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Did you hear about the bombings...

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posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 07:20 AM
In Iraq?

"At least 31 people have been killed and more than 200 others wounded in a series of early-morning explosions in cities across Iraq, officials say."

"Attacks were reported in Baghdad, as well as Tuz Khurmatu and Kirkuk in the north and Nasariyah in the south.

The co-ordinated attacks occurred during the morning rush hour and mainly involved car bombs."

"Three car bombs went off minutes apart in Tuz Khurmatu, killing six people and wounding more than 60, AFP said."

A number of attacks were also reported in Baghdad. In one incident, two car bombs claimed two lives and wounded 17 at a checkpoint at the heavily guarded airport, Reuters reported. In the northern city of Kirkuk, nine people were killed when six car bombs went off simultaneously, police said. "

"Elsewhere, gunmen armed with pistols fitted with silencers shot and killed a police officer while he was driving his car in the town of Tarmiyah, 30 miles (50 km) north of Baghdad, AP said."

These would have happened on the same day and close to the same time as the Boston explosions.

The quoted sections are only part of the attacks description, and the article ends with "Although violence has decreased in Iraq since the peak of the insurgency in 2006 and 2007, bombings are still common."

Bombings are still common, but we don't care because its not us, it doesn't effect us, we don't see it. We don't see it because the media doesn't show it. My heart bleeds for the people in Boston but its hardly isolated or uncommon.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 07:24 AM
From the article:-

Sunni Islamist militants linked to al-Qaeda have attempted to destabilise the government by stepping up attacks, mainly on Shia but also Sunni targets this year.

If they are killing themselves what can we do about it?
The problem arises when they try to attack us without any reason.

+19 more 
posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 07:27 AM
reply to post by MyLifeRocks

The problem arises when they try to attack us without any reason.

For God's sake, the US blew their country to pieces, killed God only knows how many families and you don't think they have a reason to hate the US. Bloody hell!


posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 07:28 AM
reply to post by MyLifeRocks

Did you watch the video?

"What did those innocent people do to deserve this? Lives of innocent people don't mean anything. We only want security and safety"

"They are targeting everything and everyone. Why are they doing that? The man waking up in the morning to go to work. What is his mistake?"

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 07:31 AM
I'm sure I will get flamed for this, but so be it.

Yes, it is awful what happened there. But as you said, it isn't uncommon.

It is uncommon for bombs to go off in Boston. It is uncommon for bombs to go off anywhere in the US.

A good portion, if not the majority, of users on this site are from the US. It DOES feel different when bombs are going off in your own country, especially when it is uncommon.

It is like having your whole family die in a car crash and saying oh well, people die in car crashes every day. It is more personable because it is your family. And the bombings are more personal because it is in our country.

As I said, yes it is terrible there are bombings elsewhere. But I don't get why people get mad when the US gets upset when something happens in their own country.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 07:36 AM
The media is having a feeding frenzy right now over Boston. When I separate from my emotions about yet another attack on innocent citizens on U.S. soil, I can hear the talking heads really pushing the fear while they beat us over the head with references to past attacks, here and in the middle east.

Not to mention the connections they are making about how it could be a domestic terrorist. I'm waiting to hear that they have confirmed it was committed by some religious, constitutional, patriot, gun nut type from a militia group somewhere.

The media seems to love this bomb attack on U.S. citizens, like they just couldn't wait for more terrorism at home.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 07:37 AM
Imagine if after every little incident their pres held a press conference, their residents rang bells and held "memorial" events.

It gets to a point when it's just absurd and needs to stop.

I guess the Red Sox will have to pin another trinket to their uniforms and every road race from today through the next five years will have to begin with a "moment of silence for the blah blah blah...".

"Tragedy" is played out. Tired. The longer they go on pretending it isnt the more played and tired it gets.

Sweep up and move on.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by tport17

Yes, I accept what you have said. No one should be being bombed! The thought is nauseating.

I am reminded of the adage "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you"

Or the modern version, "Blow back is a Bitch"


posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 07:39 AM
I'm for the US too. I don't get mad when the US is upset about bombing in their country. two points

1. We always are so amazed when it happens here because it "couldn't"... despite dozens of failed bombing attempts we still as a nation act like the DHS FBI and TSA keep up safe. The New York fizzle bomb was recreated by the FBI and was said to have been able to kill hundreds. No one paid any attention.

2. We don't even report when other people are getting bombed on the same day, presumably by the same group. Because we don't give a care about other countries... like one poster said. If they want to kill each other why does it matter to me? But UK and other foreign news report mass killings in America from Colorado to the stabbings in Texas. Why because they understand its important when people suffer and they care enough to mention it and to offer sympathy and sometimes help if needed... Apparently we don't. and that's why the call us arrogant.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 07:42 AM

Originally posted by tport17
I'm sure I will get flamed for this, but so be it.

Yes, it is awful what happened there. But as you said, it isn't uncommon.

It is uncommon for bombs to go off in Boston. It is uncommon for bombs to go off anywhere in the US.

A good portion, if not the majority, of users on this site are from the US. It DOES feel different when bombs are going off in your own country, especially when it is uncommon.

It is like having your whole family die in a car crash and saying oh well, people die in car crashes every day. It is more personable because it is your family. And the bombings are more personal because it is in our country.

As I said, yes it is terrible there are bombings elsewhere. But I don't get why people get mad when the US gets upset when something happens in their own country.

Speaking as a US outsider(and more importantly for myself), I don't believe that people get mad when the US gets upset when something happens in their own country as they have every right to be. I believe it is more of a, why are you going to other peoples countries and causing havoc and/or advocating that we turn a specific country into a sheet of glass (as MANY posters on this site, who are themselves a majority of US citizens, have stated) and then getting upset when it happens to you and questioning why.

In my own thoughts, I liken it to this video:

..and then afterwards that same little guy was crying foul and claiming that he was being bullied.
Just my own opinion as I see it.

Edit: What you say does make sense though and I do understand your underlying message.

edit on 16-4-2013 by superman2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 07:49 AM

Originally posted by Virole
In Iraq?

"At least 31 people have been killed and more than 200 others wounded in a series of early-morning explosions in cities across Iraq, officials say."

"Attacks were reported in Baghdad, as well as Tuz Khurmatu and Kirkuk in the north and Nasariyah in the south.

The co-ordinated attacks occurred during the morning rush hour and mainly involved car bombs."

"Three car bombs went off minutes apart in Tuz Khurmatu, killing six people and wounding more than 60, AFP said."

A number of attacks were also reported in Baghdad. In one incident, two car bombs claimed two lives and wounded 17 at a checkpoint at the heavily guarded airport, Reuters reported. In the northern city of Kirkuk, nine people were killed when six car bombs went off simultaneously, police said. "

"Elsewhere, gunmen armed with pistols fitted with silencers shot and killed a police officer while he was driving his car in the town of Tarmiyah, 30 miles (50 km) north of Baghdad, AP said."

These would have happened on the same day and close to the same time as the Boston explosions.

The quoted sections are only part of the attacks description, and the article ends with "Although violence has decreased in Iraq since the peak of the insurgency in 2006 and 2007, bombings are still common."

Bombings are still common, but we don't care because its not us, it doesn't effect us, we don't see it. We don't see it because the media doesn't show it. My heart bleeds for the people in Boston but its hardly isolated or uncommon.


Right or wrong attacks like that are common in some locations and less common in others. As a matter of fact attacks like this in America can be named as specific events they are so infrequent. I do not think their is anyone with any common sense that does not realize terrorist attacks happen everywhere in the world.

I just don't understand what people that insist on pointing this out over the past 24 hours are trying to accomplish. In both cases innocent people had their lives changed forever.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by Virole

(taking off the tinfoil hat and putting on a regular Joe hat.....Ahhhh! it burns, it burns!!)

Did'nt you hear? The war is over man! Obama said so himself and he would'nt lie. All the troops have been sent home now so we can kick back and feel good about bringing all that freedom to the Iraqis.

On a serious note though, you are right, if its not talked about on the news people forget about it real quick.

If you say Deepwater Horizon to most people they won't know what you are talking about even though that was just a few years ago. Same with Iraq. There is still 60,000 soldiers stationed there but the war is over? WTH are they talking about? Why are there any soldiers at all there if the damn war is over? Oh right they are in an "advisory role". I was always told when I served that even a lowly cook is a soldier first and whatever job you signed up for second. Lies lies and more lies.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 07:58 AM
Yeah the best part is sitting here in America laughing at the North Koreans and the ridiculous propaganda they're shown by their government! Do they even know what's going on outside of their country? It must suck to live in a society where the general population knows nothing of the outside world and lives on fear and propaganda..

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 08:01 AM
reply to post by Hawking

I starred you because I presumed you were comparing NK with pretty much every Western country...if you weren't trying to, it was still brilliant.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 08:12 AM
"More bombs/murder/deaths in Iraq" is the murder equivalent of "There are more starving people in Africa".

It is a tragedy- wherever it occurs.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 09:02 AM
No one cares about them because they aren't 'muricans.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 09:10 AM
reply to post by Virole

Since the US invasion of Iraq, these scenes have become so common, that yesterday's incident in Boston seemed mild.

Or are we only supposed to care about people dying when it affects us?

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 09:20 AM
Most U.s. citizens on this site know full well "why" someone would want to attack the U.S.,
The people who are asking "why?", I hope, are just asking "why" would someone do this to another person in general.
If they are still people asking "Why America?" well,.....thats just pure ignorance.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by superman2012

I see you have superman in you avatar. You are a member longer then I so as a show of respect I shall change mine


posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by MyLifeRocks

If they are killing themselves what can we do about it?
The problem arises when they try to attack us without any reason.

When did Iraq attack the US without any reason? When did Iraq attack the US at all?

The truth is, everything happening in Iraq today, the US is responsible for. This was not happening when Saddam Hussen was alive and running that Country. The US had no business invading that Country- at all. Al Qaeda was not in Iraq until AFTER the US invaded. The US made it possible for Al Qaeda to operate there. The US destabilized that Country and created the mess that we see there today. Those are the facts.

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