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U.S. may be a Nazi DeJa Vu

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posted on Jan, 10 2005 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by infinite
i have heard this afew times, it this is a very interesting subject. Bush does give you the impression he is after a imperialistic empire, which i cannot see happening in this modern age, but it seems he is willing to give it a shot.

Then why hasn't the U.S. annexed any territory since the 1800s?

posted on Jan, 10 2005 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by Shadowtrooper90
Then why hasn't the U.S. annexed any territory since the 1800s?

They haven't?

[edit on 10-1-2005 by Attero Auctorita]

posted on Jan, 10 2005 @ 06:21 PM
[edit on 1/10/2005 by centurion1211]

posted on Jan, 10 2005 @ 06:33 PM
You will be in the salt mine correctional program as a counter-revolutionary before Bush removalists are incarcerated for sedition, no matter how bad every redraft of the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act becomes under the incompetence of the current government.

33 is the important number for 20th century Nazis.

posted on Jan, 10 2005 @ 08:00 PM
MA: What dos 33 have to do with the link you posted to wikipedia? I am intrigued by your statement but I couldn't find any relevance or refrences to 33 on that page. Could you provide more info?

IMO, this subject really only has meaning in the minds of the people. There are really only three systems of governing the 'goyim', 'herd', or 'masses' --whatever term you choose. I'm talking about the average fellow on the street who has no understanding of fractional-banking, capital, or the history of financing warfare. The reason there are three systems is because it's hard for these people to count above that number. j/k ;^)

1: You have Global Socialism, commonly known as Communism. It's not hard to make these guys the bad guy because any totalitarian idea is going to make citizens wary. Not too much mystery here. Total domination of the earth is their goal.

2: Then there's National Socialism. This is where you have an idea of socialism, but only in relation to your countrymen or nation. This is actually a very effective sort of government if not for the fact that (A) it tends to produce war because nationalism may become hegemonistic, and (B) the world banking cadre is NOT going to allow any country to establish and hold such a system unless they also hold the strings of its destruction (as with Germany).

3: The third method is Capitalism, which is essentially rule by bankers, but which is global and not nationalistic. The problem with capitalism is that it depends on the wealthy-elites to run the show (and I do mean show). Americans have been persuaded that these elites are cut from the same human cloth as the patrotic reservist who goes to fight in Iraq. Surely Paris Hilton would be in desert camo if this were true.

Asking whether America is becoming 'nazi' is a loaded question. Better to ask, "Could America become more of a nationally-socialist country?"

Presumably, most Americans cannot concieve of socialism being compatible with the capitalist emblems of Nike, Disney, Mobil Oil, etc. However it would not take too much more than has already happened to bind Americans to one-another in a socialistic way. In fact, any socialist state becomes fascist because members become unit in the whole and their personal liberties are forfeited to the party boss(es).

Of course the word socialism will not be heard on American television, but when Joe Sixpack says, "It's US against THEM!", he has mentally commited himself to supporting a national agenda including the 'secret' components of war (torture, liquidation, etc). I would say that this American will go as far as most Germans did when they gave their brains over to their government.

posted on Jul, 13 2006 @ 10:28 PM
Search up Otto Skorzeny and his links to the US at the time after the war. He had alot of 'smpathizers' from right wing fundamentalist Christians (did'nt Hitler and the Pope at the time get on well?) who took him into levels of the military by the OSS who were desperate to get any advantage over the Russians.

All the Germans super advanced technology developments some of which are not of this earth and the people who worked on them came came to the US mainly. By reseaching into ancient mytholgy Hitlers scientists gained new ideas on the world. Unlike some of the technology were seeing now like archmedes death ray. Some even posses supernatural qualities like the myth of the Spear of Destiny like the Holy Grail has hidden power. The spear now resides in Washington I think. The Nazis provided many things to the Americans (as they thought ironically a world is better with Yank capitalist than Russian jewish influenced socialist at that time).

They liked America as at the time it had good at bad races at the time (White=masterace Black=slow and dim witted, Jew= wormlike untermemsch and Asian= clever and kaniving). This is not my view personally but their view of how the American Race chain was to them. When Hitler visited America before the start of the war he was greeted by many and many corporations in the states have helped Hitlers war and economic machine grow with and sublimely do today.

Otto Skorzeny was in many special opertion units units in the German Wermacht and Waffen SS (Brandenburg Brigade?) including Werewolf(which he formed) a very sinister organisation. I will talk fully about that some time later. Mr Skorzeny a die-hard nazi and could not believe the Nazi ideal should never die. We should spread the word and help us guys take that victory and do everything in Mein Kamph as it talks about infiltrating thoughts to the public to 'raise awareness' amoung certain circles. The destruction of the third reich proved the ultimate destiny to Skorzeny 'Its destruction will bring its salavation- the ressurection of the third reich must be our true goal". A Jesus like (distrubed view of Jesus) ressurection conspiracy. The Vatican also helped Werewolf out for helping pursue some of its alterior motives once Popey know the Nazis were not all gone- far from it. Otto died a 'very happy' and rich man.

They were responsible for the murder of my Grandfather as he was made to have died from a heart attack a old death squad trick. Due to him not towing the line with his old war buddies I thought and no longer believing in the rubbish any more. Poisoning. Though the documents were somehow lost when Hungary shifted to the west with the falldown of the wall. How convenient. To those people who killed him nobody honestly never gets away with anything in this world.

Werewolf by name is interesting. A mythical ferocious animal half human and half animal that will kill by nature and 'intelligence'. Making it sort of truly supernatural by name only or perceived super natural power. It is comprised by men and women
and actively recruit and most don't know they are even working for them. Their code
is to 'be hidden and strike like lightning' I see.

They by the business strenth (huge Nazi war loot) helps them shake many hands on influential people in the community. Old SS budies working in the American military (many SS I met by my grandfather still thought the war never ended and remembered Hitlers last speeches about how it should never end for the 'faithful') actively helped each other out settle in to the US. The rest is history. Their hidden economic power makes them dominant in US society today as in Australia another 'retiree haven'. They are consoldating their power in the UK now too.

I know where the 4th Reich is sadly and it was the very country that fought against it and was victorious in battle. However to kill a Werewolf you must be mindful of its ways of deception- to truly kill it. Sadly I think we've left it too late.

[edit on 13-7-2006 by neverlost]

posted on Jul, 15 2006 @ 03:27 AM
Um NEVER, one flaw/question. If Nazis and pro-nazis are so influential and we seek to become a 4th Reich, why would we help Israel?

posted on Jul, 15 2006 @ 03:52 AM

Originally posted by RetinoidReceptor
Um NEVER, one flaw/question. If Nazis and pro-nazis are so influential and we seek to become a 4th Reich, why would we help Israel?

Quoting Ronald Reagan, "There you go again." Asking questions the proponents of this ridiculous thread can't answer. Making too much sense.

Still, I noticed something about one of the members that posted on this thread. masked avatar - a harsh critic of the current U.S. administration. - hasn't posted since September, 2005.

What if "they" got him and he's behind the barbed wire now?

posted on Jul, 15 2006 @ 05:15 AM
Mmmmmmmmmm America the 4th Reich....I don't think so!!!!

America is being controlled by someone else and has been ever since the country was founded. Many people think the British Empire died, but it didn't, it went quiet and withdrew back into its Island shores, leaving behind a major thing in each of its states..........Masonic Lodges.

I personally believe that america is just the 'muscle' being controlled by the UK. The Royal Family sit right near the top of the tree, but they are too busy fighting against the Roman Catholic church (hence why no-one in the Royals are allowed to marry anyone in the R.C), and against Muslims (why do you think Di got whacked? Couldn't have a step-brother to the future king, being half Arab, could we?), for them to be controlling it all. Afterall, these royals are pretenders and shouldn't even be on the throne....The Stuarts should be, but thats another story.

IMO I think that the UK is the daddy of the all....more exact Scotland. Look at the facts....

Scotland never got conquered at all in its exisitance...(We signed a treaty with England as they were too much and our people were starving)
The Romans never beat us, they built 2 walls to keep us in.
We defeated the English at Bannockburn with the help of the remaining Templars, who set up home here.
Once we signed the treay to make the UK a whole nation, only then did the British Empire start to take shape.
Thru out the Empire Lodges sprang up, which all started back in Scotland.
In Scotland we have different types of Lodges.....The Orange Lodge, The Apprentice Boys, The Royal Blacks and a few others whose names I won't mention. All these Lodges swear one thing, to protect Protestantism, the Royal Family and above all make sure the British Empire remains intact....

If you at all doubt what I'm saying, look at the American far-right group the KKK. They use 2 Scottish Flags as thier own, one the Lion Rampant and the other a variation of the Red-Hand.

Even during the Second World War, Scotland barely got bombed, and any Nazi spy's were caught coming into Scotland as certain family's in Scotland had strong links with German nobility, and they harboured them, or at least tried to.

Maybe it's just me, but I think America is just the 'muscle' being controlled by the UK as a whole. Alot of Americans will take offence at that, because you think your the top-dogs and are very patriotic...but take 5 mins out and just think about.... The British Secret Service control most of the spyworld...whats to say we don't control yours???

In other words, It's a New British Empire we are looking at, with King William at the helm.......

posted on Jul, 15 2006 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by neverlost
The spear now resides in Washington I think.

I maybe wrong, but I think the Hapsburgs have this, back in thier hands.
An interesting group, with varied Family associations to this day.



posted on Jul, 15 2006 @ 02:20 PM
Just to add a quick point.

"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator." —Washington, D.C., Dec. 19, 2000

"I'm the decider, and I decide what is best. And what's best is for Don Rumsfeld to remain as the Secretary of Defense." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C. April 18, 2006

HMMMM.. sounds kinda Dictator-like to me.

posted on Jul, 15 2006 @ 04:26 PM
For xapanthe

original quote by: xapanthe
Bush and America aint even near to the word nazi!

I think America and Bush may be more near America then you realize.
I will start by showing you that there are in fact Nazis here in America

Example one:American Nazi Party's Website
Example two:Wikipedia Also has Some good info regarding the Nazi Party in America

The next examples are Bush Family Connection.
Example three:Fox News even has a story about Prescott being linked to the Nazi Party.
Example four:Looking Glass News also has a story on this.

thank you for your time

posted on Jul, 17 2006 @ 10:40 AM
Much as I loathe Bush and his policies, I will have to defend him here (as painful as that is):

Originally posted by TONE23
Just to add a quick point.

"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator." —Washington, D.C., Dec. 19, 2000

That's actually quite a witty comment, and in some ways spot on. In terms of domestic policy the President has little direct power and Bush has been very unsuccessful in implementing his policy agenda.

"I'm the decider, and I decide what is best. And what's best is for Don Rumsfeld to remain as the Secretary of Defense." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C. April 18, 2006

Well he is President and Presidents have always picked their administration. In what way is this dictorial?

HMMMM.. sounds kinda Dictator-like to me.

You need to check your definition of dictator. You elected him, he is constrained by congress, constitution and law (although he does his best to get round this) and in a few years he will be gone from office (and not too soon). He is actually more like a lame duck than a dictator.

posted on Jul, 17 2006 @ 11:58 AM

original quote by:FatherLukeDuke
That's actually quite a witty comment, and in some ways spot on. In terms of domestic policy the President has little direct power and Bush has been very unsuccessful in implementing his policy agenda.

with over 750 signing statements consisting of hundreds of Constitutional challenges, I would take to heart his direct word usage alittle more than some witty comment.. Bush is NOT known for his wit.

original quote by:FatherLukeDuke
Well he is President and Presidents have always picked their administration. In what way is this dictorial?

The part of the Quote that I should have put in bold was...I am the Decider

For me Decider was just another word for Dictator(using word play) He is not saying directly that I am the Dictator..more like skating around it.
Of course he can pick his Administration. That part of the quote was not what I was getting at.

But with the concerted effort by this Administration to consolidate power for the Executive. It really has made me wonder. But unless there is another 911 type event he will never attain the rank of Dictator; whether he wants to or not.

original quote by:FatherLukeDuke
You need to check your definition of dictator. You elected him, he is constrained by congress, constitution and law (although he does his best to get round this) and in a few years he will be gone from office (and not too soon). He is actually more like a lame duck than a dictator.

The whole point of my post was being witty. I was not trying to say that I seriously think that Bush believes himself to be a dictator. I am fully aware of what a dictator is BTW. I do believe that Bush would love the opportunity to be a dictator if he could. Both by his own words; and also, by his 750 signing statements(many therein). He gets around the law enough alright. He does believe himself to be above the law and only follows the ones he deems as necc. Tell me, Does that not sound like the actions of a dictator to you? Again, I am not saying he IS a dictator, just that he may have aspirations.. and has certainly Walked a dangerous line towards that dark corner of leadership.

Just slowly and gradually enough to make some of us stop and say "hmmm"

*EDIT-ADDITION: ALso do not forget that Hitler was also legally elected.

Dictators do not rise to power by advertising that they are a dictator. Dictators, often times, rise to power through legal channels and sieze that power once attained. Usually using fear and paranoia to obtain those objectives. Hitler used the Reichstag Fires of 1933 to enable his aspirations of total power. I believe that the Bush Admin. used 911 for similar means,possibly

*EDIT-DEFINATIVE STATEMENT- I did not elect him, nor kerry for the record I voted NADER.
[edit on 17-7-2006 by TONE23]

[edit on 17-7-2006 by TONE23]

posted on Jul, 17 2006 @ 03:36 PM
patriotic or" target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">fascist
,you tell me?

Another clever video showing nicely done

[edit on 17-7-2006 by seridium]

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 07:13 AM

Originally posted by TONE23
I would take to heart his direct word usage alittle more than some witty comment.. Bush is NOT known for his wit.

You're right, most of what he says is unintentionally funny, but very occasionally he is witty. I will give him the benifit of the doubt on this one, for some reason.

The whole point of my post was being witty. I was not trying to say that I seriously think that Bush believes himself to be a dictator. I am fully aware of what a dictator is BTW.

OK, fair enough, sorry for misinterpreting you.

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by TONE23

The part of the Quote that I should have put in bold was...I am the Decider

For me Decider was just another word for Dictator(using word play) He is not saying directly that I am the Dictator..more like skating around it.
Of course he can pick his Administration. That part of the quote was not what I was getting at.
[edit on 17-7-2006 by TONE23]

A far more realistic view of your highlighted quote and this whole issue is that the chief executive of any organization, whether it is a business, club, or a country is "the decider". This is absolutely no different than a previous president (Truman)saying "the buck stops here" - except that the president that said that wasn't Bush. Earth to TONE23: That quote did not lead to a dictatorship either.

OK, OK, OK. We all get that some of you are afraid that there might be a conspiracy to create a dictatorship in the U.S.

What we have yet to get is any real evidence - beyond someone's gut feeling - of any such thing happening or even being planned. My evidence for that is that you're all still here posting this BS.

[edit on 7/18/2006 by centurion1211]

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 10:24 AM

original quote by: centurion1211
A far more realistic view of your highlighted quote and this whole issue is that the chief executive of any organization, whether it is a business, club, or a country is "the decider". This is absolutely no different than a previous president (Truman)saying "the buck stops here" - except that the president that said that wasn't Bush. Earth to TONE23: That quote did not lead to a dictatorship either.

If you had bothered to read my other statements in that and the later post you would know that I do not necc. subscribe to Bush being a dictator... I am being more of a devils advocate here. Example below:

original quote by: TONE23
The whole point of my post was being witty. I was not trying to say that I seriously think that Bush believes himself to be a dictator.


original quote by: TONE23
I am not saying he IS a dictator, just that he may have aspirations.. and has certainly Walked a dangerous line towards that dark corner of leadership.

In your quest to portray me as some irrational lunatic, you forgot to understand that I am merely pointing out the possibility(however improbable) of GWB's aspirations. After all isnt this the time and place for such hypotheosis?

In all probablility, the next election will go as they have gone before. I merely point out the possibility so we can remain aware and prepared in case it did happen.

original quote by: centurion1211
What we have yet to get is any real evidence - beyond someone's gut feeling - of any such thing happening or even being planned. My evidence for that is that you're all still here posting this BS.

Solid evidence? Well of course theres no solid evidence or he wouldnt still be president would he? What I have noticed is this: 750 signing statements with over 142 constitutional challenges, which is unprecidented in itself.I am currently starting my personal research on these 750 statements and will post any that I find that are questionable. I would have never started this topic on my own; but someone started it and I felt, why not? I do feel that this Administration has been WAY overzealous in its efforts to consolidate power for itself and had to at least pay attention to the remote possibility of a Nazi-esque power grab by the part of this Administration. I did not say that I believe this theory to be true(dont know how many times I can say this.)

Anything is possible no matter how improbable it may seem. nothing is impossible!

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