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What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever done?

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posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 03:21 PM
I remember back in grade school I had bad, bad gas and was holding it in. I remember that my pencil fell to the left of my desk, and while I bent over to pick it up, by sphincter could no longer retain the pressure and I let one rip. Funny thing is, that girl also dropped her pencil to the left at the same time, so that when I breached the O-ring, my a$$ was in her face... everyone laughed. ...I still feel bad

edit on 25-4-2013 by pityocamptes because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by pityocamptes

I was 7 years old and in second grade. During class if we had to use the restroom we had to raise our hand and wait for the teacher to acknowledge us; when she did we could leave and go. One day I felt sick to my stomach and raised my hand...she did not call on me soon enough and I threw up in class.

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 03:31 PM
My very first date ever. We went to a shopping mall and I got my shoe stuck in the escalator.

They had to shut down the escalator and take it apart to get my shoe (and foot out).

To make it even worse, this was the escalator at the Food Court entrance.

And it was lunchtime.

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by pityocamptes

Oh my gosh! That's too funny! I remember almost the exact same story happening to my brother when he was in 4th or 5th grade (minus the release of pressure onto another classmate's face). How embarrassing

I remember another incident at school when he and a friend were sitting on top of some playground equipment (trying to keep all the girls at bay) and when he slid down, something snagged his shorts and ripped a giant hole in them. He had to walk around with his scooby-do underwear showing until my mom brought him a change of clothes, LOL! I never get tired of telling that one (its way more fun to tell when he brings a new girlfriend over).

I've had some embarrassing moments myself... But I'd rather tell all about embarrassing things that's happened to friends and family

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by pityocamptes
When I was in 3rd grade I got sick at school. I asked the teacher for permission to go to the nurse's office to call my Mom and he said to gather my things and go ahead. As i opened the door to exit the classroom I could contain myself no longer and began projectile vomitting. Unfortunately another girl was returning from the restroom and was reaching for the doorknob as I flung open the door. I puked all over the poor girl...and her brand new coat!!! Sorry Cynthia!!!

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by pityocamptes

Played with superglue in Highschool law class...

On the plus side, I no longer have the ability to be "embarrassed"

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 03:57 PM
My Nibiru thread in R.A.T.S

And one time, long ago, I was at my best mate's crib and his gf at the time...well, it didn't work out very well between them. They started the regular back-and-forth nagging at each other, quickly erupting in more of a fight really (nothing physical though). I took up my phone and texted my other mate:
"At (my friend's) crib and what happens? The regular nagging... Nag, nag, nag, NAG!"
Then I sent it and a few moments later I hear my mate from the kitchen: "WTF???"

He comes in with his phone in his hand looking really, really disturbed. I just gave a nervous chuckle and said:
"Yeah?" He just went back to ending the squabble with his gf and returned to me, acting more annoyed at her than me, thank god.
Later on I texted him and apologized for my little "joke" and pointed out that I was really concerned with their interaction. He was okay with it but I didn't say that the sms was meant for someone else. I think he figured that out anyway.... We have never spoken about it since.

Kind of a lame story I guess but it was what I could pull from the top of my head.

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 08:24 PM
When I met plaxto and mistook him for a gorgonite. Mant that sure was embaraassing.


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