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Is reincarnation real, how can you know?

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posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 03:52 AM
reply to post by rabzdguy

Ok so humans are blessed with only 1 life?
1 life to experience this infinity of a universe?
I think not..

Who says we have to experience the infinity of the universe?

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 04:30 AM
In my case,i never really had much of a choice but to believe,as i had my first pastlife vision when i was 5.So vivid that decades later,still not one day goes by when it does'nt come into my mind at least once.I never told my mother about this,a 5yr old cannot enunciate such things.I had other visions too,tho never as powerful+vivid,i can still recall each like it happened yesterday.Also,it was'nt just the visual,there were very clear+ distinct feelings that came with each one.These were spontaneous happenings triggered by a smell,the play of light through a window,an icy wind,a certain sound,etc and i could not have bn influenced by TV shows,my country didnt Have TV in those days,and definitely not by friend's or adult's talk-they did Not discuss topics like that in my country in those day.These came out of point blank nowhere,there would be a trigger,and Bam! for a few moments i would be in another place and time.I can tell you from personal experience,young children ARE more connected to other realms.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 07:36 AM

Originally posted by rabzdguy
reply to post by Klassified

So did you go into the regression thinking you want to know of a past life? Then after seeing what you just deny it as fantasy or a dream still?

Deny it? Not at all. I'm open to the possibility of reincarnation, but I'm also open to the possibility there is another explanation. To this point, I haven't seen or experienced anything that is conclusive enough to convince there is no other explanation. I am still open to the idea though.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 09:58 AM
If reincarnation existed in a way that means we, as individuals, are reborn as new do you explain a growing population?

No a believer myself in any way other than we all get mixed up when we die and in time will be PART of many things again.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by rabzdguy
reply to post by foodstamp

Ok so humans are blessed with only 1 life?

1 life to experience this infinity of a universe?

I think not..

Personally, I think that when we die and "ascend into the divine" if you will, that where we go (if you can even call it a place or anti-place) will be so far beyond comprehension that it really is futile to even try to imagine while alive. Even if death were actual nothingness, we still can't imagine what'd thatd be like. In fact, Last time I've checked, I don't think we've even discovered actual 'nothingness' or 'emptiness'. So, that being the case, nothingness could be more profound and/or fulfilling than we could ever begin to understand.. But even I don't have the stones to says it's "fact".

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by nerbot
If reincarnation existed in a way that means we, as individuals, are reborn as new do you explain a growing population?

No a believer myself in any way other than we all get mixed up when we die and in time will be PART of many things again.

Well, you couldn't explain a growing population if you only include humans in the equation. But you have to include all cellular life, all animal life, all intersteller life and so on. Reincarnation exists because it was there to explain WHY things happen to us and WHAT will happen if we die. So, If it where true and accurate, then humans would be ascending AND decending down the "Chain of life" depending upon their good virtue or lack thereof. Until that point when you transcend beyond that which is physical into a higher dimension or a "divine plane" or a Nirvana.

If you account for all life in the universe then you can account for increasing populations in certain areas.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by cconn487
Well to me it makes more sense than getting a single chance at life and if you mess up you burn forever in fire

Plus I don't think you can really get the whole "human experience" in the time span of 100 or so years if you stay healthy and are lucky enough to never experience an event that could potentially kill you.

Though if you never experience an event like that, you haven't experienced the full spectrum of "life". If that makes any sense

edit on 2-1-2013 by cconn487 because: (no reason given)

Also, If you COULD get the human experience in a 100 or so years. How would you even know you got that experience because we have no memory of the past life? WHO is it that's getting this full life experience in your hypothesis..

Ps, Greetings from Grand Rapids, I see your from Niles... Lovely town...

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 12:43 PM
"I acted older, I respected my teachers, respected my fellow students, I knew things like cooties weren't real, I was nothing short of strange. I've always been the thinking type, instead of paying attention in school, I taught myself most of it. Most people my age have thoughts clogged with getting drunk and acting like apes, but mine are sophisticated, anything from how the big bang theory is incomplete to how one could seperate ones possible soul from their body. Alas, I digress "

I can relate to this as well, but I don't have any strong feeling that I've been here before. I chock it up to people having various temperaments. Some like to act like apes, some are natural scholars - to the point of even suspending acceptance of conventional teachings and discovering reality for themselves.

I will say that I've had experiences that prove to ME that there are things in our universe that most people would deem "supernatural". I know there's more. What it is, I'm not sure yet but I'm ok with that. The journey and exploration are part of the fun.

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by JohnCreed777

Originally posted by OneNationUnder

The Bible says on Judgement Day all of us souls are united with our bodies. So, if there is reincarnation, then which body would our soul re unite with?
Mary wanted to clear up the misconception of reincarnation and saying it was a False Teaching coming from Satan because reincarnation gives the false belief that if you don't get something right the 1st time around, don't worry, there'll be another life. She also mentioned what I had said in paragraph 2.

Reincarnation also negates the sinful act of suicide. There's no replay. You can see why Satan would want to teach this -

WOW so does that mean that the billions of people that died will return, will god also expand earth to the size of jupiter? HaHa Satan this satan that, I ate a grilled cheese sandwich with the virgin mary on it, Satan made me do it.
You wouldn't happen to be a member of the westboro baptist church would you. The bible says they rightious, and ghandi was evil

I hope that you realize this is a completely inappropriate way to reply to someone giving you feedback in your thread, OP. If you don't like what he's saying, belittling him is hardly a way to keep your thread going.

But to answer your snide remarks:

1) No, Christians do not believe that "billions" will return
2) The Earth is already of sufficient size to support many times the number of people already here
3) Your sandwich didn't have the Virgin Mary on it
4) The Bible doesn't say that the Westboro Baptist Church is righteous
5) The Bible doesn't say that Gandhi was evil

Try growing up and understanding that, just because someone believes something differently than you do, it doesn't make you their superior.
edit on 4-1-2013 by adjensen because: tag repair

posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 03:05 PM
People will believe whatever they choose to believe. I was once a skeptic of past lives but I had a few experiences that got my curiosity up to the point where I decided to try a hypnotic past life regression. I found a hypnotherapist that was certified by Dr. Michael Newton's Life Between Lives regression technique. Google 'The Newton Institute' for more info.

Dr. Newton was a hypnotherapist who discovered inadvertently that he could regress people to remember the time they spent in 'the spirit world' between lives. He didn't publish any of his work while he conducted his research so that he could maintain an unbiased clientele base. What he found was that no matter what the spiritual or religious beliefs a person held, once they were regressed into what he called the 'super-conscious state', they all maintained uniformity in their descriptions of how things worked, why we come here, why we forget, and what we work on in lessons and learning. His two books were fascinating to read.

I decided to have a regression session of my own and saw two past lives that directly tie in to things that I am dealing with in this life. It was a pretty amazing and powerful experience. It was emotionally intense as well. I'm a rational and level headed engineer. I tend to over analyze things. If what I saw in my hypnotic state were nothing more than a creation of my own imagination then I outdid myself. I am not a very emotional person but in one particular past life where I connected with this other incarnation of mine the pain and suffering I felt was so intense I broke down full blown crying in a flat second. It hit me like a brick wall out of nowhere. Apparently I was captured in war, tortured with electrical shocks, and interrogated. I literally felt as though I had been electrocuted. My entire body was buzzing.

In this life I have had minor neurological issues directly related to stress and it makes perfect sense now. Can I prove that this past life regression was in fact a real past life of mine? No, but it was real to me as I experienced it and that is all that matters to me. I just thought I would share my experience anyway because it was an amazing one. After the regression I have felt more calm. I feel like I have closure on something I could never put my finger on before. Its as though a ghost from my past can finally rest in peace. I can move on, forgive myself and forgive those who may have wronged me. Its a good feeling. Anyway, thanks for reading.

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 10:02 PM
Reincarnation is not real. Just look at the world population and ask yourself where did all these new souls come from? Its really a common sense thing.

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