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Hey Hard-Core Christian Right Conservatives! Here's How Backwards You Really Are!!!

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posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by Miccey

Actually their hymens were checked on a semi regular basis. My oldest daughter was a virgin when she married. It's not rocket science. Females need regular examinations down there anyway.

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by milominderbinder

This is one of the most selfish and ridiculous threads I have seen here in a long time. Selfish, because you are thinking about pure instant gratification at the expense of the baby! I am not only talking about abortion but a baby born to such an immature mother will also suffer.

Perhaps there are reasons to abstain from sex other than your so called "religious" (very biased by the way) ones. Developmental and emotional.

My very best friend is from Holland, and I assure you that is not everyone's view there; she still had to sneak around her parents until she was 18! There are many parents in many countries whom have no religious affiliation and would advocate for their children to start having sex! Like another poster said, you obviously are not a parent!


posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 10:09 AM
It is religion that puts the shame on the human body and thinks sex is a disgusting sin. You religious types tend to forget that god made you and made sex pleasurable. Most parents do not talk to their kids about sex in a frank way and bury their heads in the sand about their kids having sex. They can go to war at 18 but cant drink a beer were is the logic in that. People freak out over seeing Janet Jackson's nipple but violence onTV is fine. Parents hiding kids eyes from the naked body. Morality is all backwards if you stop and think about it. If you make a natural behaviour bad/shameful/wrong they are going to see for themselves and find out you are lying to them. That is why there is so many hang ups with sex and the body. Everything has to be balanced in life and having negative views on sex makes it go behind closed doors. Dont make it forbidden. Look at prohibition did it work no.

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 10:15 AM
Sometimes people do the wrong things for the right reasons. It is the human condition.

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 10:18 AM
To pretend most teenagers are not having sex is also pretending they're not engaging in alcohol or drugs. These forbidden acts have been going on for decades. I'm sure some of you who are complaining about these stats, are also in denial that you've ever engaged in such acts as a teenager.

What really gets me, is our government and parents of 18 year-old teens, think its perfectly christian like to shove these kids off into a war and expect them to kill a fellow human being all in the name of their government and country. Yet it's against the law for these same teenage kids to drink alcohol and are frowned upon if they engage in sex. I guess killing someone and putting a teenager through mental hell does less harm. What's the suicide rate among soldiers in the military?

Parents are role models for their children. If they abuse alcohol, take drugs, have become pregnant when they were teenagers, smoked cigarettes, verbally and physically abusive, or if they talk to their kids about the sinful things you did as a teenager, theirs a good chance your child will follow in your footsteps. Being a good parent means modeling good behavior and talking with your kids between right and wrong. Kids are in control of their own actions. If they want to do something bad enough, they'll do it even if you've been a perfect parent. All you can do is show them the correct path to follow.

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by WeRpeons

Binge drinking is a big problem so a responsible parent will guide their child through the drinking/partying stage by introducing them to drinking responsibly. A glass of wine at dinner will help them find their threshold so they know how much they can actually drink before it turns into binge drinking. There are common sense ways to head trouble off at the pass. Every parent knows their child will have sex and experiment. Teaching them ahead of time what can happen and how to avoid life changing mistakes is just good parenting.

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by beezzer

Sure, just don't try to create legislation based on your religious ideas, and we are good.

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by 0zzymand0s
reply to post by beezzer

Sure, just don't try to create legislation based on your religious ideas, and we are good.

Wouldn't that be a violation of church and state?

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by WeRpeons

All you can do is show them the correct path to follow.

And this should be taught in school in case the student is a child of parents who fail to teach this point. Some kids aren't even aware they're making their own decisions. Let alone decisions between right and wrong and the chalk board, is a perfect place to teach and demonstrate this. Yet it was never done where I went to school. I hate our school system. It doesn't even teach kids the first thing they need to know in life. And that is most definitely


They just toss 'em in school all willy nilly without showing them the basics of learning like associative memory skills..That some kids have from the start and others don't. Then they fail and are devastated for life by that, diagnosed with some made up alphabetical disease and put on drugs.

Oh but don't do drugs !

I hate our school, I'm using the word hate here. Hate for a faulty system governed by total idiots. Sorry if I've offended anyone without warrant. But I do have my opinions.
edit on 9-12-2012 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by randyvs

In my school district in new jersey, birth control was taught as part of physical education in eleventh grade. But I graduated back in 1994 and not all school disctricts are the same. I went to public schools and they were ok. Not great, but ok!

College is the real waste imo. They make you take liberal arts for at least two years and students barely have enough time or energy to learn their core curricullum. In europe they spend very little time with liberal arts and that is the way it should be. Also it should be 5-6 years to accumulate the credits necessary for graduation, not 4!
Not to mention college is a total ripoff from an economic standpoint, even if you stay in-state and get grants.

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 10:59 AM
I'm surprised people are still debating that Christians, or any religion for that matter, are backwards - every religions main argument for it to still be enforced on society is for morals, yet I still haven't found a religion where something like genocide of homosexuals or stoning of people who didn't attend the Sabbath comes up - every religion has it's backward ideas. Yet 95% of the world still can't see that and carry on being ignorant. I guarantee that aliens want to exterminate us due to this, because as a species, we are embarrassing and moronic. God save us from religion.

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by ownbestenemy

Originally posted by darkbake
Very well-written. The OP is showing a simple cause-and-effect relationship.

One that has a speculative relationship nonetheless, but if it fits your view of the world I guess it was "very well-written". It was skewed to fit the narrative of the OPs assertion that "hard-core Christian right conservatives" is the cause of teen pregnancy. There is no direct cause and effect going on. It may be a factor and lead to it, but the issue isn't that simple, no matter how people want to play it.

I imagine (oh wait know) it must be similar with sex ed. Although people should be free to practice their own religion, that doesn't make it effective.
edit on 9-12-2012 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

It could be and it could not be. Many more factors other than religious teaching go into this equation. Take for instance a study cited by

-- 82 percent feel that teens should not be sexually active.
-- 73 percent feel that being a virgin should not be embarrassing
-- 58 percent feel that high-school age teens should not be sexually active
-- Fewer than one half of teens in high school have had sex

Those are interesting numbers and obviously we cannot discern their upbringing to make a correlation; just like the OP cannot. Just because you agree with the premise doesn't make it correct. Even the link I provided leads to an article discussing teen pregnancy and religion. They go so far to say that "Many studies suggest that the link between teenage pregnancy and religion indicate that religious teens are having sex more often than non-religious teens." While it very well may be true, why not link or cite those studies? If there are many, it shouldn't be hard to do so.

I have a hard time seeing how the OP is well-written sense it is steeped in ideology and religious baiting.

The OP was based on research showing, just like you said, that the religious approach of not teaching about sex doesn't work to prevent pregnancy or prevent sex. The study you showed is about a bunch of feelings that have no effect.

I personally would rather wait until after marriage to have sex, I don't think being a virgin is embarrassing, I am not really comfortable with high-schoolers or teens having sex but I still agree with the OP.

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by jimmiec
reply to post by Miccey

Actually their hymens were checked on a semi regular basis. My oldest daughter was a virgin when she married. It's not rocket science. Females need regular examinations down there anyway.

What, are you part of the Taliban?? Did you demand they have their hymens checked, and the results reported back to you??? Wow. Young girls don't need pelvic exams until they are sexually active, unless they are having some kind of problem.

There are lots of different kinds of sex other than vaginal intercourse - true that you can't get pregnant from anything other than penetration, but it's sex just the same.
edit on 9-12-2012 by kaylaluv because: went a little too far

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 11:01 AM
Hey OP, I think its you that's backwards. Thousands of years of history moving forward, but now you want to move backwards and teach children to be promiscuous. You want to call it progressive and tell the rest of us, not just the hardcore christian conservatives would be against allowing their kids to have sex in the home, that we're backwards.

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by beezzer

Absolutely, but it hasn't stopped legions of wack-jobs from trying through various back-door means, including -- my personal favorite -- "morality" is derived from "faith," and "religion," therefore....

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by milominderbinder

I haven't read the entire OP, and none of the thread, but I get the basic gist from the title. The OP starts the thread with the word: "Hey". Wow.. so much disrespect.

I don't know if it applies now, as many, many, many things have changed (even to the point where in the late 90's the Supreme Court ruled that Satanism is an official religion)... but Hard-Core Christian Right Conservatives founded this country, and it became the most powerful, and prosperous country in the world. In fact, the US has invented most things that people enjoy, including the large, flat-screen TVs that we want so much. huh....

You can spin it any way you want to... but even on our money, it still says "In God We Trust".....

So instead of attacking Hard-Core Christian Right Conservatives, if you live in the USA, then you should be showing some gratitude instead. If you don't live in the US, then your thread, and this post doesn't apply.

America is the most prosperous country in the world, and made a Lot of other countries prosperous. America was founded by Hard-Core Christian Right Conservatives, as you say.... I probably won't get a response from my post... it will be conveniently overlooked (suckers). You can't argue with the truth, can you??!

edit on 9/12/2012 by MarkJS because: (no reason given)

edit on 9/12/2012 by MarkJS because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by kaylaluv

No, My wife took them in for regular checkups. She simply talked to the doctor and asked. They were never taken to the doctor to check their hymen and you are wrong about there never being a need to check them down there. An infection can leave a woman barren.

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

I would love to start my own day care. That's what I'd name it.

HOW TO LEARN daycare.

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by Kargun
I'm sick of the Christian bashing on this site.

Who's "bashing" Christians? I'm just pointing out that the manner in which the hardcore right-wing christian conservatives treat sex and abortion statistically produces the EXACT OPPOSITE of their desired result.

Your whole post has nothing to do with Christianity. It is a lack of education.

That's because I'm not "bashing" christianity. Kind of contradicts your first allegation...doesn't it?

It takes very little effort to browse the internet to see that CHRISTIANS are by far, im talking 1000% more cheritable then ANY other religion including athiests or agnostic.

Who started public education?
Who started the sally anne?
Who Started Blood Banks?

So what? This thread isn't about charitable giving either. It's about the backwards attitudes which christian extremists have towards sex and abortion and how the "fire and brimstone" approach actually produces the OPPOSITE of their desired results.

Christians value every life as a bloody miracle.

That's debatable...but it doesn't really have anything to do with the topic at hand.

Next reply will be`Christions Start all the wars, lets get rid of religion`

Why would it? That has nothing to do with the topic of the thread.

Seriously...... 4 of the biggest tyrants and murderers in the 20th century were ATHIESTS!
It`s a fact, google my friend.

Once again...this has nothing to do with the topic of the thread. That being said...feel free to start a new thread on the topic and invite me into it and I will prove you misinformed.

As a Christian Im ordered to love my enimies but some of you make it damn hard

Whoa!?! Enemies??? Geez...that's not very christian of you. I have nothing against you at all. Here I thought we could be friends....

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by milominderbinder

What does this have to do with Christianity again? Oh right nothing.

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