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Real Alien Footage Or Hoax?

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posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 11:38 PM
How do you know the govt / cia didn't create the video in the first place then put it out there in the public domain? Don't get me wrong, I'd personally love it if ET's showed up, and I think it's pretty stupid to think that's theres no way any other life exists out there among all of the stars. It just "seems to good to be true"

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 11:55 PM
I dug a foreign object out of my right lower inside leg once. About 9 inches up from my ankle bone. I cut it out myself at home with a sterile disposable scalpel suture kit. After I got the area all prepped sterile with iodide and made a slice I kept digging down to it. It was a couple centimeters in diameter it was a very shiny chrome looking ball. Every time I would work it to the surface it would seem to sink further down. Finally I got it to surface and I could get the scalpel up under it so it couldn't get away as easily and sink back down into the flesh and I literally broke the scalpel flicking it out. I flicked it with such force you could hear it hit the ceiling and bounced off the wall. I searched for it for a long time and couldn't find it. I thought about going to doctor about it, but they probably would think I was crazy.

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 01:11 AM
Everyone focusing on the second REAL ALIEN UFO GREYS? (love that title) has pointed out the similarity to a cruise ship.

The first one is from a sighting covered oft enough in several TV shows. The one in here is at 4:44. Video of that sighting has been dissected and the "experts" agreed (like the Star Trek dude, some expert) that this could be the profile of a landed helicopter. It landed to fight a fire thats seen on the ground. The left side is the nose and the rotor is up top spinning. I would expect someone to be piloting a helicopter...

In here at 4:44.

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 05:25 AM
reply to post by Vrillion

Not enough detail in the first video to be sure of anything. The motionless alien in the window is very dubious.

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 06:46 AM

Originally posted by MoonChild1973
By the way, you mention forgetomori,

The references to forgetomori and Kentaro Mori in this thread aren't surprising, given the work that Kentaro Mori has done (which - if more people paid attention to it - could reduce the amount of nonsense written about some photos and videos of certain "ufos" and "aliens").

In my experience, Kentaro Mori is very friendly and helpful - not to mention very knowledgeable about numerous ufological cases and issues.

Originally posted by MoonChild1973
having lived in Brazil for many years I can tell you this guy (or institution?) has an agenda, he's a skeptical. Nothing wrong with it, but not many people knows he's a skeptical. He says his name is "Kentaro Mori", being born in Japan and having moved to Brazil as a child. His Brazilian website is a crusade against reality, disguised as a man (if he really exist, I mean) who seeks the truth... no, he seeks the truth that suits his believes. In time, "Kentaro Mori" is a man of mystery,

What "mystery" is that?

Originally posted by MoonChild1973
no picture,

There's quite a few of pictures of Kentaro Mori online. See, for example, the one at the of the page at

For more photos of him, try clicking on the link below for a Google image search on "Kentaro Mori" (or - for that matter - visit his Facebook page etc):

Originally posted by MoonChild1973
no interviews on youtube, no video of any kind,

Well... :

Originally posted by MoonChild1973
It may be even a case of a group of people who created this name and acts behind it, who knows...

That reminds me of the time that one UFO researcher suggested that I'm a "government department" (not just a government agent...).

edit on 25-2-2013 by IsaacKoi because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 07:18 AM

Originally posted by Vrillion
reply to post by mcx1942

The Vatican does not have as much power the government. The government/governments are also our world leaders so if they admit to aliens from another land, people will of course will go crazy because they have never seen, relate to an alien. Than the government/governments would find it harder to control people in a state of insanity so they believe it is better to keep it hidden from the public.

How do you know any of this, how do know what large numbers of people will do or what governments will do?

How do know the amount of power certain institutions have?

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by Vrillion
reply to post by cartesia

You think the government would allow the public to go into mass hysteria if they saw this on all major new networks? No, that would be stupid than they would just have a harder time to control the population because of all the panicking.

Seriously how could you possibly know the reaction of humanity to such news?

Has this happened in the future and your a time traveler sent back to set things in motion or what, how can you know these things you say?

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 08:20 AM
reply to post by cartesia

If this footage is so legit, why isn't it on the major networks? why isnt everyone going crazy about it? you think aliens would turn up to earth or be proven real and nobody would care? heck, even if it was just a good hoax with some fakeass scientist backing it, the networks would run it for all it's worth.

The government and/.or networks only run UFO stories when they know they have a fair shot at debunking it. At first they would say "Is this a UFO/aliens?"...then 1 week later they would run another story "UFO found to be baloons/swamp gas/birds/drone, etc, etc."

You never see the good footage on mainstream tv...only the dubious ones.

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 08:27 AM
i still rate the Kumburgaz footage. i believe it to be authentic footage of an extraterrestrial vehicle and its occupants. definitely not a cruise ship in the distance. the others in the video i'm not so sure about. but i totally believe that ETs have visited our planet on numerous occasions. and still do.





posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by IsaacKoi

If you would...

That reminds me of the time that one UFO researcher suggested that I'm a "government department" (not just a government agent...).

Who said that, please?

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 01:28 PM
After looking at the supplied cruise ship video and explanation, I see NO proof what so ever that it is a cruise ship. All I see is an excuse for deniers.

But I do agree it is a possibility, given that some person with a great imagination, after filming a cruise ship, thought that if he blacked out everything else it would look like a saucer. But in no way do I find the cruise ship an end all be all explanation.

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 02:15 PM
Why would ET's in an alien craft traveling through space (or other dimensions) at incredible speeds install glass/translucent windows? That seems down right retarded & some of you are not using your head or ANY common sense. When nearing the speed of light, matter and objects in space hit you like a wall almost instantaneously. And at that point, windows would be completely useless because you can't make out individual objects traveling past you. Its just plain silly. Think, people. For the love of god...THINK.

The video is blurry and low quality and as such is nothing more than that.....a blurry video that UFO enthusiasts want to believe is ALIENZ. This is not proof of an alien craft. Misidentification once again.
edit on 25-2-2013 by Unidentified_Objective because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by intrptr
reply to post by IsaacKoi

If you would...

That reminds me of the time that one UFO researcher suggested that I'm a "government department" (not just a government agent...).

Who said that, please?

The relevant allegation was made, oh, about 10 years ago. Off the top of my head, I don't remember the name of the British UFO researcher that made it. I found the allegation amusing so remember it, but not the person that made it.

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by IsaacKoi

I see. Okay, just lends to the agenda sone governments have to diffuse or disinform the true seeker.

Have you watched YouTube lately? I stopped. I don't need to see any more disinformation.

Besides, I seen the real thing once.

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 06:04 PM
The Turkey footage has not been debunked, I don't know why many of you claim that is the case. Is it obviously not the rear of a cruise ship. Nor a bridge. Nor a yacht. I've gone over this several times - but to save time, please find me ANY other video (or even picture) of a cruise ship that only has a small portion of their rear lights on, and nothing else. Including the required lighting in the correct colors for any registered sea faring vehicle. So what.. the ship is mysteriously floating at sea, not at any port.. there is no dock, no pier, and a tiny port of the ship is lit, and there is no required lighting? I don't think so. Just overlaying a curved lit area on a ship doesn't mystically make it a cruise ship.

Stop saying the footage has been debunked. It has not been debunked, just because some guy managed to fit the shape into the back of a boat, but didn't use any common sense or logic in his conclusion.

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 08:18 PM
Can anyone show that it is actually flying?

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by Unidentified_Objective

Why do you think you know anything about alien technology?

If they can come here they are obviously 100 times more advanced than we are. They might be around for a million years: i think that would be enough time to tackle the problem of windows in spaceship. We have windows in our space "ships" and were only in space for a few decennia.

Maybe you shouldnt be so narrow minded when it comes to these kind of topics and think some more yourself.

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by Unidentified_Objective
Why would ET's in an alien craft traveling through space (or other dimensions) at incredible speeds install glass/translucent windows? That seems down right retarded & some of you are not using your head or ANY common sense. When nearing the speed of light, matter and objects in space hit you like a wall almost instantaneously. And at that point, windows would be completely useless because you can't make out individual objects traveling past you. Its just plain silly. Think, people. For the love of god...THINK.

The video is blurry and low quality and as such is nothing more than that.....a blurry video that UFO enthusiasts want to believe is ALIENZ. This is not proof of an alien craft. Misidentification once again.
edit on 25-2-2013 by Unidentified_Objective because: (no reason given)
glass would be dumb to use. Some really heavy duty plexiglass would be better or force field window. I mean hitting the bugs at 90mph when I'm driving gets kind of messy, I can't imagine hitting them at light speed! I think it would be more like hitting 2 walls or even cement.

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by ZetaRediculian

Originally posted by Unidentified_Objective
Why would ET's in an alien craft traveling through space (or other dimensions) at incredible speeds install glass/translucent windows? That seems down right retarded & some of you are not using your head or ANY common sense. When nearing the speed of light, matter and objects in space hit you like a wall almost instantaneously. And at that point, windows would be completely useless because you can't make out individual objects traveling past you. Its just plain silly. Think, people. For the love of god...THINK.

The video is blurry and low quality and as such is nothing more than that.....a blurry video that UFO enthusiasts want to believe is ALIENZ. This is not proof of an alien craft. Misidentification once again.
edit on 25-2-2013 by Unidentified_Objective because: (no reason given)
glass would be dumb to use. Some really heavy duty plexiglass would be better or force field window. I mean hitting the bugs at 90mph when I'm driving gets kind of messy, I can't imagine hitting them at light speed! I think it would be more like hitting 2 walls or even cement.

To my understanding the craft is encapsulated in a field. It serves multiple purposes such as propulsion and it probably also counters inertia and other harmful cosmic rays etc. An alien race level 2-3 could have advanced technology. Why does it sound so impossible? As an example of how it works look at the Earth. Earth is like a huge eco spaceship. Our solar system is not stationary. We're flying through space right now.

Speed of light is like 186,000 nautical miles per *second*. Earth travels through space at approx 70,000 nautical miles per *hour*. The Earth is very slow in comparison to speed of light, but it's the same concept. Without that magnetic field and gravity we would be destroyed.

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 08:09 AM
Hoax or not, why does it matter? The video quality is so awful, I don't really care. I mean you can show me a bad phone cam video of a distant light in the sky and tell me it's a proved UFO. So what? There's nothing of interest to see.

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