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The Truth Is A Lie

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posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 05:23 PM
Our answers hide in the perfection nobody believes in. Your perfect lie.
Look at life in love and lie to tell your truth because the only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.


Everything comes in twos, which combines and produces a 3rd, two half’s which make a whole and opposites.

1 My life, 2 Our life, 3 Is life

1,Meaning of my life is to live in peace (materiel world)
2,Meaning of our life is to love forever (spiritual/energy world)
3,Meaning of life is to live in love together forever in peace (balance)

Dose as dos, dos as dose, is what is and there’s nothing you can do about it but there’s no harm in trying, make an effort your alive.


1 My death 2, Our death 3, Is death

1,Meaning of death in my life is to live in hate (materiel world)
2,Meaning of death in our life is fear forever (spiritless/energy-less world)
3,Meaning of death is to live in fear apart forever in hate (balance)

Dose as dos, dos as dose, is what is and there’s nothing you can do about it so don’t bother your dead.

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.
We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift.

Feel alive you are life

I am all that i feel around me,
I am the imagination of myself experiencing myself, a spark of energy which has become aware of its existence.
Like an onion life has many layers, life within life, i live in life and life lives in me.
Each life has lessons to be learnt, when i learn them all I will wake within a life within a life to learn the lessons of that life, until one day i will be born again to live a life better than the last in my search for perfection. When i reach perfection the gates of heaven will be opened.
The thing is, im already perfect, so perfect i cant even comprehend how perfect i really am,
im perfectly imperfect which makes me perfect in every way, it was the imperfections in life that brought out the perfections in me which is why life is so perfect, the imperfections in my life will drive me to make an effort.
Effort is energy, energy is life, life is alive, alive is love, love is effort which is not afraid to live.
As everything is already perfect, I am already in heaven so its time to open my gates and let myself live, let myself make the right choice and let myself love.

If this was heaven it would be perfect, i would be alive, my love would be my life and i would live for what i loved, in heaven i am free.
But actions always speak louder than words because love creates love,
the more i give the more i get back,
i have been in search for perfection in a perfectly imperfect world for so long that i have forgotten how to feel life, which is to feel love, but i no how to give love which is to give life, so I give life to my love to give love to our life so i can once again feel the love of life and live a life of love.
This is heaven and we are all god, each with are own individual powers of creation.
Heaven is what we make it, the choice will always be ours. hell is what they make it, the choice will never be theirs.

Live, Listen, Learn, Love, Life.
I dont look out to space I look into life.
Life is alive and teaches those who listen.
Any moment of any day which meant something to me was meant for me, if a moment which means something to me was shared with others it doesn’t make that moment any less special, i share every moment of every day with millions of different life’s. As every moment means something to me, every day has been created for me, every moment of every day was created to bring me to this moment in time, i have been brought to this moment in time, like every moment to make a choice, if i make the right choice i will be exactly were im supposed to be, choosing the choices im supposed to choose, learning the lessons im supposed to learn, with the life which makes my half a whole.
The choice is mine.

The only thing i fear is making the wrong choice which will drive me to make the right one. If im afraid of making the wrong choice i will always be conscious of the choices i make and the outcome, so it doesn’t matter what i choose because i will always learn the lessons i was supposed to learn in that moment making me a better person making my choice right.
When making the right choice comes as natural as walking i will no longer live in fear, practice makes perfect.

Love creates an energy which is not afraid to live, love creates life, so create a love life for use to live in.
Some one put love/energy into me which is why im alive, my spirit/soul was created by love, in love, to love and my material body was created for love to live in, love is the intelligent life within my simple mind, I am the intelligent life within a simple mind, I am the energy of love which has become aware of its existence.
My love is my life and my life is my love for life. The more i live the more i love and the more i love the more i wont to live, when my love became my life, my life became our life then i put my love first which is to put our life before my own, that’s unity, perfection.
I do more for others than i do for myself.
When i believed in myself and realise I was something so much more than i previously thought, i was given the choice, love or fear what you have become. When i chose, I was given a gift, the gift is the power of creation because actions speak louder than words love creates love, fear creates fear, the more i give the more i get back.
When you understand how to love you will understand how to live, when you understand how to live you will live in love with the life you made. If you don’t love your life then perfect it until you do, when you do you will be happy. Let go to love because love never dies. Love life and life will love you back, forever connected, save your life with love and our life will save our life’s with its love, you can live in love forever, so stand with me and stand together, stand with me on the edge of forever.

Don’t think about all them things you feel and just be glad to be here then leave this world behind you.

Find the strength to live by seeing the weakness which makes you hide,
swallow your pride and forget your honour, be your self because you are strong,
with that strength pall back your pride, honour your self with respect and let a new day begin with a smile

Imagine the lives you could have, now encourage yourself with inspiration and inspire your self to get one, in that life seek the love which lets you live, when you find it you will have a life to love,
love your life with all your hart to love all within, love your self because you made it what it is.
In love is happiness, if your not happy perfect your life to perfect your self because love is perfect.

Mother earth your are my life, as your life i must drink your blue waters, eat your green skin and naturally protect all within. Help me to balance myself as i help you to hold in balance the earth sea an space environments, help me to open my hart knowing that others will feed me. I pray my feet will always kiss your face and my footsteps match your hart beat, carry my life through space and time, you are my connexion to the universe and all that comes after, i am yours and you are mine, together we are strong.
I love you.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 06:44 AM
I found your first paragraph somewhat ironic considering the rest of what you've written. If I know nothing, which, according to you is true wisdom, then the rest of your post is null then, isn't it? If I could retain all the insight you feel that you are sharing and by your own admission, it amounts to nothing, then should I really be surprised that I am the first commenter here?
Well I am surprised that others haven't commented yet. Because it's clear to me that you do know something, it's just unwise, imo, that you would tell us that in order to be wise we must plead to speak. Willfull ignorance is not wisdom, imo. To say that you know nothing would be a lie, and yet, credibility is lost and so it turns out maybe you're right about yourself in a sense. I would be more inclined to listen to someone who says that they do know something worth knowing, rather than someone full of what I call 'false humility', who exalts themselves in saying that they know nothing and are therefore somehow wise.
I hope you understand what I meant. Honesty is a very important aspect of this mulitfaceted ideal we call love.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by Wonders
I found your first paragraph somewhat ironic considering the rest of what you've written. If I know nothing, which, according to you is true wisdom, then the rest of your post is null then, isn't it? If I could retain all the insight you feel that you are sharing and by your own admission, it amounts to nothing, then should I really be surprised that I am the first commenter here?
Well I am surprised that others haven't commented yet. Because it's clear to me that you do know something, it's just unwise, imo, that you would tell us that in order to be wise we must plead to speak. Willfull ignorance is not wisdom, imo. To say that you know nothing would be a lie, and yet, credibility is lost and so it turns out maybe you're right about yourself in a sense. I would be more inclined to listen to someone who says that they do know something worth knowing, rather than someone full of what I call 'false humility', who exalts themselves in saying that they know nothing and are therefore somehow wise.
I hope you understand what I meant. Honesty is a very important aspect of this mulitfaceted ideal we call love.

Good word. Assertive, yet gentle. However, I still think the OP has some good points.
edit on 23-12-2012 by DelayedChristmas because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by Wonders

i write this because of all the religions out there saying they are the truth, for all the people who believe there lies. Black people were slaves because people convinced others to believe they had no soul, suicide bombers believe they will go to heaven with 9 wifes. when it comes to religion, beliefs, after life, death or gods and demons we no nothing, nobody dose! so anybody who says they do are lying which is why i say i no nothing, and if i believed what others wer saying i would never of been able to write this, i had to clear my mind of everythng. nobody knows the truth which is why its perfect. This is my truth and your lie unless you believe in me, then it becomes your reality and you act accordingly. iv not been given any insight into anything, i simply belive in myself and rote what i felt in my hart. this is me and the way i see the world, only you know yourself. when i woke up i stopped looking for answers.
edit on 28-12-2012 by life12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by DelayedChristmas

people don't no how to live, don't no how to do the right thing, don't no what is right or wrong which is why alot find them self on this website looking for answers. this is my answer If you like some of it the rest is on 388132.blogspot
For those who understand what it is im trying to say, perfected it for those who don’t question it.
edit on 28-12-2012 by life12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by life12

I disagree with your views.

You'll eventually come to know a thing or two.

I'm not worried for you.

posted on Dec, 29 2012 @ 01:32 AM
The truth is a lie.....but what is the truth? Everyone has beliefs, and though they differ, religion is faith based truths. So, what is a lie to one, is truth to another. Who "knows" the truth of life itself? I'd say no one. But to stay a straight course on life's path, everyone needs something to believe in, and something to say is "truth".

*Most people do, anyway.

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by DetailsNsmoke

Life has no point which is the point because no point is a point, no point means create one. A life with no point means we are completely free, the freedom to believe in yourself means you are unique. We let the world tell us who we are but we can decide for ourself, we create are own destiny.
What we are is who we are, who we are is up to us.
Just because you believe something to be, doesn't make it so. live the way it is, not the way you wont.
i love my world because it revolves around me and its so small that everything i do effects everyone, which is why its so important todo the right thing.
Only you can do wrong, love others so its easyer for them to do right.
edit on 30-12-2012 by life12 because: (no reason given)


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