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posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by daddio

You just take your birth certificate to the "County Recorder" of Marriages, Briths and Deaths and nullify it along with your drivers license and marriage license.

I'll do that, as soon as you allow me to watch you successfully complete the process with my own eyes.

edit on 24-7-2012 by tamusan because: grrrrr
extra DIV

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by Indigo Starchild

If enough people refuse to fight there will be no wars.

How people can argue with that logic is beyond me.

I understand that parts of your post are hard for many to understand, but keep it up. It's a good message

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by Taupin Desciple

Originally posted by Indigo Starchild

If enough people refuse to fight there will be no wars.

How people can argue with that logic is beyond me.

I understand that parts of your post are hard for many to understand, but keep it up. It's a good message

I love the message, too. It 's not that I don't think humanity can govern itself. I know it can't. The only real common ground we all share is a displeasure for the inadequacies of life, as viewed by the "majority". Take away the government scapegoat, and we will have to start pointing the fingers at each other.


The reason for the quotations is that I see some people trying to associate the unhappy 99% movement thing with the majority. When thinking about the technical 99%, the ones who are financially in this category, I wonder exactly how many are actually unhappy enough to want drastic changes? I am in the financial 99% , but I am plenty happy with what I have. Yes, there was a time when I worked hard and had less, but I still work hard today.

I wish to ask a question, of those reading, who try to associate as the unhappy 99%. What percentage of the financial 99% do you believe actually share the same view as the unhappy 99%, who try to claim to be the majority? I suspect even 20% is a generously high estimate. It'd be nice if there was a way to get the opinion from every citizen.
edit on 24-7-2012 by tamusan because: grrrrr

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 06:20 PM
if enough people refuse to fight then they draft, it doesn't work.

there is a way out, and I think I see the way, whats worse is it is prophetic, from the natives of Turtle Island.

in time I will say more but this thing started with a battle and a desecration, then a theft of a sacred object, followed by the return.

If you can't see they are scared of whats about to happen then you aren't watching closely, they know, they know well.

They already tried to kill me once, killing one of their own and 91 others in the process, look up TWA 514 and the name "Roscoe Cartwright". Roscoes best write up is the one at arlington, notice he was a 33rd degree freemason, and also according to the NTSB investigation the crash was basically lined up 6 weeks earlier, plus it hit at Mt. Weather VA, which is where the F.E.M.A. headquarters are, which ties directly to the prophecy.

Whats the chance of hitting the "Federal Emergency Management Administration" building with a airplane and killing a 33rd degree freemason WHILE the president was there, unlike the near crash 6 weeks earlier where he wouldn't have had a front row seat, nor would Mr. Cartwright nor myself been there.
it happened, look it up, notice how quiet it is about that one.


posted on Aug, 4 2012 @ 01:07 AM
I am out of the system as much as I can be. I am now applying for citizenship elsewhere. If it wasn't for my two sons playing college ball....I would blow this Fascist regime. In two years I will no longer be a citizen. You can't defend yourself in America. The technology that you have purchased for your own demise is too advanced, and the law is too corrupt. The only thing we can do is to QUIT PAYING TAXES AS A POPULATION. Unfortunately at least 60% of the population are oblivious, incapable of caring for themselves, and socialist-leaning cleptotards that have been so dumbed down they have no capacity for critical thought.

I prefer to protect and defend myself with a little lawlessness; than live in a country that controls my every dollar, possession, belief, education, location; while attempting to stifle my free speech, spiritual beliefs and libertarian values. If your not familiar with the Dollar Vigilante website, I highly recommend you subscribe to their emails.

Intelligent people have always chose relocation over death, suffering and control.

edit on 4-8-2012 by Silenceme because: (no reason given)

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