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The Storm Gathers

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posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 11:54 AM
Interesting that you use a song quote from an English band to support your insurrection thread, when the first US insurrection was to ensure that you broke away from the British, in part because they were trying to take guns away..........

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 12:09 PM
Some darn good (great!) writing herein, OP.

If I may make a suggestion:

We don't need protests, and a repeat of last summer's Occupy won't work. That was designed to make a point and be as peaceful as possible, which just means people are quiet while they're hauled away in plastic handcuffs to be incarcerated for a few hours.

This entire situation, and I mean GLOBALLY, can be stopped when just a few heads roll, either figuratively or literally. A few government heads and by that I mean the real control freaks, the ones who gave us a choice between Obama or Romney ferchrissakes, and marginalized the candidacies of Ron Paul and Gary Johnson and a few others. The people I'm talking about don't get their faces in the papers and they're millionaires and billionaires who can hire good bodyguards, but they aren't immortal and they are already very old.

Add into that an elimination or siege of Wall Street, just a few city blocks, and you're done.

The Patriot Act was written long before 9-11, and it was named with the utmost cynicism.

Will the Patriots now Act?

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 12:24 PM

Now, personally, I AM a hillbilly - and not a particularly bright one. There are people out here who can think rings around me when it comes to innovation and getting things done... or undone. I'm a hillbilly, a redneck, a hick, and all the other uncharitable epithets that sophisticated urban progressives want to heap on me. Guilty as charged - that's me.

Now I'll just bet that isn't true. I was once close in life to a PhD Psychologist. She was expert and among the very top of her specialized area. Highly intelligent and pushing the upper end of the IQ scale, literally. Most people would have termed her a true genius on that alone, not to mention her gift for her work.

Wanna know something? She'd last about a week in the hill country of Kentucky, West Virginia or the Ozarks of Missouri if not within a city with all services available and provided. She once left Las Vegas to return to Los Angeles and got to Mesquite, NV before realizing North wasn't the right direction. I kid you not. That really happened.

Book smarts aren't worth squat in survival mode unless they were books about staying alive, IMO. I'll just bet that while some city folk may out book you, you'll OUTLIVE them by plenty to never be bothered by the issue again. I'll take a Hillbilly at my back over a Doctorate everyday and twice on Sunday. That's a fact.

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 12:32 PM

Agent Fred: "Sir, am i to understand you correctly? You are admitting that you shot down the very expensive government drone? Are you certain you understand what crime you are confessing to?".

Suspect Able Baker: "Yep, son, I know what I am saying....are you hard of hearing? But no way is this a crime."

Agent Fred: "No sir. I hear you just fine..but i just can't believe you admitted to a federal crime..."

Suspect Able Baker: "Oh, no son, I didn't commit a crime. Now I grant you that you have reason to see it that way, but was not the case. I have me a batch of that cancer you know."

Agent Fred: "ok?? so..."

Suspect Able Baker: "so, this being a dispensary state, I been smok'n some righteous weed. In fact, I had been smoking that whole day as the chemo had been the day before. (long wait as suspect exhales) That was the day I shot down the pterodactyl. And I want you, right now, to show me any damn law that says a man can't shoot down a pterodactyl if he has to."

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by signalfire

This IS ATS - America To Save...

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by Spookycolt
reply to post by nenothtu

Your assuming that the second amendment prevents regulation of firearms.

It does not, just that they cannot all be taken away.

"The right to bear arms" is quite different then "The right to bear any and all arms."

and it also doesn't say "the right to keep and bear certain arms" either.
edit on 4-2-2013 by Daedalus because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by nenothtu

....and it was such an "emergency" they gave the sheep a YEAR to comply. I don't know, a whole lot of "emergency" can happen in a year..... just saying.

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by jaynkeel
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Too funny you ask this question. Here is a recent article from the local news. Sorry video clip watch the volume.

This is gonna be huge, seems old Andy just can't keep from pissing people off these days, I really don't understand who he thinks he is. I was debating on starting a thread about it to bring it to the attention of the community here as breaking a treaty seems to be the happening thing in this state at least.

I actually live in a state that borders yours....if the people in my state had half a brain, they would be screaming to our governor to try to talk cuomo down, because if things go hot, it could spill over the border, and that would not be pretty..

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by nenothtu

Great OP...I truly enjoy reading your words. They reflect an image that is very familiar to me...

One bit of advice though, if I may...

If you are going to play the "hillbilly" card, you should probably avoid using such an extensive vocabulary. And STOP making so much darn sense!

S&F, Sir....

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by Daedalus

Originally posted by Spookycolt
reply to post by nenothtu

Your assuming that the second amendment prevents regulation of firearms.

It does not, just that they cannot all be taken away.

"The right to bear arms" is quite different then "The right to bear any and all arms."

and it also doesn't say "the right to keep and bear certain arms either.

Right?! And, based on their exclusions to create their own context, one could argue that the 2nd only allows physical possession of arms, and no right to use them at all!

I recall something about, "Shall Not Be Infringed", following the text, citing the right to keep and bear arms...

Funny how they left that part out!

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by nenothtu
reply to post by Libertygal
You mentioned Occupy. They failed because they had no focus - everyone was going in 7 different directions at once, and, no one could agree on what to protest about. This issue have given a focal point for the rally cries.

I find this quite humorous. I study movements as a past time (yes, I know, weird hobby) and they were initially quite focused. They were angry about the bank bail outs, the financial crisis, crushing student debt (still related to the financial crisis brought on by the banks and later to be known, LIBOR), and the Supreme Court decision in the Citizens United case. It was the media response that stated and emphasized that they were unfocused or even that they seemed to not know why they were there. I remember stopping by my local one once to talk to the protesters and found that they were highly focused. Oddly enough, the tv crew that was also present was putting a teenage homeless boy hell bent on blocking a street on air instead.

It's not just the political or police response to protest that was learned but also the media response. You see a repeat of history going on right now with the 2nd amendment activists, don't you? Why they are "gun control nuts", right? Step 1: Control the dialogue. Step 2: Crush the opposition through brutality. Step 3: Bye bye movement.

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 03:08 PM
For purpose of reflection in regards to media representation of movements:

That's always the problem with a little violence. You know what happened the other day, and the press dealt only with the window breaking. (That's right) I read the articles. They very seldom got around to mentioning the fact that 1,300 sanitation workers are on strike, and that Memphis is not being fair to them, and that Mayor Loeb is in dire need of a doctor. They didn't get around to that. (Yeah) [Applause]

Worth a read or a listen (actual speech is on youtube) to see what was going on back then. Can glean a whole lot.

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by GoOfYFoOt

Being a Southern White Male, I'm the one demographic that it is totally fine for anyone to mock and deride, but I've always found it a bit advantageous in negotiations with folks who don't have an accent like mine. See when they hear me talk, I'm sure they figure I can skin a deer, shoot a gun, or grow some tomatoes because that is the stereotype (the more flattering stereotype no less, they also may think I'm racist, sexist, and an evangelical Christian). However, I love the look on their face when they find out I've read Sun Tzu, Milton, the Greek Dramas, and other literary works. I love it when I'm talking to someone trying to sell me something that has an interest component to it and I use the "rule of 72 to quickly tell them how much it will really cost".

There is a storm gathering OP. We're talking about it at Sunday dinner, at the local diner, and people are saying things in public that you used to only see on places like ATS. It sounds like almost everyone in a mile radius of where I live has bought new guns over the past month or so, and is practicing. Can't find a box of regular old FMJ ammo of any type anywhere and I've been looking since Friday.

I've kicked around the idea of a RATS thread war gaming the hypothetical scenarios should such a thing go hot. I hear all these people saying"you'll never be able to stand against the government", and think they've never looked at either history or what could be done against the "almighty government". I'm glad the OP brought up the FACT that those that would push us to this rely on the urban centers for their political power. If such a storm were to go hot I'd imaging that a large percentage of the combat power any loyalist military formations would be tied up keeping order in the Urban areas.

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by jefwane
I've kicked around the idea of a RATS thread war gaming the hypothetical scenarios should such a thing go hot. I hear all these people saying"you'll never be able to stand against the government", and think they've never looked at either history or what could be done against the "almighty government". I'm glad the OP brought up the FACT that those that would push us to this rely on the urban centers for their political power. If such a storm were to go hot I'd imaging that a large percentage of the combat power any loyalist military formations would be tied up keeping order in the Urban areas.

fantastic idea...

and by "loyalist", i'm assuming you mean the ones that are left after most of them "defect" to side with the real americans?

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 03:47 PM
Yes there is a Storm Gathering but it's not about guns, the 2nd or anyother BS the media wants you to think it's about. There are those with an agenda, ready, willing and able to twist this storm into something Biblical.

It's a brave new world!

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by olaru12

Yes there is a Storm Gathering but it's not about guns, the 2nd or anyother BS the media wants you to think it's about. There are those with an agenda, ready, willing and able to twist this storm into something Biblical.

It's a brave new world!

Could you elaborate on your post, a bit? It sounds to me, like you are expecting Christians to somehow ensure an apocalypse, of some kind...I sthis what you are inferring?

I like to know how you think that any group would be "able" to do such a thing.

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 05:36 PM
Well, firstly, thank you for an interesting and well written post, on guns no less! I've got a bit sick of the 'cold dead hand' routine and it's refreshing to read something that's a bit more intelligent...

Anyway, what I wanted to say is this; I don't live in the states so I don't know what 'the mood' is, however, if it's as you say it is then I say, "good".

I think it would be a good thing if Americans stood against the government. Do I think an actual civil war scenario would be good, with people dying? No, but nor do I think it's likely. They might try and force the laws through but people just won't abide by it. They'll be forced to back down simply because, in reality, no law is enforceable if enough people refuse to accep it.

Yes it will be a revolution of sorts, but a diplomatic one that (hopefully) won't result in any literal fighting. It'd be good for the government to suffer a (metaphorical) bloody nose on this one, remind them that it's the people who are really in charge.

A reality check is long overdue. I think it would do the citizens of america the world of good too, to make a stand and to win, to be empowered and to be reminded that they're not subjects, that America belongs to them. So I say "viva la (peaceful) revolution", good luck to you all....

Also, can anyone HONESTLY see the govt rolling tanks into American cities and kicking arses? Really? How would that look on the 6 O' clock news? How would that look to the China's and Irans of the world? Or the other 'civilised' nations of the world? It won't wash and they know it. They're banking on folks being scared/disempowered/ lazy enough to let it happen. If people actually stood up, en mass, and gave them the collective middle finger then they'd just have to suck it... You're the voting public, the consumers, after all...
edit on 4-2-2013 by Milkflavour because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-2-2013 by Milkflavour because: Spelling

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by Spookycolt
reply to post by nenothtu

Your assuming that the second amendment prevents regulation of firearms.

It does not, just that they cannot all be taken away.

"The right to bear arms" is quite different then "The right to bear any and all arms."

What do people not get about "shall not be infringed upon" ? Seriously, wth? I see no argument here, but for some reason people have become lackadaisical about that loaded caveat: SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED UPON.

Wonder why that was included? Probably because those whom wrote the Constitution were acutely aware that for tyranny to prevail, it must first creep.

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by nenothtu

Any farm boy that can blow a stump out of the ground can bring a bridge feeding a city down too.

Tread lightly brother. Uncle Sam seems to be gettin' his panties in a wad over all sorts of free speech more and more lately.
People are getting arrested for Facebook posts and Oath Keepers who don't feel comfortable drawing attention to their membership. Can you blame them?
That's where we're at, Sugar.

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 06:02 PM
S&F to the OP...well done!

I agree and often wonder what the "tipping point" will be? I think it's different for many BUT there is talk of the "Consumer Financial Protection Agency" looking into their "rights" to control 401K's and retirement accounts to avoid Baby Boomers accounts being "mis-handled" (they will be the largest segment of the population with assets in the short years ahead!) which for MANY will make them smell the coffee and also agree...they want to grab it ALL!

I for one will say no.

This is not "typcial" infowars information,it's written by Paul Craig Roberts....if this comes to pass as it's defined here, especially the part about seizing estates to re-pay for healthcare?

It won't be that long at all before "something" happens and I hate to say it but I think it will...

I am "rural" and not only did the Dodge Ram commercial ring TRUE, it pretty much defines what sets people who work hard for what they have apart from those who feel entitled to it all in just about every way.

It's not only "farmers"'s those who have played by the rules,paid their fair-share believed in the American Dream, and in democracy.

I can assure you many "out here" agree with the OP as well.
edit on 4-2-2013 by irishchic because: spelling

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