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Anderson Cooper "Attacks" Conspiracy Theorists

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posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 08:48 AM
reply to post by theAnswer1111

CIA Cooper. I remember watching him on Channel 1 News in my homeroom when I was in high school. Whats Channel 1 News you ask? A news program for high school students aired in high schools. Well, a few later after I graduated I see hes on CNN. Quite the jump if you ask me.

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by Daughter2

Of course they are gonna use the bad conspiracy to make us look bad..

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 08:53 AM
Really what do you expect from the talking heads? Journalism...LOL!!!
Mr. Cooper is a joke as well as just about all the other paid Talking heads.
Folks we're screwed. The sooner you realize it the better you can prepare for the future if that is even

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 09:09 AM
I agree 100% with Anderson Cooper's assessment. There are unfortunately some whackos on ATS that promote insane theories like this, and lower the level of the site (and mgmt tried to nip that in the bud). The good thing is that those theories were pretty ardently attacked and opposed by what I think is a majority of reasoned folk here at ATS. Should we question everything? Well, yes, I guess to a point - but at a certain point, logic and reason needs to kick in, and that obviously didn't happen in this case.

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 09:33 AM
Things that were at one time theories and proved fact.

Space flight
Jet Engines
The earth is round
Heliocentric orbit of earth
Manned flight
Aircraft carriers
Luxury ships
Curing certain types of cancer
The automobile

Works the same way with conspiracies.

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by theAnswer1111

I think the media is getting desperate by attacking anyone who questions the Sandy Hook incident. Well, Anderson Cooper is known to stage things himself so I find this to be very rude of him to say. That's my opinion. It's also my opinion that the events were staged. That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.

Your take?
(visit the link for the full news article)

Anderson Cooper is a joke himself and works for a seriously discredited profession that I find fewer people take seriously every day. Remember these clowns tried to use the same tactics of acting shocked and horrified at anyone who questioned 9-11, or Iraq's non existant WMDs. or Waco, or OKC, these shrill little talking heads are best viewed with the sound off. Why doesn't this little puppet on a string Cooper try to do something usefull for once like maybe try a little REAL investigative journalism. I'd like to see him do an in depth story perhaps about the CIA's Project Mockingbird, it's installation into every major media outlet (like his own???) of compliant mockingbird presstitute reporters and it's constant control of these same media stooges, think he'd ever touch that one lol?

I have not YET concluded that SH was ONLY a drill, but I certainly can't honestly say knowing what we know about the various DHS drills and media footage of interviewees and info of this case that it could NOT have been. Yes after 9-11 everything DID change, many of us know now full well what these psychotric little mass murderers are truly capable of, And the answer is-- ANYTHING.
edit on 12-1-2013 by Tecumte because: sp.

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 09:52 AM
While Anderson Cooper does damage control to discern just how much alternative media actually knows about the Sandy Hook crime, everything Anderson Cooper and CNN have done lately, is to attack anyone that argues the official govt. story of Sandy Hook.

If Anderson Cooper and CNN were real news agencies doing a real investigative job, they would use their position in national media to demand that authorities release the Sandy Hook surveillance tapes that proves that Adam Lanza acted alone, as we were repeatedly told by govt. officials.

If we are not allowed to see the surveillance video that could prove the govt story, then it is clear to me that keeping the public from seeing Adam Lanza or whomever broke into the school is the real cover up and as long as the public is left without any real evidence of a crime, the public will continue to ask hard questions of media, whether Anderson Cooper agrees or not.

It is apparent to me that answering hard questions and or proving the many allegations against Adam Lanza is not what local, State or federal officials are concerned with.

Show us the school surveillance tape that supposedly proves Adam Lanza acted alone and did what he is accused of and all of this media blather will come to an end.

If the govt will not show us the school surveillance tape and or claims some type of national security reason, then if that is not enough evidence for Anderson Cooper to begin asking hard questions, then we must see Anderson Cooper as part of the problem and not part of the solution. While most already see Anderson Cooper for what he is, it is my contention that Anderson Cooper needs to be shown as either a complicit player in a major conspiracy or an incompetent doing the professional bidding of evil people.

Show us the school surveillance tape of Adam Lanza breaking into Sandy Hook doing what he is accused of doing and if the govt wont show us the real proof, then these conspiratorial concerns will never cease, for they are valid questions and to attempt to make anyone who questions the official story as the problem, is to clearly ignore that the State and govt officials possess the surveillance video evidence, that can definitively prove the official story or disprove it.

All we have to do ask ourselves why wont they show us the video proof that Adam Lanza acted alone and did what he is accused of?

If not showing the public the truth is of such concern to the govt. then it stands to reason that the school surveillance tape shows something other than Adam Lanza acting alone and if that is the case, then we will never be shown the surveillance tapes for that one reason and if this happens, then I hope we continue to confront media types and challenge their questionable integrity and or ability to report the truth.

To believe a story based on what we were told and not shown is a delusion. Demand we be shown the surveillance tape showing Adam Lanza doing what he is accused of and if we ever see such a video and the facts don't support the official story, then and only then will we know with certainty that we have been lied to in a most despicable manner that the public should not tolerate, no matter what pundits like Anderson Cooper state to the contrary.

Show the school surveillance tape and all this and the many other Sandy Hook conspiracies will either be proven wrong or proven right. To not show us the real surveillance evidence of what happened, begs the question of why not, since the alleged shooter is already dead.

Show the public the Sandy Hook School surveillance tape of Adam Lanza doing what he is accused of and all the conspiracy types will either shut up from having seen the truth or they will have new evidence to continue the pursuit of the real truth.

CNN and Anderson Cooper cant have it both ways. and it is time to push back with real hard questions whether they want to entertain them or not.

Attacking anyone that threatens the official Sandy Hook story is what CNN is concerned about and Anderson Cooper has shown us this fact very clearly in his media attacks regarding such supposed outrageous conspiracy theories.

Show us the extraordinary surveillance proof Adam Lanza did what he is accused of that proves the official govt story of events, or STFU is what I would state to Anderson Cooper and CNN. If CNN and Anderson Cooper wont ask for such evidence, the we should at least understand that Anderson Cooper is just a shill doing the bidding of his globalist puppet masters and is doing exactly what he is told to do to keep what position he has in life from disappearing.

We must demand more proof that is currently available and if they wont show it to us, then it begs the hard question of why not? What is the govt trying to hide by not showing us the school surveillance tapes that either proves the official story or disproves it? Show us real evidence or expect more questions and or more conspiracy theories.

Thanks for the thread.

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 09:58 AM
Did any of you read the comments on that?

There are so many sheeple with such a low intelligence that leads me to think that we are a different species alltogether.

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by MaxBlack

Allegedly there are NO surveillance tapes, supposdly this affluent school district that had just reportedly installed a new security system and cameras couldn't come up with the additional few dollars to buy a cheap recorder. (which I don't believe)

Remember just like at Waco or the Pentagon, camera footage is only released when it backs the 'official story', and if the tape can't be edited then of course the cameras just happen to fail right at the correct moment or just happen to miss the action. Sure.

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 10:16 AM
This thread is NOT about Sandy Hook specifically - it's about the phenomenon of conspiracy theorists fixating on Sandy Hook and the characterization of conspiracy theorists in general. Please keep that in mind.

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by theAnswer1111

...and rightfully so!
This has to be the most idiotic topic on the internet in a long time! While I will agree the state examiner seemed completely insane and it was very odd that the one father was laughing before his interview, but just look what they went through...a serious tragic event like that could make you act in ways you never knew.

There is NO way Sandy Hook was staged!
The real hoax is ---> nothing more than a handful of paranoid bored people with their brainless online minion followers who insist on keeping this going.
edit on 12-1-2013 by Staroth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 10:58 AM
I thought the MSM always discredit any source of information other than themselves? And that works too for their mainstream audience. However, those mainstream listeners are realizing the lies being told about their world. They will eventually seek other avenues of information. After all, how many times can cries of "WMD" work for them?

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 10:59 AM
It seems they are working hard and over time for this gun control.Demonizing everyone that is not for gun control.
Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see really fits the news today. Most believe the news so Piers Morgan, Anderson Cooper are speaking the truth. It is an emotional issue but things are being based on this emotion right now. Media keeps pulling in peoples heart strings and to me sounds like an atttack on guns. No real debate on those shooters being on meds

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 10:59 AM
he apparently loves pointing the finger away from him and the show - ex cia - nuthin here but uhhh well uhh coverups and liddle ittybitty lies.
turn the alpha waves off and these guys would be talking to cameras - which i'm sure they wouldn't mind.
i prefer ATS :-) and other mom and pop internet sites.

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by syrinx high priest
How would MKUltra be involved in the Gun Control plot?

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 11:07 AM
People who believe the Sandy Hook massacre was staged piss me off.

I don't much like the antigun stuff that was since emanated from the tragedy, but I chalk that up to run of the mill political opportunists. They are everywhere.

But the whole notion that it was staged to ban guns.
That the victims were actors and that they deserve to
have quotation marks around the word "victims" as though
real people aren't suffering is sickening to me.

Sometimes conspiracy theory nut jobs go too far.

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by Staroth
reply to post by theAnswer1111

...and rightfully so!
This has to be the most idiotic topics on the internet in a long time! While I will agree the state examiner seemed completely insane and it was very odd that the one father was laughing before his interview, but just look what they went through...a serious tragic event like that could make you act in ways you never knew.

There is NO way Sandy Hook was staged!
The real hoax is ---> nothing more than a handful of paranoid bored people with their brainless online minion followers who insist on keeping this going.
edit on 12-1-2013 by Staroth because: (no reason given)

"Sick...ignorant,, paranoid,,obnoxious...bored... insane,,,brainless..." lol, stop asking questions, just accept the official story (or lack of one), what's wrong with you?, how can you doubt?, you're insulting the dead, lol whatever. we've heard it all before, too many times.

No ACTUALLY False Flags CAN be staged, aided, abetted, provoked, instigated, etc. and I'm still leaning more toward the possibility SH is simply one more in a long long long line of other synthetic events. This doesn't mean nobody died, but when we get some actual factual details we can more fully try to acess exactly what really happened.

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by MidnightTide

Originally posted by WaterBottle
I don't really understand this thread because Skeptic Overlord (owner of ATS) attacked Sandy Hook conspirators in the same exact way.

You guys are crazy, normal people get extremely annoyed by your claims.
edit on 12-1-2013 by WaterBottle because: (no reason given)

You, captain and who ever else can get annoyed and down right pissed off by our claims here is a news flash for you.


Who really cares about Anderson Cooper, just a paid talking head on a propaganda news network.
edit on 12-1-2013 by MidnightTide because: (no reason given)

I dont recall asking you to care. I asked for you all to use your brains, to present LOGICAL arguments, to back up your 'theories'.

But its clear, a lot of people out there "DON'T CARE" about finding truth, only about trying to be the one who finds the 'smoking gun', in hopes of being the next big thing in conspiracy theory.
edit on 12-1-2013 by captaintyinknots because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 11:23 AM
Anderson Cooper doesn't need to attack conspiracy theorists, the fringe theorists are doing a fine job of attacking all conspiracy theorists on their own.

CNN had Alex Jones on recently because he is one of those lunatic fringe theorists, and they used him to portray all opposition to gun control as being just like Alex. A ranting maniac, conspiracy theorist. It was a brilliant move on their part.

Sometimes a theory without any substance other than coincidence, conjecture and speculation that is so far from the ability of any rational person to believe can only be seen as pure "insanity".

In the case of CNN, exploiting that insanity for political objectives is actually the REAL conspiracy here.

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by ausername
So far, the police in Norwalk, CT and Anderson Cooper are basically saying "move on, nothing to see here". Disgusting. It only makes me wanna dig further.


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