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The program

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posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 03:45 PM
UNPARTIAL feels like I am swimming in a sea of tainted watered down blood.

Benovelent Apathy is much better. Here one cannot be programmed.

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by Maroboduus

You're wrong about me, very wrong and I am no longer laughing.

I'm new to A.T.S. and any forum posting. I was just trying something new and you are making me wish I hadn't.

Again, I neither agreed or said he was 'awesome' at any time.
I am not a believer in God or Jesus as portrayed in the Bible and my views have not been changed by any of NN's posts and I object to what you are saying.

I am a 45 year old woman from U.K, you do not know me or my mind, as I was in some agreement with you until my name was mentioned! You are being smart but not clever.
You might want to check " Nooneimparticular" on the "The Return of the King.- A love story." thread I thought he was NN, he got banned.

Does anyone else feel the same as Maroboduus? I'm curious because I'm shocked by it?

edit on 3/9/12 by JustisInterested because: Curious

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 04:29 AM
reply to post by JustisInterested

Hello Justisinterested,

Don't let it get to you, this is just how things are on this site. Everyone thinks everyone is a troll and if you by chance happen to say something that is not condemnation well then you must be a troll too.

But don't worry the moderation on this side is not that bad, they try to keep everyone happy as can be on a site full of paranoid skeptics and one with all lovers of light which is not an easy job politically I imagine but they know how to handle trolls especially when the IP differences stretch drastically.

So some troll calling you a troll is not going to put you in bad light with the mods, they know what they are doing in that department.

Where I feel they lack is when it comes to derogatory, slanderous accusations with absolutely no backing but paranoia. The mods on this sight could just on guide lines and rules of respect alone remind posters that same type of writing and bad spelling ( not including you in bad spelling) could be attributed to the fact that we are writing and spelling all in the same language, the bad spelling....well i'm a jr. high drop out from Mexico don't know what nn excuse is...

But the Mods wont because they are all ready in hot water with the paranoid people as it is. they start sticking up for the OP and then they will have to stick up for real trolls and such. So when it comes to threads like these they tend to run as prison guards more than moderators, once things get out of hands they blow the whistle and it gets closed down. i'm not the only one to observe the squash brigade and cavalry know this too. you will always see the same group run a muck 2 or 3 pages before a page gets canned.

But all in all don't let it get to you, it will always happen. Just another day on ATS.

The Rat.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 06:31 AM
reply to post by TucoTheRat

TucoTR, Thank-you so much, really appreciate your words, I was a little tired and emotional on my last post, I hear what you are saying.
Have enjoyed all your posts, on all threads, as I said, it was the learning and understanding of all members that I find so fascinating and have helped me grasp the thread, as I find the words hard to follow, but not the message, if that makes sense. You have helped a great deal with your questions and answers, even if I do not agree with all anybody has said, it has been good to stretch the mind in a different direction, Its all love and I believe in Love.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 07:56 AM
I'm pretty sure all of these sock puppet accounts are related to HOAXKiller1 aka Allis0ne aka MightyPenFriend and his various many reincarnations on this site.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 03:29 PM
i am interested in hearing more from nevernothing and what he has begun to explain to us about being programmed and deprogrammed..

that is an interesting thought, thinking of it that way, because really that is what happens in our world, we are taught all of these "things" , supposed to believe one thing or not, never really getting the chance to know if it is the right thing or the wrong thing to learn.. but who is to say what is the right or wrong thing to learn?

i believe that even if the ones that are programmed in a way that some might say is the "wrong" way, then that is in a way the right thing for them to be programed, or the way they need to be thinking or its the thing they need to believe or think about.
My belief is that all things that happen, all thoughts, and actions and the things people believe in, are the exact thing that they are supposed to be believing in, or thinking about at that time, because ALL of it is apart of this humongous gigantic plan, or story, that the creator, or GOD, has going for us.

and so that means, that each one of us that have posted on here were meant to be posting on this thread for a reason!.. who knows why, but if you know it or not, each post that each of us post effects reality in one way or another.
each post makes people think about what it is they need to be thinking about, even if its just a small post, it might make someone out there have a thought about something and then lead them to a different thought and then another one, and lead them on the track that they were meant to be on.
and suppose that thought they had lead them to post a comment, which lead another to think about something and post something or do something because they got the thought to do that one thing, and it lead them to talk to someone and then that someone does something else that they are meant to do.......
so its this huge connected chain that is constantly flowing, and it connects everyone and everything.

and since i believe this, i suppose i am meant to be posting this post. and it will probably not make every person who reads it think differently or whatever, but they were not supposed to be the ones who it changes their mind.. but this post might possibly make a ripple effect in reality that will go on for eternity... and so will all of the posts that are on this whole site.

even though its not that big of a deal, and this has been happening all of eternity, its still a thought that is interesting to think about, and i feel is important to be thinking about..

so just think, when you get mad or have a bad day, you were meant to be mad or have a bad day, so dont take it personal, its all for the greater good of everything.

and if someone replys to this post saying its a dumb post... then they were meant to say that because its what is meant to be

but i do want to hear more of this programming talk from nevernothing, that would be something nice

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by willrush

My kind of thinking, very small differences, but well said my friend.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 11:44 PM
Hello all,

OK just checked NN's profile and he has stated he has a post ban.

Ha that's pretty clever actually, on the pat of the Mods.

This guy was about to get deep in the topic of programming and was going to deprogram atheists and then he got a post ban.

I think some one in the high end of ATS knows this guy knows his stuff haha.

Truly as interesting as it gets.

Questions to moderators: is Nevernothing's ban permanent? if not how long will it last?

Thank you,

The Rat.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 12:16 AM
reply to post by TucoTheRat

Do these mods ever reply to questions you ask them?...

They should... espesially since they do things like banning great posters like nevernothing

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 12:16 AM
nn is in a padded room sucking his thumb doing the largactul shuffle

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 12:18 AM

Originally posted by geobro
nn is in a padded room sucking his thumb doing the largactul shuffle

Shhhh, he's waiting until there is more interest in the thread. Then he will amazingly reveal the program....may take 30 odd pages though!

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by DaesDaemar

not true.. haha

if you didnt see the rats post... he tells us that nevernothing has been banned from making new posts

i read that earlier today, he tells us it on his profile....

it explains why on there also

pretty f****d up mods

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by willrush

Hopefully not too long then, I'd like to know what we need to be de-programmed of.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 12:45 AM
reply to post by DaesDaemar

yeah id like to hear what he has to say

my guess is that what we need to be de-programmed from is all the things that were forced on us to believe.. the things that others told us was the truth, without really knowing or understanding what they were talking about, but then just believing whatever they had to say was right.

the only thing that i feel that needs to be programmed into us is the knowing how to tell whether we feel something is right, or if something is wrong.... that can be on actions that we do in our daily lifes.. and information that we hear..

i think whatever he had to say would be something that would make us think, and possibly question the things we thought were supposedly true, but still not put disbelief in any of it, but give a good rational thinking about what you think is right, what you think you should be believing in, and not for the sake of others, not for what other people want you to believe or think, but what you feel you should think about, and what you feel is the truth

nice little ramble

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 01:02 AM

Originally posted by willrush
reply to post by TucoTheRat

Do these mods ever reply to questions you ask them?...

They should... espesially since they do things like banning great posters like nevernothing

I'm not sure, I have never asked them a direct question before.

I have seen on threads some Mods will be nice enough to pop in and add their two cents and stuff like that, but really just asked in case they do answer.

His explanation on why he thinks he was band is a little spooky kind of. i mean what he was about to try to do...

Kind of reminded e of an atheist putting doubt in the mind of a believer.... strange to see it the other way around...

Strange feeling of foreboding. But hey i'd be lying if i said I would not read.

The Rat.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by TucoTheRat
This guy was about to get deep in the topic of programming and was going to deprogram atheists and then he got a post ban.

Sorry Tuco but this guy has not gotten deep on anything.

If his writing stays the same, I'm pretty sure most atheists, myself included, wont even flinch.

By the way, the mods here are not as petty as you make them out to be. Nobody here is afraid of the truth. Many have spent their entire lives searching for it. If he has it then this is probably the place where it would be most welcomed.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 01:08 AM
I think society would break down if everyone knew the big picture. It's sad but true. It's almost better than most people dont' actually know what's going on. If they did what social structure we have would likely start to fall apart. we need trendy zombies to work at starbucks or else you don't get your moacha frap

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 02:27 AM

Originally posted by daskakik

Originally posted by TucoTheRat
This guy was about to get deep in the topic of programming and was going to deprogram atheists and then he got a post ban.

Sorry Tuco but this guy has not gotten deep on anything.

If his writing stays the same, I'm pretty sure most atheists, myself included, wont even flinch.

By the way, the mods here are not as petty as you make them out to be. Nobody here is afraid of the truth. Many have spent their entire lives searching for it. If he has it then this is probably the place where it would be most welcomed.

To be honest with you Daskakik I feel you have your way of seeing things, and I think that's fine, for what ever it's worth to you.

I don't think the mods on this site are petty at all. I actually think they have a damn hard job on site politics alone which forces their hand in some aspects, that is all. but this is like all politics in every aspect of life with the exception of mods on this site being far from any pettiness of most politics. If that makes any sense.

You say you can handle anything NN tries well I hope you are right, because I have a foreboding feeling about it as I said.

The Rat.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 02:35 AM

Originally posted by r2d246
I think society would break down if everyone knew the big picture. It's sad but true. It's almost better than most people dont' actually know what's going on. If they did what social structure we have would likely start to fall apart. we need trendy zombies to work at starbucks or else you don't get your moacha frap

I think this is exactly what is happening in life and with site like ATS as we speak.

With the exception of people not seeing the big picture they only are beginning to see how controlled we are. this with out asking or understanding why we are controlled is leading to madness.

Question is can we see the big picture, are we capable or is it on the other side of a coin?

The Rat.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by TucoTheRat
I think some one in the high end of ATS knows this guy knows his stuff haha.

Yeah, that's probably what it is. As opposed to the fact that he does nothing but start threads full of absolute nonsense, tries to play himself off as some sort of wise man despite the fact that he's borderline illiterate, makes patently absurd claims, and just generally trolls the forum....

Must suck being down one username huh, Tuco/nevernothing????
Somebody who mysteriously joined in the same week as JustIsInterested and ALSO only posts in threads created by nevernothing? Truly, strange coincidences abound!!!! If only there was a single other topic on the entire website that interested all of you posters who joined in the same week and have the same atrocious spelling besides nevernothing's threads!

If any LEGITIMATE posters actually buy this dude's complete and utter nonsense, then i truly weep for humanity. You have to be an absolute idiot to buy into this claptrap.
Look at these people's profiles...they all joined in the same time small frame, they all only post in nevernothing's threads (always to plsy up his supposed wisdom), they all have the exact same writing style. It couldn't be more blatantly obvious what is going on. I will keep complaining about it until something is done....

edit on 5-9-2012 by Maroboduus because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-9-2012 by Maroboduus because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-9-2012 by Maroboduus because: (no reason given)

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