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Lew Rockwell: How the GOP Establishment Stole the Nomination From Ron Paul

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posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 01:10 AM
Just because the GOP primaries are over, doesn't mean we can't revisit the events that took place to get to the result two weeks ago in Tampa Bay. Its a rather interesting documented drama of just how far the establishment will go to put major barriers in front of 'pure candidates' like Ron Paul, to maintain power and influence, keep the profits flowing to the corporations that bought the privileges to those profits.

Are we SERIOUSLY going to allow third world dictatorship election practices to be used in our country and ACCEPT it? Blow it up people, blow it wide open, everybody should know what is going on.

I would strongly recommend everybody [interested], read the entire link, some major mind numbing tactics used to stop the Ron Paul Revolution. Lew Rockwell was a former chief of staff for Ron Paul's congressional position in the 80s and 90s.

Paul was ahead by one point over Romney and Rick Santorum in entrance polls conducted by Edison Media Research for the AP before the caucuses. For the first time ever, the Iowa GOP changed the final vote count to a secret location . After the caucus, results from 8 precincts (including those with colleges, in a state where Paul won 48% of the youth vote) went missing. Interestingly, these were all precincts Romney lost in 2008. In addition, GOP officials discovered inaccuracies in 131 precincts.

edit on 10-9-2012 by eLPresidente because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by eLPresidente

He does sum up some of the fraud that was going on but it should be obvious by now that the political game is all smoke and mirrors. I mean, this isn't news to many people but unfortunately the majority are still out to lunch. These politicians have been playing this game for god knows how long and at this point I don't know how we get rid of them and actually create a world that benefits everyone.

George here sums it all up nicely....

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by Swills

Its fun to chat about it but its even better when you experience it yourself and bring the evidence to light.

The awakening is taking place with people we'd never thought would wake up, going from internet underground to internet mainstream to internet activism to real life activism..bringing it to people who never had the chance.

We can't win with violence but we can win with wisdom.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 10:18 PM

Originally posted by eLPresidente
Just because the GOP primaries are over, doesn't mean we can't revisit the events that took place to get to the result two weeks ago in Tampa Bay. Its a rather interesting documented drama of just how far the establishment will go to put major barriers in front of 'pure candidates' like Ron Paul, to maintain power and influence, keep the profits flowing to the corporations that bought the privileges to those profits.

Are we SERIOUSLY going to allow third world dictatorship election practices to be used in our country and ACCEPT it? Blow it up people, blow it wide open, everybody should know what is going on.

I would strongly recommend everybody [interested], read the entire link, some major mind numbing tactics used to stop the Ron Paul Revolution. Lew Rockwell was a former chief of staff for Ron Paul's congressional position in the 80s and 90s.

Paul was ahead by one point over Romney and Rick Santorum in entrance polls conducted by Edison Media Research for the AP before the caucuses. For the first time ever, the Iowa GOP changed the final vote count to a secret location . After the caucus, results from 8 precincts (including those with colleges, in a state where Paul won 48% of the youth vote) went missing. Interestingly, these were all precincts Romney lost in 2008. In addition, GOP officials discovered inaccuracies in 131 precincts.

edit on 10-9-2012 by eLPresidente because: (no reason given)

It's hard to get fired up about when Ron Paul himself seems so casual about it. He didn't endorse a third party and didn't really seem to leave any instructions as to what his supporters should do. He keeps saying stuff like "I'm not their leader. They can make their own choices".

Which is great and humble of him but it would have been nice to hear him say "THOSE BASTARDS CHEATED AND I DEMAND WE RAISE HELL ABOUT IT!"

Didn't happen though. He could at least throw his weight into Gary Johnson or something.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by eLPresidente

Experience bringing evidence to light? Sounds like you got a story to tell

I agree, everyone should get involved as best they see fit because that's probably the only way to call them out on their BS. A majority of people saying its time for a change, but in the old days that idea seems to have always turned into violence because the current rulers weren't giving up power without a fight. So it's a comforting thought knowing the US military fully supports Ron Paul and his ideas.
edit on 10-9-2012 by Swills because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by Cuervo

Yeah I thought for sure Ron was going to endorse Gary Johnson but so far he's hasn't endorsed anyone, right? He's thrown in the towel so why not endorse Johnson or does he rather his supporters to vote for him? I'm guessing it's the latter.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 11:38 PM
reply to post by Cuervo

I hear that.

It was never Ron's role to lead anybody, he was merely a messenger. We all know he never even wanted to be a congressman, let alone President. He ran for offices out of duty and because people wanted him to, just like how people want him to run third party, run 2016 and however many years he has left in him, people love seeing the message being spread. A true leader leads by example. We all know what they say about teaching a man how to fish.

I would've liked Ron to raise hell about all the fraud too but it is indeed what makes him unique. A man of forever peace, it is, after all, what got so many to look up to Ron Paul, his consistency, honesty, and humility is what brought this revolution to the point it is now.

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you...then you win. -Ghandi

What did the entire GOP establishment get together to achieve this year? FIGHT RON PAUL. Good thing the Ron Paul Revolution isn't just Ron Paul, it is every single one of his supporters and we're all taking over the entire national grassroots GOP apparatus, the LIFE of the party. The next few years will be fun.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by Swills
reply to post by Cuervo

Yeah I thought for sure Ron was going to endorse Gary Johnson but so far he's hasn't endorsed anyone, right? He's thrown in the towel so why not endorse Johnson or does he rather his supporters to vote for him? I'm guessing it's the latter.

Ron didn't endorse GJ but he most definitely made it clear that GJ is wonderful and that people should look into him. I have a feel Ron Paul is not too fond of telling people exactly what to do, he couldn't even ask people to vote for himself during the primaries.

I remember seeing him at his campus rallies twice here in Los Angeles, at the end of every speech, I had the feeling, "great speech Ron! now just get them out to the polls to vote for you". And of course, he didn't do it, you feel slightly disappointed at that moment but you slowly begin to realize it is exactly what makes him the man he is, too humble to even ask for a vote for himself. Good ol' Ron Paul, will never let you down, he just has his beliefs and sticks to them.


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