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Norovirus outbreak worst BC has seen in six years! Conspiracy?!

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posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 01:20 PM
There are so many other articles related to flu and norovirus to post here...I could do this all day.

The point is that not many people know what kind of sickness they have until it is too late. As influenza and norovirus are similar in symptoms, there is a big push to get vaccines onto the market. There is no guarantee that you will not get sick.

As for me, I ended up getting a cold...but for what I am saving my body from (shots), I am battling it aggressively with tea, Halls, green veggies, onions, garlic, Vit C and Vit B, Zinc, and a low sugar diet.

I am in my third day and the symptoms are going away.

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by Skywatcher2011

As influenza and norovirus are similar in symptoms

No the're not, that is just wrong they are not similar.

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by OtherSideOfTheCoin
reply to post by Skywatcher2011

As influenza and norovirus are similar in symptoms

No the're not, that is just wrong they are not similar.

My are right....but sometimes fever develops in Norovirus.

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 01:29 PM
Btw, for those who are interested in the facts between Norovirus and Influenza and what you can do if you get either or, you can read the following pamphlet:

Norovirus vs Influenza PDF

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by AccessDenied
Worst case of stomach flu to hit my house had three kids sick all at the same time...and one bathroom.

Oh man, that`s thing you know there will have to be a bucket placed in the laundry room if all else fails

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 01:37 PM
We should all go and clean our toliets with bleach. There's nothing like being sick and having to get personal with a smelly toliet. Always throw up while on your knees, don't try to just bend over the toliet, the vomit will go up into your nose and burn for hours. My favorite trick is to take the trash basket and line it with a couple of shopping baggies, this makes clean up easy, and you can put the basket on your bed next to you or your child.
This helps keep your carpets clean, you carry it with you as you run to the bathroom. Best of health to everyone.

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by frugal

Sanitation of the washroom very important...agreed with the bleach clean.

When I narf in the bowl, I always get on my knees...prevents missing the bowl for one thing if I stood up, and secondly with your point of getting spicy puke run up your nose (ouch!).

Also, have a glass of water ready for gargling your mouth and also scope mouthwash to rid stomach bacteria from mouth. I find this helps immensely.

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