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Email from VP Joe Biden-If not now, when?

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posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 11:37 PM

Originally posted by RalagaNarHallas
reply to post by Djayed

again they are called magazines not clips,and being mentaly ill does not on its self disqualify you from owning a fire arm you have to be ruled a danger to your self or others or have been forcibly commited to a mental institution (72 hour hold) to loose your gun rights over a mental illness
i have to say that the "mental health" situation isn't nearly as black & white as it's being presented.

with the DSM changing almost quarterly, eventually all of us will be deemed 'afflicted' with something and heaven forbid our returning troops are deemed 'ineligible' to possess a Liberty weapon on American soil.

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 11:50 PM

Originally posted by Honor93

Originally posted by RalagaNarHallas
reply to post by Djayed

again they are called magazines not clips,and being mentaly ill does not on its self disqualify you from owning a fire arm you have to be ruled a danger to your self or others or have been forcibly commited to a mental institution (72 hour hold) to loose your gun rights over a mental illness
i have to say that the "mental health" situation isn't nearly as black & white as it's being presented.

with the DSM changing almost quarterly, eventually all of us will be deemed 'afflicted' with something and heaven forbid our returning troops are deemed 'ineligible' to possess a Liberty weapon on American soil.

Hell,some shotguns are Semi auto,I don't believe they will ever get a ban on semi autos.
if push gets to shove a flare gun can be your friend.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 12:02 AM
reply to post by viking43

agreed about shotguns, however, IF Feinstein's bill is pushed and passed, are you aware of what would be included ??

here, read it yourself ... DF bill summary
open the pdf for greater detail and yes, quite a few semi-auto platforms would be 'banned' or manufacturing discontinued.

when NY passes legislation so hastily that they forget to exempt LEOs, something is seriously wrong. if NY would do it, anyone would be foolish to think DC wouldn't.

what did Pelosi say about PPACA ??
"you'll have to read it to know what's in it" ... or something along that line.

i think i have a few reserves a bit more effective than a flare gun

and, i like the creativity involved with these
edit on 17-1-2013 by Honor93 because: add txt

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by Honor93

Then there's this.

U.S. Constitution - Article 1 Section 9

Article 1 - The Legislative Branch
Section 9 - Limits on Congress

No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.

Cuomo's legislation makes all guns illegal effective immediately, with one year to get rid of them. The constitution says you can't do that. They were purchased legally, so legal they are.

edit on 17-1-2013 by timetothink because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by timetothink

for NY, i envision little hope for much more than a mass exodus at this point.
i just hope those who prefer gun control gravitate there and then they can set the example for everyone else.

between them and DC, i doubt any other state would follow their lead.
hmmmmm, NY, DC & CA, now that's what i'd call "target rich environments"

too bad those who live there can't/won't see it themselves.
oh well, if they want it that bad, then they deserve the outcome they attract.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 12:36 AM
reply to post by Honor93

I am one of those poor saps stuck here, husband is a LEO, has 5 years to retirement.

I hate this freakin state!

So far, a class action lawsuit is in the works, the NRA is working for us and we have a great new senator on our side, she has a petition started and we will take it from there.

Oh, and the call s out for impeachment if Cuomo. But that won't go anywhere.......

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 01:05 AM
reply to post by timetothink

my heart goes out to ya and all my family there too.

they think they're in a 'safe' region and i can't convince them it's a 'for now' situation.
however, i just cannot understand their steadfastness given the current climate.

wow, sounds like alot of action up there.
sure hope your hubby remains exempt from the failings of the legislative body.

glad to read you have some footing in the Senate but i sure hope she has 'protection' ... such acts aren't received with open arms.
please be careful out there, peyton place is all around ya.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by xstealth

Originally posted by Djayed

For a gun owner you sure don't know much about guns.

Owning one gun does not make me an expert, never claimed it did.

We don't have access to "military grade assault rifles", so you don't have anything to worry about.

We actually AK-47 is a military style assault rifle. Also you can buy military grade weapons at trade shows....

We don't need a study why people mass kill, we know why. Physcotropic drugs, violence, rap music, prior abuse, lack of morals, and Godless.

This would be a typical "Conservative" comment. Without understanding what causes people to do it, we leave it open for it to happen again. Naming off things that could spark the violent episode but not dig down to why is not helpful.

Also, you stating that Rap music is a cause is slightly racist ... you might as well said blacks...Godless has no bearing what so ever as well.....I will give you some drugs..violence, prior abuse, and if a lack of morels causes you to shoot up a place that comes with serious mental issues....

I am white, in my thirties, I listen to rap music (as well as other types) and like it....I don't go on shooting sprees. When I was in my early twenties I experimented with drugs....again I didn't go shoot up anyone....I believe in god...but not how most people do...I think all religions are wrong and all religions are right...especially Christians and Muslims (For two groups that hate each they sure have a lot in common).

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by Ahabstar
reply to post by Sovaka

As would the Baretta 92

I can understand the concern when you are getting into Baretta type weapons.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 08:58 AM

Originally posted by Djayed

We actually AK-47 is a military style assault rifle. Also you can buy military grade weapons at trade shows....

No, like I said, you know nothing about guns.

It isn't military grade, and by military style you must mean "looks like what the military uses".

Show me on any AK47 or AR15 at a gunshop where you can switch it to fully auto, or 3 round burst.

WHAT WE HAVE IS NOT MILITARY GRADE, it's a weak semi-automatic rifle, that's no more dangerous than a semi-auto pistol, except it shoots further.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 09:00 AM

Originally posted by viking43
I don't believe they will ever get a ban on semi autos.
if push gets to shove a flare gun can be your friend.

I was almost thinking the same well as a paintball gun with the speed turned up high...can go through someones eye or cheek.....

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 09:01 AM
Will they expand the definition of 'military style' (which means absolutely nothing) to mean those pesky sort of guns that shoot out bullets?

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by xstealth

The term Assault Rifle means it is a military weapon buddy. YOU may not consider it a military grade weapon but the rest of the world does.

Assault Rifle Wiki

Also, the AK-47 was designed for military use, another indication that it is meant for military.

AK-47 Wiki

The problem is people like you think it is not a military weapon and people like me do, and the laws need to be put into place so there is no confusion on either side...
edit on 1/17/2013 by Djayed because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by timetothink

Cuomo's legislation makes all guns illegal effective immediately, with one year to get rid of them. The constitution says you can't do that. They were purchased legally, so legal they are.

edit on 17-1-2013 by timetothink because: (no reason given)

I agree I do not think they will take away guns people purchased in legal purchased it when it was legal you should be able to keep it.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by Djayed

actually, the term "assault rifle" means it's a long gun that can 'assault' another animal.
"assault weapon" is any weapon that can 'assault' another animal (ie. a rock)

you're willingness to buy into the propaganda of the day AND own a gun is what is WRONG with the entire system.

i'll relinquish mine when the Earth stops making 'rocks' and the government stops hoarding, passing and avoiding prosecution for their "military used, gun smuggling operations."

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by Djayed
reply to post by xstealth

The term Assault Rifle means it is a military weapon buddy. YOU may not consider it a military grade weapon but the rest of the world does.

Assault Rifle Wiki

Also, the AK-47 was designed for military use, another indication that it is meant for military.

AK-47 Wiki

The problem is people like you think it is not a military weapon and people like me do, and the laws need to be put into place so there is no confusion on either side...
edit on 1/17/2013 by Djayed because: (no reason given)

They aren't assault rifles, the media says they are to feed off the ignorant.

They are SEMI-AUTOMATIC RIFLES, nothing military grade about that.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by Djayed

Here is the list of 23 orders that were announced today, just as a reminder. It is easy to get caught up with the "What If's" and the"This means" discussions.

i read your OP a few times. i'm still searching for the clause that will allow them to boot down your door and take your guns.

In fact, ignoring the cost of some of the things being proposed, how is any of that not purely logical?

And no, I'm sorry kids, a pistol is not a military style assault weapon, it isn't, you know it isn't, and you know damn well none of these measures have anything to do with handguns.

In fact, if you bothered to read the stuff you are so opposed to, most of it is merely expanding their ability to enforce the laws ALREADY IN PLACE.

So why again do you need to fire 30 rounds ? Who exactly are you protecting your home from, zombies? Bath salt addicts? PCP heads? Because I'm sorry, one or two rounds from an AR-15 is going to put someone down.

I think most of the things being suggested are logical, some aren't feasible, but most of it is. Extend the background check, allow that data to be shared, allow the ATF to actually enforce the laws already in place.

Most of the things that would be under the assault weapons ban are things that you can't really justify needing to me, without some sort of oversight. If it's merely cosmetics, then it's a non issue, buy the one that doesn't look like an assault weapon.

This much i'm not willing to budge one. No one, no one, should have the ability to purchase rounds of ammunition for anything, over the internet. That's just insane. And, in context, would basically make most of the checks and balances moot.

If I go into my local gun store and start purchasing hundreds of rounds of ammunition, I'm convinced something will be asked. But... if I spread that order out over a few different retailers over the internet, well, who's collecting all that data? Certainly not the ATF, they aren't allowed.

The ATF isn't even allowed to require gun dealers keep an inventory, they can only suggest it.

You know what, with the exception of the kids on psychotropic drugs, i think a large chunk of the problem would be resolved by simple enforcing the laws already in place.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by xstealth

They aren't assault rifles, the media says they are to feed off the ignorant. They are SEMI-AUTOMATIC RIFLES, nothing military grade about that.

The AR-15 is a long arm semi automatic rifle.
The m16 is an assault rifle.

what's the difference? besides a few minor cosmetics? The m16 is select fire. That's the difference.

And, my friend, up until sandy hook, the internet referred to the AR-15 as an assault weapon. Argue semantics all you want.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by Honor93
reply to post by Djayed

actually, the term "assault rifle" means it's a long gun that can 'assault' another animal.
"assault weapon" is any weapon that can 'assault' another animal (ie. a rock)

you're willingness to buy into the propaganda of the day AND own a gun is what is WRONG with the entire system.

i'll relinquish mine when the Earth stops making 'rocks' and the government stops hoarding, passing and avoiding prosecution for their "military used, gun smuggling operations."

And where are you pulling this info from???

Assault Rifle

Make a physical attack on.
A physical attack: "his imprisonment for an assault on the film director"; "sexual assaults".
verb. attack - assail - charge - storm - rush
noun. attack - onset - aggression - offense - raid - offence

Definition of assault

A thing designed or used for inflicting bodily harm or physical damage.
A means of gaining an advantage or defending oneself in a conflict or contest: "resignation threats are a weapon in his armory".
arm - arms - gun - weaponry

Definition of Weapon

assault weapon
Web definitions
Assault weapon is a non-technical term referring to any of a broad category of firearms with certain features, including some semiautoma...

Definition of Assault Weapon

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by phishyblankwaters

I couldn't agree more with everything you said.....

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