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NASA Geoengineering Conference LIVE on Ustream

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posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 09:43 PM

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 10:30 PM
It was a good program but I only got to see about the last eight minutes.

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 10:43 PM
If you watched the entire conference please give a summary.

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 11:46 PM
reply to post by turboneon

I'm half way through now. Pretty much its about Geo Engineering. He talks about chem trails a lot. But I have not heard him say the word yet lol. Talking about mitigating Co2 and Methane. Earth shinyness or lack there of because of ice melting. Co2 trapped in perma frost. Ocean Co2 Buffer. Human Co2 production areas to focus on. Co2 removal.

Its very interesting. But he words things carefully. If you put aside the issues we know dumb rich elites already are using Geo engineering in a bad way. Climate Change and variability is something that has to be dealt with because of the human populations impact on the many biospheres of this planet. Its an interesting discussion on how to address this with technology. It seems like an up to date honest discussion so far with none of the political BS.

He just mentioned Iron Ocean Fertilization which we have seen used recently.
edit on 15-2-2013 by Mandrakerealmz because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 04:12 AM

Originally posted by Mandrakerealmz
reply to post by turboneon

I'm half way through now. Pretty much its about Geo Engineering. He talks about chem trails a lot. But I have not heard him say the word yet lol.

That would be because there's no such thhing doofus!

Its very interesting. But he words things carefully. If you put aside the issues we know dumb rich elites already are using Geo engineering in a bad way.

they can't be that dumb since here's no actual evidence of them doing anything much at all....

Its an interesting discussion on how to address this with technology. It seems like an up to date honest discussion so far with none of the political BS.

Careful - you are in danger of treating NASA like a source of reliable science - the next step along that path is realising that there is a total lack of any credible evidence supporting chemtrails, and after that you will realise they are a hoax and you have been had!

He just mentioned Iron Ocean Fertilization which we have seen used recently.


One dopey scientist is not "we"!

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 05:33 AM
reply to post by klhbrown

OP, it was good of you to post this, thanks. Yet this isn't twitter, so maybe next thread you can explain more about what your first post is about. On this thread, I don't know about this conference is meant to do or what it covers. Is it off-planet data, or something to do with views of earth to pinpoint geographical points? Thanks again.

EDIT: And thanks to you other guys for filling in some of the blanks.
edit on 15-2-2013 by Aleister because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 07:56 AM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

Wtf? Did you watch the video idiot? He outlines many aerosol spraying methods that could potentially be used. Chem trails arnt crazy conspiracy fool..... Just viable scientific fact and potentially useful at mitigating climate extremes and solar radiation (when used carefully and with non toxic substances that would have little effect on the biospheres).

There has been years worth of research into Ionospheric heating technology, Cloud seeding, utilizing scalar wave technology. Weather control technology is real. Deal with it....

As to the Iron dumping. I saw multiple articles about this months ago and about the subsequent red alge blooms that tainted seas red in strange parts of the world.

Everything you said seem an attempt to be "No your wrong" However your view seems limited and ignorant so um, Yeah......

Edit: I in no way condone any of the actions of groups who have currently been utilizing any form of weather control/ geo engineering. Governments around the world have shown themselves to be utterly corrupt and without the common mans interest at heart. So I believe them not responsible enough to use such technology without trying to use it for war

Much like the Air force document "Owning the weather by 2025"

Looks like they achieved that much sooner.

edit on 15-2-2013 by Mandrakerealmz because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

Yeah and IM making the leap "Aerosol spraying from airliners" which he says........

Me taking this to mean chemtrails is SUCH a stretch. (sarcasm)

Tell me. How do you interpret Aerosol spraying methods for the purposes of mitigating climate change? Cause to me its the definition of chemtrail...

Become more open minded
edit on 15-2-2013 by Mandrakerealmz because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 12:40 PM

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NASA Geoengineering Conference LIVE on Ustream

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posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 02:06 PM
Thank you again OP. Yes this just seems more evidence is put right in front of us. People will still see this information with subjective eyes willfully ignoring the truth.

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 04:03 PM
So how is this something new....

Why not inject aerosols into the stratosphere to repeat the effect, slowing the inexorable warming that is melting away the ice at Earth's poles, among other effects on nature?

It's called geoengineering, and Alan Robock spoke Friday before an overflow crowd at the Science Directorate of the potential benefits and consequences of doing just that.

And this was from 04/07/08, so this has been going on for over 4 years and yet they still haven't gotten any further than discussing and making models about geoengineering.

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by Mandrakerealmz
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

Wtf? Did you watch the video idiot? He outlines many aerosol spraying methods that could potentially be used.

WTF - did you read what you just wrote - "COULD be used.."??!!

Chem trails arnt crazy conspiracy fool..... Just viable scientific fact and potentially useful at mitigating climate extremes and solar radiation (when used carefully and with non toxic substances that would have little effect on the biospheres).

Did you read what you just wrote there - "POTENTIALLY"

There has been years worth of research into Ionospheric heating technology, Cloud seeding, utilizing scalar wave technology. Weather control technology is real. Deal with it....

Oh I do deal with it - I laugh at the conspiracy suggestions, while acknowledging hte real science.

Yes ther is ionospheric heating - and if you think that can control the weather then I have a bridge to sell you!
Do you know where it is that "Weather" occurs in the atmosphere? And where the ionosphere is in relation to that??

Cloud seeding has been around for ages - and is sometimes marginally useful.

Scalar technology would be useful but so far seems to only actually exist in the fevered imaginations of conspiracy theorists.

Science exists and these comspiracy theories are all hoaxes that have duped you - deal with it yourself.

As to the Iron dumping. I saw multiple articles about this months ago and about the subsequent red alge blooms that tainted seas red in strange parts of the world.

Everything you said seem an attempt to be "No your wrong" However your view seems limited and ignorant so um, Yeah......

Yes I am happy to say "no you're wrong" about this nonsense, because I have never seen one verifiable piece of evidence to support any of htem - and you provided non either.

AS someone has said (Christopher Hitchins??) - that which is purported to exist without evidence can also be denied without evidence

Edit: I in no way condone any of the actions of groups who have currently been utilizing any form of weather control/ geo engineering. Governments around the world have shown themselves to be utterly corrupt and without the common mans interest at heart. So I believe them not responsible enough to use such technology without trying to use it for war

Much like the Air force document "Owning the weather by 2025"

Which is pretty much science fiction staring into the future about what might be able to be accomplished and which, of course, contains no actual evidence of any of it being done either.

Looks like they achieved that much sooner.

So where's the evidence of that?

You chemmies crack me up - you think that if you repeat BS often enough then it must be true - you believe Carnicom & Rense & the various "skywatch" sites and all that nonsense - none of whom have a single scrap verifiable evidence to support their claims.

So essentially you believe them because they say so.

But you won't believe decades of science over such a readily provable matter such as "contrails can last for hours"!

The conspiracy is laughable - the readiness of people to be hoaxed is sad!

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 03:52 AM
Everyone should take interest in this thread, great info and thanks for posting.

Science is far from always right so research is key to informed disissions.

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 04:19 AM
reply to post by fireyaguns

Science is far from always right so research is key to informed disissions.

And youtube is the same way as much of what is on it is uninformed and very little research has been done...

You do know that science is based on research, because without research you only have speculation and alot of guessing.

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 04:32 AM

Originally posted by fireyaguns
Science is far from always right so research is key to informed disissions.

And what is science except conclusions supported by research??

Science is not "a thing" that can be right or wrong - any given conclusions is what can be right or wrong, depending on how well it is derived from the available data.

So yes "scientific" conclusions can be wrong if they get the data wrong or the statistics wrong or are biased in the first place, etc - there are numerous occasions where that has happened.

And the main people who catch those errors are other scientists.

However in the case of "chemtrails" you don't have toe be a scientist to see the gross errors - "contrails can't last more than a few minutes" - and yet clouds - made up of ice crystals - can last for days - why the difference?? There's high aluminium in water sludge - probably because dirt is quite high in aluminium and you shouldn't use the limit for water as a measure of whether or not the level is high in dirt!!

There's high barium in blood samples - actually no, there isn't.

And so on and so forth.
edit on 17-2-2013 by Aloysius the Gaul because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 07:26 AM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

Why are you such and expert my friend always telling us how we are wrong like just above you're telling me what science is like an authorised spokes man or woman.

Science to me is really a little truth and a lot of lies to suit the agenda of that time.

Who pays the scientece own the science

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 08:26 AM
reply to post by fireyaguns

Which is why you are on a conspiracy site, endorsing and furthering things for which no proof or evidence exists.
Sorry, but the laws of science do not change with the times or YouTube video. What holds true today about atmospheric sciences, physics, meteorology, chemistry, geology and all the other sciences do not change on a whim. Our knowledge of them expands through research and advances with technology.
Unlike "chemtrails", which changes with each who, what, where, when and why.
The goal here at ATS is to deny ignorance; taking a stand that

Science to me is really a little truth and a lot of lies to suit the agenda of that time.

is just bass-ackward.
If science is a lot of lies, find one science fact you are told about "chemtrails" and challenge it here. Show your source, be specific.
Explain how a science fact about "chemtrails" has changed to "suit the agenda." I can't wait to hear that one.
We'll wait.....
edit on 18-2-2013 by stars15k because: clarity

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by stars15k

I will reply because we are friends.

First of all, aren’t you on a conspiracy site friend? Why always must you flip your own standards on us your friends?

I for one don’t care that you continually interrupt almost every thread to do with geo engineering which is the subject. dont forget. Dont be afraid to use the word GEO ENGINEERING AERALSOLE GEO ENGINEERING.

I don’t know why you insist on the word chemtrail like as if you have a glitch though.

Your youtube comment is pathetic at the least friend, who is saying youtube is anymore than a way to see things that someone else witnessed and recorded. We are all adults and can make up our own minds when directed to a youtube clip don’t you think?
This comment of yours (“find one science fact you are told about "chemtrails" and challenge it here”) Well it is impossible because science is mostly evolution and evolution is lie.

Explain how a science fact about "chemtrails" has changed to "suit the agenda."

My instinks tell me you know the answer

Science does change on a whip thank you kindly. Just fest your eyes on the Bible and you will learn that the world is not the many different ages science has claimed over and over again. Science can’t make its mind up.

It is actually very easy to prove Jesus and Gods word. All it takes is the truth which you friend clearly don’t have.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by fireyaguns
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

Why are you such and expert my friend always telling us how we are wrong like just above you're telling me what science is like an authorised spokes man or woman.

It doesn't take an expert to spot obvious errors.

I presume you ahve seen clouds in the sky? and I presume you have seen them stay in the sky for hours or even days? And if you know that clouds are made up of water - either liquid or ice depending on temperature - then you have all the information you need to know that water cloud can stay in the sky for hours or days.

why does one need to be an expert to know this?

In fact one does NOT need to be any sort of expert. This is applyng a high school science education. And if you do not have one of those (and not everyone does) then the information is readily available on various sites about clouds and the atmosphere.

so.....given that as a basic fact - it makes no sense at all to claim that contrails must always disspiate in just a few minutes at most - since they are also water clouds of ice crystals.

there is no "expertise" required to see that this claim is wrong.

Science to me is really a little truth and a lot of lies to suit the agenda of that time.

the thing about science is that the basis for the claims has to be readily available and you can examine it.

If the basis - the data - does not support the claim then yes the "science" is dodgy - just like every other claim where the basis does not support the conclusion - eg the idea that chemtrails exist.

Who pays the scientece own the science

And that is why in many cases organisations try to suppress data - the ongoing scandal of hidden clinical tests for medicine is a case in point - by not making failed tests public various "big pharma" companies have managed to obtain approvals and funding and widespread sales that are not justified.

And this is reprehensible - possibly even criminal - precisely because the peole who did it know the power that having supporting data creates.

And it is actually "science" who has blown the whistle on this - eg see Ben Goldacre's "Bad Science" blog

The only difference between big pharma making exagerated or unfounded claims about their drugs and the claims that chemtrails exist is a matter of scale - both are deliberate, both are wrong, and both need to be exposed for the hoaxes they are.
edit on 18-2-2013 by Aloysius the Gaul because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by fireyaguns
reply to post by stars15k

It is actually very easy to prove Jesus and Gods word. All it takes is the truth which you friend clearly don’t have.

so how come no-one has ever actually managed to prove it "easily"??

but you should probably do so in a religion forum, not a chemtrail one.

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