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india raises ufo concerns to diplomatic level with china

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posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 03:10 AM
I've got these things myself on video, filmed them in switzerland (when i say filmed them, i didnt actually film THEM, because i didn't actually see anything, i filmed the view - i noticed 'them' when i watched the video back)

I even sent the video to the british ufo society but they said they were "birds & insects"

To be honest i dont even think they watched the video.... Unless they were birds with rockets up their ass & my phone is like the hubble telescope & can detect a insect flying from a few 100ft away!

It must have some zoom on it! Lol

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 03:31 AM
reply to post by reject

My guess would be India is finally sick to the back teeth of Chinese lanterns...

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 03:51 AM
Rather than, these things being the size of a tennis ball though, i'd say they were more like the size of a human head or a soccer ball or a basketball.

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 06:37 AM
There have been reports of Tennis size/Basketball size UFOs with clocking capabilitys around and inside Area 51 and also the Dulce base. Just a thought!

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 07:07 AM
I don't get you people...

the OP states...

Radar yielded no results suggesting a non metallic composition. Spectrum analyser drew a blank. Reconnaissance drone findings are very inconclusive.

...and you say...drones...??

Non metallic composition...and you say drones ? I guess that would be plastic drones than. Or maybe wooden drones. Yes...that's it. Any crazy explanation will do.

If it were a "drone" would have to have some metallic parts in it. I don't think we can make a flying vehicle without any electronics or metallic parts.

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 08:17 AM

Originally posted by Thill
reply to post by reject

It says in this article they filmed the object, well then where is the clip
? I would think that a robotic "thing" having a joy walk in a remote valley would be a pretty big deal if they had the clip to prove that
? They had 40 min to make a pretty decent coverage of the encounter together with pics and vids
Soooo , where are they ?

Don't get me wrong , I am a firm believer in UFO's and hi-tech military gadgets but if they say they had almost an hour with that thing ..... you get my point
edit on 19/11/12 by Thill because: (no reason given)
I'd like to take a stab at this

India really wants answers but in the tradition of Big Brother getting into everybody's business but insisting on keeping secrets from its citizens citing national security it decides to withhold some of the details.

India is scared it might upset a superpower which it now realizes is obviously way more technologically advanced than itself by inadvertently exposing sensitive top secret operations.

edit on 20-11-2012 by reject because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-11-2012 by reject because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by Thill
reply to post by reject

It says in this article they filmed the object, well then where is the clip
? I would think that a robotic "thing" having a joy walk in a remote valley would be a pretty big deal if they had the clip to prove that
? They had 40 min to make a pretty decent coverage of the encounter together with pics and vids
Soooo , where are they ?

Don't get me wrong , I am a firm believer in UFO's and hi-tech military gadgets but if they say they had almost an hour with that thing ..... you get my point
edit on 19/11/12 by Thill because: (no reason given)

if the people give you an video it is fake made with cgi. if they give you no video, the story is a hoax aswell
so yeh whats the point in trying to satisfied/convincing the ppl

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by Joneselius
i will tell you that the technology does exist as i have been witness to the phenomenon. as to who it belonged to i can't say. but it is very, very real. and no i was not abducted.

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by reject

Where is the video mentioned in the article?

It sounds all too IronMan for my taste but I'm open for the possibility.

As for the lights being Chinese drones it's just plain stupid. Usually military tech seeks being as stealth as possible and making recon drones that glow would be just way too silly to be considered. Besides these lights have been reported before in different parts of the planet by different cultures at different times and ages. So we can rule out the military tech possibility.

I've personally saw one of them at a beach in South America face to face at night from a distance of about 30 feet a good 20 years ago. It was a glowing orange sphere about the size of a handball ball (or a bit smaller) and was hovering from about 5 feet from the ground in the middle of a dirt road. Once we six saw it, it moved at a slow pace to between the trees on the side of the road. At first everyone froze with a big WTF over our heads, but once the thing moved back to the middle of the road in a circular movement everybody decided that was smarter to leave the area. I was willing to get closer to it but I have to confess that even though was a bright night I didn't had the guts to go alone.

But due to it's reaction to our presence I think that whatever it was, it was sentient and by no means some random natural phenomenon like earth lights or whatnots like some say.

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by Lonewulph

Lot's of bird shot!!! lol!!

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 04:39 PM
Taking a look at the map of the region can't hurt.


Lots of very strange holes around if you ask me.

I happen to enjoy this particular one

edit on 20-11-2012 by apecar because: added image

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 05:38 PM
Hundred over months? How do they know? Can't see 'em, Can't detect 'em. Big fat story with no back up. And yes, they very well could be Chinese lanterns. The new modern name, "tecnoreconnoiter orb" just hasn't caught on yet.

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 06:17 PM
I cant believe people are still suggesting chinese lanterns. Any excuse will do to protect this paradigm.

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 07:36 PM
Tennis ball sized orbs? Why don't both sides make a picnic and bring their butterfly nets...? It should be fun!

linea segundo

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by rabzdguy

I have to agree with you... just about any explanation will do
. As far as it being a drone how do they power it being the size of a golf ball? Batters would die way to fast. And as far as gas or diesel goes the object is way to small to carry enough fuel to go any were for any amount of time.I also doubt that India's government would release video footage of this object,in my opinion it would be kept top secret.

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by pheonix358
We will probably never find out.

Or everybody will find out... because once they start shooting... it will be a real WW III.

Bomb the mountains while they're at it... that will stir the bees nest.

On second thought... scratch that. Maybe it wasn't my brighest and best suggestion.....
It's all tongue in cheek, of course.

edit on 20/11/2012 by MarkJS because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 10:54 PM
To all those people trying to explain these as some tech that is made from some solid materials, consider the following possible explanation.

The late Carl Sagan explains dimensions in the video below. He explains that if there were some sort of two dimensional world that exists and you were to be able to interact with this two dimensional world the result would be similar to this......

Picture a two dimensional universe on the surface of a rather large piece of paper. Now picture your self introducing a pencil into this world by puncturing it through the paper. Now the "people" in this world wouldn't be able to see the entire pencil because they are made up of only two dimensions and therefore they cannot look "up" to see the rest of the pencil.

I believe some of the "orbs" we are witnessing are possibly made up of an "extra dimension" and so therefore our observation of these things is limited.

It is entirely possible that these "orbs" are actually helicopter sized craft or even large ships, only we cannot see the entire thing because of our being made up of only 3 spatial dimensions.

What do you guys think of my idea?


posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 10:59 PM

Originally posted by Lonewulph
How does one shoot down something the size of a tennis ball? Pull!

Just get some tennis rackets out there....... that should do the trick

posted on Nov, 21 2012 @ 01:53 AM
Hello people??????


I've got these things on video - anyone hear me???? Not very shrewd on this site - does anyone even read other people's posts?

posted on Nov, 21 2012 @ 02:29 AM
reply to post by I know it all...

why don't you just post those videos on here and/or start a thread?

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