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How we come to ATS.

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posted on Mar, 27 2013 @ 06:09 AM
Hello everyone!

I want to create this thread to share our life experiences and why they led us to this place.

I will tell you about my life:

I was born in Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam. As a young child, I felt comletely different from anyone else: I am an ultimate introvert, who would spend my time playing alone rather than joining with others. I also felt that "I do not belong here" and had a mission to do in life .Although my parents did love me very much, I often felt being "abandonned" and isolated from real life.

I have a very old soul. When other kids go to the bookstore, they usually love to read comics, cartoons... But I always choose books about life after death, near-death experience, religions, philosophy, UFOs,... I seem to be wise beyond age. When I watch the news on TV, I usually detect the lies. I have been really curious to find out the truth about the world since a very young age.

I have a great compassion for people and animals. When I watch animals being killed, trapped, abused... I have a feeling of unconditional love for them and want to rescue them. That's why I love studying biology in school about nature, DNA, human bodies...

During my teenage years, I felt great depressed. I was looking for unconditional love from people, but no one, including my parents, can show me. I felt that there's something wrong in this world, because people are so ignorance, hatred, and greedy... Sometimes, I wanted to commit suicide because I missed home and I longed to return "home". Luckily, I have a strong personality and can move on with my life. I love music, especially English songs; when I immerse myself in the melodies, I totally forget the pain and the loneliness that I suffer.

In 2009, an even completely changed my life: Michael Jackson's death. I can remember the day he passed away I was in my classroom. Immediately, I felt my soul being lifted from my body and I sensed a total bliss and unconditional love, the joy of becoming one with the universe and everyone else. In that night, i had a very special dream: I walked into a dark tunnel, in the end, i saw a light that was so intense. I was bathed in an intense love, peace and joy that I have never felt before. When I woke up, I wished that I could be in that light forever. Then I searched on the Internet and knowed that I've just had a near-death experience, and that Light we called God! I think that when Michael Jackson died, a part of my soul died, too.

After that night, I decided to discover about Michael Jackson's life. I wanted to know the truth about him: did he molested children? Did he have a skin cancer? Did he have a facial surgeon?... I was totally obsessed with him, I could spend my whole day just to "Michaeling", read about him, listen to his music and his speeches. I've never LOVE anyone like that before. And I realized that he had been crucified because of his unconditional love for the world. And the Illuminati, Freemason, New World Order,... are responsible for the crucifixion.Michael was a gift from God!

Since I knew about the truth, I've never felt alone and abandonned anymore. And I really want to share my experience and unconditional love I receive from God and Michael Jackson to everyone. I do want to make the world a better place and heal the world. And of course, our enemies are the Illuminati, Freemason, New World Order...

To conquer an enemy, you have to know about it first. That's why I join this place and I
really want to know about the conspiracies of this world. I hope that you will share with me your life experiences.

Peace, Love and Joy for the world.

posted on Mar, 27 2013 @ 07:42 AM
Good thread I didn't even knew this place existed, I caught a vid on a youtube side bar about alien life it turned out to be Coast To Coast(never listened to them either),and one of the guest mentioned something about information being posted on ATS,so that lead me back here,now while I find Aliens and ETs interesting I was ecstatic to discover they have an Ancient and Lost Civilizations Forum dealing with unconventional theories and ideas about early civilizations,I do post on two other sites but folks there will hardly go past a certain point and explore different possibilities.

posted on Mar, 27 2013 @ 07:45 AM
reply to post by NgocNeo

Hello NgocNeo,
I, like you, have always felt these feelings of not belonging 'here', and depression is something that troubles all like us. It's great that you are strong enough to move on with life.
I also have the same interests as you regarding life after death, philosophy, UFOs etc.. That's why I'm here on ATS!

I think Michael Jackson was indeed a special person, he had a troubled childhood and adult life, with many ups and downs. But I do feel he was being honest and true when he professed his love for the world and all people, of course the media and tabloids do as they please and have no problem distorting the image of a person in order to sell more.
But it's never good to idolise others, as good as they may be. The important is to look within yourself and cultivate the good and love within, take that and help others with it.
That's what I try to do anyway.
all the best

posted on Mar, 27 2013 @ 07:45 AM
Is this a story or an account of your real life? If real, it belongs in Introductions, not Short Stories.
edit on 27-3-2013 by DAVID64 because: (no reason given)

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