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This is a test of the Biological Emergency System

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posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 05:06 PM
Seems like that the reports are,..

Only one company makes the flu vaccine now, a large portion has been trashed because of contamination.

Lines of old people and those with weakened immune systems, as well as the very young,... for hours.

Media coverage daily on the chaos and tension.


Suddenly it occurred to me,

What a great test to find out how a Biological Emergency such as a terror attack, would be handled.

A beta test if you will.

Of course the old, young, and weak will be able to get their shots after some duress. This event is giving some interesting insight of how it would be (in a much smaller scale) if there were a sudden need to inoculate for some pathogen a whole population. Limited supplies, corralling the masses for their safety shot. And a method of dissecting the wills, and will not's from a crowd.

***This is just a test, had this been a real emergency, you would have probably already missed your chance for inoculation.***


posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 05:16 PM
Probably better to have a homeopathy kit with at least 36 remedies and the info for prescription
Innoculation is disease-creation in itself

posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 05:58 PM
After just watching the Nightly News on TV, they stated that Kansas and Florida are pressing charges against a company that has attempted to sell the vaccine at 10 times retail price.

Maybe this will put the states in a position of power over drug distributers to do the work without thinking of outrageous profit under fear of prosecution.

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