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posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 03:44 AM
I had a dream on March 23, 2012. It was total blackness. Total silence.

Then this word in big white block letters appeared across the dark.

"HOMON", it said.

"Human?" I asked the void.

"H O M O N", it said, spelling the word slowly, one letter at a time on the blackness.

Then I was shown a picture of a crib, the only object in an otherwise barren room, that sat against a wall under a window. The window was broken, its light blue patterned curtains hanging limp over the crib on a bent curtain rod. A splintered tree branch protruded through the gaping shards. It was completely quiet. Completely still.

Then I woke up. Six months later it still haunts me. It was like a warning. Of what I don't know. I just know I have to share it.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 03:52 AM
It's another word for "homo"


posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 03:56 AM
It is much more interesting than another term for homo...

Look up the Esperanto meaning. It is a statement accusing of being human.

Esperanto is an interesting made up one world international language and the meaning fits with the dream.

It seems you were sent a message.

Turn that around in your head a few times and see what you find.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 03:59 AM
Homon (Jap., ‘dharma gate’). The teachings of the Buddha. In the Four Great Vows (shiguseigan) of Zen, (part of the bodhisattva vow), the third is: ‘The dharma gates are manifold: I vow to enter them all.’
edit on 17-9-2012 by zonetripper2065 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 05:02 PM
I got this definite "end of mankind" feeling out of it. Like there was some path we are on that must be changed. It was definitely a message.


"Homon" is Japanese for "The Dharma Gate".

"Tao (the Way of the Universe) is always present. There is no need for us to cultivate it. However, we do need to cultivate our own connection to the eternal Tao. This is what is meant by “cultivating Tao.” A dharma gate is a method or a path that helps us to find Tao (the Way)."



accusative singular of homo



Genitive singular form of homo.


Homo is the genus that includes modern humans and species closely related to them. The genus is estimated to be about 2.3 to 2.4 million years old.

But when I asked, "Human?" It spelled it again, so I discarded definitions 2 and 3.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 05:04 PM
Using a dream dictionary, I thought I'd try spelling out the word since it appeared to me all in capitol letters.


To see the letter "H" in your dream symbolizes cooperation, balance, and teamwork.


To see the letter "O" in your dream signifies an exclamation of surprise as in "oh!". Alternatively, the letter O implies that there may be something you need to open up about and vocalize.


To see the letter "M" in your dream suggests that there is something that you are keeping silent about. Perhaps you have been sworn to secrecy.

O (repeated)


To see the letter "N" in your dream implies the end of some habit, journey, relationship or condition.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by TempleCat

homo is Esperanto is specifically human being and not the genus homo while homon is the singular, meaning a single human which would not be the same as human thus the distinction.

I think the other explanation might be better but I don't know it well enough.

The other symbolism is very strong and could lead to a better meaning of the words. I find that words and symbols in visions tend to back each other up. If it was an important message multiple repeaters in the same vision should lead to the same conclusion.

The crib is powerful

Broken window is powerful

I suspect both are like nouns

Bent curtain rod, empty room, blue curtains are in my opinion modifiers to lend a direction and meaning to the other 2...

I am not sure of the tree limb, could be either.

What I can tell you is that your vision is very powerful and I can see it in my third eye, it makes my stomach flutter and my mind tingle with familiarity.

Is there a particular belief system to which you subscribe? What general geographic location are you in? These things might help to add understanding to the vision... and might not depends on the source really.

Try to meditate on the source of the vision and see what you see.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 10:49 PM
I am "non-denominational". I believe the person and what they do and say is more important than the label they place themselves under. I believe that every living thing is connected.

I live in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. My known ancestors are English, Swiss, Welsh, Irish, German, Iroquois (Mohawk), and possibly another tribe.. I am drawn to both Celtic and Native American music and folklore as well as "New Age".

I have a suspicion that it was the Iroquois speaking to me.

"The Iroquois believe that our souls have other desires, which are, as it were, inborn and concealed. These, they say, come from the depths of the soul, not through any knowledge.... They have no divinity but the dream. They submit themselves to it and follow its order with the utmost exactness. Whatever they see themselves doing in dreams they believe they are absolutely obliged to execute at the earliest possible moment. Iroquois would think themselves guilty of a great crime if they failed to obey a single dream."

Source Here

I will take your advise and try meditating on it.
edit on 9/17/2012 by TempleCat because: Just a lil typo

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by TempleCat
Using a dream dictionary, I thought I'd try spelling out the word since it appeared to me all in capitol letters.


To see the letter "H" in your dream symbolizes cooperation, balance, and teamwork.


To see the letter "O" in your dream signifies an exclamation of surprise as in "oh!". Alternatively, the letter O implies that there may be something you need to open up about and vocalize.


To see the letter "M" in your dream suggests that there is something that you are keeping silent about. Perhaps you have been sworn to secrecy.

O (repeated)


To see the letter "N" in your dream implies the end of some habit, journey, relationship or condition.

Well, there you go.

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 07:55 PM

Originally posted by Soloro

Originally posted by TempleCat
Using a dream dictionary, I thought I'd try spelling out the word since it appeared to me all in capitol letters.


To see the letter "H" in your dream symbolizes cooperation, balance, and teamwork.


To see the letter "O" in your dream signifies an exclamation of surprise as in "oh!". Alternatively, the letter O implies that there may be something you need to open up about and vocalize.


To see the letter "M" in your dream suggests that there is something that you are keeping silent about. Perhaps you have been sworn to secrecy.

O (repeated)


To see the letter "N" in your dream implies the end of some habit, journey, relationship or condition.

Well, there you go.

Except that definition just led me to more questions!

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by Jinglelord
reply to post by TempleCat

Try to meditate on the source of the vision and see what you see.

For two days I have meditated on it and then I got another short vision/dream right before I woke up yesterday. All I saw was a glass orb held up by a pair of gold hands, then the scene zoomed out and I saw two women clad all in gold from head to toe sitting at a table. The hands holding the orb were actually the base of the pedestal the orb sat on. The women were smiling and leaning forward while touching the base holding the orb. Then it went POOF and I woke up. The whole thing seemed like it only lasted 10 seconds or so.

Bah.. more questions. I guess I'll delve into that and see what I come up with.

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by Jinglelord

On a side note:
I started out thinking they were Indian women (From India, not Native American). They wore attire made from small gold scales, almost like armor, and each wore a headdress made from the same. Some Hindu deities are similar in appearance, but I have not found an exact match yet. I'm stumped.

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