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Evolution Of the EYE

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posted on Nov, 2 2004 @ 06:47 AM
To all thoes who keep saying no way did we evolve .
wile science hasent got every pice of evedence in yet the amount we do have is piling up higher and higher and if the case of creation verses evolution were to enter into court ,and rember no hearsay allowed in court gess who would win there case?
Ps definichion of hearsay .- to qulfi a statment wich they can not prove or wich may not be entirly reliable.
rember to bring evedence to show creation is real and to show evolution is fales .

posted on Nov, 2 2004 @ 07:23 AM
Wooot evolution - 1 creationism - 0

posted on Nov, 2 2004 @ 10:54 PM
I'm not going to disprove either!

Eveolution is by design, doesn't rule out "God" the creator as the designer!
Taking it all from a strickly creationistic approach overlook the beauty of a whole system. Taking out the creator skips the beauty of design.

Interesting artical on eyes, slick evolution or increcible design?
Scientific American Oct 2004, Crystal Clear

[Edited full link was to long for ATS page width.]

[edit on 2-11-2004 by AlabamaCajun]

posted on Nov, 2 2004 @ 11:08 PM
I agree that evolution is a fact. As a christian I also know that they Bible says that God created man. It does not say he didn't do this though evolution. It also says 7 days to create everything. Problem is that people take everything to literally.

posted on Nov, 2 2004 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by SiRiNO
Wooot evolution - 1 creationism - 0

The more we find out the more evolution seems to fit and even though we dont know everything about evolution the case is getting stronger all the time.

Like infinite8 said if you believe in god why wouldnt he use evolution as his method for making life. if you could prove creationism with science you could pretty much prove God and what kind of faith would you need then.

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 04:50 AM
i will personaly not belive in anything in whitch one bleives in a single all-powerfull all-knowing omnipresent deity and there only proof is "Faith" and "how coud anyone back then have wrote the bible"

In this situation i wall say, "Yay, we have disproved a REALY thik book that took thousands of years to write"

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 08:54 PM

Originally posted by infinite8
I agree that evolution is a fact. As a christian I also know that they Bible says that God created man. It does not say he didn't do this though evolution. It also says 7 days to create everything. Problem is that people take everything to literally.

Not only people, but Scientists. Many creation scientists take the bible as a completely literal account of history.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 02:38 PM
CREATIONALISIM scientists, whom have probably devoted there life to the persuit of proving creationalism

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 11:58 AM
I am for the idea of God the designer. I also follow science...evolution. Yes I don't have a problem with believing God created evolution.

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by Lucid Lunacy
I am for the idea of God the designer. I also follow science...evolution. Yes I don't have a problem with believing God created evolution.

Why can't all religious people be like you?


posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by surfup

Originally posted by Lucid Lunacy
I am for the idea of God the designer. I also follow science...evolution. Yes I don't have a problem with believing God created evolution.

Why can't all religious people be like you?


thats what i was just thinking

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 08:27 PM
How a educated person living in our time, can posably belive in gods, spirituality.., thos were ways to explain thing that we could not thousands of years ago, andlater to control the masas. You think that the cristian popes in the midle ages belived in god? They had haremes..!
Personaly I think only a weak mind will have the need to think that there is someone more powerful.

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 09:47 PM

Originally posted by Pavel
How a educated person living in our time, can posably belive in gods, spirituality.., thos were ways to explain thing that we could not thousands of years ago, andlater to control the masas. You think that the cristian popes in the midle ages belived in god? They had haremes..!

Well not everyone is like you, the average joe isn't as smart as you.

Seriously, it is in the human nature to try and explain unexplained things. We call it Science, they call it God.

Personaly I think only a weak mind will have the need to think that there is someone more powerful.

Not neccesarily. Only an arrogant mind will think that there is no one powerful than him.


posted on Nov, 8 2004 @ 12:23 AM

Originally posted by Pavel
How a educated person living in our time, can posably belive in gods, spirituality.., thos were ways to explain thing that we could not thousands of years ago, andlater to control the masas. You think that the cristian popes in the midle ages belived in god? They had haremes..!
Personaly I think only a weak mind will have the need to think that there is someone more powerful.

We think with our minds and believe with out hearts!

I beleive that Religion was created to control man based on what scholars believed God would want them to believe. If you look at religion, it started with burial cerimonies and later evolved into belief systems. Saviors and Prophets came later to clear up the confusion and stop the idoltry and sacrafices is this also encoded in evolution?

posted on Nov, 9 2004 @ 07:23 AM
I completely disagree with religeon and the idea of god(s), and i think in time we will find all the pieces we need to make evolution and creationism work.
but until then, there is no point arguing about which is correct, because neither side can prove anything at all.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 01:38 PM
i believe in God.
but i also believe in science.
actually, i believe God created science.

the universe displays intelligent design.
the anthropic principle is one example.
because the universe has an intelligent design,
there must be an intelligent designer.

another way to look at this is through creation.
i dont think its jsut coincidence
--if the oxygen content on earth were any much higher,
fires would erupt all over the planet.
and if it were much lower we would suffocate.
--if the gravatational force were altered by one part in 1040,
the sun would not exist and the moon would sheer off into space.
--if, during the creation of the earth, a large astroid had not hit us at exactly the right speed and angle, then we would not have the moon or the tilt of our planet.

and with the whole creation deal,
scientists say the earth is billions of years old.
and the bible says that God created it in seven days.
who says Gods time is the same as ours?
one day to us could be like a minute to Him.

theres also the arguement from existance and morality.
seriosuly, i could talk for days on this.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by Pavel
How a educated person living in our time, can posably belive in gods, spirituality.., thos were ways to explain thing that we could not thousands of years ago, andlater to control the masas. You think that the cristian popes in the midle ages belived in god? They had haremes..!
Personaly I think only a weak mind will have the need to think that there is someone more powerful.

Complete and total rubbish.

I'm educated, BS in Chemistry, Masters in Molecular Genetics, and PhD in Biochemistry. I also happen to be a devoted Christian. Finally I was an atheist long before I was a Christian. That is I became a Christian after I finished up my Ph.D.

I do believe it's funny that the person who proposes that "only a weak mind will have the need to think that there is someone more powerful," can make so many mistakes in grammar and spelling, then go on to call others weak minded.

For example it's not "how a educated person," it's how an educated person...

possibly, not posably
believe, not belive
Those, not thos
masses, not masas
Christian, not cristian
middle, not midle
believed, not belived
Harems, not haremes,
Personally, not personaly

If you're
about anything, it should be either the lousy spell checker on your computer, or perhaps the poor instruction you received in English.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by x_rae

another way to look at this is through creation.
i dont think its jsut coincidence
--if the oxygen content on earth were any much higher,
fires would erupt all over the planet.
and if it were much lower we would suffocate.
--if the gravatational force were altered by one part in 1040,
the sun would not exist and the moon would sheer off into space.
--if, during the creation of the earth, a large astroid had not hit us at exactly the right speed and angle, then we would not have the moon or the tilt of our planet.

yes except with 200 billion stars per galaxy and 200 billion galaxies, is it coincidence that life happened atleast once.

another point being that if you believe in evolution youd say that if there was less oxygen wed adapt to be able to live in that environment. we have a very narrow view of where life can and cannot live. But on our own planet there are create that feed off "poisonous" gases, and eat the organic matter out of rocks.

Further more it is impossible to coincidence as an arguing point, because if it never happened, theer would be no discussion. It sounds stupid and simple, but we only realize "coincidences" once they happenalso you canno determine wwha would have happened had we got hit at a different angle, or if the force of gravity was different, because your completely changing the make up of the universe, then trying to apply those laws to a universe thats been working under a different set of laws for billions of years.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 06:42 PM
I really like the way people talk about god as if he's a person, like an old man hunched over a potters wheel making things. For all we know god may be an as yet undiscovered force such as gravity or magnetism.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 08:21 PM
I believe there is a god because something doesn't evolve from nothing.

Science should focus on that.

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