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Feds Let Mexican Cartel Hit Men Kill in U.S., Senior Lawman Told Stratfor

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posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 12:58 PM

Feds Let Mexican Cartel Hit Men Kill in U.S., Senior Lawman Told Stratfor

www.thenewamerican.c om

The U.S. government allowed Mexican drug cartel hit men working as “confidential informants” for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to murder people inside the United States, an American federal law enforcement supervisor told the private intelligence firm Stratfor in e-mails released by WikiLeaks. ICE neither confirmed nor denied the allegations when contacted by The New American.

The explosive leaked documents containing the claims were part of a massive batch of e-mails stolen by hackers from the Texas-based intelligence-gathering firm. Among other startling allegations, offic
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 12:58 PM
At the center of the deterioration of US society is the 'Drug War' and Mortgage corruption. The factions of new wealth are trying to take over... This interesting leak gives us a bit of insight of how the system works post 'Air America' and the 'Contra Affair'. Combine this with the HSBC 1.9 billion record penalty for drug laundering... We can start to see what is happening.

www.thenewamerican.c om
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by R_Clark

I tbink you mean drug money laundering, or money laundering not drug laundering.

On topic, I am not the least bit surprised. It seems crime is OK when it serves their purpose.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 02:23 PM
Wachovia was money laundering to survive as were other banks during the worst of the crunch.....(perhaps before)
The ones caught were slapped, and the ones not caught went right on doing business...knowing the pealties were minimal FINES against MAXIMUM PROFITS.
The corruption has only gotten more deeply entrenched by now......
With the FEDERAL and STATE infiltrated by the drug money at every possible level.
Both from without, and from within.
CIA aircraft carrying tons of coc aine crashes in Mexico.....
Probably all the proof we needed to clean out the nest of vipers in goverment.....
But they hold the reigns of power tightly.....So very much info gets buried


posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 02:40 PM
That's the problem. Multiple factions of the US Gov are working with the bankers, pockets lined, money laundering, mexican cartel hitmen ....and Im sure US Gov officials are banking off drug money.

It's such a disgustingly corrupt system that it sickens my stomach.

I wonder if legalized marijuana and other drugs would bring down the cartels

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by dominicus
That's the problem. Multiple factions of the US Gov are working with the bankers, pockets lined, money laundering, mexican cartel hitmen ....and Im sure US Gov officials are banking off drug money.

It's such a disgustingly corrupt system that it sickens my stomach.

I wonder if legalized marijuana and other drugs would bring down the cartels

In the systems' current incarnation? Yes.

I believe that when you look at the CFR type of level, what is happening is a redistribution of wealth into developing nations. Money spent on drugs makes its way into Mexico. How it is used from there....that is another story. But India gets its money via exported cash from nationals operating business in the US. My doctor, for example, sends tens of thousands of dollars to family in India every year. This money is then invested into local business. The same can be said of countless other nations (all those nurses from the Philippines?).

The thing is, before those developing nations can be fully exploited for all their value, their economies and infrastructure have to be developed. You can't extract natural resources if the roads suck, or if there are brigands trying to feed their starving families through theft on those sucky roads.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by dominicus

No, it would not bring the Cartels down for good. It would, however, in all reality take away the majority of their current cash flow.

Do you know what that translates to? There is a reason the most common profession among young males in Mexico is "hit man". There is good money in it when the cartels run the country.

Take money from cartels and you might just have one less young man turn into a killer. To me, that counts for a lot.

OTOH, the first 5-10 years of it would mean more murder in Mexico. The shortage of money would cause many killings.... but at least it would bring less young men into the business of killing. To me, that counts for more than the extra killings in the long run.

If Mexico's problems are to be solved though, they have to let citizens carry guns. If the only way to protect your family is to join the cartel - you join the cartel.
edit on 17-12-2012 by NarrowGate because: (no reason given)


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