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Iran Haters: NOW what....? What crime do you charge Ahmedinejad with?

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posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by penninja

Originally posted by

Originally posted by penninja

Originally posted by talklikeapirat
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

This is where i wholeheartedly disagree. Would you mind telling that to the people in Syria?

Sure, Iran is active via proxy in the region in places such as Syria as they are allies with this country so they have every right to provide support if they feel the need to do so...

I know you've heard Ahmadinejad's speech. He unambiguously stated, the sovereignty of all countries is to be respected, as are the human rights of all people, and yet you defend Iran's right to be actively involved in the internal affairs of another country "if they feel the need to do so..."

If you're going to apply the same standards to everyone else, wouldn't it be the right of the U.S. too, to pursue their own interests "if they feel the need to do so..." ?

edit on 26-9-2012 by talklikeapirat because: 2

Why should anyone care what he states? "the sovereignty of all countries is to be respected" nambla thinks the sovereignty of their sexuality should be respected too... of course he thinks this lol if that's the case they can do whatever the hell they want with no interference, wouldn't that be nice, I bet NK thinks the same way

This makes no sense, whatsoever... Part of them being a sovereign nation is having the right to enforce laws that have been in effect SINCE.... They are ALLOWED to have a law against homosexuality, just like OTHER NATIONS. They are ALLOWED to have nukes, like OTHER NATIONS!!!

I don't flippin get it...

No you don't because your kind of clueless

Any law can be made, things can seem right or wrong

In theory your allowed to talk in a movie theater too but do it too many times someone might stand up and punch you in your damned face several times walk out and get away with it, just because...

Everyone is free to be a scum, sociopaths walk among us every day

But in the REAL the day always comes when they piss off the wrong fricken guy and get what's coming to them.

So go... flip the bird at every car that passes you on the hwy, someone is going to block you at an intersection one day and shoot you in the head.

Is it right? wrong? These are IMMATERIAL questions in regards to WHAT IS.

There is a such thing as Freedom but what people fail to realize is it has consequences, you can eat as much as you want you will have a stroke and deserve it, you can watch porn all day eventually your privates wont respond, you can smoke and you can get lung cancer.

They Have a right to say "Gay marriage is illegal"

They also have to deal with a nation where Homosexuality is legal that has 5000 Nukes, 11 carrier Battle groups and a lot of Gay guys that vote

So sad too bad bye bye

A lot of Jews, Christians, Homosexuals, Artists, Musicians, Gloriously Free Women and Many, many others live here and just don't like what they do. And it's the only thing we have in common lol is disliking them...

We have freedom of speech here

Anyone can say whatever they want to me

when I follow them around the corner where no one is looking..... well then they understand Freedom and using it poorly are 2 different things

What's so hard to understand?

You have "The right" to go talk to a biker (for example) and explain why you dislike his lifestyle or a gang banger... Go ahead and do it and see what "the right" actually counts for in the real world

LMAO so we're justified going to war in response to statements? That's all I needed from you... thanks.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by penninja
I'm not trolling, i'm dead serious

They never "said" what is the need to say anything when your religion exports people and converts, it's simple demographics.

Millions of American Muslims... That's what the fema camps are for.

Forcibly change my ways... numbers in a democracy forcibly change our ways, I Like my life, we finally have a good Liberal in office, I want to drink my beer, I like Sex, I Like relationships not forced marriage, I like pork, I Like entertainment... what do they need to say they think every thing I like should be illegal, they would criminalize me... so to hell with them, off to the camps for deportation

Your the Troll you Traitor, Traitors get HUNG by the way when wars end so i'd be very, very careful who you support vocally if you like them so much you might find yourself fenced in to before this is over.

For some odd reason I thought I was having a real discussion with some sort of a rational human being, but naa, I was dead ass wrong. good day sir, I'm done with you.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by

I charge him with being a scuzzy dweeb and an idiot, even though I realize as a Christian I'm not supposed to judge, but it's not really a judgement in terms of worth, just an evaluation. He and his Mullah overloads they don't really represent the people of Iran.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by Corruption Exposed
No offense FF but your post is full of false statements and a whole lot of the pot calling the kettle black.

No. I posted the truth. But the apologists for Iran just don't like it.

but Iran is not allowed?

I didn't say they weren't allowed. I just said that it was what they were doing and that iranian apologists shouldn't ignore that truth. Iran isn't innocent. I also said .. EVERYONE is involved in the Middle East and NO ONE has clean hands when it comes to the Middle East or Persia.

The United States and it's allies have turned teh ME upside down over the last couple decades.

I never said they didn't. But so has Iran and so has Saudi Arabia and so has Syria and so has Egypt. Like I said .. no one is innocent in the MIddle East.

What has Iran been up to in Saudi Arabia?

Proxy war with Saudi Arabia carried out in Syria. Saudi Arabia hates Iran. Iran is hates Saudi Arabia.
Korea Times - Saudi Arabia and Iran Proxy War
Foreign Policy - This Week At War Syria as Prologue
Saudi Arabia Iranian Proxy War Heats Up

And there is absolutely no proof of Iran supporting terrorism in the US or South America

There is plenty of proof. It's plastered all over the news and all over this site all the time.
Iranian apologists don't want to see it for some reason. I don't understand their need to
try to make Iran look innocent when in fact .. no one is.
I'd quote the sources .. but you know them all and have obviously already dismissed them.

edit on 9/26/2012 by FlyersFan because: fixed quote

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by

Originally posted by penninja

Originally posted by

Originally posted by penninja

Originally posted by talklikeapirat
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

This is where i wholeheartedly disagree. Would you mind telling that to the people in Syria?

Sure, Iran is active via proxy in the region in places such as Syria as they are allies with this country so they have every right to provide support if they feel the need to do so...

I know you've heard Ahmadinejad's speech. He unambiguously stated, the sovereignty of all countries is to be respected, as are the human rights of all people, and yet you defend Iran's right to be actively involved in the internal affairs of another country "if they feel the need to do so..."

If you're going to apply the same standards to everyone else, wouldn't it be the right of the U.S. too, to pursue their own interests "if they feel the need to do so..." ?

edit on 26-9-2012 by talklikeapirat because: 2

Why should anyone care what he states? "the sovereignty of all countries is to be respected" nambla thinks the sovereignty of their sexuality should be respected too... of course he thinks this lol if that's the case they can do whatever the hell they want with no interference, wouldn't that be nice, I bet NK thinks the same way

This makes no sense, whatsoever... Part of them being a sovereign nation is having the right to enforce laws that have been in effect SINCE.... They are ALLOWED to have a law against homosexuality, just like OTHER NATIONS. They are ALLOWED to have nukes, like OTHER NATIONS!!!

I don't flippin get it...

No you don't because your kind of clueless

Any law can be made, things can seem right or wrong

In theory your allowed to talk in a movie theater too but do it too many times someone might stand up and punch you in your damned face several times walk out and get away with it, just because...

Everyone is free to be a scum, sociopaths walk among us every day

But in the REAL the day always comes when they piss off the wrong fricken guy and get what's coming to them.

So go... flip the bird at every car that passes you on the hwy, someone is going to block you at an intersection one day and shoot you in the head.

Is it right? wrong? These are IMMATERIAL questions in regards to WHAT IS.

There is a such thing as Freedom but what people fail to realize is it has consequences, you can eat as much as you want you will have a stroke and deserve it, you can watch porn all day eventually your privates wont respond, you can smoke and you can get lung cancer.

They Have a right to say "Gay marriage is illegal"

They also have to deal with a nation where Homosexuality is legal that has 5000 Nukes, 11 carrier Battle groups and a lot of Gay guys that vote

So sad too bad bye bye

A lot of Jews, Christians, Homosexuals, Artists, Musicians, Gloriously Free Women and Many, many others live here and just don't like what they do. And it's the only thing we have in common lol is disliking them...

We have freedom of speech here

Anyone can say whatever they want to me

when I follow them around the corner where no one is looking..... well then they understand Freedom and using it poorly are 2 different things

What's so hard to understand?

You have "The right" to go talk to a biker (for example) and explain why you dislike his lifestyle or a gang banger... Go ahead and do it and see what "the right" actually counts for in the real world

LMAO so we're justified going to war in response to statements? That's all I needed from you... thanks.


That's real life sometimes people shut your mouth for you and asinine philosophy of tolerance for all will ever change that

and it's not about just words

You have to have CONVICTIONS and stand by them, it's Wrong to suppress women, it's wrong to suppress sexuality, it's wrong to Force people to adhere to a Deity they don't believe in

The real problem people like you have is that your spoiled, scared and lack conviction

Gas and food being expensive to stand for true human rights would interfere with your indulgences and your a coward. You can talk here but in real life you wouldn't have the guts to suffer at all for your beliefs I strongly doubt you would be allowed to EXIST in that socety

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by Corruption Exposed
Once the truth has been established as fact it is no longer a matter of opinion.

You said that the truth decides who is right and wrong:

Originally posted by Corruption Exposed
people will disagree on who is right or wrong but at the end of the day it's the truth that decides this

There is no objective, universally agreed upon way of measuring right and wrong. It is a matter of opinion.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by

Originally posted by penninja
I'm not trolling, i'm dead serious

They never "said" what is the need to say anything when your religion exports people and converts, it's simple demographics.

Millions of American Muslims... That's what the fema camps are for.

Forcibly change my ways... numbers in a democracy forcibly change our ways, I Like my life, we finally have a good Liberal in office, I want to drink my beer, I like Sex, I Like relationships not forced marriage, I like pork, I Like entertainment... what do they need to say they think every thing I like should be illegal, they would criminalize me... so to hell with them, off to the camps for deportation

Your the Troll you Traitor, Traitors get HUNG by the way when wars end so i'd be very, very careful who you support vocally if you like them so much you might find yourself fenced in to before this is over.

For some odd reason I thought I was having a real discussion with some sort of a rational human being, but naa, I was dead ass wrong. good day sir, I'm done with you.

Yeah exactly, all one liners

NOTHING to back up a word for 4 posts now.

I'm not rational? Why because i'd be willing to fight and do what needs to be done for what I believe in? To suffer? To be poor if need be?

I'm irrational? You live in a world where people should do whatever they want because all beliefs are just okay? And I'm irrational?

Do you realize by this same standard you hold... that if it's "their culture and belief" they have "The Right" That America by that theory could still have slaves? That by that same banner Pedophilia, Human trafficking Even rape could be under a national or Religious banner and it would be okay?

What? The rights of Women... this isn't up there with Slavery? 14 yr olds with fat old men for life with no choice is okay? The denial of free will in the name of Allah isn't human bondage?

I guess it's okay? There is no code of human rights that is universal for all... I must be "irrational"

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 02:54 PM

I DARE Any Iranian sympathizer in here to do any of the following

Convert to islam and

1: tell your daughter at 15 you have arranged a marriage for her

2: tell a gay man he will have to go back in the closet or face jail Time

3: Go out on a Friday night and tell people on the street to sign a petition for prohibition to be reinstated

4: Suggest at a party the age of sexual consent be dropped back to age 12 and adult men be allowed to be with women at that age

5: Walk up to a Woman on the beach and call her slut and tell her to put her clothes on

6: Suggest a ban on books, art, music and movies in any major city in the west

Because you know...that's freedom

"How much for zeee little girl, she is almost ripe and ready for birthing many sons"

Explain that to your daughters lol...

edit on 26-9-2012 by penninja because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
reply to post by

I charge him with being a scuzzy dweeb and an idiot, even though I realize as a Christian I'm not supposed to judge, but it's not really a judgement in terms of worth, just an evaluation. He and his Mullah overloads they don't really represent the people of Iran.

I feel the same about Obama, Cameron and Netanyahu.
They don't represent the people of the western world.

With illegal wars and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan and helping to overthrow governments such as Libya and Syria.
They are representing an elite group of Globalists with an agenda.

II saddens me to see so many people are willing to see yet another nation crushed.
I still can't see what any of these people have done to us.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Yes the US is that bad. go do some research

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 02:56 PM
The military-industrial complex needs war and the vast majority are stupid enough to believe a myriad of make believe reasons. People who cannot accept 9-11 was a false flag because the mainstream media calls you an absolute nut after they invite you to their program and interrupt you all the time. You would think after 11 years of studying, more people would be hanging the democrats and republicans to dry. It is sickening.

Putin was correct in that the west and israel are continuing their holly crusade. This time the knight templars are sitting snug in switzerland waiting for the global currency after they start world war 3 somehow and depopulate severly. Hopefully they fail!

Classic. heehe. Bill and hillary want to end the war but at the same time insult the guy screaming "inside job".

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by Fineousstitch
Yes the US is that bad. go do some research

The USA is guilty of the 'greatest crimes in the history of humanity'??
Yeah sure ... YOU go do some research. Better yet ... go take a few
history courses in college.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by penninja

I DARE Any Iranian sympathizer in here to do any of the following

Convert to islam and

1: tell your daughter at 15 you have arranged a marriage for her

I'm already muslim. Arranged marriage is an eastern culture, not an islamic mandate. If these people were to forget all about islam tomorrow, they'd still have arranged marriages.

2: tell a gay man he will have to go back in the closet or face jail Time

Again, if that's the laws of THEIR country, how does that effect you, other than not effecting you?

3: Go out on a Friday night and tell people on the street to sign a petition for prohibition to be reinstated

Are you just, saying things now? This has nothing to do with islam...

4: Suggest at a party the age of sexual consent be dropped back to age 12 and adult men be allowed to be with women at that age

12 - or the peak of puberty is scriptural the point where people begin to reach into adult thinking, and that's not just in islam. Bat Mitzvahs take place at 12 and Bar Mitzvahs at 13.

5: Walk up to a Woman on the beach and call her slut and tell her to put her clothes on

Cuz this happens SO much...?

6: Suggest a ban on books, art, music and movies in any major city in the west

WHAT??? Why would anyone do that......?

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 03:05 PM

Right wingers are gonna love this one. Bill Oreilly treats the university of wisconsin 9-11 truth professor as absolute trash. Insults him to death and cuts him off constantly. The professor gives up and leaves.

It seems fox news can't wait for ww3 to happen. I left some nice comments on that page, which I cannot post here because of the stricter terms and conditions.

edit on 26/9/12 by EarthCitizen07 because: wrong video, fixed it.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 03:17 PM

I'm already muslim. Arranged marriage is an eastern culture, not an islamic mandate. If these people were to forget all about islam tomorrow, they'd still have arranged marriages.

Which tells the whole story and who said this practice wasn't an abomination everywhere it's done?

Again, if that's the laws of THEIR country, how does that effect you, other than not effecting you?

I happen to have a lesbian daughter and I Love her and it affects people like HER so it's my concern and I choose it be. What kind of sick line is that? how does any atrocity of culture affect everyone, your obviously okay with it, you live here you vote... you wont stand up against it...that makes YOU and YOURS a threat to me and mine and that's where I decide you need to GO by whatever means neccessary

Are you just, saying things now? This has nothing to do with islam...

Oh no, booze would be legal under Islamic law? really? spin me another yarn

or the peak of puberty is scriptural the point where people begin to reach into adult thinking, and that's not just in islam. Bat Mitzvahs take place at 12 and Bar Mitzvahs at 13.

Yeah just throw it back at the Jews lol... who said I think they have the right either? Aside from it's not prevalent in the culture if it was they should have their asses handed to them too

Cuz this happens SO much...?

No it doesn't happen at all HERE because you'd catch a beating so fast you wouldn't know what hit you, it happens there plenty though

where what who...duhr... Iran just put up it's own Intranet, where are you hiding what are you in denial of? Try denying it, they cut the cord as best they can, what is the net digital books, art, music? How can you sit there and pretend?

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by

Wow, you really are that blind. Weird. You must be part of the Iranian government? The reason Iran isn't getting nukes is because we don't want them to have them. Why don't we want them to have it? Because we have the ability to stop them, and the less nations that have nukes, especially psychologically insane Muslims, the better.

Why does Israel have nukes? Probably, because we want them to have them, and they are surrounded by, I don't know, the most radical region of the world, and they just happen to want to kill most Jews.

Whether we like it or not, the entire world is technically at war with Islam, and Iran is the leading force behind the radical Muslim " savages ".
edit on 26-9-2012 by milkyway12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 03:19 PM
I'm thinking the real question is, what has Iran, 'with proof ' done to get the attention they are getting?

The United States, United Kingdom and Israel are propagating they (Iran) are making nuclear weapons. Where is the proof?

I understand Iran isn't on the up and up all the time. Other than saying threatening words, what exactly are they doing wrong and why can't they use technology to better their lives just like the rest of the Nations have? Until there is exact proof they are doing something illegal, I say leave them alone and watch them from a distance. Now, I say illegal, but what does that mean? It's their country, and what is illegal here may not be illegal there and who are we to say they can't do something in their own country? Who died and made certain members of the UN the rulers of the Earth? I didn't see that memo.

Maybe if everyone minded their own business, it would be a more peaceful world.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by openyourmind1262

You think we have really made Saudi Arabia bow down to democracy? Then how come female American medics still cannot touch a male muslim in that region even to save his life? I would think twice about what you think we have made peoples in that region do.

(Although King Abdullah reportedly appointed the first female minister in govt.)

King Abdullah took bold steps to reshuffle his government in February 2009, promoting reformers, firing controversial officials, including the conservative head of the religious police and the country's most senior judge, and appointing his first-ever female minister, for women's education.

In September 2011, King Abdullah granted women the right to vote and run for seats on the Shura council, which advises the King on policy issues. The ruling will not go into effect until the next election cycle in 2015.
But being that a number of 9-11 hijackers were Saudi, I hardly think that this all occurred due to the presence of US on Saudi soil.

edit on 26-9-2012 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-9-2012 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 03:23 PM
You know...

Under a microscope the sickness of the culture becomes apparent

You sit there and throw out the top level coating, Islam is peaceful, Islam is tolerant

But under scrutiny... all you can say is.."how does it affect you" "That's not true" but it blatantly is and it's undeniable...

Your response to forced marriage is.... "Everyone is doing it over here" well that's fantastic... that makes it okay hell everyone is jumping off a bridge over there...might as well do it too

Your response to the issue of clothing and booze is "that doesn't happen" every damn woman for 3000 miles has to cover her face... but that's not real no... of course it;s not real HERE...YET, in numbers it will be though.

How does Human Rights affect ME...

I Once saw a Pimp dragging a girl into an alley in Mid town Manhattan... he said " This ain't your business" before I beat his ass, then when the cops came they beat his ass too worse than I did... It's EVERYONES Business when you mess with Women... That's MY CULTURE

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by penninja

Which tells the whole story and who said this practice wasn't an abomination everywhere it's done?

Nobody said that....... And nobody outside of you tried to use it to justify war.... and then failed

I happen to have a lesbian daughter and I Love her and it affects people like HER so it's my concern and I choose it be. What kind of sick line is that? how does any atrocity of culture affect everyone, your obviously okay with it, you live here you vote... you wont stand up against it...that makes YOU and YOURS a threat to me and mine and that's where I decide you need to GO by whatever means neccessary


That entire paragraph makes you sound more psychotic than before..... You might need SERIOUS help...

Oh no, booze would be legal under Islamic law? really? spin me another yarn

No...... never said that... not to mention, you're clearly on a troll mission because this thread had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH ISLAM!!!!

Yeah just throw it back at the Jews lol... who said I think they have the right either? Aside from it's not prevalent in the culture if it was they should have their asses handed to them too

you're solidifying your position as a troll...

No it doesn't happen at all HERE because you'd catch a beating so fast you wouldn't know what hit you, it happens there plenty though

Then what the hell are you bitching about it for.....

where what who...duhr... Iran just put up it's own Intranet, where are you hiding what are you in denial of? Try denying it, they cut the cord as best they can, what is the net digital books, art, music? How can you sit there and pretend?

dude...when did I deny anything.... at all... You're making me tired with this runnin around in circles tryna launch missiles at muslims.
edit on 26-9-2012 by because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-9-2012 by because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-9-2012 by because: (no reason given)

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