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America's Most Highly Decorated Living Veteran Calls Kerry 'A Man Of Benedict Arnold Qualities'

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posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 12:05 AM
More and more the picture about John Kerry gets more clear, and yet he still will not sign the 180 form.

Former POW 'Astonished' By Kerry's False Testimony Charging War Crimes
America's Most Highly Decorated Living Veteran Calls Kerry 'a Man of Benedict Arnold Qualities'
by David Freddoso
Posted Oct 15, 2004

Col. George E. "Bud" Day is America's most highly decorated living veteran officer. He served in World War II, Korea and Vietnam, receiving more than 50 combat awards and the Congressional Medal of Honor.

What he wants now is to stop John Kerry from being elected President.

You are a winner of the Congressional Medal of Honor, and well known among people familiar with the history of Vietnam. What is so important to you about this election that you have decided to get involved in the efforts of the Swift Boat veterans?

COL. BUD DAY: I felt a terrible sense of outrage when the Kerry campaign attacked President Bush about his National Guard qualifications, because I was the advisor to a Guard unit that got called up for Vietnam, and we lost three friends of mine. And I thought it was a very mean thing for him to be discounting that military service in the Guard, because that unit likewise could have been called up. They were flying 102s out of Thailand during the Vietnam War. It wasn't probable, but it certainly was possible. I thought it was a very unfair thing. And then, when his campaign began playing Kerry up as a war hero, I thought that was very questionable, considering the fact that while his service might have been satisfactory, what he did in 1971 after coming back was quite unsatisfactory.

[edit on 18-10-2004 by edsinger]

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 12:36 AM
You know, here is perhaps the greatest living American war hero telling it like it is - but no liberals will listen.

They will take Kerrys 3 month in nam over ths guys 50 medals, 3 wars, POW time and MOH.

They will write it off as Republican propaganda...

Liberals make me sick

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 11:50 AM
......because, of course, being "America's Most Highly Decorated Living Veteran" means the guy knows the full ins and outs of everything military and that he could never be (wittingly or unwittingly) drawn into petty partisan politics, right?

(or that this 'quote' is - like that pathetic Swift Boat saga - unauthorised or so full of edit and half truth as to be meaningless)

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 12:06 PM
It blows my mind that a veteran of 3 wars would back a candidate who WILL send off the sons and daugthers of america to fight for a war based on flimsy intelligence and personal vendettas. I would think he would want no more wars unless totally necessary, but sadly it seems he either believes what the media shovels out, or just doesnt mind 1000's of our people dying for whatever whim Herr Bush and DC cook up.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 12:17 PM
America has been at war for dozens of year. We refused to acknowledged that this war was on-going, through both Republican and Deomocratic administrations. Terrorist declared war on the United States years ago, The bombing of the Marine Barracks were one of the first blows. It was not until President Bush, said "enough is enough" and took the war to the Terrorist. The war on Iraq is an extension of the war on terror. it is the same. Freedom from terrorist takes many lives, just as fighting the facist and nazi's from WW II took many lives. Most Veterans realize this. those of us who have been wounded by results of terrorist acts, I was wounded in the Khobar towers bombing, know that we can't have a global test on terrorism. We must not stop.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 12:18 PM
Yawn. He is a war veteran, big deal.

He has fought in wars, and? He is no better judge than the Janitor down the road.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 12:19 PM
it blows my mind that people would support a person who called our sons and daughters criminals because they were doing their duty in Vietnam. I think it shows a total disregard for those who fought honorably in vietnam and imagine those poor guys who were held as prisoners of war and what hell it brought on them. I could never vote for a person who betrayed america like he has. Im not saying this because i dont endorse bush either... i dont like our choices at all but I cant trust someone who sold america out like kerry did.

[edit on 18-10-2004 by bobobb]

[edit on 18-10-2004 by bobobb]

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by jrsdls
America has been at war for dozens of year. We refused to acknowledged that this war was on-going, through both Republican and Deomocratic administrations. Terrorist declared war on the United States years ago, The bombing of the Marine Barracks were one of the first blows. It was not until President Bush, said "enough is enough" and took the war to the Terrorist. The war on Iraq is an extension of the war on terror. it is the same. Freedom from terrorist takes many lives, just as fighting the facist and nazi's from WW II took many lives. Most Veterans realize this. those of us who have been wounded by results of terrorist acts, I was wounded in the Khobar towers bombing, know that we can't have a global test on terrorism. We must not stop.

I couldnt have put it any better myself! Kudo's to you sir!.

It just amazes me that some in here cant see this picture...

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