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Russian attack submarine sailed in Gulf of Mexico undetected for weeks, U.S. officials say

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posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by Arikra

Woah, now we're talking. A nice little story indeed but with a histrionic Tom Clancy quality. By silent, do you mean an audible silence or silent to radar technologies?

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by sensible1

I like the redundant watch part. Thats important. nobody no matter how good can keep watch like a robot for a whole session. THey are going to have 30 seconds here and there where they simply slip up and aren't looking. I mean geeze they are only human they will eventually burn their retinas out if they stared all watch. SO the multiple overlapping watching is a very smart thing to do.

And its good that the enemy knows that we do this. A hardened target is a less tempting target.

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by Arikra

I'm not sure its impossible to get a nuclear reactor to be completely silent or at least silent enough as to be undetected. We've been working on these reactors making them more and more advanced for a half century. God knows what they have done to get these reactors quiet but I have a strong suspicion that they have found a way to keep the reactors nearly dead quiet.

Diesel subs are cool they are quiet and all that but very very limited. We played around with diesel subs too. It almost got us killed. See they are quiet, but the second they get detected they can literally be run around until they exhaust themselves and the crew are trapped and screwed. We've been at the mercy f soviet cruisers that would chase our subs until they had nothing left in them and because the soviets knew they had that sub cornered they would laugh and back off and let us slink away with our tail between our legs. SO counter that huge vulnerability we opted to just go nuclear with the subs and we haven't had that problem since.

Diesels are like cheetahs. good at being stealthy, can do some serious damage but if they mess up they are left flat footed with nothing else to give and are screwed.

So although I am no subject matter expert on US subs I have a very strong feeling we have figured out ways to keep subs reactors quiet. We have silent torpedo doors and missile hatches. we have silent wenches for towed arrays. I think we can keep the reactors cooling system quiet too.

Our subs are so quiet that we literally look quieter than the background like a black shadow thats obvious. So i bet the game now is what to make our subs sound like not if we can make our subs sound like nothing. We've already discovered that we can make subs sound like nothing at all.

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 05:21 AM
A year old ... but I'm just thinking ....
Russian sub in the Gulf of Mexico ....
could set off big tsunami and wipe out our national emergency oil reserves
and could wipe out our oil fields in the Gulf.
a nuke or two planted down there .... I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to do ...

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by yourmaker

That's kind of the point, I think It'd be easier to spot an entire fleet over a single submarine. But regardless, this is a scary prospect, 3 or 4 subs in the Gulf of Mexico could do a whole helluva lot of damage.

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