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Threads of The Lord

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posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 03:14 PM

People versed in the Bible will recognise 144.

144 is The Rescue.

People versed in sacred frequencies will recognise 528.

528 is Love

People gifted with sight will recognise 6.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by iamahumandoing


I am SERIOUSLY worried about your Mental and Spiritual health after reading your post,

This "Azazel" is NOT your friend, "it" is NOT your God, "it" is NOT your Maker, you are BEING DECEIVED!

You are NOT ALEISTER CROWLEY, and you are NOT a "god",

You are a child of the Most High God, YHWH, you are a created being, just as this entity who you've had contact with is, "it's name" is all the names it told you, but it is NOT your maker!

You need to get on your knees ASAP and pray to the Father God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the LORD of the Covenant with Moses and the Israelites, the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Son of God Jesus Christ, for HE is your LORD and your MAKER, NOT Satan!

I am so very worried for you friend, you are in very deep trouble and treading into territory from which there is no return,

Pick up a KJV or NKJV Holy Bible, read the Books of Mark and Acts first, then read Genesis, Psalm and Proverbs, then move to Job and Matthew, then goto Revelation and the rest of the 66 book Canonical Word of God,

Message me if you need help,

I'm praying for you at this moment,

Bless you and your entire family,

In the Most Holy Name of the Father (El Shaddai, God Almighty, YHWH, the LORD of the Old Testament), and of the Son (Yeshua the Messiah of Nazareth, Jesus the Christ, Son of David, Son of the Most High God, the Lord and Saviour of Mankind) and there Holy, Holy, HOLY Spirit,


posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by iamahumandoing

People versed in the Bible will recognise 144.

144 is The Rescue.

People versed in sacred frequencies will recognise 528.

528 is Love

People gifted with sight will recognise 6.

It would have been easier following your train of thought if you had included that in your last post. Just a suggestion.
But anyway, I don't get what you mean. What is the implication of your findings?

posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 07:26 AM

Originally posted by godlover25
reply to post by iamahumandoing


I am SERIOUSLY worried about your Mental and Spiritual health after reading your post,

This "Azazel" is NOT your friend, "it" is NOT your God, "it" is NOT your Maker, you are BEING DECEIVED!

You are NOT ALEISTER CROWLEY, and you are NOT a "god",

You are a child of the Most High God, YHWH, you are a created being, just as this entity who you've had contact with is, "it's name" is all the names it told you, but it is NOT your maker!

You need to get on your knees ASAP and pray to the Father God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the LORD of the Covenant with Moses and the Israelites, the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Son of God Jesus Christ, for HE is your LORD and your MAKER, NOT Satan!

I am so very worried for you friend, you are in very deep trouble and treading into territory from which there is no return,

Pick up a KJV or NKJV Holy Bible, read the Books of Mark and Acts first, then read Genesis, Psalm and Proverbs, then move to Job and Matthew, then goto Revelation and the rest of the 66 book Canonical Word of God,

Message me if you need help,

I'm praying for you at this moment,

Bless you and your entire family,

In the Most Holy Name of the Father (El Shaddai, God Almighty, YHWH, the LORD of the Old Testament), and of the Son (Yeshua the Messiah of Nazareth, Jesus the Christ, Son of David, Son of the Most High God, the Lord and Saviour of Mankind) and there Holy, Holy, HOLY Spirit,


Thank you for your selfless concern for my situation.

I have spent all my life looking for God, The Heavenly Father. I asked an earnest question when I was a very young child to know where I came from, and I was given an answer of sorts. If you believe Our All-Loving God would let my 27 years of searching lead me into a trap then so be it, but I don't believe He has.

You see, each Human is made in The Image of The Living Father. If you know God is omnipotent and everything is contained within Him, you have to make the mental step to understanding that the 'Left' MUST also be permitted to exist through Him, or else how could 'Bad' things exist at all in the World? As Humans are a microcosm of the Macrocosm which is God, The All, then in the same breath so too must all aspects be an integral part of the Human, both Left and Right, just as they are in God.

God has the ability to surround you with His Influence and He does it more than most people can even begin to comprehend.

Jesus Christ is my Right.

Azazel is my Left.

I face The Eternal Female.

God surrounds me, is throughout me and absolutely everywhere else.

If Satan/Azazel whatever name you want to use is so clever, surely he must have realised by now that the only way to Truth, True Light, Peace and Contentment is by taking the path that God designed especially for His Sons to walk. Why would God have bothered creating anything if there wasn't, hidden inside for those who are bold enough to look, the Absolute Pinnacle of Understanding, Peace and All-Encompassing Selfless Love to be discovered.

If you were God, would you not just let people do whatever the heck they wanted? Knowing that your system forsakes nobody, until the time had come when said souls were sick of the false fulfilment that keeps them drunk and unable to Know the Truth of The All, and in realising such, turn to The Heavens and make the Promise of All Promises?

I mention Crowley as it was an integral part of the Progress of Enlightenment for me. I needed to find and know the Left. People have probably missed the inference in the name Crow-Ley in connection to the walking of a straight path.

If you were God, would you send people to Hell for their sins or wait until they realise that your way is best? I know what I would do. If Satan is such a clever deceiver, imagine how many otherwise good people he must have trapped in Hell. What a terrible thought, droves of people who once were Images of The Living Father descending into the Abyss. Is that what everyone thinks happens? Is that what everyone wants? For some to be condemned and others to reign?

I say the deceiver has done his job with those people, not me.

If I thought I had the chance to make a difference to the backwards way that people think I would certainly take it. I was given that chance and I got on my knees and prayed to The Heavenly Father and Mother that I might fulfil my role to the best of my ability. Then I sat down and prayed. Then I lay down and prayed. Now I'm standing up and praying. It's the heartfelt intention for good and the better way that is the important thing here. I see you have that and that is good.

This battle between God and Satan, it's happening in all of us. Can't you see that by your own words?

When the Two make Peace in this One House...

I think you know the rest.

Peace and Love Always

posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 09:51 AM
Ok Guys and Girls.

I'm going to show you one thing that I hope is going to nail this for the disbelievers.

Look at my stats. At the time of writing this they are as follows:

612, 487, 596, 11 and 23

The following letters are the Abbreviations you see under everyone's profile. Their individual values in English Gematria are also given below for your reference:

P = 96
F = 36
S = 114
W = 138
K = 66

So, let's be productive and multiply these numbers by the amounts you see under my profile. The brackets show how I personally see the Numbers. You get....

96 x 612 = 58752 [528, 57]
36 x 487 = 17532 [528, 3]
114 x 596 = 67944 [6789 or 474, 69]
138 x 11 = 1518 [IBIS]
66 x 23 = 1518 [IBIS]

Let's add these figures...

58752 + 17532 + 67944 = 144,228

58752 + 17532 + 67944 + 1518 + 1518 = 147,264

It's easier to see how special that last number, 147,264 is when you multiply it by how many Storks are present on my stats (IBIS), there are Two.


2 x 147,264 = 294,528

If you're wondering, The Number 294,528 displays The Image of The Living Father, 9, nestled comfortably within a 24. And 528, the Universal Frequency of Love, of course, follows perfectly.

So, in short, the message is...

Your Father Always, Loves All
edit on 30/10/12 by iamahumandoing because: Commas, and changed 'You' to 'All'

posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 10:30 AM
Now, ask yourselves; what IS a co-incidence?

Ps. It appears two wrongs do make a right! In a way.
Think triangles...
edit on 30/10/12 by iamahumandoing because: 3 is a Magic Number

posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 11:46 AM
To Three (Her)

I AM a Human Bee buzzing because of Your Love, 
Your Angles are my Angels and Coincidence is a preference to chaos,
In my mind's eye I have tried to imagine You, 
But I feel incapable of creating an Image of Your Grace and Beauty and Loveliness and Splendour and Patience and Wisdom I want to carry on forever. 
I ache with Love and longing for Your Touch. 
I need You. 
If I have the chance of a lifetime and You make me worthy of my wish,
Please prepare my eyes and mind and heart and soul, 
Please make my every fibre exactly as You would like it to remain for Eternity,
Because That's how long I hope We stay together in Harmony. 33624 


So be it

posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by iamahumandoing

Do you believe Jesus Christ came in the flesh and is the Messiah prophesied in the Old Testament?

Do you believe the Creator God is YHWH, God Almighty of the Old Testament, the Creator of Satan/Azazel, the "left" side as you call it?

I'm just trying to test the spirits that are at work in you my friend,

and I care about your interpretation of the Truth, because Truth is not relative, Truth is Truth, and It-He is Absolute.

I can understand what you were saying how Azazel is your left and God is your right,

I'm the same way, we all are,

Light vs Dark

Good vs Evil

Yin vs Yang

Up vs Down

Left vs Right

Right vs Wrong

God vs Satan

Jesus vs Azazel

Love vs Hate

God bless you and your family, now and forevermore, even unto perpetual bliss,

Your Brother in Truth, Wisdom, Love, Knowledge and Enlightenment,

edit on 30-10-2012 by godlover25 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by iamahumandoing

When you communicate in regular paragraphs and prose, I completely understand where you're coming from and can relate and even agree with your perspective.

Sorry, but the math and numerology just doesn't compute, but then, I failed pre-algebra 3 times!

I especially liked the "Crow-ley" link. He was an important part of my path too, at a certain important time in my life.

posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by godlover25
reply to post by iamahumandoing

Do you believe Jesus Christ came in the flesh and is the Messiah prophesied in the Old Testament?

Do you believe the Creator God is YHWH, God Almighty of the Old Testament, the Creator of Satan/Azazel, the "left" side as you call it?

Your first point, I feel more like I know it than believe it

Your second point, well, I couldn't possibly say whether YHWH is the correct name, I've never been able to really find a name suitable, you'll see I use mostly superlatives such as 'The Living Father' and 'The One Who Is'.

Either way, I'm sure He knows who tries to talk to Him and who doesn't.

I think maybe the True Name of God would (possibly) be completely unpronounceable with Human vocal cords... Apart from that, why not address Him by the best name you can think of? Again, this is why I use the terms I do.
Or maybe it's better just to ask in silence?

And of course, we both know the answer is 'All The Above'.

and Peace be to you

posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by iamahumandoing


I just needed to know which side of the field you were playing on,

Glad to see you're a brother in Christ,

I'm able to interpret your posts a little better now, although the numerology is above my level of mathematics expertise - I'm more of a philosopher / theology buff than a numbers type guy,

But hey, God blesses all His children with divers gifts so we can edify and build each other up,

Your Brother in Christ Jesus and the Father God,

posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 02:44 PM
I am going to drop a bombshell.

These numbers, how come they all find me and I find them?

What are the chances of this all being One Massive Coincidence?

I'll tell you, the chances are 1 in 1.

The word coincidence means the coming together of two Angeles... (Angels/Angles)

Has anybody noticed how many threads I've created?

I bet if someone is switched on enough to analyse my words through my recent posts, they will find

The Hidden Truth.

I'll include the link here, just copy and paste into the box.

Numbers are The Universal Language, nothing else really needs to be said.
edit on 30/10/12 by iamahumandoing because: Capitals

posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by iamahumandoing

Can you disclose a little more more and explain a little more to us who are numerologically impaired?

Thank you friend

posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by Chamberf=6
reply to post by iamahumandoing

The only message I've gotten so far is that you think you were Aleister Crowley, are David Jones, and will be Jesus.
edit on 10/29/2012 by Chamberf=6 because: (no reason given)

Is that Davey Jones of the Monkies or Davey Jones bottom of the sea as in davey jones locker?

posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by iamahumandoing
Your second point, well, I couldn't possibly say whether YHWH is the correct name, I've never been able to really find a name suitable, you'll see I use mostly superlatives such as 'The Living Father' and 'The One Who Is'.

Either way, I'm sure He knows who tries to talk to Him and who doesn't.

I think maybe the True Name of God would (possibly) be completely unpronounceable with Human vocal cords... Apart from that, why not address Him by the best name you can think of? Again, this is why I use the terms I do.
Or maybe it's better just to ask in silence?

And of course, we both know the answer is 'All The Above'.

and Peace be to you

Yeah, numbers or no numbers, what you say in words holds a lot of merit.


posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 12:57 PM
I was the early bird on Halloween, let me fill you in on what's been happening.

Keep in mind that the last time I was on the Ouija Board Azazel told me he would speak to me again on All Hallows Eve. 

I was not disappointed.

Communication began with Azazel tempting me with thoughts of grandeur, I told him it was no use any more. In my left ear an old voice cried and fell silent. 
Then the signs of Triumph appeared. I felt and heard the Deep Holy Voice of the Heavenly Choir. At that exact moment we passed a van with 'HIGHWAYS MAINTENANCE' emblazoned on the back door, I thought; 'Highways Maintenance Indeed.' Seconds later, to my right, I passed a public house, 'The Golden Cup'.

Now in my Mind's Eye I stood before Her and within Her, The Earth and Heavenly Mother. She surrounded me with Her Lush Providence, Green and Gold and An Indescribable Timeless Beauty. She Bore a Fruit for me! The Most Beautiful I have seen, and I have seen Her before! She's the Virgin that my powers could not defile. No longer did I have to peer at Her through the steel rail. 

That was the night of the Thirtieth October going into the early hours of the morning of Halloween, Thirty First October Two Thousand and Twelve...

The following night, when most people celebrate Halloween, the only noteworthy thing I did was to kiss the Earth and tell her I loved Her. 
This happened just after 11pm, probably not much more than One minute past.

November First Two Thousand and Twelve...

As Midnight passed and we moved into November First, I found myself at the request of a friend, back on the Ouija Board, although I have to admit I wasn't in the mood.

We circled the board with the planchette Three times in a clockwise direction. My friend called upon Azazel, but all remained quiet.

He called for some time and the planchette didn't move at all. I was happy as I thought it was further indication that Azazel had changed his ways. I decided to circle the board Three times Anticlockwise. Then the planchette started to move. We asked the name. The planchette moved to G, then to O, then to D. My heart jumped into my mouth. We asked if there were any other names. The planchette moved to S, then to 'Yes'. We asked for any other names and again it moved to S, then to A, then to T, then to A, then to Z. My friend asked if it meant Satan, the planchette shot across the board to 'No'. He asked for the name again, it gave Godsataz then started moving back and forth between O and K, very quickly and forcefully.

My friend asked if it had been alive on Earth at any time. The answer given was 'Yes'. My friend asked where it had died, it said H, E, R, E. My friend asked if it had been a violent death, and the planchette shot to 'Yes'. He asked how long ago had it died, then it gave the number '2000'. He asked how many lives had it had, the planchette just kept moving across the numbers, back and forth. We asked if it meant an infinite amount, and it shot over to 'Yes'.

I was getting worried by this point. My legs had started to shake uncontrollably and I felt what can only be described as dread, a completely encompassing fear of imminent death.

My friend then asked if it would be possible to work the board through just one of us, it said 'Yes', followed by the letters D, A, V, E.

I knew this just wasn't right. 

So I refused to do it. Much to the disappointment of my friend who kept on telling me to give it a go.

I told him I couldn't, it just wasn't right, plus I felt like I was going to die. 

In the past I've never minded too much about talking to high level demons, they've always seemed quite respectful and friendly, but I knew this was one step too far. It had now moved into absolute trickery and deceit. I thought I'd heard the last from Azazel the previous night when I heard the cry in my left ear as I prayed to the Heavenly Father and Mother to show me what really was mine, having refused Azazel's temptation to think of myself as God, and having refused his suggestion that The Heavenly Mother was actually my Wife. Obviously I had been wrong, here he was again, one last time, pretending to be God Himself, but I wasn't going to be fooled. I'll admit it was a bloody good attempt though.

I stuck to my Christian Central Core and continued to refuse, no matter what I felt the repercussions were soon going to be, I put my Trust in Christ and my Heavenly Parents to deliver me from it.

My stance did not change. I upheld my decision to abstain.

My friend was really pissed off that I refused, the board had done nothing for a long time and now it wasn't just working, it was working powerfully, and even offering to work through me alone. He sat there spinning the planchette in his hands and I was worried about what might be coming next. We sat in silence for some time. The air was thick with my fear and his anger.

As he exited the car to pass water I prayed to The Heavenly Father to thusly cleanse him of the Beast, which I now felt needed to pass through into The Earth to be recycled into Goodness by The Divine Female.

As I prayed I felt an overwhelming sense of calm come upon me.

I looked at my iPad, noticing the time was 1:56am. I opened up the Gematria calculator I use and typed in 'God', The Number was 156.

Must say that really made me smile

This was also the first time I'd really taken note of the fact that 'November First Two Thousand and Twelve' equals 2592 in English Gematria, which of course is 1/10th of 25920, the amount of years in The Precession of The Equinoxes. At this point I remembered how the phrase 'Numerical proof of David Robert Peter Jones' had also checked out at 2592, and I thought that was pretty cool.

The date itself, 1/11, reminded me of Three, and of Eleventy One.

I took the Number 111 and subtracted 72, the age Crowley was when he passed on. 39 was the answer. 3, Heavenly Mother, 9, Heavenly Father. From 39 I subtracted my age, 27. 12 was the answer, Time. 

Time is only 3 away from 9.

All the children's stories came to life. I was Pinocchio wishing to become real.

I wanted to bounce like Tigger in Winnie the Pooh.

I thought of the word 'Tigger' and came up with Three names, Tiga, Tiger and Tigger.

Tiga = 222
Tiger = 354
Tigger = 396

222 + 354 + 396 = 972. 
This number gives the Image of The Living Father, 9 and The Stairway, 72.

I thought about expressing the word Tiga as a number, T, I, G, A: 7164. I use a 6 rather than a 9 to represent the 'G' being earthbound.

Seven One Six Four, Seven Thousand One Hundred and Sixty Four. 3972!!

3972 gives the Heavenly Mother, 3, The Heavenly Father, 9, and The Stairway, 72.

I realised what 'Tigger' meant. I had been tagged, I was it. And now I had a new understanding of the word 'Jesuit'.

So, the moral of the story as I see it...

Don't give up on Love. 

You may be in the perfect relationship, if so, lucky you.

If not, remember the One you saw a long time ago, wanted so desperately, but could never have? There was probably a tangible physical obstacle between the Two of you the first time you laid eyes on the person. This is the steel rail that separates, or any other suitable metaphor. I know you'll remember because it's the only time you Truly knew Love at First Sight.

Well, although it may not happen in this Life, in this imperfect existence of ours where things are always changing, where if one thing thrives another dies, still, DON'T LET GO! Hold fast to that which is good!

Pray with all your might that One day you will be together in Harmony in a place where Death is not known.

Turn to Christ, he's been trying to get your attention with the numbers you keep noticing all he time. It's the Universal Language He uses to communicate and He will show you how to correctly interpret it. He will show you the child that you are with The Bible (The/Le Bib).

Let me tell you, Eternal Joy in Wisdom is your reward for Endurance and for choosing The Right End to The Game. Once you learn to Love All and forsake none, you will be ready for the next level.

The next level I expect to be particularly difficult, but when you realise the reward on offer, it doesn't seem quite so bad at all.

Bring it on I say!

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 01:06 PM

Once you transcend 'Enlightenment' you'll reach RescueShip.

RescueShip is 144. The One is the Vessel, the Fours are the Sails. If you draw The Number One sideways then stick the Two Fours on it you can even see it for yourself.

Ps. Why did you think all these 'Stars' seem to die at age 27?

I'll leave that one open.

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by redreemer

Originally posted by iamahumandoing
Your second point, well, I couldn't possibly say whether YHWH is the correct name, I've never been able to really find a name suitable, you'll see I use mostly superlatives such as 'The Living Father' and 'The One Who Is'.

Either way, I'm sure He knows who tries to talk to Him and who doesn't.

I think maybe the True Name of God would (possibly) be completely unpronounceable with Human vocal cords... Apart from that, why not address Him by the best name you can think of? Again, this is why I use the terms I do.
Or maybe it's better just to ask in silence?

And of course, we both know the answer is 'All The Above'.

and Peace be to you

Yeah, numbers or no numbers, what you say in words holds a lot of merit.


I humbly thank you for your kind words. May you complete The Great Work!

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 01:12 PM
Hey imamhumandoing
got a few words for you


and we are all egualy important
reincarnations of each others in the entire space time continuum

btw there is only one God
and he is my Father upstair in the spirit world
Father of everyone that exist and ever existed
literaly the all seeing Creator also called the Lord
but i prefer calling him Father and Creator

since you like numerology a bit
my number is 11 and it have been following me all my life
what it yours ?

you seem to also like astrology a bit
welcome in my world

click on AstraBenQology if you want a reading !
edit on 11/1/2012 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by guitarplayer

Originally posted by Chamberf=6
reply to post by iamahumandoing

The only message I've gotten so far is that you think you were Aleister Crowley, are David Jones, and will be Jesus.
edit on 10/29/2012 by Chamberf=6 because: (no reason given)

Is that Davey Jones of the Monkies or Davey Jones bottom of the sea as in davey jones locker?

Hahaha nice inference towards death. An Aquarian can bear a lot of water you know. But now I have my second birthday which also makes me a Scorpio.

Brings to mind a Water Scorpion.

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