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"How to Stop Mass Shootings" - A well worded perspective

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posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 08:53 PM
A video from a pro-gun activist who does a very good job articulating the sentiments felt by many on the pro gun side of discussion.

Grant it, the individual is from a particular camp on the gun control debate; regardless i found his presentation and opinion illuminating as I myself find myself struggling to pick a side on this topic.

I found this video more refreshing and informative then Alex Jones semi-rant.

My opinion regarding the content of the messages in this video, specifically the point about media glorifying the perpetrators of these horrendous incidents an interesting topic of discussion.

On one hand, the news is in place to inform, or misinform, choose your poison and on the other it can be seen as a goal for mentally unstable individuals seeking their recognition. None the less, I would want to know of all important issues in my community or country and i think selectively omitting details of crimes such as these, in hopes of removing an incentive to potential threats, is a bit of a disservice.

The real question is how to limit the glorification of these individuals, yet continue to responsibly inform the public of these events.
edit on 16-1-2013 by MDDoxs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 09:35 PM
What people dont get is that Anti-Gunners do not care about logic.

They are playing this game by emotion.

You can give them facts all day long- but they dont care about those.

They have an agenda- and that agenda is clear - Banning Guns to control the outcome.

They have been at it for a long time.

They are enemies of the State and people treat them as Gods.

This is a huge Government takeover of power. Of your power.

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by MDDoxs

I posted this before you, but I take it since I lack embedding skills and didn't find the YouTube version which would have enabled me to embed it, it helped your post more than mine. At least its getting some attention...

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 07:22 AM
reply to post by Common Good

Thank you for the reply. I would agree that the community at large has misdirected its concerns. Though I am not completely discounting the roles guns play in these tragedies, I feel there is far more to this then gun control.

I find myself asking in whose mind, stable or unstable, would think killing numerous people/children to satisfy some delusion or satisfying a desire to self destruct.

Regardless of perpetrators main intentions, recognition for they're actions seems to be a common theme and I find myself asking; Has MSM influence us so much, that even in the midst of a mental breakdown, all we can think of getting some kind of recognition?

Or perhaps the above is to simple, we as humans are hardwired for some kind of social interaction.

In the end, i find myself not being able to point the finger solely on guns.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 07:23 AM

Originally posted by unknOWNmirAGE
reply to post by MDDoxs

I posted this before you, but I take it since I lack embedding skills and didn't find the YouTube version which would have enabled me to embed it, it helped your post more than mine. At least its getting some attention...

My apologies, I did a search and read several threads, none linking this video, i must have missed it. Please post a link and we can continue discussion there if it follows the same issue as this one.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 04:13 PM
Finally some common sense! Even if your in the camp to take all guns away, you can not argue with the man's statement on the media glorification of these "people" who take others lives in this way.

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