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Russia And China Join Forces And Prepare For War Against The Falling Apart U.S. Can we win this one

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posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 01:30 AM
I think this is not happens.because if china and Russia attack on seems like third world war.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by Cosmic4life

Originally posted by GarrusVasNormandy
reply to post by Cosmic4life

Unless you think the US, Russia and China all looking like a scene from Fallout 3 is winning.

War is always destructive. Victory is secured to those who lose the less.

We didn't have any damage done to the American territory because the war wasn't in the America's continents. It was in Europe, Africa and the Pacific region. The only damage done was to Pearl Harbor, and that was minor when compared to the full scale of WWII.

Not only that, but Stalin actually gave permission to "burn the land", so that the german forces didn't have anything to eat or supply them-selfs. With that, a lot of the Soviet Union was vaporized by fire. Self-inflicted fire.

And what about what happened to Great Britain? London was obliterated. If you research a bit the efforts made by the Royal Fire Department you will find true stories of heroism, while battling the seemingly never ending destruction.

You can add to those examples the case of France, Poland and even Germany itself.

All those territories were severely damaged by the war.

War is always destructive.

It's a no-win scenario, at no point in any of my posts have I stated that that Russia/China would defeat the US, I have merely stated that the US would not win.

That doesn't happen in the real world. Someone always comes on top, and that someone might just be the country or community who has lost less than the other side.

You are also assuming that the Russians and Chinese would never give up, something similar to what was feared about the Japanese Imperial force. That can change very fast with the right set of weaponry. A development art the United States has well mastered.

Until somebody shows me how the US could ever win such a scenario my opinion remains unchanged.

World War II: Axis forces vs Allied forces.
edit on 7-9-2012 by GarrusVasNormandy because: forgot to mention the Pacific

I know fully well the level of destruction sustained all across Europe and here in the UK, I do live here after all, I also know it took decades to repair the damage.

What is different between then and now is the level of destruction that can be unleashed the moment some idiot gets a big idea.

Your assuming that the US will not become an Irradiated pile of Ash along with Russia and China.

Just where on Earth do you intend to live after this thankfully fictional conflagration ?

The fact that you live in the UK explains a lot. Your hatred of the U.S. is expected and your jealousy of our world status shines through. The fact is as Americans we know we're ahead of the rest of you in many areas. We know we're #1 and will remain. The fact that 2 superpowers and their Alies would have to join forces to beat us says it all. And the UK, well if we go down you know it will take a dump load of nukes. Some will make it and many won't but we will be sure to take the rest of you with us by the push of a button... I don't see this war happening without the involvement of nukelear arsenal. First to launch, last to die....

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by Cosmic4life

The U.S....unlike the Russians...will not be modernizing it's Nuclear Deterrent. There are several reasons for this but one Large Reason...the FEL. U.S. Ohio Class Subs with their 1980's installed Trident D-5 Missiles are STILL superior in reliability and accuracy than Russian Versions. The proof of this is that Russian Warheads are Larger and have to use a greater amount of Destructive Force to make sure of a hit as the U.S. System is so accurate that actual DIRECT HITS upon targets during testing were recorded.

As far as Russian Subs ability to go anywhere in Earths Oceans without detection...that is a Laugher! It is well known...even by the Russians that a U.S. Attack Sub waits at the mouth of any Ocean Sub Base Outlet to follow Russian Boomers as well as U.S. Military Satellite Complete and Total Ability to track every Sub in all Earths Oceans.

The Trident D-5 housed i Ohio Class as well as in U.K. Vanguard Class Subs are so fast and accurate that in the event of a U.S. First Strike...the Tridents would be detected by Russian Satellites but would strike targets before Russian Chain of Command could verify launch. This is due to the Ohio Class Sub being so quiet as to sneak up to a few miles from Russian Shores and because of the D-5 Speed...and it is highly unlikely that the U.S. would perform a First Strike...but if we did...Russia would loose it's ability to launch ICBM's or Fly Bombers as the Tridents would hit targets faster than chain of command could deal with reports or a response.

This is different that the U.S. Launching Minuteman III Strategic Missiles which would give the Russians ample time to make decisions...but a close in mass launch of Trident SLBM's and you can say goodbye to Russian Nuclear Deterrents.

All this will no longer matter once the FEL system is fully installed and there are several FEL's that are operational. Such a system can destroy all incoming missiles as well as destroy the subs they are launched from. Split Infinity

posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by Cosmic4life

Originally posted by Antonio1

Originally posted by Cosmic4life
reply to post by SplitInfinity

Well Split I think If you read through my posts you will find that I have for the most part been correcting certain historical inaccuracies.

The typical reaction of course was oh your just an American hater ....blah blah blah.

For such a Super-Duper Power you sure are overly sensitive and insecure, one could surmise that you are desperate for the world to believe your stories of invincibility because deep down you know they are hollow threats.

You waffled about FEL for a bit until I directed you to the FACT that the Soviets/Russians have been developing DEW's and Scalar Energetics since the 50's and are years ahead of the US.

You then went back to the 80's Reagan era and proceeded to waffle about Pershing missiles, you haven't been SPECIFIC about anything relating to TODAY 2012/13/14 and how you would defeat the combined forces of Russia/China.

You claim/infer that you had some super-special job related to Technical/Strategic Intelligence..
... yeah right...whatever, pics or It didn't happen, I could just as easily claim to be the Pope.

As soon as you can deliver a scenario that shows how the US could defeat Russia/China in the 21st Century I will be more than happy to get SPECIFIC and prove you wrong.


It seems that you are the one who is having your historical innacuricies corrected.

Only to you to back-up that throw away statement with some evidence ???

And coming from a poster who is semi-literate and can't even spell inaccuracies your opinions don't hold any sway with me.

Try staying on topic instead of constantly sniping at me because I happen to hold a different world view to the American-centric one you do ... deal with it or go away.


The fact is that you have been highly historically inaccurate several times on your posts. So, yes you have been corrected by the posts of others. Get over yourself dude, your just as bad as you say I am. Don't try to act like your the victim of the big bad American Imperialist just because YOU SIR are the one who can't handle the opinions of others. I have an American centric view because I live in America, have friends and family in the military, and actually have some knowledge as to what my country's military capabilities are. You accuse me of sniping but then turn around and immediately start to belittle me. Oh, and you bring up Russian scalar weapons and DEW's, those weapons they were never able to perfect or make much headway on, as opposed to U.S. directed energy weapons, many of which are battlefield ready and far in advance of anything the Russians and Chinese possess. The fact is that you are clearly Anti-American, at least have the balls to admit. Oh, BTW, about my misspellings, that is what happens when your trying to have a conversation out here in the real world whilst simultaneously trying to write a rebuttal to the drivel spewing forth from your posts like so much self-righteous B.S.

posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 06:40 PM
Russia and china dont exactly like each other and something pretty nasty would have to happen for them to join forces. a filing US would not be that thing. a US failure would put both of them on top without a fight. at that point i would say ww3 would start between them. why waste your time fighting the broken superpower when you have a rising/declining (china/russia) great power on your boarder?

with our country in decline it would be in our enemies best interest to leave us alone while we kill our selves. with us out of the way our allies will not be a threat to either Russia or china. japan is not strong enough to put up much of a fight and SK is pretty much the same. Vietnam would likley go running to Russia and the EU will likely fall with or before the the the US. economically anyway. not sure about socially. they have slightly less irresponsible diversity and may stay connected longer or fall apart more peacefully than the US.

there are only 2 countries that Russian and china would have to consider besides each other. that would be Brazil and India. Brazil is mostly a rising economic power and is thus a non military issue. India however is the wild card. they hate china, have a large military with decent training albeit not the best tech. but hay, Chinese tech aint that much better. i dont know how they feel about Russia though. if ww3 takes place the Indians may very well make it a 3 way nuclear war that will likley involve the Muslim nations by way of Pakistan. once the Muslim nations become involved isreal will become involved. likely sooner though with the failure of the US. with India would likley come the remaining forces of NATO and the US who may or may not join india.

if you notice, over the past roughly 20 years the US has done 2 things. it has beefed up forces in the pacific while simultaneously building relations with china. it is pretty well agreed upon that china will likely become the next superpower. if this does take place it would be in the USs best interest to relish power peacefully and hopefully have china on our side. if this does not happen it would be best to preform a preemptive strike while we still have the edge. a preemptive strike by us is like to be the instance in which Russia would join china.

posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 01:50 AM
reply to post by david99118

Dave...The U.S. does not need to Preemptive Strike China or any Country. We have obtained a level of Military Technical Advancement that is so far in advance that there is no need to Strike First to Win as both Russia and China and even several more Countries could attempt a First Strike on the U.S. and we would have no problem destroying their attempt. I am talking about RIGHT NOW...never mind when the Full FEL and MEB systems are in place.

China has only ONE possible form of attack that it could use on the U.S. and it is not their Subs as the moment our Attack Subs recognized a Chinese Sub in a Launch mode...the Chinese Sub would be destroyed. All Chinese and Russian Boomers are Tracked by Satellite as well as U.S. Underwater Listening Devices and EVERY SINGLE RUSSIAN OR CHINESE BOOMER is shadowed by U.S. Attack Subs. China's only ability to attack would be by Highly Inaccurate as well as Small in number ICBM's which the U.S. is more than prepared to shoot out of the sky with either SM-3's or with the Ultra-Long range F-15 Delivered ABM. An FEL is not even needed.

Russia has a sizable ICBM Force as well as Cruise Missiles and Bombers but again...that is why there are TWO Land Based FEL's operational as well as Carrier Group Cruisers with SM-3's and of course the Highly Secretive F-15 ABM Squadrons which even I have never heard numbers mentioned.

The FEL and MEB systems will become OVERT in 2015 when the USS. CVN-78 Gerald R. Ford is launched along with it's carrier groups Support Ships that include the Nuclear Powered FEL's installed on the Ford Groups Aegis Cruiser. But as with Stealth...the U.S. has had FEL's aboard specialized Military Ships for some time and there are an unknown number at sea.

I have a friend who I ran into at BWI and we both laughed as his group was responsible for F-117 Missions in the early 80's as far as refueling and I was associated in a way I will not talk about here as the U.S. was flying F-117's over the Western Soviet Union and other Soviet States near Europe as well as we were flying them over areas of South East Asia and Russia that was close to Alaska...and no one ever knew about it.

The In-Flight Refueling of a Stealth Craft is tricky as the Tanker cannot see it coming nor could they break radio silence. This guy now runs his own Avionics Company and He and his Wife ate Soft Shell Crab with Myself and My Girl and we laughed all night. It is in this example I present to you that what the U.S. actually has and is operational is always much greater in scope than even the most excited Analyst is able to talk about.

The REALITY is that every country on Earth could attack the U.S. and we would still win and win easily. The reasons for this are not just the Tech. but the fact that the U.S. has several Large Oceans around it as well as it has the ability to supply it's own energy needs if required. Split Infinity

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 05:50 AM

Originally posted by Uneedhlp247

Originally posted by Cosmic4life

Originally posted by GarrusVasNormandy
reply to post by Cosmic4life

Unless you think the US, Russia and China all looking like a scene from Fallout 3 is winning.

War is always destructive. Victory is secured to those who lose the less.

We didn't have any damage done to the American territory because the war wasn't in the America's continents. It was in Europe, Africa and the Pacific region. The only damage done was to Pearl Harbor, and that was minor when compared to the full scale of WWII.

Not only that, but Stalin actually gave permission to "burn the land", so that the german forces didn't have anything to eat or supply them-selfs. With that, a lot of the Soviet Union was vaporized by fire. Self-inflicted fire.

And what about what happened to Great Britain? London was obliterated. If you research a bit the efforts made by the Royal Fire Department you will find true stories of heroism, while battling the seemingly never ending destruction.

You can add to those examples the case of France, Poland and even Germany itself.

All those territories were severely damaged by the war.

War is always destructive.

It's a no-win scenario, at no point in any of my posts have I stated that that Russia/China would defeat the US, I have merely stated that the US would not win.

That doesn't happen in the real world. Someone always comes on top, and that someone might just be the country or community who has lost less than the other side.

You are also assuming that the Russians and Chinese would never give up, something similar to what was feared about the Japanese Imperial force. That can change very fast with the right set of weaponry. A development art the United States has well mastered.

Until somebody shows me how the US could ever win such a scenario my opinion remains unchanged.

World War II: Axis forces vs Allied forces.
edit on 7-9-2012 by GarrusVasNormandy because: forgot to mention the Pacific

I know fully well the level of destruction sustained all across Europe and here in the UK, I do live here after all, I also know it took decades to repair the damage.

What is different between then and now is the level of destruction that can be unleashed the moment some idiot gets a big idea.

Your assuming that the US will not become an Irradiated pile of Ash along with Russia and China.

Just where on Earth do you intend to live after this thankfully fictional conflagration ?

The fact that you live in the UK explains a lot. Your hatred of the U.S. is expected and your jealousy of our world status shines through. The fact is as Americans we know we're ahead of the rest of you in many areas. We know we're #1 and will remain. The fact that 2 superpowers and their Alies would have to join forces to beat us says it all. And the UK, well if we go down you know it will take a dump load of nukes. Some will make it and many won't but we will be sure to take the rest of you with us by the push of a button... I don't see this war happening without the involvement of nukelear arsenal. First to launch, last to die....

Uneedhlp247... i think U need to take your medication and stop foaming at the mouth.
I have repeatedly stated that I have American family ... do I hate them too ???

It should come as no surprise to you that we working class Brits have family in the US, Australia and Canada, back in the days of Empire if working class people stole as much as a loaf of bread we got deported, many decided to save up and get the hell out you still think I am a fan of the British Empire ??
In the coming years you will figure out just exactly what it is we hate.....It's a certain mindset that belongs to people who assume they are better than others, who take all and give nothing, who performed a coup d'etat in the US in December 22/23 1913.

Believe me when I tell you I am not Anti-American.

Applying the same logic as you to your very first sentence, am I to assume that you hate the UK ?? hmmm ?? No of course you don't...for why would you ??

You can't keep on hiding behind the whole population of the US and claim American Hater when somebody disagrees with you.

Who made you the Voice of America ????
Your opinion is just that..your opinion, you do not speak for the vast majority of peaceful Americans who just want to mind their own per the Constitution.

This Global Empire is about as Un-Constitutional and Un-American as it is possible to be, just where did you get this Imperial mentality from ???

One thing you have got right is that if the SHTF the UK will no longer exist....which kinda concentrates the mind into seeking other avenues.

Have a nice day !

edit on 11-9-2012 by Cosmic4life because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 06:29 AM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
reply to post by Cosmic4life

The U.S....unlike the Russians...will not be modernizing it's Nuclear Deterrent. There are several reasons for this but one Large Reason...the FEL. U.S. Ohio Class Subs with their 1980's installed Trident D-5 Missiles are STILL superior in reliability and accuracy than Russian Versions. The proof of this is that Russian Warheads are Larger and have to use a greater amount of Destructive Force to make sure of a hit as the U.S. System is so accurate that actual DIRECT HITS upon targets during testing were recorded.

As far as Russian Subs ability to go anywhere in Earths Oceans without detection...that is a Laugher! It is well known...even by the Russians that a U.S. Attack Sub waits at the mouth of any Ocean Sub Base Outlet to follow Russian Boomers as well as U.S. Military Satellite Complete and Total Ability to track every Sub in all Earths Oceans.

The Trident D-5 housed i Ohio Class as well as in U.K. Vanguard Class Subs are so fast and accurate that in the event of a U.S. First Strike...the Tridents would be detected by Russian Satellites but would strike targets before Russian Chain of Command could verify launch. This is due to the Ohio Class Sub being so quiet as to sneak up to a few miles from Russian Shores and because of the D-5 Speed...and it is highly unlikely that the U.S. would perform a First Strike...but if we did...Russia would loose it's ability to launch ICBM's or Fly Bombers as the Tridents would hit targets faster than chain of command could deal with reports or a response.

This is different that the U.S. Launching Minuteman III Strategic Missiles which would give the Russians ample time to make decisions...but a close in mass launch of Trident SLBM's and you can say goodbye to Russian Nuclear Deterrents.

All this will no longer matter once the FEL system is fully installed and there are several FEL's that are operational. Such a system can destroy all incoming missiles as well as destroy the subs they are launched from. Split Infinity

The Russians were sailing around the Gulf of Mexico for two weeks only a couple of months ago, they did so undetected...that is a fact.

Indeed as you say...It is unlikely the US would perform a first strike....same can be said of Russia,they lost 30 million souls in WW2 and the memory is still fresh, not to mention that they have a booming Oil and Gas Business which sets them up nicely for the next 100 yrs, they do not want to throw that away which is why today Russia promotes Diplomacy and obedience to treaties and conventions, even though the world is moving beyond Nuclear Weapons the threat of MAD and the NPT will still be the one thing that keeps the world from tipping into Armageddon.

So for now and at least for the next 50 yrs Nuclear Weapons are the ultimate deterrent and peacemaker.
The World needs the US/Russia/China to control their regions of influence together, what it doesn't need is a single power with a single leadership which is too easy to infiltrate or become corrupted.

I have to admit that I am not so sure about China, 1.5 Billion mouths to feed is an awful lot, so who knows where this will lead their foreign policy, if push comes to shove they can afford to lose a Billion lives and still have 500 million to rebuild.


posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 08:20 AM
Antonio1 .... Uneedhlp247.

And another thing...

Ill tell you all what scares me....

Russia has Oil and Gas, so wants peace to prosper.

China has manufacturing and so wants peace to prosper.

The US is a Military Industrial complex and so needs to create bogeymen to sell it's product.

You should've listened when Eisenhower told you what was going to happen.

1000 global bases and counting only promotes resentment, the resentment is used to foment terrorism, the terrorism is used to promote military security.

Money made from building bases gets invested in fueling terrorism to make the big profits from security and Arms sales and the obvious need for a Super-Massive Super-Tech Armed Force.
....just why doe's the US have such a force ?? who's threatening you....really ???

IMHO the people of the US are being played like fiddles by the Ruling class of the US who own the Military Industrial Complex......

If you asked a child of the world what an American was in the 60's 70's and 80's, they would've said ...A Spaceman...or an Engineer...or a Scientist...or an Inventor.

If you asked a child of the world what an American was today they will say...A Soldier....or an Agent...or a Cop...some-one with a gun that shoots people.

That is what pisses me off and I am amazed and appalled that you are happy to make that shift from positive to negative.

You're #1 and you're going to kick-ass everywhere and the world should fear you...know this...the ruling class are rubbing their hands with glee to hear you say that....the more people you annoy the better, it's good for business.

So for the last time I am not an American-Hater and your constant use of the phrase is getting old and makes liking or respecting you very difficult.....that would be you two....not the whole of America...just you two.


posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 12:11 PM
OH jeez more propoganda. o.o

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 12:36 PM
And thats exactly why i have less than 2 posts a year on this forum. Some hot headed driven by emotional motivation kids equipped with engraved flashy fox news , bbc independent etc. words and even less background on the topic they are posting. The vague thoughts of even answering the stupidity and ignorance they so obsessively project and believe in is insulting. The lack of background reading some of the post have here is equivalent to crime.

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by Cosmic4life
Antonio1 .... Uneedhlp247.

And another thing...

Ill tell you all what scares me....

Russia has Oil and Gas, so wants peace to prosper.

China has manufacturing and so wants peace to prosper.

The US is a Military Industrial complex and so needs to create bogeymen to sell it's product.

You should've listened when Eisenhower told you what was going to happen.

1000 global bases and counting only promotes resentment, the resentment is used to foment terrorism, the terrorism is used to promote military security.

Money made from building bases gets invested in fueling terrorism to make the big profits from security and Arms sales and the obvious need for a Super-Massive Super-Tech Armed Force.
....just why doe's the US have such a force ?? who's threatening you....really ???

IMHO the people of the US are being played like fiddles by the Ruling class of the US who own the Military Industrial Complex......

If you asked a child of the world what an American was in the 60's 70's and 80's, they would've said ...A Spaceman...or an Engineer...or a Scientist...or an Inventor.

If you asked a child of the world what an American was today they will say...A Soldier....or an Agent...or a Cop...some-one with a gun that shoots people.

That is what pisses me off and I am amazed and appalled that you are happy to make that shift from positive to negative.

You're #1 and you're going to kick-ass everywhere and the world should fear you...know this...the ruling class are rubbing their hands with glee to hear you say that....the more people you annoy the better, it's good for business.

So for the last time I am not an American-Hater and your constant use of the phrase is getting old and makes liking or respecting you very difficult.....that would be you two....not the whole of America...just you two.

Cosmic, it sounds like you need a hug!
. And you're wrong, our kids in the 60s, 70s, and 80s had the same desires then that our kids have today. They simply want to be the best at what they choose to do.. You see this great country ( America ) provides all the avenues for success.. Anybody can be successful in America, that's what makes us so great. Our freedoms! These are worth fighting for. You may view our country as war mongrels but the truth is America steps in to assist a country in need when no one else will. We are a country of heroes.

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by Cosmic4life
Antonio1 .... Uneedhlp247.

And another thing...

Ill tell you all what scares me....

Russia has Oil and Gas, so wants peace to prosper.

China has manufacturing and so wants peace to prosper.

The US is a Military Industrial complex and so needs to create bogeymen to sell it's product.

You should've listened when Eisenhower told you what was going to happen.

1000 global bases and counting only promotes resentment, the resentment is used to foment terrorism, the terrorism is used to promote military security.

Money made from building bases gets invested in fueling terrorism to make the big profits from security and Arms sales and the obvious need for a Super-Massive Super-Tech Armed Force.
....just why doe's the US have such a force ?? who's threatening you....really ???

IMHO the people of the US are being played like fiddles by the Ruling class of the US who own the Military Industrial Complex......

If you asked a child of the world what an American was in the 60's 70's and 80's, they would've said ...A Spaceman...or an Engineer...or a Scientist...or an Inventor.

If you asked a child of the world what an American was today they will say...A Soldier....or an Agent...or a Cop...some-one with a gun that shoots people.

That is what pisses me off and I am amazed and appalled that you are happy to make that shift from positive to negative.

You're #1 and you're going to kick-ass everywhere and the world should fear you...know this...the ruling class are rubbing their hands with glee to hear you say that....the more people you annoy the better, it's good for business.

So for the last time I am not an American-Hater and your constant use of the phrase is getting old and makes liking or respecting you very difficult.....that would be you two....not the whole of America...just you two.


Dude, you clearly didn't like or respect me to begin with, so I have no trouble knowing that you don't now. Don't pretend like I and Uneedhlp247 are the only Americans you dislike, it is clear that any American who defends any of my country's actions is evil as far as you are concerned. I don't advocate going to war with Russia or Iran or China, and I don't deny that winning such a war would be hard, I just argue that we probably COULD win. If I haven't made this clear, then I apologize. Just as my opinions are based off my upbringing, yours are based at leas somewhat off of a strong dislike of the U.S. If you think that the MI complex is the only industry we have, then you clearly need to learn more about the U.S. economy. 1,000 bases may breed resentment, but need I remind you that the Muslim Brotherhood, the organization that is the grandaddy of modern radical Islam was started with an anti-western/anti-American agenda back in the 1920's, so no, I'm sorry but not all terrorism is automatically the fault of the U.S. Military having bases around the world. We had no bases in the Middle East back then, so how is that our fault exactly? I am not happy to make a shift from positive to negative as you say. Americans do a lot of stupid sh*t, and no one can deny the existence of ugly Americans out there, but the fact is that the world is just as misguided about the U.S. as the U.S. is about the rest of the world. Guess what, maybe no one has told you this, but having a positive opinion of my own country does not make me a puppet of some shadowy ruling elite. I could talk day and night about the messed up things your country did for literally centuries, but I choose not to. America can do no right as far as people like you are concerned. If some terrorist uses his own people as human shields, then its America's fault when they get killed. If we make a mistake, people like you say that the mistake was on purpose. Saying that you have American family doesn't automatically excuse your biased attitude about the U.S. I have been to foreign countries, and I was ALWAYS more respectful of the locals than I am to my fellow Americans. If my opinions make some evil elite happy, than your views and the views of those like you are a boon to the Anti-American elements of the world.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 12:51 AM
reply to post by Cosmic4life matter what the public release of information is about the Russian Subs...I assure you...the U.S. KNOWS where all Subs are at all times. This was at one time because of U.S. planted Ocean Listening Mics as well as U.S. Attack Subs that track all Boomers...but is because of Satellite Information.

U.S. Satellites can pin point anything in or on the Oceans with various sensors...some of those being Magnetometers...Gamma Ray Detectors as well as Neutron Radiation Detectors.

As far as Nuclear Weapons...the U.S. is reaching the point very quickly that we will no longer need these for deterrent purposes.

I do not see any WARS involving the U.S...China or Russia on the Horizon. If anything...I see U.S. War Capabilities so far in advancement that even the concept of WAR would be sheer IDIOCY. Split Infinity

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

This. Some people on here need to stop thinking a world war will happen. China and Russia will only get involved if foreign troops enter their soil or if attacked.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by Uneedhlp247
Could this happen? It seems to me that Russia and China both have the same agenda. They are both communist countries and they both seem to hate the United States and what we stand for. I've felt for awhile now that Word War 3 will be the U.S. and our allies vs. Russia, China and their allies. It seems likely to me. Is this something we can handle in our current state? Or is the U.S. as bad ass as we have always been?
edit on 26-8-2012 by Uneedhlp247 because: (no reason given)

I think WW3 is upon us but USA will have a surprisingly small role (outwardly) in it. Why? Because we will be invaded by Russia and China. I feel we have already been sold and their military is already here on our soil. The leaders who were supposed to protect us have sold us out for their own selfish gains.
Why deal with the mounting economic problems with no end in sight? Easier to retire, sell the country and hide away in a "safe" place. But they can't run from God. God is everywhere and sees everything, knows everything.

I believe 2/3 of our population will be wiped out in the coming few years from (super)natural disasters and being nuked. Those remaining will be rounded up into the concentration camps, murdered or forced into slavery.

I truly believe the upcoming election and what's going on with Obama/Iran/Israel is a carefully orchestrated theatre show. A pharce.
These politicians have luciferian influence and are willing to kill MILLIONS. For them, this is like a chess game. It's nothing to them. It's like brushing your teeth.

posted on Sep, 13 2012 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by Krono
reply to post by SplitInfinity

This. Some people on here need to stop thinking a world war will happen. China and Russia will only get involved if foreign troops enter their soil or if attacked.

I agree 100%. The United States has no interest nor would it be of any benefit to do so. Also...should it become necessary for the U.S. Military to act as it involves Iran...neither China nor Russia would get involved. Deals have already been made in the case this happens.
Split Infinity

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 02:13 AM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity

Originally posted by Krono
reply to post by SplitInfinity

This. Some people on here need to stop thinking a world war will happen. China and Russia will only get involved if foreign troops enter their soil or if attacked.

I agree 100%. The United States has no interest nor would it be of any benefit to do so. Also...should it become necessary for the U.S. Military to act as it involves Iran...neither China nor Russia would get involved. Deals have already been made in the case this happens.
Split Infinity
Russia is already putting troops on Irans borders! So it seems it is already starting. I see it going down something like this....... Russia is secretly prepairing for a war. they are slowly adding troops to Irans boarders. Iran and Israel get into it. Of course the U.S. gets involved. Russia is ready and waiting for the U.S. to give them a reason. A serious war is starting to get out of controll as China is watching and waiting for the right opportunity to assist Russia along with their allies. And at the same time U.S. allies are joining forces in an all out WWIII that leads to a whole new meaning of population controll...

With the average life expectancy rising, more people being born than are dying and countries are using up their resources there is an obvious outcome. Worldwide over population. It's a sad fact, but it is a fact. This planet can only provide for so many people so we must have World Wars with millions in casualties... It's the only way for population controll without restrictions on how many kids you can have.

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 02:53 AM
reply to post by Uneedhlp247

The reason there are Russian Troops near the Iranian Boarder is for the purpose of protecting Russia's Natural Gas Pipeline that it makes a Great Deal of Money on for it's use. Russia will not involve itself in a U.S./Iranian Military Action. Neither will China as deals were already made that the U.S. has made with Russia and China.

The Russian deal is for the continual flow of Natural gas and the Chinese were given promises that Iranian Oil shipments to China would not cease. Anything else is pure FLUFF! Russia is in no condition to fight the U.S. and China cannot even get Troops there. Plus both Countries KNOW that Iran cannot be allowed to attempt to block the Strait of Hormuz.

What Russia and China really fear is a cut off of energy. In Russia's case it is loss of revenue for use of it's pipeline. In China's case it is the loss of a Major supplier of OIL. The U.S. has promised to continue the flow of both. Russia cannot even supply it's troops with adequate spare parts never mind fight a WAR!

All of this is for Media Consumption. The U.S. is attempting to help the Pro-Democracy Movement take over power in Iran. This will occur if The movement has the backing of the Iranian Military and as secret Military to Military talks continue...the Iranian Military wants assurances it will not be attacked if it STANDS DOWN. The Iranian Navy in particular KNOWS that it would be the FIRST TARGETS if it was ordered to attempt to Close the Strait of Hormuz...the deal is the Iranian Navy will NOT FOLLOW THAT ORDER IF IT COMES. In return the U.S. will not attack the Navy and the Navy can become the Protectors of a New Free Democratic IRAN. Split Infinity

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
reply to post by Uneedhlp247

The reason there are Russian Troops near the Iranian Boarder is for the purpose of protecting Russia's Natural Gas Pipeline that it makes a Great Deal of Money on for it's use. Russia will not involve itself in a U.S./Iranian Military Action. Neither will China as deals were already made that the U.S. has made with Russia and China.

The Russian deal is for the continual flow of Natural gas and the Chinese were given promises that Iranian Oil shipments to China would not cease. Anything else is pure FLUFF! Russia is in no condition to fight the U.S. and China cannot even get Troops there. Plus both Countries KNOW that Iran cannot be allowed to attempt to block the Strait of Hormuz.

What Russia and China really fear is a cut off of energy. In Russia's case it is loss of revenue for use of it's pipeline. In China's case it is the loss of a Major supplier of OIL. The U.S. has promised to continue the flow of both. Russia cannot even supply it's troops with adequate spare parts never mind fight a WAR!

All of this is for Media Consumption. The U.S. is attempting to help the Pro-Democracy Movement take over power in Iran. This will occur if The movement has the backing of the Iranian Military and as secret Military to Military talks continue...the Iranian Military wants assurances it will not be attacked if it STANDS DOWN. The Iranian Navy in particular KNOWS that it would be the FIRST TARGETS if it was ordered to attempt to Close the Strait of Hormuz...the deal is the Iranian Navy will NOT FOLLOW THAT ORDER IF IT COMES. In return the U.S. will not attack the Navy and the Navy can become the Protectors of a New Free Democratic IRAN. Split Infinity

Sounds good but this is assuming that everything goes as planned and how often does that happen.
I know Russia is in no shape to go to war with the U.S. one on one and either is China and they know this. It is possible that they have secretly discussed and came up with a what if plan that would involve them in joining forces to have a fighting chance against the U.S. if it came down to it. You should always have a what if plan ( plan B,C,D and so on ) This just seems like a good situation going bad quick. It's like a time bomb waiting to go off and I don't think anyone will like the outcome when TSHTF..
edit on 14-9-2012 by Uneedhlp247 because: Clicked wrong tab

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