a curiosity you had to research or was it a specific part of the Bigfoot legend you were after?

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 11:06 PM
Oddly enough, it was on a sort of dare not to come here. A friend I'd made on one of the Jones sites had come and made himself an account before that. Apparently, he figured he had the ultimate truth of FEMA Camps and other matters of conspiracy to the exclusion of other opinions. After getting what he figured was a rude shove back out the door, he told me about this 'intolerant site', with some colorful language thrown in for good measure. Told me I'd never last a week, so I shouldn't even bother.

Well. I love a challenge as much as I love a mystery or conspiracy. So, I decided to see about that. He never has logged back in (account is still here) and we lost touch shortly after from other issues. Obviously, I made it through my first week. Just goes to show, everyone sees things differently.

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 11:09 PM
Aliens brought me here. I never believed in so much conspiracy, got sucked in a bit. To be exact, I had no clue about government or world conspiracies. I was living in a rose colored world. I just wanted to believe in alien life forms. That's it. Now I am dealing with things I never expected to come across. It kinda ruined me.

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Hahaha very nice.... so 2 years and 40,000+ stars later you're still here... Incredible...

Wrabbit, you're definitely a active member yourself, so it's obvious that this site was a perfect fit for you... Good to have guys like you here and always interested to hear what brought you here in the first place...

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 11:11 PM
To be honest I just wanted to join up for fun. At first I wanted to mess around and see what the members are like here. Then I saw a lot of the topics offered great information for myself. So, I did a 180 and now I'm a good boy haha. I love being the rational character compared to many users who are very faithful on what they believe. It doesn't mean I think you're stupid for believing in conspiracies; I just want to question why you accept what you believe in your life. Over all fun site with great controls. Yeah!

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by SinMaker
Aliens brought me here. I never believed in so much conspiracy, got sucked in a bit. To be exact, I had no clue about government or world conspiracies. I was living in a rose colored world. I just wanted to believe in alien life forms. That's it. Now I am dealing with things I never expected to come across. It kinda ruined me.

Hey, I'm totally with you in that respect. I was, I'll call it naive to our Govt/media, and never knew about the things that REALLY went on behind the things, until I watched Loose Change... But Aliens and UFO (mainly Area 51, going back) always caught my interest and I always wanted to dive further into the subject, thankfully ATS was a GREAT resource to have...

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by Phoenix267

Not only great information, but "breaking" information in a lot of respects... I can't tell you the amount of times with guys like Calgarian(forgot the rest of his name) break stories before mainstream media even sniffs it...
edit on 11-5-2013 by jhn7537 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 11:14 PM
reply to post by jhn7537

That's true. As well the opinions are better than the talking heads on television. This is clearly the twilight zone and it's cool!

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by jhn7537

Great response, thank you.

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by SinMaker
reply to post by jhn7537

Great response, thank you.

The "likely" crazy thing is that we all came across this site for a handful of the same reasons and then we were OPENED up to ATS.... Its like the Matrix, we take the red pill or the blue pill and then we either open ourselves up or go back to our made up reality... I think its obvious which pill we ALL took...hahahaa

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 11:19 PM
The humor. Mainly connected to aliens, conspiracies and the like.

It can be the best laugh I get all day but sometimes those that actually believe the insane get me riled because I wonder how intelligent people can get so caught up in belief in chemtrails and the like when if they go to an airport and watch they'll learn something their little brains might register.

...but mostly the humor

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 11:19 PM

Originally posted by jhn7537

Originally posted by randomtangentsrme
I was looking for Bigfoot news when I stumbled on ATS.
Took years before I felt ready to join the discussion.

Very nice.. The what got you going on Bigfoot, was it just a curiosity you had to research or was it a specific part of the Bigfoot legend you were after?

Always had an interest, I just had extra time at that point to look further. Took me a few years before I felt like I could join and add to any of the conversations/debates.

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