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posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by LarryLove

I would agree in that regard, I just see this as so staged now that a few days have passed and seeing so much media manipulation plus seeing so many officials presenting seriously conflicting information. that getting the more outlandish theories is going to be a given..

I don't see the media offering anyone any hope at all at that there will be any real investigation happening, so things like this facebook page thing will just cloud the issue even more..

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by LarryLove

How about some real proof or evidence that anything did happen as claimed, errr was claimed, but changed 600 times with no accountability, no consistency , and no real way for ANY of us too ever actually know a dam thing that went on here.

How can you claim to know what happened in the face of a complete bald-faced pack of lies and un-truths which is now even being acknowledged by media outlets.

Which story are YOU latching onto to keep you in faith of the deaths of all these people... ??

Why do people want to believe the non-stop changing ridiculous narrative ?

Perhaps when the TV movies and documentaries that have tidied things up enough for you ?

And provided the same tired excuses for everything, given you motives that are never provable...suspects that cannot be verified etc ?

I am more tired of people who want things to be believed when there are so many holes that cannot be filled in a story.. you bore me really. much like religious people whose hair stands up on the back of the neck when confronted with something the programming they have cannot handle.


posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 11:08 PM

edit on 22-12-2012 by imawlinn because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 11:08 PM

Originally posted by sonnny1

Originally posted by LightningStrikesHere
Dear Op. I posted on this topic the day after the shooting. It was discovered that the person who created the page later renamed it. He also stated this in the comments. lhope this helps


Guess that ends the speculation.

Good Job.

edit on 22-12-2012 by sonnny1 because: (no reason given)

You would have thought so, but sit back and watch how it doesn't

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by alienreality

Why do you think anyone at ATS would need to do a single thing to show that something is fishy with this event?

Because extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof ...actually they require proof period.

All I have seen so far are a couple of glitches and too many over active imaginations. I get a kick out of telling people about the half dozen or so people on ATS who claim Sandy Hook didn't happen. If you can find a reason to laugh in all this...threads like this are it.

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by ParasuvO

You have actually described all that's is wrong with the torrent of nonsense being spouted across these boards.

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by alienreality
reply to post by LarryLove

I would agree in that regard, I just see this as so staged now that a few days have passed and seeing so much media manipulation plus seeing so many officials presenting seriously conflicting information. that getting the more outlandish theories is going to be a given..

I don't see the media offering anyone any hope at all at that there will be any real investigation happening, so things like this facebook page thing will just cloud the issue even more..

And I guess they planned it so poorly they just couldn't decide which brother they wanted to use for the shooter so they got his name wrong at first?

I mean, if this was staged, don't you think they would have cast the lead?
edit on 22-12-2012 by newcovenant because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 11:25 PM
Sensationalizing this tragedy is wrong. Not everything is a Conspiracy.

Like I said in another thread.

Whats next? Someone tying in George Bush, and Halliburton to this Tragedy?

People need to get a grip on reality.


posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by theghoster
Hmm, it isn't implausible that this was just a group created and then edited afterward. I like to think that the best evidence of a conspiracy is the one in which the Occam's Razor explanation verifies and validates the conspiracy theory and not another more mundane explanation--in this case being (as was pointed out) a pre-made group fro something else before the tragedy. The only piece of evidence that I think seems out of place in this whole incident has been the license plate and car registration thing, with Adam Lanza's car, mentioned in another thread, but I haven't heard any conclusive news on that yet.

edit on 22-12-2012 by theghoster because: (no reason given)

This is what I found to be interesting: Expert: Gunman's smashed computers could yield data - CBS News
Intriguing to say the my mind elucidates the "whys" and "wherefores."

edit on 22-12-2012 by elrem48 because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-12-2012 by elrem48 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 11:49 PM
I kind of think that if these major events were staged, they would be flawless. Why so many mistakes from a scripted event? That makes no SENSE at all. Too many people are trying to read too much into the reality that just maybe, the media and people on the ground were trying to make sense of everything as quickly as they could in light of such a horrific, tragic, senseless loss of life. I can't imagine how terrible it was for the people that had to be on scene and to clean up what was left in that pussy's wake. No, sorry to those that find conspiracy in everything, I fear this was the real deal. We are so confused, aren't we? They are masters of the game.

But remember, God killed everyone but a few. According to the Bible. So, isn't God the greatest mass murderer of them all? Men, women, children, animals, everything, because He didn't like it. That's the God of the Bible. Why do we expect his children to be any different? We were created in His image. According to the Bible.

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by Staroth
reply to post by sad_eyed_lady

You can change your name at anytime on Facebook to anything you want, so that explains the RIP Victoria Soto. Mystery solved.

So you can change the date, too? I find this hard to understand. True or False?
The current RIP Victoria Soto FB page was started December 15, 2012.

The point being that we can change the names of the pages whenever we want, thus the page that popped up as "R.I.P. Victoria Soto" with a date of Dec 10 means nothing at all.

It means alot to have a FB Page set up to memorialize someone won't be dead for 4 more days.

According to the videos in the opening post the Dec 10 RIP Victoria Soto page was deleted. Was the above quote in the new FB page or the deleted one?

Sounds like a bunch of hooey to me.

Can some explain to me how you change the "Joined" date on FB? Maybe I'll change mine.
edit on 12/22/2012 by sad_eyed_lady because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 11:51 PM
I saw the video on the erroneous Victoria Soto Facebook page. It raised a couple of questions for me.

So, I did something that I think you might find interesting.

When you go to the 15th December page you have the following link:

It shows that it was created on 15th December.

Now, do the following:

In the address bar, replace the digits at the end of the URL with the ORIGINAL digits from the 10th December page: "448389438554831". So that's everything AFTER: ""

On my computer it takes me automatically back to my news feed. I was a little surprised by this, so I tried something else.

I hit back to reload the original page, and changed one of the digits in the 15th December URL for something random (I changed the last '8' for a '9'). I immediately get a message saying:

"Sorry, this Profile is currently unavailable.
Sorry, this profile is not available at the moment. Please try again shortly."

I thought this was a fluke so I closed the browser, reloaded the original page and inserted another random digit. I go the same "profile unavailable" message.

So I then tried to put the 10th December URL in, and was immediately redirected to my news feed.

This is highly irregular. As far as I am aware Facebook isn't setup to redirect back to the news feed when it encounters missing profiles, it should report that the page or profile is missing or not found.

Give it a try: in Facebook at the end of the URL type in "". It will send you to the page of a famous actor. Replace the name of the actor with "georgistollin", and you'll see "page not found", as you should expect.

I thought that this MUST be a problem on my computer, where I browse using FireFox, so I dragged the laptop out, and loaded Internet Explorer (playing Devils Advocate here). I got exactly the same results.

Does anyone know exactly how FaceBook links and URL's work? Is this normal?

I'll leave it to you to decide.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 12:12 AM

Originally posted by fallow the light

I think this answers the question.....

Well, one this this does prove is that nobody faked the Dec 10. She/he admits it.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 12:12 AM
reply to post by sad_eyed_lady
Seems to me that since no one saw this page right after the killings, that it was put up by some hacker to make waves. As the cops said, a bunch of people were giving out false information, pretending to be friends, confidants, police officers, reporters, etc. for some reason the tragedy has made the worst come out in some people. I think this was a trick to get some airtime for some joker/hacker which was pointed out and quickly taken down. Most of the crap coming from the ATS type groups seems to be geared towards the "You can have my gun when you pry it from my cold, dead hand" NRA nutbar persons. Trying to make out that 20 children weren't killed or making this into a "false flag" conspiracy is exactly what gun-nuts would do to protect their precious machine guns. All you need to do is look at the photo of cops weeping over what they saw, and pics of the funerals to see the "emotion" you felt was lacking in the fake FaceBook page. Hackers are capable of a lot these days, putting up an FB page with false dates would be easy. I wouldn't be suckered by this. If it were a conspiracy they wouldn't be that dumb. Because the Media was all over Newtown that day photographing everyone and doing were these all "actors" just doing lines? Come on. Don't believe ANYTHING you see or read on a computer anymore.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by dampnickers

I too believe this to be quite odd. This would seem to indicate a discrepancy in in normal operations of the site. Good job!

S&F for you!

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 02:20 AM
I don't have facebook to know how it works.

I wonder if she had just created the page herself dec 10th, then after she died it is possible to get pages of the deceased memorialized and it changed to that name and URL but the creation date remains.

It would help to know if memorializing keeps the creation date and if the URL changes.

Seems these pages of the deceased redirects to the new RIP URLs. Dec 15, might be when it was done.

Facebook memorialization of deceased
edit on 23-12-2012 by violet because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-12-2012 by violet because: (no reason given)

What does memorializing an account mean? Does it deactivate or delete it?
When a person passes away, we memorialize their account to protect their privacy. When a timeline is memorialized, we continue to honor the account's privacy settings and implement security features to protect the account.

edit on 23-12-2012 by violet because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 04:17 AM
This is getting ridiculous.

Get a grip people, there are rational explanations for all these things you are bringing to the table. You can't keep bringing flawed evidence forward and then pretending all the evidence stacks up to make a compelling case. So far, all you have is a few lame coincidences and lots of crap like this that has a perfectly reasonable explanation.

Obviously the page was used for something else first, and then changed to honour a dead person. Simple. How stupid would "they" be to create a page before the event even occurred?

Also, stop saying Obama was photographed with a victim. Firstly, it was the victim's sister, secondly, take a single second to think about how retarded your theory is before you accept it as true. TPTB fakes the death of a victim and then let's her have a photo with the president days later? Really? How absurd does that sound?

Your are living in a fantasy world. I feel like this is some sick game to you like WWF wrestling.
edit on 23-12-2012 by humphreysjim because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-12-2012 by humphreysjim because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 04:29 AM
You cannot fake the death of dozens of children in a town, unless you fake the entire town. Is the entire town a fake, all set up for this one event?

Are we in The Truman Show?

Is everyone in on this but you? Anyone who suggests actors were used hasn't taken a second to think about how impossible that is to pull off.

Unless everyone was in on this, don't you imagine people in the town who knew the children would be in uproar about this faked event? What about survivors at the school? What about a teacher who knew the kid who was supposed to be dead but was being photographed with the president? Don't you think she'd have mentioned something?

So many people know so many other people. The connections are limitless, there is simply no way you can fake the death of dozens of kids and not literally have everyone know about it in that town. Why is it that idiot conspiracy theorists online are the ones who know this was faked, and not other people who went too the school, or lived near the town, or knew someone who was supposed to be deceased but turned up alive to have her picture done with Obama?
edit on 23-12-2012 by humphreysjim because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-12-2012 by humphreysjim because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 05:48 AM
Great find Op... more curious finds for a curious world..

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 05:49 AM
There are many lessons to be learned from this incident, and one of them is just how gullible people are.

It seems that rationale sensible thought has become a very rare commodity indeed on the internet, and the overall inanity of some of these Sandy Hook related threads on ATS is.... disappointing.

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