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ATS is a LAB and we are the RATS

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posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 02:37 PM
The government can watch you on any website they want really, so what does it matter at the end of the day? If this was a data mining site i think a decent amount of members would actually get a pass if TPTB actually tried to go thru with population reduction, just because they are intelligent. This would be the wrong place to find enemies of the state i think. Yeah we discuss all the BS and try to see things for what they are but this isn't a hang out for lunatics at least i don't think it is. We got a few that make wild threats or get a little excited but they don't seem to hang around long.

Honestly do they even need to waste time with websites? don't they have the capability to use smart meters, smart phones, smart tv's and random appliances to spy on people? I just don't think that anyone that would come on to a forum and talk about any crazy stuff they are thinking about doing if they really have any intention to go thru with it.

Quack Quack

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by ChaoticOrder
But in all honesty the question seems pretty redundant to me... we all post here knowing it's a public message board where anyone can read what we post. I bet ATS has been data-mined plenty of times, by intelligence agencies and by universities doing research. It's not like any of those other forums are any more protected from the same type of data-mining. What makes them think their posts on their forum aren't being monitored and collected?
edit on 2/10/2012 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

There is no doubt that many of us have been tagged. I know that everything I post will or could be read by any intel agency or police. This goes the same on every site on the internet. I don't rage online because I know what I say will be used against me in a court after the SHTF and people start dying in the streets.

I have emailed both the Iraqi and Iranian Embassy and governments trying to find information about amnesty given former US government officials who assisted Saddam with the use, deployment and material support for the deployment of WMD.

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by TheGrandWarlock

It is commonly believed in these communities that ATS is in fact an experimental website where members are given data and their reaction and/or knowledge is observed and recorded.

This has probably been the case since the inception/implementation of the internet.
Even if the owners of ATS aren't "in on it", there is nothing stopping outside factions from monitoring this site.

As long as my thoughts aren't censored, I'll continue to use this site regardless of the "dangers".

Freedom doesn't really exist unless it is exercised.

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by Hefficide

I notice you spend a lot of time defending ATS. In this instance you go to great lengths. One might go as far as to say you're a "Dis-Info" Specialist....Forgive the persona attack but you brought your persona into the mix. Remember we are just profiles here.

NOW in Regard to the OP
What all fail to recognize is that ATS is nothing other than a monetary gain (Zionist) on the psychological aspects of Terror Management Theory.
every click, log on, gets paid. With the rebel towards Capitalism, why do they KEEP CLICKING ON? every click, log on, gets paid
Fear.....Terror Management Theory

I know the truth. And even if I didn't, I have enough software on my computer to know what packets are coming and going. And from where

of this I absolutely have no doubt!
edit on 2-10-2012 by racer451 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 03:49 PM
Thoreau spoke of the wise minority that rarely gets representation in political and other arenas. I see ATS as a place where the wise minority can belong and grow with its ideas and knowledge.

And sometimes not so wise... they'll welcome all sorts.

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by racer451

If two posts suggesting that people check things for themselves is "going to great lengths to defend ATS"? Then guilty as charged.

The members here are smart folks. They can click next to this post and see all of my "posts in thread" and decide if your statement has merit or not.


posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by Hefficide

Sorry heff but according to a week or so back didn't you create that false persona to try to manipulate people here on ATS, so does that mean I have figured it out! You are a government covert agent sent here to test us and take the really smart and funny ones away! Hold on someones knocking at the door............................................

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by iwontrun

If you mean this thread - then I disagree. No false persona involved. Only a statement that me ( or anyone on the internet ) could be anyone at all.

Anybody who bothers to dig through my posting history looking for inconsistency will come up bone dry. I am open and honest about my entire situation and most of my personal life. I even use the same username on multiple social media sites.

The irony of demonstrating to people how they are toyed with, mentally, is that they sometimes make the connection that if you KNOW it's happening, that infers that YOU are involved.

Personally, whatever people think about me is no skin off of my back. I've always been a "do what I feel is right regardless of the risks" kinda guy anyway.


posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by racer451
reply to post by Hefficide

I notice you spend a lot of time defending ATS. In this instance you go to great lengths. One might go as far as to say you're a "Dis-Info" Specialist....Forgive the persona attack but you brought your persona into the mix. Remember we are just profiles here.

NOW in Regard to the OP
What all fail to recognize is that ATS is nothing other than a monetary gain (Zionist) on the psychological aspects of Terror Management Theory.
every click, log on, gets paid. With the rebel towards Capitalism, why do they KEEP CLICKING ON? every click, log on, gets paid
Fear.....Terror Management Theory

I know the truth. And even if I didn't, I have enough software on my computer to know what packets are coming and going. And from where

of this I absolutely have no doubt!
edit on 2-10-2012 by racer451 because: (no reason given)

I'VE NOTICED, that Heff is a very good Moderator, who writes great threads and participates in forums quite often as just a poster. As for your comment, if there was a MOD who didn't defend ATS when it was needed, thats when I would question them/their motivation for moderating and being here. It's kind of getting silly how many people try and call him a "dis-info" agent. Take two seconds to go to his page and read his threads, he seems like a pretty normal person to me. If you had already I don't think you would be calling him such things.

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 04:14 PM
I think the most interesting angle on this topic, is that a variety of groups may indeed use ATS and other such forums to run trial balloons on a number of ideas and issues. This data would then be analyzed and rehashed to the general public in such a way as to control perception and world view. Awareness of such tactics would go a long way in keeping such groups from falsely altering paradigms.

The entire world now forms itself through the rather ambiguous nature of the information age, and perhaps the greatest battle being waged is that of informational control. Control what the masses think and therefor there is little need to control what the masses do. They will do it voluntarily. If forums are used for trial balloons, it would be important to root them out for what they are - reactionary testing.

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 04:44 PM

ATS is a LAB and we are the RATS
reply to post by TheGrandWarlock

Yeah, we are the rats! Personally they can read and take note of my reactions to issues any time. In fact I kind of like that they know how I feel. They may think of us like rats, but these rats can't be kept quiet.

Rats usually multiply.

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 05:13 PM
Hello ATS,

Let's take a look again at what the OP said...

It is commonly believed in these communities that ATS is in fact an experimental website where members are given data and their reaction and/or knowledge is observed and recorded.

What data?

Stories, that's what data, right?

Now how about this post from member, pirhanna?

I think the most interesting angle on this topic, is that a variety of groups may indeed use ATS and other such forums to run trial balloons on a number of ideas and issues.

This data would then be analyzed and rehashed to the general public in such a way as to control perception and world view.

Awareness of such tactics would go a long way in keeping such groups from falsely altering paradigms.

Trial balloons on a number of issues and ideas? And what would those consist of?

More stories, right?

So, one of the fundamental problems when it comes to putting out the information that the OP has is that people, that is most of you on this thread, do not appreciate the importance of narrative, folklore and storytelling to those that would control us and head off any 'creative' or maverick impulses that we may display.

The control of narrative is the new neutron bomb, people.

But I don't expect you to believe me because what it takes to understand all of this is just not on your radar.

And that is OK.

But I want to help, if any will have it, and I will take this slowly, and in fact this may be just about all I have to say about it on this particular thread.

If you have no appreciation for narrative, please let me help you find some...

Federal Writer's Project

Thank you, OP.


Does the structure and function of stories vary considerably across cultural contexts or is there a universal theory of story?

How can we take stories and make them quantitatively analyzable in a rigorous, transparent and repeatable fashion?

What analytic approaches or tools best establish a framework for the scientific study of the psychological and neurobiological impact of stories on people?

Why Is The U.S. Government Interested In Storytelling

edit on 2-10-2012 by Xoanon because: .

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by Katharos62191

Originally posted by racer451
reply to post by Hefficide

I notice you spend a lot of time defending ATS. In this instance you go to great lengths. One might go as far as to say you're a "Dis-Info" Specialist....Forgive the persona attack but you brought your persona into the mix. Remember we are just profiles here.

NOW in Regard to the OP
What all fail to recognize is that ATS is nothing other than a monetary gain (Zionist) on the psychological aspects of Terror Management Theory.
every click, log on, gets paid. With the rebel towards Capitalism, why do they KEEP CLICKING ON? every click, log on, gets paid
Fear.....Terror Management Theory

I know the truth. And even if I didn't, I have enough software on my computer to know what packets are coming and going. And from where

of this I absolutely have no doubt!
edit on 2-10-2012 by racer451 because: (no reason given)

I'VE NOTICED, that Heff is a very good Moderator, who writes great threads and participates in forums quite often as just a poster. As for your comment, if there was a MOD who didn't defend ATS when it was needed, thats when I would question them/their motivation for moderating and being here. It's kind of getting silly how many people try and call him a "dis-info" agent. Take two seconds to go to his page and read his threads, he seems like a pretty normal person to me. If you had already I don't think you would be calling him such things.

Poor Heff, his nefarious, evil, horrible, satanic agenda to get people to actually think for themselves and recognize things ...and converse like civilized adults even if we disagree... failed miserably.
SO Heff.. you mean all of those threads, all of those posts, and times we have all goofed off in chat.. that was a fake persona.. consistently for yrs?!? ZOMG.. CONSPIRACY!!!!

Unlike SOME places, the mods here dont go undercover as regular posters with alternate identities to make threads of their own. Mods here take the heat obviously.. Heff certainly has. He has owned his words and then some. Some things that are being objected to.. if a regular member had written it, the reception would have been much different. The "authority angst" here annoys the hell out of me... as if mods are some powerful authority figure. More like babysitters for adults.

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 05:19 PM

It is commonly believed in these communities that ATS is in fact an experimental website where members are given data and their reaction and/or knowledge is observed and recorded.

Here's the thing though, when I make a thread I do it exactly for those reasons, so people cab observe and remember what I said if it ls interesting to them

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 05:23 PM
If your on the internet anywhere, your a labrat, especially with the amount of technology they have today to tailor anything and everything to the user.

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by ChaoticOrder
Yes I would still come here and yes I would still post. Just so they have that statistical anomaly in their research. A bit of random chaos to keep them on their toes.

to your quote,

I have been a rat my whole life and am still one....So nothing would really change. I like to cause a little chaos myself at times....all in good fun of course.

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by TheGrandWarlock

Rats? Nah we're more like guinea pigs.

The rats are a different type of breed, which I'm sure there are plenty here.

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by Advantage

Baby sitters for adults, is a good way to put it.

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 05:37 PM
Who knows
If the disinfo agents actually read enough of the members posts
they may actually start to think about some of them as being factual/plausible/believable.
After all they are human to. They might even have there own opinions about things.
Stranger things have happened.

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by sarkon

Actually a legitimate cause based poster would be oblivious to any and all comments except those he makes or which are in direct opposition to him Frequently they will not even reply to any counterpoints. This is an Alinsky methodology.

In my opinion is that the reality is we don't need much "disinfo" as we tend to create enough of it ourselves. We tend to muddy our own waters by having an imaginative community with highly divergent viewpoints.

The case study that shows this best is the Kennedy assassination. I no longer recall the numbers, but the vast majority polled agreed that they felt Oswald did not act alone. But if you then asked them about individual alternative theories, the numbers suddenly bottomed out. Research suggested that the reason for this was that there were so many opposing "theories" that they effectively cancelled out their own validity, collectively and individually.

Today, if a file were released with definitive and absolute truth of what happened that November day? A fair amount of us would dismiss it as "disinfo" simply because we've been wired to do so by previous shenanigans.

As for watching us online in general? Humans are not even really all that necessary as I explained here. All that's really necessary is a relatively small staff and every transmission, of all kinds, can be effectively monitored.


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