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Olympic 2012 Conspiracy - Yes, we WON! This is a VICTORY!!!!

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posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by AriesJedi

Thanks for pointing out that the 4 men who broke into your home were black. Really constructive.

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by GAOTU789
I'm sorry to say but I doubt that you, or any of the internet warriors, prevented anything.

There sure is a lot of symbolism at the Olympics. It is meant to be that way. The phoenix represented the end of the London games and the beginning of the Rio games. Rebirth. The Games, although new in their current form, are ancient, and the people that choreograph these opening and closing ceremonies always pay homage to that.

9/11, 7/7 etc... has nothing to do with the bogeymen you see in every shadow, planning mass destruction at all these major world events.

You know what though? You warriors are going to be right eventually and you know why?

Because these large international gatherings, like the Olympics or the World Cup present tempting targets to the real bad guys who want to cause mass mayhem. You won't have actually predicted it, because you guys predict FALSE FLAG for everything( I mean even a clock that is stopped is right twice a day ), but ya'll will holler from the rooftops with glee....

I WAS RIGHT SEE!!!!!!!!!

but in truth, you aren't and won't be but real people will suffer if it happens while you revel in your fantasy of getting it right.

Im completely bamboozled by your response!

The Op wishes to stop atrocities. We all do.

Its a human instinct. To want to stop suffering.

If one of your friends is thirsty you give him water... dont you?

The conspiracy theorist sits at home, devouring information, looking for patterns, sometimes YES where there are NONE! Then again other times he may be right.

In this world that we live in, we can either be vigilant of villains, or let them run free.

Its not about revelling in getting it right. Such a sorrowful point of view.

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by Lagrimas

I've watched for years as these predictions come and go. Most( not all and maybe the OP isn't one of them ) would be on cloud nine of it happened, the real human suffering be damned.

None of these predictions will come true but something might happen someday and when it happens, there will be some who will be happy their "predictions" came true.

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 10:30 PM
The distraction angle is a good one. I think as a whole we should explore that more deeply in regards to the other current events. This multiple mega-tsunami thing has been a serious distraction as well. If I'm not mistaken, he gave a date of September 28th in an old post. Many are taken out of business watching his page for an update, and watching live EQ feeds. THAT'S A DISTRACTION if I ever saw one. Not saying it's intentional on his part...

So just about the time I open my mouth, Russia gets 7+ mags and California gets 5+ mags. Never fails...

edit on 8/13/2012 by visualmiscreant because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by GAOTU789
reply to post by Lagrimas

I've watched for years as these predictions come and go. Most( not all and maybe the OP isn't one of them ) would be on cloud nine of it happened, the real human suffering be damned.

None of these predictions will come true but something might happen someday and when it happens, there will be some who will be happy their "predictions" came true.

I suppose your right in many ways. People do like to be right. Of course.

That doesn't necessarily make them evil though.

For instance:

Just the fact that one sees that there is a predictions and prophecies Forum (as a member of ATS) makes one want to make a Prediction or 2! Its like playing the lottery really, you shake your head as hard as you can or do things that aren't mentionable right here, and hey presto : Prediction!

If predicting something is bad taste, should we do away with that part of ATS?

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 11:10 PM
I think we should keep prediction threads in if only for the sheer comedy value provided by all the back tracking and alternative interpretations people come up with in a desperate attempt to save face.

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 11:21 PM

Originally posted by DPrice
I think we should keep prediction threads in if only for the sheer comedy value provided by all the back tracking and alternative interpretations people come up with in a desperate attempt to save face.

HAHAHAHAHA save face?

This is an anonymous web site. Where nobody need care about faces.

Deny Ignorance

edit on 13-8-2012 by Lagrimas because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by ProphetOfZeal

I agree with your post, but just to play devil's advocate for a minute if I may.
It seems as though everything went down without a hitch, but, what if they released a chemical plague that was in the fireworks the first night or if something was in the food? What if all of the people and participants in the games are all infected with something we don't understand and are now potential carriers, and now their all going home.
Did you hear any reports of problems of people getting on and off of planes going to and from the Olympics. Let's give it a few weeks before we start high five-n each other and see if we don't have millions of people all over the globe getting sick. OK, I'm done. I had to say that to someone and you left the door open.

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 12:11 AM
reply to post by waynemiller

Nope I didnt hear of any problems with the travel, and Heathrow were well prepared with a special Olympic terminal so Im pretty sure everybody just waited in departures, until their plane was there and then flew home disease free

Your conspiracy is close to the one about chemtrails actually being nano bots that we breathe in, and can be switched on remotely to give us all a plague.

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 01:19 AM
Oh dear, we all new this thread was coming. So I guess that's why the Royal family turned up because they were told the false flag is off because it was exposed on YouTube. "Oh well I guess we can go then"

What an absolute joke of a thread.

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 01:34 AM
reply to post by ProphetOfZeal

HOW very convenient you are now claiming that nothing happend because you/others mentioned that something could
there's a win win situation.

Nothing happened because nothing was going to happen, its that simple!

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 02:57 AM
Fear mongering aside, what you bring up is a very applicable set of ideas that very well may be true.

Here's to disaster prevention, dear guardians of the people.

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 03:02 AM
reply to post by ProphetOfZeal

yes nice thread i stand by you as well all the signs and symbolism was there you would have to be blind not to see them

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 03:08 AM

Originally posted by boncho
Let me guess, this is the same reason that the world hasn't ended, Nibiru never came, Project Bluebeam hasn't made aliens appear outside my window, the Galactic Federation of Nonsense hasn't showed up, and a whole bunch of other things that never happened....


are you that confused that you thought nibiru was going to turn up at the olympics ,

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 03:38 AM
This is flagged for the simple reason, you never know!!

Maybe we did stop it aha.

Seriously, never take anything for granted, I didnt even think there weer any secret societies untill last year! Let alone the sheer number, members, and activities they partake in!

Im not into the occult, or anything of the sort, but these events of the last year sure have been packed with sybolism, i mean, even my friends and family were like WTF (?!?) at some of the stuff at these events, they said it was creepy, and they're not even part of the conspiracy world.

Anyone remember the recording of the Skull & Bones initiation?? DISTURBING, as with the "Cremation of Care"... God knows what else goes on

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 03:45 AM
God forbid you were wrong.

the entire thread, down to the supporting comments, GOD FORBID your RESEARCH be wrong!

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 04:08 AM
Well, in the end who really knows? No one...

To the people researching and bringing awareness to potential false flags...I see no harm in this, keep it up...

To the people who hate false flag stuff...STOP reading it...STOP participating in it...STOP thinking its an opportunity for your ego to come out and have an internet intellect pissing one cares but you and its sad.

At the end of the day every individual is responsible for what they believe and how they act according to these beliefs, so long as those beliefs aren't infringing on others rights...who the f*** CARES!!!!???

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 04:36 AM
The angrier the replies the more credence i give to threads like these.
Phage pulls apart alot of threads but I personally have nvr seen him be nasty.
If you disagree with things, thats great!!! BUT why so angry????
You chose to read this thread people. If you have nothing constructive to say and are just attacking an OP, just move on.

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 04:37 AM
Congratulations on the Victory, London will always remain in gratitude for the service you have provided. You beat the bad guys, in almost a super hero fashion. Yet you didn't even need to leave your computer.

I really hope you guys up your game for December 21st. It's not just London relying on you it's the whole world.

"If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire the ATS-Team"

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 05:09 AM
reply to post by ProphetOfZeal

What absolute classic straight out of the text book Cognitive Dissonance.

For those woondering what I am on about : If there is a conspiracy and then some 100% unavoidable factual information (incident free Olympics) that cleary contradicts the conspiracy (flase flags, aliens, terrorist attacks- take your pick) the person suffering Cognitive Dissonance will encompass the facts within the conspiracy ie the facts become part of the conspiracy - Exactly as the OP has done.

Classic stuff. Brilliant. Psychologists must love this site.

Bah bah....oops my sheepieness is showing

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