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U.S. drone operator quits , says : They ordered me to shoot a child

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posted on Dec, 19 2012 @ 10:05 AM
My question is where is Code Pink, why aren't they protesting any longer? Where are the anti-war marches in the streets? Why isn't the MSM having nightly stories about the anti-war movement? Why aren't there posters of Obama depicted as Hitler and being called a war criminal? Why aren't ATS members who are anti-war posting threads calling for Obama and Biden to be arrested and tried for war crimes?

posted on Dec, 19 2012 @ 10:50 AM
This may sound cold hearted - and to a certain extent it is - but War is Hell people.

There isn't much a difference between Drone strikes and dropping cluster bombs on entire cities during WWI and WWII. You think a drone, firing a hellfire missile on a mud hut that caused an innocent child to die is different than entire bombing raids of berlin during WWII?

No, unfortunately - you can bash the Drone program all you want, but realistically the collateral damage death toll is probably much smaller than it has been in previous wars. I don't have time to look up the data to support that conclusion, so at this juncture it is just my opinion.

However, with that being said - we all must understand that War is Hell. There is nothing good about War and there are ALWAYS innocents that die because of it. Those of you calling for an end to the drone program are missing the bigger picture here and that is we must strive to end ALL wars, not just one program in one war.

- zee

posted on Dec, 19 2012 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by Carreau

My question is where is Code Pink, why aren't they protesting any longer? Where are the anti-war marches in the streets? Why isn't the MSM having nightly stories about the anti-war movement? Why aren't there posters of Obama depicted as Hitler and being called a war criminal? Why aren't ATS members who are anti-war posting threads calling for Obama and Biden to be arrested and tried for war crimes?

Yeah , you are right . Where are they ? Back in the old days , people used to march in the streets shouting - No War . Seems Time has really changed .

posted on Dec, 19 2012 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by michael1983l

no sorry, but I'll kindly ask you to put your face where your butt-cheeks are
, the founding fathers where very clear that the right to bear arms is a must if the people ever hope to have the means to defend themselves and their liberties "those who forsake their liberties in the name of security deserve neither", we've done it twice already, with two more on the way including the gun ban, and its not defense from just criminals, no, we are talking about a government that turns against its own people..and frankly it's been looking that way.

The shootings have been coincidentally taking place really frequently one after the other recently, there's thousands of homicides every year, and yet this specific ones have been mass homicides and one after the other, right when the talk of gun control, and gun ban treaty is reaching its climax in the U.N, why now, why televised the suffering of the events so frequently, and not of the other 3700 homicides we roughly have a year. And by the way, the same way he did it with a gun, he could have done it with a baseball bat, a knife, a sword, a club, his bare hands, guns aren't the issue here, the issue is security of public places.

Moreover, the rate of homicides per 100,000 people in other nations, lets say cuba, is 5 per 100,000, here is just 1 per 100k, and Cuba has a gun ban, so no, guns aren't the issue here.

And lastly, the real terrorists aren't Americans, the nations is its people, not its government, the terrorists are those(partially) of our Government, those who control them as well, and you should know that THE FEW DON'T REPRESENT THE WILL OF THE MANY, we say we have a democratic republic, that we are been represented, but that was a long time ago, not anymore, moreover, terrorists, would also include defense contractors and corporations that steal other countries' resources, terrorists would include the ones who tricked this nation into fighting an entirely different group of terrorists and causing "collateral damage" of innocent civilians and families destroyed that only fueled the hate towards America, and while our people here think the war itself is justified cause its better to have them fighting over there than in our own soil, the truth of the matter is that they are misinformed, they don't realize(for the most part) who the real culprits are, they don't understand we've had the rug pulled under our feet, so don't blame America, cause who would have per-determined that the land of dreams would have its media hijack to misinformed people and eradicate true journalism all together.

posted on Dec, 19 2012 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by UltraMarine

Sounds like a lot of ATSers spend way too much time playing video games where nothing is real...This is not a game...It is real...

War is Hell...Not moral you say??? Is there such a thing as a moral war???

We've come a long way since Viet Nam...There is was Napalm...Not only blew up/burned your house but your neighbor's as well...And his neighbor's...

My recommendation for the women and children in Afghanistan is to put on their Reboks and hot foot it out of the area when someone shows up who is likely a target...Why hang around a guy who has a target on top of his head???

posted on Dec, 19 2012 @ 12:47 PM
The Sandy Hook massacre of kids is grim but do those crying over it ever think of the hundreds or perhaps thousands of innocent people slaughtered whilst going about their normal daily business in their own homes and towns.

No they don't bat an eye about that. Well maybe now they will.

posted on Dec, 19 2012 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by UltraMarine
What do you say ?

I say f#cking-A right it has to stop! Anyone who thinks these automated drones of death are a good idea has a deeply twisted sense of reality. What price are we willing to pay for "safety" and "freedom", exactly? Do we even know? Have we thought about it? Because from where I'm standing, the world looks an awful lot worse than its ever been in regards to the Human Condition. I don't see things getting any better on that front, and our growing disregard for human life is unsettling to say the least.

I for one am not comfortable with drones slaughtering civilians for any reason whatsoever. And as you said OP, if the alleged goal of these strikes is to combat terrorism... well, it's having the opposite effect. How would you react if a foreign nation invaded your country with an army of robots & rained death down on your friends & family from above with no reasonable explanation besides this failing "War on Terror" - which is the biggest load of crap I've seen in my young life. How people swallow this rubbish is beyond me. We are a peculiar race of "intelligent" being indeed.

I'm so sick of these stories. They break my heart every time I read them. I wish there was more I could do to stop this madness from happening, but the Western War Machine is a beast of its own now, and the only way we can ever effectively shut it down is together - and that requires the global unification of humanity. Needless to say, I'm not holding my breath

Shame on you humanity. I know there are many good people out there, but being good is not enough. We need to take action before action takes us!

posted on Dec, 20 2012 @ 12:22 AM

Originally posted by Juggernog
reply to post by UltraMarine

Nobody ordered him to shoot a child. He was ordered to shoot a mud brick house and at the last second, the child appeared around the corner.

Not to mention, a lot of those children carry weapons, and are frequently used to delay a convoy so that others can attack. It's not always as clear cut as the anti-military crowd wants it to be.

When mine was deployed, I told him, before he left, if some kid stepped in front of his vehicle, to stop them for an ambush, run them down. Don't die because some people want to use their kids as pawns in their attacks.

In Vietnam, if a group of soldiers died because some scumbag put a mine under a bay, was it the fault of those soldiers that the baby died, too? Just because we Americans don't use our children as soldiers, that doesn't mean other places don't. In many places in Africa and the Middle East, it's not uncommon at all. If they are trying to kill you, they are the enemy, no matter their age.

posted on Dec, 20 2012 @ 01:19 AM

Originally posted by Carreau
My question is where is Code Pink, why aren't they protesting any longer? Where are the anti-war marches in the streets? Why isn't the MSM having nightly stories about the anti-war movement? Why aren't there posters of Obama depicted as Hitler and being called a war criminal? Why aren't ATS members who are anti-war posting threads calling for Obama and Biden to be arrested and tried for war crimes?

They took a break when Obama came in office because its about left vs right and not actually about doing the right thing or promoting peace. But I think you already knew that.

In recent news, Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul have teamed up to demand drone strike documents be publicized.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 12:43 PM
Here's an interview with Brandon Bryant.

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