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I have accurate information from Middle East, Film is just a straw that broke the back

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posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by nighthawk1954
I agree OP we should just pull out period... let them rule themselves!

I 2nd....or 3rd that!

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 07:42 PM
I'm surprised the British aren't being mentioned more in this conflict, perhaps the attack on prince Harry's base in Afghanistan was no random choice. Almost all of the problems over there can be traced right back to the Treaty of Versailles and the dismantling of the Ottoman empire. France and Britain were appointed administrators of the new territories, which were re drawn to suit European interests without regard for history, religion or ethnic background.
This is simply the next step in the evolution of that conflict, the backlash from Nationalist movements formed in the wake of WW2. Add to this the continued Israeli superiority complex and their inability to treat their neighbors with anything but contempt.
At this point I almost wish they would just get this over with, world wars are good for the economy.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 07:50 PM
Amazing view points on this thread. Thank you OP for starting it. I can see now why we will never disentangle our selves from the quagmire of the rest of the world. I am not sure what people were taught in school growing up, but it couldn't have had anything to do with individual rights and sovereignty.

Nowadays we are happy to liberate others of their lives and think nothing for it. The American Military Industrial Complex doesn't care about the people of the Middle East except that they are in the way. Cries of Humanity are used only to give the impression we care just as much and as little as we have to. Kind of mirrors a lot of the sentiments I read on ATS today. Sad state of affairs. This country is pouring itself down the shlt hole and whistling a tune while we do it.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 08:05 PM
Actually, often we are there as the result of legal treaties with the government. The extremists that don't want us there are not representatives of the government that does. They think they represent everybody, but they really and truly don't.

You might want to check out this wiki as an example:

Basically it would be like if Bill Gates objected to having Australian people here. He would take it upon himself to get rid of them. He'd gather like minded people and then do violent acts of terrorism against Australians.

That's really what is happening here.

The problem is they have a loud voice and the loudest voices, regardless of how many people are actually involved, gets the attention.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 08:42 PM
can someone please re-post the link to the youtube vid , I need to see what is going to start WW3

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by LostPassword

So I guess the wars they have between themselves don't matter? Iran vs Iraq? Iraq vs Turkey? Iraq vs Kuwait? India vs Pakistan? Everyone Against Israel? Egypt vs Israel? Palestine vs Israel? Russia vs Afghanistan? Taliban vs Afghanistan (Civil war)? Libyan vs Egypt? And there are many many more that didn't involve the US.

Daniel Pearl might have something to say about this one in particular. There have been hundreds abducted by extremist, airplane fulls in fact. Guess this escaped your mind as well.

Are you kidding? Saddam had jail cells that dropped acid on the inmates. Torture in Iraq was common place. They cut your hands off for stealing, stone women, beat people with split bamboo. Gotta love Sharia.

It's a very well know fact the Muslims kill more of their own than anyone else does.

Mind Control???
I didn't know they had one let alone one that was controllable.

Genetic experimentation?
This just escapes me.

Political Subterfuge?
Ever hear of the Arab spring and ousting the dictators with organizing through Social media on a street corner in Egypt?

Financial Plunder?
This has to be the best of all when Yasser Arafat dies with over a billion in wealth while the Palestinians barely survive day to day and blame Israel for the problems of them being poor. I'm trying to imagine what Arab countries would look like had we not taught them to find, produce, and ship the US oil at OPEC prices. How would Saudi Arabia look right now if they didn't receive our oil money? The biggest plunders of money in Arab countries are the Muslims themselves.

I am completely sure all these countries and there problems are because of the US. The next time you talk to the brother in-law ask him how we are going to get the money back we spent on the wars we so foolishly delivered to some of these countries we have plundered, Iraq is over a trillion now, and Afghanistan at about 750 billion. BTW how can you plunder Afghanistan unless you want dirt and rocks? Haji doesn't have much else but IED's. Nobody is as bad for the Muslims as the Muslims themselves.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by MarlinGrace

So I guess the wars they have between themselves don't matter? Iran vs Iraq? Iraq vs Turkey? Iraq vs Kuwait? India vs Pakistan? Everyone Against Israel? Egypt vs Israel? Palestine vs Israel? Russia vs Afghanistan? Taliban vs Afghanistan (Civil war)? Libyan vs Egypt? And there are many many more that didn't involve the US.

Oh really .....put this in your pipe and smoke it

Iraq was at the time friend with US and Saddam was given US support and approval to attack Iran.
Russians entered Afghanistan because of CIA meddling in Afghan democratic process,
do proper research.
Israel as formed in 1947-48 on already owned land made it a natural Target by rightful owners.
Israel's further expansion over the years made it an even bigger target.
As for Taliban, they are the product of CIA change in education text books in Afghanistan back
when Zbigniew Brzezinski was orchestrating foreign policy.

You got nothing on me friend

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by MarlinGrace

Daniel Pearl might have something to say about this one in particular. There have been hundreds abducted by extremist, airplane fulls in fact. Guess this escaped your mind as well.

How does that compare to hundreds of thousands of killed and millions of displaced people?
How does that compare to 3000 Americans killed by CIA and Mossad on 9/11?

Which is greater evil?

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by MarlinGrace

Are you kidding? Saddam had jail cells that dropped acid on the inmates. Torture in Iraq was common place. They cut your hands off for stealing, stone women, beat people with split bamboo. Gotta love Sharia.

Yes Saddam did bad things but the number of people Saddam killed IS NOTHING compared to how
many are dead due to USA invasion.

If you don't believe me, go to Iraq and ask if they love USA, you'll be lucky if you are politely told

And if they want Sharia Law, who the hell are you to go to their country and tell them how to live?
edit on 15-9-2012 by LostPassword because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by MarlinGrace
It's a very well know fact the Muslims kill more of their own than anyone else does.

Oh really ?

I guess you didn't get the MEMO where Iraqi local police managed to find few years ago
that money was paid by Mossad to bad apples which every society has to attack Sunnis
and Sunnis to attack Shiites, promoting infighting and chaos.

US and Israeli fingerprints all over that for many years, they did the same in Kosovo

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by MarlinGrace
Mind Control???
I didn't know they had one let alone one that was controllable.

Mind control should be obvious to you, since you are one of the victims.

And I can prove it to you..........Do you want more military interventions YES or NO

Do you believe Israel is Innocent YES or NO

Do you believe 50 years of US foreign policy in Middle East has produced benefits for US.....YES or NO

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 09:20 PM

Originally posted by MarlinGrace
Genetic experimentation?
This just escapes me.

Many things in fact escape you not just this

Depleted Uranium is making every 3rd baby born in Faluja in Iraq a demented disfigured monstrosity.

In other parts of Iraq the number is 1 in 9

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by MarlinGrace
Political Subterfuge?
Ever hear of the Arab spring and ousting the dictators with organizing through Social media on a street corner in Egypt?

Do you have any idea how long US/Europe/Israel supported dictatorial governments.

The people threw some of them out DESPITE not BECAUSE of US and Israel. And in fact people
are also realizing that US and UK are now taking over their revolutions by making deals
with terrorists to overthrow Assad in Syria.

None of these are positive acts by US

What part of USA IS NOT WANTED AT ALL don't you understand.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by MarlinGrace
Financial Plunder?
This has to be the best of all when Yasser Arafat dies with over a billion in wealth while the Palestinians barely survive day to day and blame Israel for the problems of them being poor. I'm trying to imagine what Arab countries would look like had we not taught them to find, produce, and ship the US oil at OPEC prices. How would Saudi Arabia look right now if they didn't receive our oil money? The biggest plunders of money in Arab countries are the Muslims themselves.

So the support and payment of dictators by the US and Israel is the people's fault.

Is that your logic, What about un-payable debt of US, UK, EU, Japan, is that not also financial plunder
by private western central banks, that happen to be above the government.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 09:36 PM
I am not gonna post here anymore, my energy is out, I have to take care of myself.

I can't fight all the shills, honest fools and agent provocateurs

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 10:16 PM

I am not gonna post here anymore, my energy is out, I have to take care of myself. I can't fight all the shills, honest fools and agent provocateurs

reply to post by LostPassword

Your calling a lot of baseless opinions facts. I think we should let the Muslims abuse their women and keep their people poor and stupid. The US should not give any of them monetary or military aid. However, we live on a very small marble. To completely pull out may cost us more in the long run. One overriding fact your ignoring is the idiots are killing, burning and destroying property because of a movie. All your other inane blithering is simply a way of justifying whats going on. Your full of what your spewing. The poor bastard who believed enough in Libya, to go there and put his life on the line when they were trying to overthrow the crazy SOB that was running the country, what did he get? He got sodomized and murdered. These are the people your defending. Bush did nothing to them, no depleted uranium, all your comments are horse#.


edit on 9/15/2012 by Variable because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 10:42 PM
Why the hell does the OP have so many stars when all he has presented is his (or her) opinion without and REAL accurate information?

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 10:44 PM

The US / Israel / their allies may at times act badly ...but they're not bad.
edit on 15-9-2012 by Sablicious because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 10:45 PM
I have noticed that the most outlandish claims by people seem to always be perpetrated as fact and with claims of proof but instead it’s on us to do our proper research.

The nutty professor just gave everyone a huge homework assignment because we failed the quiz and got it all wrong.

Man I never knew learning propaganda 101 was going to be so much work.

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 01:03 AM
ἀεὶ Λιβύη φέρει τι κακόν / καινόν
Aeì Libýē phérei ti kakón / kainón.
"Libya always bears something evil / new", Aristotle, Historia Animalium.

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