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What is the point of living if you're not rich?

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posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 07:39 PM

Originally posted by Night Star
Do you have aspergers? Do you have any mental problems? Why do you feel and act as you do?

Being rich will not protect you from possibly getting cancer or into an accident or getting some disabling disease. Being rich won't save you from the ravages of time as you age. Being rich does not buy you love and happiness.

There is so much you need to learn about life. You are shallow and unrealistic and oblivious to what true happiness really is.

Right on!

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 07:47 PM
There are still a few ways to become rich. Assuming you start from "not much", otherwise you probably wouldn't be here talking about you'll never be rich. In no particular order..

Be famous, sing, dance, act or just be a young, drunk, piece of trash Jersey and get on TV, on the stage or in the movies.

Invent "something". Got an idea? A dream? Go for it. See if you can change the world, build a better mousetrap, make a better pizza or whatever and maybe you'll make a mint in the process.

Invest. Got a mind for figures, for profit or even for the quick con? More than one has started small and made it big.

Win the lottery - hey it happens.

Lastly, woo a rich person.

Honestly, those are the most common paths to riches. Yes, all are a long shot. They take a varying degree of luck, skill and hard work. Some are more luck, some are more skill and work. Heck, it was easy to get rich then everyone would be doing it. But, in the time it took you complain about not being rich you could actually get started working on getting rich or enjoying what you have.

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by Alyssa

Originally posted by fourthmeal
This thread summarizes the very essence of someone who has not yet woken up.


If you had a big house, you'd want a bigger one. If you had a nice car, you'd want another. If you have fine jewelry, you'll want more. It is the very essence of this insatiable EGO appetite that has humanity in the situation it is. The illusion of scarcity! Quite the illusion.

The EGO is never, ever satisfied. EVER. It is a part of the human condition that represents our true adversary. And the reason you have it as an adversary is to grow beyond it, and learn the lesson contained within that struggle. Karma is your loving teacher, pay attention in class as it is fully in session.

We don't have long now, so my recommendation is, today, begin seeking awareness free of Ego. Might I recommend Eckhart Tolle's books as a start? Or maybe a sabbatical in a land with people that do not depend on commodities as much? Or heck, maybe just a camping trip or something.

I've woken up to humans living in denial. All of you like me desire riches and bliss beyond your imagination. You restrict your frame of thought in order to keep your sanity in your uninteresting existence. Most of you realize just how small you are so you cover up your shame by believing in Myths about the ego. Truth is there is nothing wrong with wanting to be rich and/or desiring more things.

I've awoke also to a reality of humans never finding any truths. ATSers are doomed to finding nothing repeating an endless cycle of finding info that will circle them around to another clue about another clue and so on until it ends in nothingness.

You know something? When I first read your post, it upset me. All I saw in your words was whining.

But I just came across a serious mental illness and I think you suffer greatly from it.

I wish for your happiness, and that you get well soon. Here's the link;

The Mental Illness Causing American Society To Crumble

You should have this treated immediately... millions of people suffer from this disease, and in my opinion, its an epidemic. God bless.
edit on 15-11-2012 by XxNightAngelusxX because: typo

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 08:23 PM
Either you are trolling hard or you have to be.kidding with this thread.

What is the point when all you are is person. I hate that. Wealthy people that sacrificed and worked hard for their fortunes don't identify with the crap they have. That is why they achieved it. They kick some serious ass and made their dreams possible. Their kids on the other hand usually identify with the wealth they were born to and classify themselves as "rich". WTH is that? You can not BE the sum of the sh** you have. It is nice to have it but that does not afford you a personality or an identity.

The point? LIFE, that is what.

I grew up in a messed up family. When my sisters left to college and my dad had already moved out after a LONG divorse I was left with my mother. She was fighting depression and trying to get her life together. I was 14 and too smart for my own good. I started down a path of self destruction. What saved me and gave me purpose were my friends (BROTHERS). We became eachothers family. We did the little things for eachother that no one could for us. We were eachothers purpose.

I got really into hardcore underground music. I found that it reflected the brotherhood and family my close friends shared. I had 3 friends from our tight nit group that were into the same scene. We would go to shows, drink, sing, laugh, get bloody, wake up after sleeping on NYC side walks, all that good stuff. The crowd in the NYHC scene was like us.

Broken homes, problems, missery, working class, blue collar trash, some were not just dirt poor but homeless. They, we were happy though. As long as we had eachother we were doing good. We were the scum of society. Wasted youth, forgotten, hated, anti social. But to each other we were more than acceptable. We were preferred. We could walk into any town or neighborhood for a show anywhere in the country,and need some one to talk to, help us if we were in trouble, lose our money not have a ride home, be lost, what ever and we were there for eachother. A perfect stranger would offer us a place to crash, words of wisdom and friendship or a ride home WELL OUT OF HIS WAY.' What ever was needed. We were a community of lost souls that took care of eachother.

That exists in many forms in society. We may have an imperfect world full of imperfect people like us, but we have eachother. The homeless Guy who is just really hungry and cold has that stranger that sees him and buys him a hot cup of coffee and a sandwich, or just talks to him like a human being. The woman crying alone on the bus for whatever reason she was, has that stranger that sits next to her and hands her a pack of tissues and asks her if she wants to talk about it. That kid who gets beat up everyday because he is different has that fellow outcast that stands up for him and defends him against all odds for nothing in exchange. There are many examples.

That is worth Living for. Cold, hungry, sad, outnumbered and utterly defeated. Shamed and humiliated and a walking wreck of self hate. We are not alone, we have each other. We are wealthy in true love and purpose. We are honored to be who we are for eachother. Together we hold it down.

That is why. That is the purpose. That beyond the uncertainty of life's missery and fortune, we assure the companionship of eachother along the way. Never alone, never forgotten.

Nothing less than the true nature of humanity. Family.

edit on 15-11-2012 by zedVSzardoz because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 09:20 PM
Oh yes, also

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 04:54 AM
reply to post by Alyssa

I would like for average people to worship me as I drive by in my limo. THIS IS ALL I'VE EVER WANTED IN LIFE!

This has to be the most lame comment I have EVER read on Ats, sorry.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 06:10 AM
reply to post by Alyssa

Being rich only will not make you happy, I have proves of that with my girlfriend.

But it can bring you nice material things too, if that`s the only thing you are looking for, go for it. Don`t believe in some people here, that think every rich people wants to destroy the world and exploit the people.

edit on 16-11-2012 by hououinkyouma because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 07:22 AM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

onnnn poor girl
i feel her pain .. her dad should be hanged for that

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 07:28 AM
As tempting as it is to point out the shallow and selfish nature the OP seems to have, I agree with others here that the OP may very well be mentally ill, and that's a sad thing.....

I always find an interesting question to ask people is "what would you do if you suddenly became rich?" I find the vast majority, including myself would share the wealth. I find it obscene that some people can make a "business deal", play a sport, or act in a movie, make millions of dollars, while the people who clean thier toliets can barely make ends meet.

I find it obscene that an outfit and accessories worn on the red carpet could pay off the morgage on some poor families home who may have lost thier job through downsizing or illness and outright Greed by preditory bankers. I honestly don't know how those people sleep at night in those ridiculous mansions when they have the means to help so many others that are suffereing.

edit on 16-11-2012 by MountainLaurel because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by MountainLaurel

The humanity is not ready for that kind of behavior yet, if everybody shared their money, some other people would stop working...some already do that.

And why should I gave up all my money, I worked for that. While some other people do not even try.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 07:50 AM
reply to post by Alyssa

You aren't my ex wife are you?


posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 07:52 AM
reply to post by Alyssa

You quote

All of you desire riches and bliss beyond your imagination....Thats a very broad assumption

and you are DEFINATELY NOT speaking for me!

Again from you

You restrict your frame of thought in order to keep your sanity in your uninteresting

existance...Personally my existance from my point of view has been anything but

I have been in the position of 'having 'servants' and having everything i

wanted, except i wanted very little. The trouble with 'wanting' (and ot earning) is when

you get it it's no longer of any value and you go on wanting....a never ending circle of desire -

No fullfillment or sense of achievment which one needs to have any sense of self worth

A brief biography of one of the worlds once richest men

The last Nizam of Hyderabad who died in 1967 aged 80 yrs. It is said he had enough pearls

to pave Piccadilly Circus in London, he had a diamond valued at £50 million which he used as

a paper weight.YET he knitted his own socks, wore the same patched clothes and crumpled

turban for months and he cadged cigarettes from his guests. There was a time he needed

(not wanted) a new blanket to keep him warm and ordered a servant to buy a new one with

a strict limit on the cost, the servant returned unable to get one for that price, so the Nizam

made do with his old threadbare one!!

So even wealth becomes pallid with familiairity

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 07:57 AM
if someone someday make me choose between living in a big rich fancy castle or a farm

im choosing the farm right away !
and i wouldnt even have to think about it

yes thats who i am .. very simple guy that like to live very simply

im like this elephant

Just An Elephant On The Beach With A Rope

edit on 11/16/2012 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 07:59 AM
Lol this is funny... I could tell it was you from the first few sentences, especially when you mentioned cakes. I don't think we are all as materialistic as you, or else you would blend in better :p

I'm not going to lie, finding a purpose in life other than being rich or pretty is hard, especially these days, so I sympathize a bit... maybe you should get a hobby or something.
edit on 16-11-2012 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 08:10 AM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

nah i dont think she suffer from mental illness .. thats a bit harsh to say
but she do suffer from heavy capitalism brainwashing
one day she will come back to reality .. i hope so for her own sake

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 08:46 AM
we come into this world we have nothing.... we leave this world we take nothing with us .... wealth ... fame doesnt mean a damn thing in the long run of history... better to spend the time making the world a little better place instead of adding to the misery in the world chasing after coloured pieces of paper and shiny bits of metal that fools and idiots think has value... Ill stick to being poor and happy over rich and miserable any day...

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 08:50 AM

Originally posted by hououinkyouma
reply to post by MountainLaurel

The humanity is not ready for that kind of behavior yet, if everybody shared their money, some other people would stop working...some already do that.

And why should I gave up all my money, I worked for that. While some other people do not even try.

You missed my point entirely, and I disagree that most hardworking people would stop working if they were given some relief in times of need, much of which as been directly caused by greedy elites that think YOUR work is worth as little as possible, but THIER work is worth millions...and you can bet when your job is shipped overseas and your commuity is mercy will be shown when they take thier homes and businesses they have paid into for however many years.

If people really understood what the banks are willing to sell your morgage for to 3rd party investors, but not offer that same deal to you, most people would be sick, and I know this first hand from working for one of these companies...corruption to the core.

I am not rich, have worked hard all my life, I donate my time to charity's in lew of money, but give what I can. If I were to become super rich you can bet I'm helping those in need before buying ridiculous, extravagant nonscence items I don't need...that would make me happy too...and my soul isn't for sale.....

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 08:53 AM
i just want to live a simple live style, no need to be rich just minimal, a job I like, good place to live, spare time to do my hobbies, and some other basic needs and i am happy

I wouldn't like to have a big mansion, to much stuff to look after.. i dont need it anyway
and let me tell you, it's fun buying expensive gadgets, but after a while you see you dont actually need them, and the fun is over

you don't need a lot of money to be happy my fellow homo sapien

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 08:53 AM
There IS nothing wrong with wanting more. What's wrong is letting it consume you, exactly like it has here. See, riches are nice but everything has a Karmic consequence. Do I get rich at the expense of others? That's going to cost me. You see I LEARNED early on (thank you, Creator) that Karmic balance is in play. So yes, I can get rich. But what do I give up? Time, family, love life, ultimate happiness? You cannot have it all.

If you "collect" things, your collection is never complete. Ask any collector.

It is obvious you are trolling at this point though. I have zero shame, and I am not small, where it counts (lol). I have a great wife, a perfect 2yr old boy, and a stable job, a home, and a couple cars. I also have my health. I consider myself extremely lucky.

I'd like you to remember that even this attitude and action (even if it is just a troll attempt and you really don't feel this way) will have a Karmic balance to pay for. So, I advise not being the judge and just BE.

Originally posted by Alyssa
I've woken up to humans living in denial. All of you like me desire riches and bliss beyond your imagination. You restrict your frame of thought in order to keep your sanity in your uninteresting existence. Most of you realize just how small you are so you cover up your shame by believing in Myths about the ego. Truth is there is nothing wrong with wanting to be rich and/or desiring more things.

I've awoke also to a reality of humans never finding any truths. ATSers are doomed to finding nothing repeating an endless cycle of finding info that will circle them around to another clue about another clue and so on until it ends in nothingness.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 09:14 AM
Get rich or die trying..

Go find some rich dude if you're attractive enough. That is the quickest easiest way I would imagine.

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