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World’s most dangerous religion: Atheists face worldwide persecution

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posted on Dec, 11 2012 @ 10:49 PM
reply to post by Lucid Lunacy

Well, noone can say I didn't try to warn them. Things have not changed as much as most people think. If something major happens, the Christians will come together. Same with the other religions of the world. Being I live in a country with mostly Christians, I don't worry much about the Muslims that much.

posted on Dec, 11 2012 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by jazztrance

I am an atheist , I do beleive in a creator of some sort, but I dont beleive any book has anything to do with the creator of everything. So that leaves me a non theist meaning I dont share religious theology.

That makes you a deist, not an atheist. I am one myself.

posted on Dec, 11 2012 @ 11:13 PM

Originally posted by Lucid Lunacy
reply to post by jazztrance

I am an atheist , I do beleive in a creator of some sort, but I dont beleive any book has anything to do with the creator of everything. So that leaves me a non theist meaning I dont share religious theology.

That makes you a deist, not an atheist. I am one myself.

Ah, come on. We need more Solipsism in the world.
BELIEVE in yourself! You can do it! (This is you as god, creating an outside aspect on the internet to remind you that you are indeed god of everything and must remember that everything you see and experience is created by the awesome infinite potential of your godhood for the entertainment and whimsy of your godhood. Everything you see and experience is created by you and nothing can exist without you)

On another note of humor, in the vein of Solipsism, if you like hard Sci-Fi, I recommend Against A Dark Background by Iain M. Banks.
There's a paramilitary gang of Solipsists (+1 Atheist) that make a few notable and rather colorful appearances throughout the bulk of the novel.
Excellent, very fun read.

edit on 11-12-2012 by Druscilla because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2012 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by bowtomonkey

You don't like being called a religion.

Atheism isn't a religion. You can call it that, but it's incorrect.

but don't tell me what I believe in when I chose not to be an atheist.

Can you quote where I did?

I get the impression you would be in the ultra-annoying bible bashing camp

Only to give balance to the ultra-annoying bible thumping clubs.

posted on Dec, 11 2012 @ 11:34 PM
Calling Atheism a religion is like asking your microwave oven which god it worships and if it's "Heard the Good News?"

Atheists are as godless as a protractor, a thermal vent tube worm, or a lump of uranium, though most of us have more of a sense of humor than these examples.

posted on Dec, 11 2012 @ 11:43 PM
A belief does not equal religion, even though it is a part of it.
A religion is worship, ritual, strong cultural identity, tradition, fairy tales about your imaginary soul.

And doing what you're told.

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 12:03 AM
reply to post by Druscilla

On another note of humor, in the vein of Solipsism, if you like hard Sci-Fi, I recommend Against A Dark Background by Iain M. Banks.
There's a paramilitary gang of Solipsists (+1 Atheist) that make a few notable and rather colorful appearances throughout the bulk of the novel.
Excellent, very fun read.

I do like hard sci fi! Just bought it on Amazon per your suggestion
It sounds pretty sweet, thanks
I've actually been looking for book suggestions past couple days. How did you know?

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 12:05 AM

Originally posted by Lucid Lunacy
reply to post by bowtomonkey

You don't like being called a religion.

Atheism isn't a religion. You can call it that, but it's incorrect.

You're behind the times, my friend. Or behind the curve. Because some atheists are building one: Atheism Plus

I don't think that their motto is "Because 'Bright' wasn't fail enough", though it should be, lol.

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 12:12 AM
reply to post by adjensen

From their FAQ. Take it at face value but it's what they themselves say on the topic.

Does A+ represent the official atheist position on social justice?
No. Not all atheists are interested in advocating for social justice. Many atheists choose instead to focus on other worthy endeavors such as science education, skepticism in medicine, or the separation of church and state. Many atheists do not consider their atheism particularly important, nor do they necessarily connect their atheism to any other positions they do or do not hold. And even among those atheists who are interested in promoting social justice, not all agree that the issues focused on by Atheism Plus are the most important ones or that the supporters of Atheism Plus are addressing these issues the right way. There are as many perspectives on social justice, its meaning, its import, the current state of its various aspects, and how best to promote it (if at all) as there are people. All are welcome to start, support, oppose, or ignore groups like Atheism Plus. However, supporters of Atheism Plus are not obligated to provide a forum for their opposition.

Isn’t this an attempt to redefine atheism?
Atheism Plus does not attempt to conflate atheism with feminism or any other ideology. It does not call for the incorporation of liberal values into the definition of atheism. The “Plus” should be understood as meaning “in addition to” the dictionary definition of atheism, which is still respected as being no more or less than a conclusion on the matter of the existence of gods. It is up to each individual to determine which values they wish to connect to their atheism if any. It just so happens that there is a sizable contingent of atheists who agree that a desire for social justice connects to their atheism in a meaningful way.

Sounds to me like a group of social activists using the atheist name to garner attention.

Also I think their group sounds great. " promoting social justice and countering misogyny, racism, homo/bi/transphobia, ableism and other such bigotry". I support their efforts, but it isn't atheism.
edit on 12-12-2012 by Lucid Lunacy because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by Lucid Lunacy

That doesn't sound like the foundations of a religion to you? M-kay.

While I applaud their defense of women's rights, it doesn't prevent me from seeing what it is (or, perhaps, what it intends to be.) Atheism is simply a lack of belief -- to try and leverage that into something else is disingenuous, at best.

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 12:21 AM
This persecution ends only when atheists make that final leap out of the religious ring and back into reality. Once one is truly godless, he also removes all arguments in regards to such an idea. Arguing God is pointless, fruitless and best left to those who actually care enough to argue over a non-entity, a nothing. Only through example, not rhetoric, can atheists prove everyone else wrong.
edit on 12-12-2012 by LesMisanthrope because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 12:32 AM

Originally posted by Lucid Lunacy
reply to post by Druscilla

I do like hard sci fi! Just bought it on Amazon per your suggestion
It sounds pretty sweet, thanks
I've actually been looking for book suggestions past couple days. How did you know?

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 01:09 AM
reply to post by Druscilla

These apparent words on a screen from an apparently also self-aware consciousness much like my own are appearences suggested by the machines of my perception, but to put any faith in the independence of the words appearing as not being created by my unconscious mind would be an unforgivable presumption, and so I will assume they are the ravings of my mind made through agencies of my own body unknown consciously to me at this time.

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 01:14 AM
reply to post by delusion


Thank you.

And there it is.

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 01:58 AM

Originally posted by metaldemon2000
You know what? Good. Atheists are a-holes for the most part. People who attack and belittle others for their beliefs because they may have at some point been done wrong by religion.

I'm not a follower of any religion or believe in any kind of god but I hate being painted with the same brush as these people.

Right. Answering you'r troll-post because of your "stupid" message.

You say Atheists are a-holes because they attack and belittle. Wrong, most Atheists chooce not to comment on religions because they know they will get braindead answers like the one you posted here. And who is belitteling who here?? is'nt it you who are namecalling?? And saying you wont be associated with them like they are some sort of pit demon?

You cant stand these people.....sounds like you should attend to a bit of social training or visit a psychiatrist, if you hate people that much just because of their beliefs. Where is your tolerance for diffrencies??

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 02:02 AM
reply to post by Lucid Lunacy

Only to give balance to the ultra-annoying bible thumping clubs.

So you are just as bad. Your choice.

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 02:07 AM
So the Atheists will be driven underground; much like the legend that the Illuminati were hundreds of years ago.
The Illuminati, who were scientists, went against God... etc etc... See where I'm going with this?

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 02:41 AM

Originally posted by Lulzaroonie
See where I'm going with this?

... into a personal fantasy?
edit on 12-12-2012 by bowtomonkey because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 02:53 AM

Originally posted by Lulzaroonie
So the Atheists will be driven underground; much like the legend that the Illuminati were hundreds of years ago.
The Illuminati, who were scientists, went against God... etc etc... See where I'm going with this?

I see where you're going, but, I'm fairly sure there aren't many if any Atheists sharing a seat in your jalopy along this road of fantasy.

Atheists won't be going underground any time soon. At least not in First World countries.
Certainly there's superstitious cultures still dominated by fantasies of invisible super beings meddling in our lives, which is really quite very sad, and in such cases where these cultures persecute others for not being fans of their favorite kid's cartoon, there very well might be people that pretend to a faith they don't believe as a matter of survival.

In civilized First World culture, however, where diversity is accepted and promoted, Atheists will thrive.
You may even know a number of them that are simply playing the polite smile and nod game in recognizing the ever so fragile and delicate nature of a rebuffed person of faith on a personal witness crusade.
People of faith get ugly when you refuse a sit down to their imaginary mad-hatter tea party an call it for what it is.
Observance of Political Correctness when associating with co-workers and sometimes neighbors will require some observance of the old smile and nod routine to avoid any squinty eyed foaming at the mouth religious crusade nonsense.

People of faith don't need to strap on explosive suicide vests to cause terror. In and of and by themselves they're ticking time bombs just waiting to throw a walleyed fit over someone proclaiming that their imaginary friend is a bunch of childish superstition, an exercise in delusional magical thinking, where they really should grow up, put away their plastic tea party set with dolly stuffed animal guests, and face reality.

All in all, in a few decades, we'll hopefully, eventually reach technological singularity such that we'll all be looked after, minded over cared for and managed by Artificial Intelligences of incomprehensible cognitive reasoning and intellectual superiority that religious folk might just start getting their psychological teddy bears talking back to them as the machines play pretend god in observance of the fragility of the human psych in cultures that still cling to such silly notions.

Some of us, technology giving such, may have even adapted into "silicon" existence ourselves in exchanging our biological bodies for more durable synthetic replacements giving us equal footing with the AIs we created, leaving the rest to play their childish games of subservient bowing and scraping to invisible people in the sky, or whatever it is the faithful are so enslaved/addicted to wasting their lives in observing.

It didn't do the Egyptians, any good with all the glory and wonder of their astounding temples.
It didn't do the Aztecs any good with all the hundreds of thousands of human blood sacrifices and still beating hearts ripped from the chests of many.
It didn't do the Romans any good who eventually adopted observance of another faith started by filthy incestuous, slave owning, genocidal desert nomads.
There's no great halls of drinking in Valhalla for all the good it did in believing such for the Vikings of old.

All these other cultures had religions and faiths just as culturally significant, worthy of observation, and profound in philosophy and conviction as anything in observance today.

What happened to those people?

2000 years from now, just as schools will tell in history classes about Greek Mythology, Egyptian Mythology, South American Mythologies, and others, so too Judeo-Christian-Muslim Mythology, the story of filthy slave owning, incestuous genocides also will be taught as just another ... mythology; just as impotent, yet culturally significant for its time as all the other dead mythologies.

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 03:16 AM
reply to post by Druscilla

I've enjoyed some of your posts but your scientific utopia is something too unnatural to enjoy or sustain. In fact I was reading Alan Watts describe this idea as becoming plastic, just today.

It's really a shame that people think the elements have to be conquered without ever noticing that we are not separate from our environment. (Alan Watts' main point)

I also noticed you launch a crusade against the lowest common denominator to your brethren. It's like that. Sad really. I don't need to stoop to that to show the fallibility in technology.

I've always had an avid interest in science but at the same time found that everything we are supposed to accept as fact always seems to change. I've later learned that this will occur without exception and as such everything we currently think we know will change as well. Early on I lost faith in the science fraternity because of the stubbornness it has with adapting new discoveries. TPTB in science not only have an hierarchy, research is focused on things that attract funding and they are mostly salary earners working within strictly limited parameters.

Solipsists on the other hand ...

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