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Boston Bombers' Family Received Over $100 K in Welfare Benefits

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posted on May, 2 2013 @ 04:23 AM
reply to post by CornShucker

That sounds like a lot of money when you are barely getting by and don't qualify for squat...


Yea, but the simple truth is that this was a 10 year period and there was four people in the family. That's about 200 bucks a month per person over ten years. Would it help? Sure it would. Night and day difference? Nah.

I mean, for people on the poverty line $200 can be really useful every month. But it's not like these guys walked into the welfare office and walked out with an escalade.

Heck, a visit to your local food bank will net you more than $50/week in non-parishable food items.

(Something I donate too often. And I don't mind immigrants getting the food. Especially considering 99.99% of them take the food without becoming terrorists.)

I had a low point in my life where I was bankrupted because of a destabilized commodities market. Nothing I could do, I never actually went bankrupt officially (on paper) but I was flat broke and in debt (worse than bankruptcy). Didn't invest wisely and lost my business. Family helped me out in the beginning with about $200/month. Around the same each of the family members here got. The difference that money made? I bought a few items that I might not normally need to get by. Maybe get an extra haircut per month, that kind of thing.

Only problem I have with this story besides the ultimate outcome (although none of us have control over that, the family included it seems) is that they received help for ten years. If people are on welfare programs like this, there should be some schooling or trade skills programs available to them. I'd rather tax dollars go to people for something that could upgrade their careers, or give them a career. So in the long term they might not need the welfare credits.

Only took me 6 months to get back on my feet. Ten years? Something is wrong with the system if people can't get themselves out of the poverty line. Or, perhaps there's something wrong with the people!

At tax time we not only had to pay back the stimulus money but a little over $200 extra because we were too "well off". Kinda makes a guy want to sit down and give up...

Stuff like this is really annoying/irritating/disconcerting.

I knew a girl putting herself through med school. She was estranged from her parents, but because they were rich (even though she didn't see a dime) she couldn't even apply for student loans. Something almost every student receives unless their parents make over a certain amount.

She doesn't even talk to them though! Poor girl works & studies her ass off because of bureaucracy. Should be one or the other. Were talking loans here, not a free ride.
edit on 2-5-2013 by boncho because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2013 @ 04:27 AM
reply to post by kerazeesicko

Such an idiotic thread..

One out of possible millions on welfare and are from another country..happened to be a terrorist. The OP see this is as US funding terrorist...come anyone buying into this garbage.

This is the definition of ignorance...have one do bad so blame the entire bunch.


I'm just trying to find out how many "Tax-Payer Funded Murders" there are. You know, cause anyone who received welfare and murdered someone, well, the taxpayers were funding them with their death dollars.

Death Dollars!

This one's catchy. Ima call Fox News and see if they will by the copyright/trademark from me!

posted on May, 2 2013 @ 05:26 AM
Sorry 'bout that... Still learning.

We need to wake up in this country, if it's not too late already...

It's okay to live off the system while you tear it down. A jihad "allowance" as long as you don't cheat and you don't lie. Startin' to feel to me like it's just about over for this country. If someone is going to cut my throat, I don't see why I should have to buy the knife and give cab fare to come do it...

edit on 2-5-2013 by CornShucker because: trying to get video to display

edit on 2-5-2013 by CornShucker because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-5-2013 by CornShucker because: trying to get video to display

edit on 2-5-2013 by CornShucker because: I think I finally got it...

posted on May, 2 2013 @ 06:17 AM
For anyone who didn't take the time to watch both videos completely, let me make it clear. He mentions mujahedin(sp?) in New York and lists the countries actively using the welfare jihad (including the U.S.A.).

“They give us money, but we attack their system. The prophet said: ‘To who does the money belong? The wealth belongs to Allah, Take it, but don’t
lie and don’t cheat.’ I don’t lie and I don’t cheat. If I am given wealth, I will take it, it is allowed for me. It is halal for me Islamically.”

posted on May, 2 2013 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by Signals

They received Govt Handouts??????? No way. Couldn't be. It is for the poor and people that want to work, but just can't.

Not surprised, not one bit.

Wonder if they used their EBT card to purchase the material to manufacture the bombs. That is just too much irony.

posted on May, 2 2013 @ 10:11 AM
Of course they will say something about this, theres a guy here in the UK has had about the same amount and he spouts murderous fanatisisms but thats ok, its just a tool to turn the rest of the public against who could be potentially an innocent patsy. But not the guy in the Uk though, he isn't innocent.

posted on May, 2 2013 @ 10:41 AM
When I see non-citizens screwing the taxpayers over like this I get really angry. And yet illegal immigration does not hurt the country right? I cannot believe people actually say this. The majority of illegals probably are receiving benefits, and there are a whole lot of them. Illegal immigration is illegal, no matter the reason behind it. I hear people saying that these immigrants are simply trying to improve their lives, yada yada. If I go and rob a bank, are the prosecutors and police going to care WHY I did it, and then adjust my charges or sentence accordingly? NO WAY.

But that is not the point of this thread. Basically anyone who is not a citizen should not qualify for any type of assistance at all. And what really pisses me off is when illegals come here, mostly from Mexico, and then do not pay taxes on what they earn because they do it illegally, and then they get assistance. I have seen many of them driving better cars than hardworking people who are doing it legally. They are sitting pretty courtesy of me and you.

posted on May, 2 2013 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by CornShucker
We need to wake up in this country, if it's not too late already...

It's okay to live off the system while you tear it down. A jihad "allowance" as long as you don't cheat and you don't lie. Startin' to feel to me like it's just about over for this country. If someone is going to cut my throat, I don't see why I should have to buy the knife and give cab fare to come do it...

The problem here isn't that there are lots of people coming here to live off of the state and preach this rubbish, it's that groups like the EDL and BNP like to make out that EVERY MUSLIM is doing this.

There are millions of Muslims who were born and raised in the UK, they have worked all their lives and contributed to our country, they are doctors, nurses, teachers... but this radical racism being preached by ignorant Brits is FAR MORE DAMAGING and dangerous to this country than the minority of radical religious preachers.

And of course, lets not forget that for every one immigrant coming to the UK and claiming some kind of benefit (and many of those are here under asylum from horrific places) there are probably two or three lazy ass Brits who think the country owes them something.

I go from experiences, and I don't know any unemployed Muslims (I know several Muslims, and every member of their families work, damn hard too), and in comparison to that, I know plenty of lazy, fat, ignorant, unemployed white British people sitting on their behind all day long screaming about "immigrants" and how they come here and steal jobs.

posted on May, 5 2013 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by CornShucker

You have my permission. It is a valid question that should be asked, and looked into. How many other persons, who claim persecution, are coming here, getting asylum, then are returning to the very country that they fled from originally? How is this helping out the country, and what exactly is going on?

I believe that there should be some limitations on if a person seeks asylum, gets it, they should not be allowed to travel back to their country of origin, or even go there, then come back, then leave here again. I would view such as a form of fraud, and should be stopped. The suspects mother and father, they should be, when they arrive in this country, be fined and charged with fraud, if not banned from entering the country ever again. It leads to many questions, such as were they spying for a foreign government or other illegal activities?

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