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WHY I Dont Invest in Gold/Silver

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posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by superman2012

The point is that you need to have something the other person wants. You are not going to get a shirt for your back if all you have is fertilizer and the one you are bartering with is already up to his neck in the stuff. Maybe in some idealistic communist town this might work (think Smurfs) but not in reality.
edit on 24-3-2013 by Templeton because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by CSBowie

I bought into all the "doom porn" hype and stashed away a sizable amount of sterling and gold. I just cashed it all in and bought material I can use in my business. My business has rebounded and I can use the inventory much more than I can use metal buried in my back yard. Personally I see the overall economy improving.

All the "doom porn" profiteers can kiss my grits!!!

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

Ahhh. Yes, I keep forgetting the one situation where precious metals would be of use...dollar collapse. Sorry to those I offended while I had a lapse.

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by CSBowie

I understand your point and agree that friends and family are the most valuable things to invest in. But that is not an option for everyone and you did not answer my question. It is a serious question. Of the three which would have faired you better?

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by Templeton

Who would put all their eggs in one basket? Whether mutual funds, collections, or even barter items, people would be stupid to bet on one thing and one thing only. Fine you don't want my fertilizer? How about this booze? No booze? How about fresh veggies? Not your thing? How about a way to purify your water? Oh, you have that? How about a way to generate your own energy?
I was assuming (in this thread) that it wouldn't be a dollar collapse scenario. You were assuming I only had one item to barter.

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by caterpillage

Thats the 44 mag they only made a dozen (11) of the 45 long colt. I though the same thing till I opened the book and there was mine. Surprises are always good. Check this one out

Not what the last one went for but I'll still take it! LOL

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 12:30 PM
Honestly thinking gold has any value at all compared to the US prison/judicial system or how much sells oil for and remember that America took over as the worlds largest oil exporter not too long ago.

Just from contracts on US prisoners it varies from 600 billion to 2 trillion dollars on annual contracts alone.

Let's break down oil, the US consumes roughly 20 million barrels, 1/5 the total of the world, so that's 100 million barrels it exports daily.

100 million x 42 gallons ( 55 gallons of oil = 42 gallons of gas) x $3 a gallon X 365 days in a year can vary between 4-6.5 trillion dollars depending on price of gas.

Gold holds no value at all, only assets.

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by Knives4eyes
reply to post by intrptr

Those local farmers market vendors have to apply for licensing and pay for fees.

Not during a market collapse "scenario". Remember the government in Washington is shut down for the most part. Nobody cares what they will do anymore (because they failed us) Let me present another scenario. During the collapse of Germany during WWII, refugees streamed in all directions ahead of the various armies encroaching upon their land. Some people panicked and ran while others stayed put. My mother remembers one merchant bought a whole store for a 5 mark gold coin. This at a time when a wheel barrow of paper money couldn't buy a loaf of bread. And if you had a gun you were likely to get shot or hung.

Depends on the "SHTF" scenario. Look at whats happening in the middle East. Millions of refugees languish in camps right now from Syria. You think they have a currency to spend? Or bullets? Or gasoline? They don't need any of that. I guarantee you though there is a form of black market occurring there.

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by Templeton

Actually I was thinking of offering him one of my extra Axes, a tarp and a box of .22 shorts (don't have anything that shoots them anyway (my bad) or what every he is lacking.
PS: I don't do tomatos...LOL hate them. I do 5.56, my mother does the tomatoes! LOL

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by superman2012

No I am not assuming 1 thing. I am assuming X things. At some point you might not have anything the person is interested in. Then you are scrambling trying to side barter to get something that will work. Of course you can argue that a vendor might not be interested in gold either. This is very unlikely but okay. It will still be a whole lot easier to make that side barter happen using some form of currency.

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by superman2012

that or to have it taken by the government.

Like you would take yours down to the local police station and turn it in...

when its the only thing left to trade. Remember, at this same time guns are outlawed and people have (at some point) to come out of their dwelling to find food. If you have a rifle slung over your shoulder or a pistol at your hip it will be taken away. Just like any other period of marshall law. If theres police and military enough to go around...

if not, then the crime bosses for your hood will kill you for it.

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by CSBowie

None of those were options. You are deflecting.

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by superman2012

Actually "Booze" Is a great Idea. I dont drink (anymore LOL) so I tend to forget its value. Coffee YES, booze forgot. Off to get some cheap wine.....Thanx

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by Templeton

Like I said, I have a bit of everything, and if on the off chance this man/woman is well fed and has the exact same skills I have, I won't need anything from them. I have some bits of shiny metal for this person if they have everything that I am offering them plus that one extra item I need. It won't feed me

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by jimmiec

Liquor is a pretty safe investment. ( If you don't drink it) It would be one of the best bartering tools. During the great depression it was the one thing that made gobs of money.

Yah, if you have trucks and gasoline to haul it? People aren't thinking very clearly. You think there would be Al Capones around squashing competition, at all? What about storage, where are you going to hide all that liquor so nobody finds it?

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by CSBowie

I just wish that tobacco would grow in my zone!

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by intrptr

I have a liquor cabinet that holds enough for me to trade away...alcoholics are rampant everywhere and they would trade their last meal for a bottle.

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

Exactly! There are many types of collapses and / or disaster scenarios.

Prepping for the future isn't a black or white proposition. I prep with food, water, etc., but I also think that gold and silver are smart bets. They have been used as money and indicators of wealth for millenia.

The OP cited FDR's confiscation of gold in 1932. Back then, the US dollar was pegged to gold, so in order to prop up the dollar, he had to back it with gold. Since the early 70s, the dollar was taken off the gold standard and pegged to petroleum. Big difference. So unless the gubmint changes their mind and goes back to a gold standard backing, I don't think gold will be confiscated any time soon.

However, don't be too sure that our land won't be confiscated vis-a-vis Agenda 21.

If one doesn't want to invest in precious metals, more power to 'em, but please don't knock those of us who see the bigger picture beyond immediate physical needs.

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by Templeton

Options? Those are like rules right? Never was any good at playing with those. I play to win and Im not gonna limit myself to what I can Barter...thats the point. How much ammo, food, salt. cheap knives, booze (another post reminded me of that), saws, bandages, drugs. etc, etc can you buy for a couple of ounces of GOLD now when people are being stupid, that you won't even FIND to waste your gold on in the future?
Man think of last year when you could have bought a case of military surplus ammo for a couple of hundred bucks and now its not to be found. What are you gonna do? I am sure that there a bunch of folks who wish they had bought a little black rifle when they were $600 instead of $2500.
Thats the point! Gold will only be good for casting black powder rounds out off....if, of course you were smart enough to stock up on powder, caps and a rifle.
Options? Better not limit yourself, I won'y not even for the sake of discussion because then it falls into the "what if" catagory and you can do that all day. I here to protect my family and help others not banter over "what if" the salesman knocks and I don't have a quarter....

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by intrptr
reply to post by superman2012

that or to have it taken by the government.

Like you would take yours down to the local police station and turn it in...

when its the only thing left to trade. Remember, at this same time guns are outlawed and people have (at some point) to come out of their dwelling to find food. If you have a rifle slung over your shoulder or a pistol at your hip it will be taken away. Just like any other period of marshall law. If theres police and military enough to go around...

if not, then the crime bosses for your hood will kill you for it.

I wouldn't, if I collected it. You have heard of Executive Order 6102? If you believe the "patriots" on ATS though, they would do anything for their country so I can see a vast majority either handing theirs in or turning in their neighbors (either under fear of imprisonment, or to collect a reward, food or otherwise) you think they don't have records of who has bought gold? If there are no records, you don't own enough to interest them.

If gold is the only thing left to trade that would mean that there is nothing left...what are you going to do? Eat it? Build a shelter out of it? Wear it? Please explain how this scenario (of gold being the only thing left to trade) would/could come to pass as I cannot figure it out.

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