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Anti-NWO ~ Resistance Meet Up 2003

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posted on May, 9 2003 @ 05:31 PM
i have only been to holland twice... never to amsterdam though.. you can get flights there pretty cheap i suppose.. about 150 dollers return...

untill i know my life deppended on it i dont see the point though...

posted on May, 9 2003 @ 05:32 PM
whats so important about august though?

posted on May, 9 2003 @ 05:34 PM
August is likely the time when a lot of people will die.

[Edited on 9-5-2003 by Liberator]

posted on May, 9 2003 @ 05:42 PM
well ill see what happens by august..(more details please, if you know something is going to happen please inform) if need be i can possibly get accomidation in holland, i will have money by then...

posted on May, 9 2003 @ 05:49 PM
i just had a thought, if SARS gets out of hand air travel might be stoped alltogether! by august...

posted on May, 10 2003 @ 05:58 AM
In my view i could always take a boat or travel by road.
You have to think about it in advance.

Fancy a summer in Holland? I could wait there for a year and never get bored.

Anyway. It seems everyone has his/her own idea about NWO, what it is, when it comes and what happens when it does come.

I can tell you what NWO means in the long term - death.
It's either we wait for them to come to us, or we come to them.

How many times do i have to tell that informing masses does not work.

We have to get their leaders, that way NWO will be stopped. It's not the best way, it's the only way.

Leaders do not live in cities. They live in isolated corners of the world. All we need is a team of 10 - 20 people but not more.

[Edited on 10-5-2003 by Liberator]

posted on May, 10 2003 @ 06:15 AM
Meeting will be hosted in conjunction with Warren Belch and Discordian societies.

posted on May, 10 2003 @ 06:28 AM
10 or 20 people can make war with the NWO but they must realize that they are making war with not just the NWO but with God. For any act of war is a crime against God. Your way will not work, only his/her way will.

posted on May, 10 2003 @ 06:47 AM
I think anything like this needs to be better organised and completely in the open.

Education and awareness is important ... you cannot always fight fire with fire.

posted on May, 10 2003 @ 06:54 AM
The good way is the only way.

Winners and losers are not an option. The people cannot be freed from the deceivers by those who deceive. The people must be aware. Otherwise they will not see our way. You See???

posted on May, 10 2003 @ 07:10 AM

Originally posted by Abraham Virtue
The good way is the only way.

Winners and losers are not an option. The people cannot be freed from the deceivers by those who deceive. The people must be aware. Otherwise they will not see our way. You See???
Which is why my site is designed using conservative colours and style so it will be read and uinderstood by the "ordinary man on the street". Everything on there will stay in the open for as long as the site is allowed to exist.

Every individual who is aware of the NWO can start the "fight" today.

All you have to do is educate yourself and rationally educate other people. The biggest risk is that you will be laughed at or ridiculed. I also believe that this discrediting is one of the weapons that they use.

Fellowship is important, we need to link up and stick together, but as long as we stay underground then we will cause suspicion and be open to discreditation.

I am a member of a 12 step program (if you know what that is then cool, if you don't then look it up) we have a slogan there the goes "Your secrets keep you sick"

[Edited on 10-5-2003 by moonclamp]

posted on May, 10 2003 @ 07:11 AM

Originally posted by Abraham Virtue
10 or 20 people can make war with the NWO but they must realize that they are making war with not just the NWO but with God. For any act of war is a crime against God. Your way will not work, only his/her way will.

Inform people will be one task, another will be what libertaror is saying, we have to do both, open minds and kill elites!! both are needed for this...
I agree with AV and Libertaror, we need to wake up the people, do you know how easy is to get people angry sick and tyred of society, lies, corruption, suffering etc etc? the entire earth is full of people like that, just a little spark and BOOM!

posted on May, 10 2003 @ 07:17 AM
This sweet little chalet village was during the WEF packed with about
3000 delegates and press, some 1000 Swiss police, another 400 Swiss
soldiers, numerous tanks and armored personnel carriers, gigantic rolls
of coiled barbed wire that gracefully cascaded down snow-covered
hillsides, missile launchers and assorted other tools of the national
security trade. The security precautions did not, of course, stop there.
Every single person who planned to enter the conference site had special
electronic badges which, upon being swiped across a reading pad,
produced a computer screen filled color portrait of the attendee, along
with his/her vital statistics. These were swiped and scrutinized by
soldiers and police every few minutes -- any time one passed through a
door, basically. The whole system was connected to handheld wireless
communication devices made by HP, which were issued to all VIPs. I got
one. Very cool, except when they crashed. Which, of course, they did
frequently. These devices supplied every imagineable piece of
information one could want about the conference, your fellow delegates,
Davos, the world news, etc. And they were emailing devices --- all
emails being monitored, of course, by Swiss cops.

Antiglobalization folks didn't stand a chance. Nor did Al Qaeda. After
all, if someone managed to take out Davos during WEF week the world
would basically lose a fair chunk of its ruling and governing class
POOF, just like that. So security was the name of the game. Metal
detectors, X-ray machines, shivering soldiers standing in blizzards,

But that wasn't even the illuminati. A mere unsuspecting European counterparts.

Illuminati primis are un protected. They think their un touchable.

posted on May, 11 2003 @ 02:13 AM
What are you talking about???


That doesn't bring what we need. What makes you think violence is the way to get what you want???

Because They do it???

They are wrong, will be wrong until they see the right way.

We are right as long as we see the way that is right, and not the way They do, which is wrong.

You make boom, you become Them.

You See???

posted on May, 11 2003 @ 02:15 AM

Originally posted by Liberator
This sweet little chalet village was during the WEF packed with about
3000 delegates and press, some 1000 Swiss police, another 400 Swiss
soldiers, numerous tanks and armored personnel carriers, gigantic rolls
of coiled barbed wire that gracefully cascaded down snow-covered
hillsides, missile launchers and assorted other tools of the national
security trade. The security precautions did not, of course, stop there.
Every single person who planned to enter the conference site had special
electronic badges which, upon being swiped across a reading pad,
produced a computer screen filled color portrait of the attendee, along
with his/her vital statistics. These were swiped and scrutinized by
soldiers and police every few minutes -- any time one passed through a
door, basically. The whole system was connected to handheld wireless
communication devices made by HP, which were issued to all VIPs. I got
one. Very cool, except when they crashed. Which, of course, they did
frequently. These devices supplied every imagineable piece of
information one could want about the conference, your fellow delegates,
Davos, the world news, etc. And they were emailing devices --- all
emails being monitored, of course, by Swiss cops.

Antiglobalization folks didn't stand a chance. Nor did Al Qaeda. After
all, if someone managed to take out Davos during WEF week the world
would basically lose a fair chunk of its ruling and governing class
POOF, just like that. So security was the name of the game. Metal
detectors, X-ray machines, shivering soldiers standing in blizzards,

But that wasn't even the illuminati. A mere unsuspecting European counterparts.

Illuminati primis are un protected. They think their un touchable.

What is WEF and who is Davos???

posted on May, 11 2003 @ 08:00 AM
Gathering of fat cats.

High society

I guess you didn't know about them, i bet 99% of conspiarcy buffs only aware of Bilderberg meet ups

posted on May, 11 2003 @ 08:23 AM
Bilderberg and Round Table are not the leaders of anything but themselves. The real power is in the clubs that are not even known. Do you know anything about the Brotherhood of the Snake or the Order of the Bath???

[Edited on 11-5-2003 by Abraham Virtue]

posted on May, 11 2003 @ 08:43 AM
No but i can tell you that the REAL power is in clubs like the Brotherhood of Angry Armadillos and the Order of Malign Midgets

posted on May, 11 2003 @ 08:53 AM
Should I look up the ones you posted, or would I just be wasing my time??? The names of those groups seem to have a little sarcastic ring to them.

posted on May, 11 2003 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by Abraham Virtue
The names of those groups seem to have a little sarcastic ring to them.

You think?

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