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David Icke's 1st Real Strike Against Him

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posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by JibbyJedi

Wow, this video is still being played for a small fee.

Headlining this over other WAY MORE RELEVANT NEWS and the HEADLINE CLEARLY shows that TPTB really want to make sure David Icke is supressed. WOW! He MUST BE RIGHT! to warrant this type of CLEAR mis-PRIORITIZATION on a KNOWN NSA website. Well I intend to use it anyways, since you invite people here to control their discussions, but I will continue this spy vs spy game until the end, and always be one step ahead of a dumb agent, nephilim, or stupid bureaucracy.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by ManjushriPrajna
He released numerous videos and books detailing things that cannot be proven, and does those long speeches where people pay good money for a ticket. Would something like this surprise you?

Anyone who knows a great truth and wants to go about giving it to others wouldn't charge you for it (i.e. You won't be paying bills to Jesus or Buddha anytime soon, despite what televangelists want you to believe).

What's your point exactly, do those yogis in Southern California get those nice Ashram's on the beautiful estates for nothing? I'm assuming by your avatar that you know what I'm talking about.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 05:30 PM
Double post
edit on 16-11-2012 by jaws1975 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 06:04 PM
It's still right here, although I'm downloading it as I type this, just in case.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 06:04 PM
I believe Icke is a Freemason and Jones is Illuminati. If you are going to be in control then you must also control the opposition and that is what is happening with these two.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by JibbyJedi

If he did pull it, either it's to cover something up. But I think what he's doing is he releases the video to youtube after about 2 years, that way no one is buying it on his site anymore, the fan fair has died out and its safe to release it.

What they're doing is charging a fee for people to have to watch it on the david site. You can download the 2012 Wembley video here Probably better get it while you still can.

edit on 16-11-2012 by r2d246 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by Unrealised

I don't think tha'ts the recent one. The recent 2012 one is called: David Icke - Wembley Arena 2012 - Remember Who You Are . You can get it on pirate bay right now, better get it while you still can ha ha.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 06:28 PM
His whole reptilians thing, true though is seems to be, was enough to turn off a good majority of people who would have followed him.

The idea that a non human reptilian based sentient intelligence even exists ANYWHERE in the known universe is too much for many of those amoungst us with "strength challenged" minds.

The idea that there even exists a dimension just as seemingly "solid" as our own yet ocillating at a frequency just outside our perception, much less that these beings reside there, is just too much to even consider considering.

It is amazing what these same people WILL believe with no solid tangible proof whatsoever though.
God anyone?
Jesus anyone?

Ask the CHristians who is responsible for the manipulation of mankind and you're likely to hear....
"THE DEVIL" he has horns and a pitchfork and he IS REAL!!
But Reptilian based sentient non human intelligences are NOT!!!! lol.

Give them evidence in almost every ancient civilization throughout the ages that we have been manipulated covertly by a non human intelligence for thousands of years???

He's a nutter.

Is American Idol on tonight?
I feel like I am trying to get a bunch of dogs to see a rainbow sometimes.

edit on 16-11-2012 by Screwed because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 07:12 PM
David Icke's recent actions are disturbing and offensive to say the least.

I remember a point in the past where David Icke was asking for donations cause he was involved in a lawsuit and was asking for support from his followers. A hard time for him indeed. But when it comes to show support and sharing he wouldn't choose to act no differently than any other money hungry corporation.

But then again, the game is to be sold, not told.

I know I won't be buying his crap. Even though he was the one that awakened me. Awoke me so much I realized his own sh*t.

BTW, David Icke has admitted in previous interviews that his books on bloodlines and lineages CANNOT be proven. For those that take it as fact. I would quote the interview if I could remember. But it's out there. It was an interview done ON him. Not BY him.
edit on 11/16/1212 by foodstamp because: Insertion

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by ANOK
I thought the first strike against him was reptilians?

Ike is the truth out in the open covered in a layer of stupidity, in order for the majority of the people to simply reject all of it.

And he is paid well for his service to the state, and capitalist class.

edit on 11/16/2012 by ANOK because: (no reason given)

I thought the fist strike was claiming he was the son of God? Or the fact he believes in God, take your pick.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by OwenGP185

Originally posted by ANOK
I thought the first strike against him was reptilians?

Ike is the truth out in the open covered in a layer of stupidity, in order for the majority of the people to simply reject all of it.

And he is paid well for his service to the state, and capitalist class.

edit on 11/16/2012 by ANOK because: (no reason given)

I thought the fist strike was claiming he was the son of God? Or the fact he believes in God, take your pick.

About as stupid as outright rejecting a viable theory about the creation of the universe? Or as stupid as blindly believing atheism as fact when neither can be proven? Just curious.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 07:25 PM
I sent his website 3 e mails and I didn't get a reply to any of them.
What I have seen is unbelievable and I thought I would at least get an aknowledement.
But Hey Ho! Maybe he thinks its a haox? I wish it was!.

All I can say folkes is David Icke is spot on. If someone told me what I was about to witness, I would have called
them a liar! Its true... I have met the alien Doctors! I turned into a gibbering reck in the space of seconds.
How I stood up and walked out of the room was remarkable as the shock was so raw, I don't know how I even stood up!
I am still having flashbacks. Its all closer than you think.
I've mentioned it on other threads, but I kept getting knocked. People simply don't believe me!
I went as detailed as I could. Find out yourself. Its not even what they are or what we think they are, it is the SHOCK!
When peoples eyes start glowing, let's face it alarm bells start ringing!
I'm still in shock now and it is was just over a year ago.
I wish I was in the position to say ' yeah I made it up!' But sorry I can't, because was happened to me was true.

Good luck


posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by Screwed

It's just his way of saying "demons". but he can't say "demons" or people won't follow him. I heard some other popular spiritualist who sells lots of books, she calls them "the Jin", again because they can't say "demons" or they'll be catagorized as bible thumpers. But as a bible thumper I know all they're doing is changing the words and then everyone likes the trendy cool sci fi concept and follows the author/speeker. I'ts just good marketing is all it is. Rebranding something that's been discussed and known about by Christians for ages. It's rebranding.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by happinness

What you are saying doesn't fit into my preconcieved notions of how this universe operates and you are challenging my deeply held firmly planted beliefs therefore, I must mock and ridicule you.

I will stop just short of calling you a liar because then that would make ME look like the bad guy.
I shall just poke fun at you and get others to do the same until you stop saying things which threaten my ego.

- did I get that about right fellas?

There is no such thing as reptilians or anything else which I don't currently already know to be true.
Everything that DOES exist, I already know about.
I don't know about reptilians therefore......they don't exist.

How some people tie their shoes in the morning is beyond me.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 07:42 PM

Originally posted by happinness
I sent his website 3 e mails and I didn't get a reply to any of them.
What I have seen is unbelievable and I thought I would at least get an aknowledement.
But Hey Ho! Maybe he thinks its a haox? I wish it was!.

All I can say folkes is David Icke is spot on. If someone told me what I was about to witness, I would have called
them a liar! Its true... I have met the alien Doctors! I turned into a gibbering reck in the space of seconds.
How I stood up and walked out of the room was remarkable as the shock was so raw, I don't know how I even stood up!
I am still having flashbacks. Its all closer than you think.
I've mentioned it on other threads, but I kept getting knocked. People simply don't believe me!
I went as detailed as I could. Find out yourself. Its not even what they are or what we think they are, it is the SHOCK!
When peoples eyes start glowing, let's face it alarm bells start ringing!
I'm still in shock now and it is was just over a year ago.
I wish I was in the position to say ' yeah I made it up!' But sorry I can't, because was happened to me was true.

Good luck


Perhaps you could divulge the name of this Alien Doctor and we can investigate?

This is the part where you don't reply and leave us all in mystery.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by r2d246
reply to post by Screwed

It's just his way of saying "demons". but he can't say "demons" or people won't follow him. I heard some other popular spiritualist who sells lots of books, she calls them "the Jin", again because they can't say "demons" or they'll be catagorized as bible thumpers.

NO - - I think he really means Reptilians.

A real off-planet race of beings that look Reptilian. As in the Terra Papers.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by OwenGP185

I thought the fist strike was claiming he was the son of God? Or the fact he believes in God, take your pick.

You mean as in ONENESS.

You are your own God?

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by Screwed
reply to post by happinness

What you are saying doesn't fit into my preconcieved notions of how this universe operates and you are challenging my deeply held firmly planted beliefs therefore, I must mock and ridicule you.

I will stop just short of calling you a liar because then that would make ME look like the bad guy.
I shall just poke fun at you and get others to do the same until you stop saying things which threaten my ego.

- did I get that about right fellas?

There is no such thing as reptilians or anything else which I don't currently already know to be true.
Everything that DOES exist, I already know about.
I don't know about reptilians therefore......they don't exist.

How some people tie their shoes in the morning is beyond me.

I don't think it's really all the closed minded to think that someone toting crazy ideals that have NEVER been proven are in actuality, fact. Those kind of people must be ridiculed and joked about in order for them to either shut there nonsense up or come back with some real evidence.

Because a "medium" told me is not gonna cut it. Nor are video edits of lizrd eyes.. Lol

Don't open your mind up so much your brains fall out.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by juleol

The problem is that he claims himself that it is not about money, but about waking people up. If that was the case then he should have left these videos up as that would wake up more people which should be more important than earning a few extra bucks.

Do you honestly believe Icke is a one man business?

Does he just pack up his stuff - - traveling around the country doing lectures?

Does he have kids to put through college?

Does he have charities he supports?

Chopra isn't about the money either - - - but I assure you the "Shark" New York lawyer he hired is.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by juleol

The problem is that he claims himself that it is not about money, but about waking people up. If that was the case then he should have left these videos up as that would wake up more people which should be more important than earning a few extra bucks.

Do you honestly believe Icke is a one man business?

Does he just pack up his stuff - - traveling around the country doing lectures?

Does he have kids to put through college?

Does he have charities he supports?

Chopra isn't about the money either - - - but I assure you the "Shark" New York lawyer he hired is.

Alex Jones has made quite a good living waking people up by getting his word out for free. Certainly if David Icke's first priority was waking ppeople up. He wouldn't be selling "Hollow earths" and "reptilians" for a mandatory fee.

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