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Obama massacre speech: Wiping away tears...and the second amendment

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posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by kingsquirel
Easy to throw rocks at the choir when you have hardly a racial class, your city council up to your government is planted by the U.K. and where you probably live the population is what 200? probably no crime. Wow man, nothing like being a arm chair warrior with your whole elected governement being transplanted from another continent, then throwing uglies at the states, when you live in "ho dunk, i dont want to live there Canada!"
Um...say what?

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

Johnny, when children come under fire ? It's out of respect for them that I demand to know every truth about it.
Should we just not give a damn and accept what ever crap is blasted at us out of the prop box?
Disrespect comes from not giving a crap. I want to know if my own gov. is behind these murders because it is quite evident to me that's where there taking all of us. How is it disrespect to want to know everything behind why these kids were murdered in this way ? That quite frankly is becoming to suspiciously redundant. We should be all over this out of respect for them. Not just believing in the squawk box blindly and sniveling. How would that be respect ?
No, we need to find out what is really going on. Because if it's more than just some" crazy kid, " then this is nothing less than war.

Obama comes to us with tears for these kids today and bombs the hell out of kids overseas tomorrow ?
Somethings up with that.
edit on 14-12-2012 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-12-2012 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 09:56 PM
As stated in my first post...everyone is reacting with emotion. I feel terrible for the tragedy that happened today. I have kids (now grown) and I don't think I can imagine the terror these parents felt driving to the school and waiting to find out if their child was ok or not...and then the absolute crush of finding out yours did not make it...I feel a pit in my chest just thinking about it.

I am capable of separating my emotion from my critical thinking and rational thought. Emotions are the opposite of rational thinking. Good, bad or indifferent...I can separate them when I have to think a thing through.

Before these things get discussed, people need to do a lot of thinking and soul searching.

The left is not going to yield on their hate of the freedom to bear arms in defense, sport, hunting...anything. They truly believe people will stop killing if you take away the guns. I think they are wrong, but that is my opinion. people kill people...we have since we first started walking upright.

The right wants to remind us of the real second amendment and why it was written. They sometimes come across as harsh and callous because they want to preserve a Constitutional right that was given to us with the clause "shall not be infringed". And they are correct.

I am a Libertarian...the Constitution is dear to me...right up there with some philosophical and theological texts.. I take serious offense when people have a knee jerk reaction and feel it needs to be changed. There is a process for is long and difficult and that is how it is supposed to be. Changing the Constitution is supposed to be should not be done without much thought and careful consideration.

Socially, I can agree with the Democrats on many things. I do not care who or what you marry, I think women should have "the choice", and I think if people want to do drugs...let them...I don't care. I believe in personal freedom...and responsibility. I also believe in the freedom to own whatever I want to own...simple as that.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by JohnnyCanuck

Originally posted by kingsquirel
Easy to throw rocks at the choir when you have hardly a racial class, your city council up to your government is planted by the U.K. and where you probably live the population is what 200? probably no crime. Wow man, nothing like being a arm chair warrior with your whole elected governement being transplanted from another continent, then throwing uglies at the states, when you live in "ho dunk, i dont want to live there Canada!"
Um...say what?

Say this, does Canada have a Constitution?
Yes Canada has a 'bill of rights" and how did you think that come about?
So when your rolling around statistics, and thinking America is bleak, ugly, and dismall, thank America for your measly bill of rights that only came about roughly in what was it? the late 1980's? So first you must be an American to appreciate our rights, and if not for our rights, your country would be still holding the "Magna Carta," and we all know how many individuals died in the late 1600's to the twenty first centuries holding on to a piece of paper which was worthless, now do we not?

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by JohnnyCanuck

Originally posted by randyvs
This 29 today may lead to countless tomorrow.
I really think it's represhensible that within hours of this tragedy, you folks are pissing yourselves about losing your precious guns, instead of showing a little respect for dead children. Frankly, it has put American gun freaks in a whole new light for me.

That is all the media is focusing on.

All they want to do is have a conversation about guns, but the American public is not allowed to the table.

It is clear, even to the blind where this will lead, so that is what the conversation is about, because Obama's speech said we have to do something about it. I know that something wasn't arresting a dead person, so he obviously means gun laws.

He took the spotlight away from the families, and the tragedy. He ever so subtly put it on guns, just as the media has done blame them.
edit on 14-12-2012 by INDOMITABLE because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 10:07 PM
Why get all worked up and discuss this now? Simple, most people will stop caring in 2 weeks. Nobody talks about Hurricane Sandy anymore. Go start a thread now about the Oregon shooting and see how many replies you get. If this didn't happen and I started a thread about Columbine, how many replies do you all think I would get? 10, 12, maybe 15? Is what happened to these children worse than what happened in other school shootings? Nope, they were all horific. Once all the mourning has passed and the dead have been buried, were will all of you who are demanding silence be? I know you won't be there to discuss how to fix the problem because this topic won't be trendy anymore. How about we discuss Columbine instead, has it been long enough to talk about that?

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by INDOMITABLE

It is clear, even to the blind where this will lead, so that is what the conversation is about, because Obama's speech said we have to do something about it. I know that something wasn't arresting a dead person, so he obviously means gun laws.

Excellent point, great post. And all the proof I need as to why this happened. It's time for the gov. to protect us from themselves. This is happening now.
edit on 14-12-2012 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by JohnnyCanuck

Originally posted by netwarrior
It's not about "gun freaks." It's about the rights of the people to protect themselves from the crazy people.
I look at our gun crime and murder rates...and I look at yours. I don't even have to take my shoes off to do the math.

Still, my comments are about a lack of respect for dead children. I figured this frenzy would start, and by golly, y'all didn't disappoint. Shame.

you're comparing a population of 34M (Canada) vs 311M (Usa)

some easy math there eh?

i do agree with you though. you should look at some news sites comments, like on cnn, the anti gun pro gun gibber jabber on there is a million times worse than here.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 10:22 PM
You know reading some of the post and knowing you may be parents or may someday, terrifies me more than worrying about gun rights. To honestly get on here worrying about your gun rights and spewing your hate for another human being and creating a fear where none exist while we have babies slaughtered makes me want to puke. Yeah, guns don't kill.

You wonder why people fear guns? They fear you behind the gun, idiots.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 10:26 PM
shame on you for seeing this through a political prism

I pity your empty soul

do you need an assualt rifle to protect you form the big bad government ? the government that can decide to put the missile through your bathroom window or the bedroom window from miles way ?

wtf is an automatic weapon gonna do for you then ?

this is madness has to stop

please don't embarrass yourself with the having arms to "protect you from the government" stupidity

they don't have muskets anymore

that battle as lost when the first tank rolled

should we arm kindergardeners ?


posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by electricalpup

You should feel exactly the opposite because my parents taught me respect for the sanctity of human life, and I will teach my children the same.

Maybe that's the major problem in this equation? Parenting.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 10:30 PM
I believe they're going for something else altogether. I was watching CNN and whoever the lady was, can't remember her name, kept saying that there needs to be a push for legislation that allows others, beyond parents and close friends, to determine whether or not someone is a danger to himself or the community. She was talking about having psychiatrists, md's and the authorities to decide this. She was going on about how all these shooters clearly had something wrong with them but no one could force them to get the help they needed.

This is it folks. They want total control and they're going to go about it by making panels of psychotic hypocrites who determine that you yourself are a danger to the community.

Worst fake crying I've ever seen btw. Obama, good orator, bad actor.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 10:37 PM

Originally posted by conspiracy88
I believe they're going for something else altogether. I was watching CNN and whoever the lady was, can't remember her name, kept saying that there needs to be a push for legislation that allows others, beyond parents and close friends, to determine whether or not someone is a danger to himself or the community. She was talking about having psychiatrists, md's and the authorities to decide this. She was going on about how all these shooters clearly had something wrong with them but no one could force them to get the help they needed.

This is it folks. They want total control and they're going to go about it by making panels of psychotic hypocrites who determine that you yourself are a danger to the community.

Worst fake crying I've ever seen btw. Obama, good orator, bad actor.

It's about time! Like I have been saying in other threads, don't even try to tell me that nobody saw this problem coming with this guy. Mental Healthcare in America is a joke. There are some dangerous people out there, who can't control how they feel. At least give the hospitals the power to keep someone who has shown they are a danger.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
shame on you for seeing this through a political prism

I pity your empty soul

do you need an assualt rifle to protect you form the big bad government ? the government that can decide to put the missile through your bathroom window or the bedroom window from miles way ?

wtf is an automatic weapon gonna do for you then ?

this is madness has to stop

please don't embarrass yourself with the having arms to "protect you from the government" stupidity

they don't have muskets anymore

that battle as lost when the first tank rolled

should we arm kindergardeners ?


I recall seeing very few posts talking about protection from the government. Personally I was talking about protection from the criminals. Alas, I repeat myself.

And no, we should not arm the kindergarteners, but that is when we should be teaching them about gun safety. We should, however, arm the teachers. And yes, my soul is empty. There's a giant hole in it whenever innocents are slain by cowards. To be honest I never even thought about gun control until it was brought up by the pro side....about three minutes after the story broke. Lay blame at the feet of those responsible.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by netwarrior

I absolutely hate for someone to tell me how I should feel, when I had a gun stuck to my temple for 45 minutes by a man that had good parents that taught him respect too, but guess what? He snapped.

Check your signature.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 10:48 PM
All Obama need do is sign an executive order and your gun privileges are history, the last 3 presidents have ensured that all their executive orders cover every base, so all they need do is direct where it all begins, and whos responsible to deal with the armed masses

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by rival

In this case it is a tragedy that should be politicized. So you would rather discuss the situation of gun control when there is no big violence being reported? How convenient....I'm quite confident the parents who lost their child today would have prefered some tighter regulations on gun control...give me a break

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by electricalpup
reply to post by netwarrior

I absolutely hate for someone to tell me how I should feel, when I had a gun stuck to my temple for 45 minutes by a man that had good parents that taught him respect too, but guess what? He snapped.

Check your signature.

So, why did this happen? Is it because of the gun or because he snapped? How about we stop treating the symptoms and instead, cure the disease.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 11:07 PM
reply to post by anton74
I have no problem with the guns, I was raised around them, and until just recently I had a CCW and I do have to say, today the mentality has shifted.

I grew up in a area where practically everyone carried or had a rifle in back window of truck. Rarely was the gun pulled in a heated argument or just because to place fear in someone.

Today, we have barbaric and militaristic personalities worn proudly across their cold hearts.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by electricalpup

And why should I check my signature? Because I have a movie quote about one of the finest tools ever created? The same tool that defended my family and my neighbors during Katrina, when there was nobody but ourselves to protect the ones we love? A firearm is a tool. It is an inanimate object with no ability to make moral decisions; that capacity is up to the operator. I can kill you just as dead with a hammer instead of a firearm. Hell, I can't do it, but I know guys that are nearly as accurate with a steak knife as I am with my Glock. Ever seen trauma pictures of knife wounds? Personally I'd rather be shot.

Who protects my 55 year old disabled mother from brutes that would rape her, rob her, and leave her dead in a gutter so there won't be a witness? Not the police, whose average response time in her area is 6 minutes. I don't know you, man, but you might want to reconsider that CCW. I sincerely hope you do not need it but if you do need it I hope that you have reconsidered your stance. The world's not getting any more sane.

Oh, and read the beginning. The difference between you and me? When threatened I took steps to ensure that it never would happen to me again. You chose to blame an inanimate object with no ability to discern between threat and noncombatant.

edit on 14-12-2012 by netwarrior because: premature submittage.

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