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Are You One of the Three Waves of Earth Volunteers?

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posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 08:34 AM

Originally posted by ldyserenity
reply to post by Unity_99

That's weird you mention healers because I beleive I am a healer and I am definately an empath.
But I want out of this hellish place called Earth!!

I heard that! I am not a healer, my son is, and he is really good at it too. I am Empathic, and can feel other people's emotional state when near them. I can tell if a person is healthy or sick, and I can tell when a person is near death. And I too want out of here! I have seen my home, and wish to go there.

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 08:40 AM
This is a sticky topic to those who are new to this reality or "concept".

Those who have, their entire life, felt that they are alien to planet Earth.. are exactly the ones that are included in this reality of star spirits. There are those who have been on Earth, stuck in Karma's web, incarnating on the same planet, different era over and over... but this concerns those who came to Earth from far distances, who heard the cries of Gaia (mother Earth), who came to help and transform this planet and humanity in a new light.

Those who are all negative, critcizing, ignorant and dismissive to this reality.. you need to shut up and keep your peace to yourself. You have no idea what it feels like to be spiritually alienated, trying to give and help these lost humans and only get pissed on. The humans of this planet on a collective scale, have disgusting energy that we are not use to. Our frequency is not adjusted to such a low state.. and it emotionally hurts to be caught in this place. So for those who are thinking we are crazies and this reality is bull.. you need a god damn reality check.

Another thing I would like to point out which validates this star spirit phenomena.. is what average humans are calling "New Age". There is nothing new about this age, other the the fact that those beings who have been coming here (Especially for the last half century) are truly awakening more humans to their divine selves. And why is that a bad thing? Those naysayer-humans, stuck in the low frequencies that the elites have governed over society for so long... are CONTENT living and being this way. This is because they do not see how things could be another way, especially a more enlightend way. When that is EXACTLY what is happening NOW and has been for the past 60ish years.
The hippies were the first wave of spiritual souls to travel to Earth. As soon as the elite governers noticed, they immediatly started to suppress society even more. Back in those days, it was thanks to the '___', Shrooms, marijuana etc yes.. but the overall frequency of the collective in the hippie days, was much higher then it has been. And this is why MORE waves of spiritual beings are being sent to Earth, the first waves were suppressed, but now too many beings are here now and still coming. So you can get over this "new age" nonsense. Change is happening wether you accept it or not, that is the mission here on Earth

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 08:45 AM
Sorry but I knew this was BS as soome as I read the bit about distrurbed kids labelled with ADHD as actually being the misunderstood 'third wave'. Utter tosh.
It panders to those who can't accept that their kid has some form of mental disturbance and prefer to think that somehow they are more 'special' than others. Similarly it panders to people who can't believe that they aren't more special than the rest of humanity. Listen there has always been a mix of human qualities/abilities. Some of us are cut out to be counsellors etc, others cut out to be bricklayers. There were always those who were accutely sensitive and others who have the sensitivity of a stone wall. Yet the former now like to label themselves 'empaths' - it's a hoot!
edit on 15-7-2012 by starchild10 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 09:09 AM
Delores is a hypnotherapist and is only merely relating the strange cases she had adminstered to, due to overwhelming numbers sharing the same experiences, the way a scientist would report. She merely reports, compile an anaylsis but makes no claims as to the veracity of her patients' claims.

It is still up to the individual to believe or not to.

Originally posted by sled735
I am 55 now. All I remember is at age four I was terribly "homesick". I knew I came from a much better place, and I missed it in the core of my being. As I stood alone at the kitchen sink I started crying, begging them to come get me, and take me home. They didn't, I'm still here. I have a purpose to fulfill before I can go "Home".

I would like to share some insights over this phenomena.

Those old souls that had volunteered to be here was due to a fatal crisis comming soon, not necessarily an Extinction Level Event by natural means, but by man-made means. It must have been observed by intelligent beings and realized the dangers, a CONFLUENCE of events, that poses a grave threat to mankind, by mankind itself, and thus that trip here to assist, long before the events dovetails to its endpoint, to build and prepare the volunteers.

However, there must be some form of Universal Law, whereby NO being is allowed to tamper with Free will. One have to be born on this planet to make the difference. Those whom were aware of their past, must stand back, and are only allowed to guide and nudge, but never to be the ones to assume leadership, for self glory or fame, or fortune.

Their rewards are back home, not here. Humankind alone, must have that free will and courage to make that decision to assume that leadership.

The old souls aren't the only entities here. There are the FALLEN ones as well since the creation of Earth, whom are cursed with immortality and failure at the same time, to be the example for humankind NOT to follow, for fallen's unchanged egoistical ambitious consequences are often fatal when they have the leadership of mankind, but the remnant that survives, should learn, correct those fatal errors, and progress.

Some old souls wonder what is their mission, for often, when that soul inhibit a human body, it will have to be absolute, to grow and comprehend the complexities of being human, and the only thing that remains from the past is the light of compassion and empathy, a gift given to ALL beings created by our common Creator.

That mission need not be one that changes the world. It may just be that one life you had changed, which was what your mission was all about. Suppose Hitler had a good father, that reared him properly with love and care, he may had turned out differently, and immense human suffering averted. Or a friend with a timely warning, not to drink and drive, at a crucial time, that may had averted a major disaster somewhere. One is an exponential number, and will be led to another to change another...

Not all missions could be successful. Some failed, some did not measure up to human life's expectations, and many other factors.

For a simpler understanding of what role one plays, perhaps I can recommend this movie - 'Bodyguards and Assasins', recommended to me by someone else too for a different project. It's a recent movie made in Hong Kong, about how a group of commoners during the time of China's revolution from the brutal Qing Dynasty, without realizing a bigger picture involved, made a difference and greatly helped the revolutionary Dr. Sun Yet Shing to achieve co-ordination for the overthrow of the Qings. Get the DVD with english subtitles.
edit on 15-7-2012 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 09:23 AM
I guess I would be in what is being referred to as 'first wave'. I am 58 years old and spent the odd moment throughout my teenage years sitting and asking myself 'why am I here?' ' Who am I?' That sounds a daft thing to think, but I really was quite confused and scared without even knowing why. I have never socialised well, preferring my own company. As I grew up I began to try finding religion to fill some vacuum I felt within me but found nothing to help. I did eventually find someone who not only meant a lot to me but was also the only person I felt I could connect to at any level.

I went on to perform what I would call 'missions', and I think many of us are in the process of doing so. I wouldn't consider myself special, just here to do my job. I do not like this world and I want to go 'home'. I don't know where it is or what it is - but home is somewhere I have wanted to go from being a youngster. I have a very fluid identity. I have never been tied to family and I have never been married or had children - something has always kept me away from these things. Having read this thread and found it very enlightening, I can understand karma as being a root reason for me not wanting to.

I feel that my missions are complete and I am now living out my retirement years.

Much of this I have never told anyone, preferring to be keep it to myself because I WILL be branded as schizophrenic if I ever spoke of this and everything else that passes as my life. But thank you to the OP for starting this thread. I have never heard of Delores but will be watching this video and others by her. Thanks a lot.

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 09:35 AM
This could be argued to death back and it an experiment? Or do they truely care? If they did care, why would they allow us to suffer?

Rather than answer, I'll propose a scenerio for a moment:

Its 2165..
Mankind has finally overcome their resource troubles, and advances in space travel and technology have allowed us to start settling other planets. Around this same timeframe a major scientific breakthrough is found. Scientists have figured out the means of creating intelligence in other species. This immediately raises fears in the masses that if we allow another species to become intelligent, what's to stop them from wanting to take over us?

The solution everyone comes to is to create a controlled experiment, allowing the species to develope uninhibited from outside sources. They decide it'd be best to allow them to develop uninfluenced in their own earth like enviroment. This way not only can they develope in their own unaltered state, but also allows us to get a glimps at how we may have developed in our early history. This is our first attempt of a mass intelligence experiment, and we've lived with the species for so long on our own planet, that their development becomes very dear to our hearts. No longer pets, but more like the family we are not allowed to communicate with.

Everything with the experiment seems to be going to plan until the new intelligent species comes to the same part of their evolution as we did, and puts a value on their resources. Just like earth, mass wars beging to ravage the world. Like earth, it becomes an everyone for themselves scenerio and leads them to the brink of causing their own destruction.

So, as a member of the future human race it pains you dearly to see them suffer, but at the same time you know you cannot step in. Doing so would destroy the very basis for the experiment. Also, by stepping in and influencing their development they would never learn the lessons for themselves and never reach their true potential as the future human race has come to enjoy.

So in that position, what would you do?

Interfere and take a chance that the species will never know how far they can come when they work together?

Or do you allow them to develope on their own, and pray they reach the same solutions we did?

Sounds to me like a double edged sword...

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by LoveisanArt

I starred you for a most excellent post. Kudos!

Those who have, their entire life, felt that they are alien to planet Earth.. are exactly the ones that are included in this reality of star spirits. There are those who have been on Earth, stuck in Karma's web, incarnating on the same planet, different era over and over... but this concerns those who came to Earth from far distances, who heard the cries of Gaia (mother Earth), who came to help and transform this planet and humanity in a new light.

Well, we of the "New Age" Starseed, Starchild persona and Soul are trying, and trying hard to heal this planet, but I fear it is too far gone, and there are forces that seem insurmountable that are cutting down over 1000 acres of trees per day, and pumping tons of coal dust into the air, along with chemical waste. The cars we all drive are polluters, save those we have modified to be green.These forces cannot be stopped, so all we can really do is talk.

I can hear the cries of pain from Mother Earth, and am quite surprised that everyone cannot. Religions have been taught that Earth is dead, and that they are to master, and conquer it, and do with it as they wish, no matter the final cost. They are all in denial that Earth is a Sentient Life Form, a Womb, and a Life Giver.

Those who are all negative, critcizing, ignorant and dismissive to this reality.. you need to shut up and keep your peace to yourself. You have no idea what it feels like to be spiritually alienated, trying to give and help these lost humans and only get pissed on. The humans of this planet on a collective scale, have disgusting energy that we are not use to. Our frequency is not adjusted to such a low state.. and it emotionally hurts to be caught in this place. So for those who are thinking we are crazies and this reality is bull.. you need a god damn reality check.

Words never better spoken, friend. Nobody knows what it is like until they walk in our shoes for awhile. And I fully understand the plain "disgusting energy: flow that comes from people, I can even feel it in here sometimes, and most especially in public settings. My own Frequency is quite a bit higher than a "normal" person, but only because I myself worked hard to raise it so. I willed, and dared to do it. Actually, in my advance age, I have been again working ion Inner Alchemy. This is slightly akin to Tree Work in the Kabbala, in that you identify the Chakra's, (Power Centers) and raise each one to it's highest level. Always begin at the top, or Crown Chakra, and work your way down, and never awaken the Lower, Serpent Chakra that lies at the base of the spline in the groin area. I have also done a lot of work on my DNA, and Immune System. No religion teaches these principles, save Taoism. Why is that? one wonders.

Another thing I would like to point out which validates this star spirit phenomena.. is what average humans are calling "New Age". There is nothing new about this age, other the the fact that those beings who have been coming here (Especially for the last half century) are truly awakening more humans to their divine selves. And why is that a bad thing?

A question I might ask myself. Certain members are always railing and ranting on the New Age Movement, calling it evil, lazy, wrong, sinful, and a host of other adjectives. All we are doing is attempting to kill of the Old Age. Is there one person here that is pleased with the Old Age? The Establishment pleasing to you, is it? How do you feel living in a world filled with fear, loathing, and populated by mythical creatures? To me, those who have not awakened to their Divine Self is missing out. There are but two places to find the Divine, and one of those is empty of presence. There is no God "out there."

You will be opposed, suppressed, shut down, attacked etc... but that is Earth, and I know we are not use to that kind of behavior and low vibration. But You have to stand against it with your own heart and light, shine

Opposed, oppressed, and Suppressed, yes, but never shut down, or shut up. Only by killing us can we be silenced.

Your incarnation was no accident, this reality seems like an illusion compared to what those spiritual beings are use too.. this is why your memory is forced to forget, but your energy is not. You have in it you, we can all feel it, I feel it in me right now

~ The mission, Earth. The goal, raise vibration to the frequency of LOVE

No, mine was not an "accident," in fact, it was planned for many years before it happened. My being here was for the benefit of everyone, but I am no Prophet, or Preacher. I do not wish anyone to join my religion or movement, nor do I wish to start one.

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by starchild10
Sorry but I knew this was BS as soome as I read the bit about distrurbed kids labelled with ADHD as actually being the misunderstood 'third wave'. Utter tosh.
It panders to those who can't accept that their kid has some form of mental disturbance and prefer to think that somehow they are more 'special' than others. Similarly it panders to people who can't believe that they aren't more special than the rest of humanity. Listen there has always been a mix of human qualities/abilities. Some of us are cut out to be counsellors etc, others cut out to be bricklayers. There were always those who were accutely sensitive and others who have the sensitivity of a stone wall. Yet the former now like to label themselves 'empaths' - it's a hoot!
edit on 15-7-2012 by starchild10 because: (no reason given)

what an ironic post coming from one who chose the name "starchild10" ... your post is in regards to your envy that you are nothing more then a lost human with average concepts based from society.. Goodluck with all that

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by autowrench

Thank you for the kind reply friend

I feel your heart and your wisdom.. you have a strong spirit brother. My post may of came off a bit .. 'strong'. But these humans who camp ats everyday and make up assumptions about people they do not know, is sickening. The past couple years this site has become a place of bashing and opposing. Everyone thinks they have the answers, and they refuse to understand or belive anything without "proof" or pictures. Very child like.. very human indeeed..

Its nice to know you are working on energy, as well, that higher frequency you hold, I too understand the WORK and sacfrifice it takes to get there. One must abandon their beliefs of religion, society, old ways of thinking and being etc.. and work on increasing their positive energy level (vibration), and tune into higher frequencies.
If humans did in fact understand that everything in "reality" is made of frequencies including matter, emotions, thought energy, sound.. they would understand a bit more about it (reality) and very well would change the whole concepts of soceity.. and most religions. And this is exactly what needs to happen to humanity and Gaia right now.. before its too late.

~ Love is an art

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

She has it right more than most of us realize. I know for a fact at least some of the star people are friendly. The Star People currently working with the Hopi are friendly!

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by robhines
You would if you could help others who were in the same situation but unsure, and if that was part of what you were supposed to do.

Unsure? If you are unsure what you are supposed to do - how can you claim to be a special "Earth Volunteer" here to save the planet?

Why the label of elevated importance for people who do nothing? It is ego is all it is.

And Annee - you are one of the bigger hypocrites here. Please explain, enlightened one, how this internet forum obsession tallies with your grand status as ET approved "Earth Volunteer".

You sit on your ass, type away, consume the planet's resources - then claim to be one of a wave of new age saviors. Sad, really.

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by LoveisanArt


Those who are all negative, critcizing, ignorant and dismissive to this reality.. you need to shut up and keep your peace to yourself. You have no idea what it feels like to be spiritually alienated, trying to give and help these lost humans and only get pissed on. The humans of this planet on a collective scale, have disgusting energy that we are not use to. Our frequency is not adjusted to such a low state.. and it emotionally hurts to be caught in this place....

"Those naysayer-humans, stuck in the low frequencies that the elites have governed over society for so long... are CONTENT living and being this way. This is because they do not see how things could be another way, especially a more enlightend way...."

Those who do feel alienated, feel this world is all backwards.. need to realize you chose to be here in this era to help and transform this planet and this ever-so-lost race. Your job is to keep that high energy, that higher frequency, do not back off in fear and loose it, that is the mission...

~ The mission, Earth. The goal, raise vibration to the frequency of LOVE

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by Haknow

thank you for the reply and input. I think you took my words way to specifcally.. and you went into a little more clear depth lol. So thanks for that too

Yes we are individuals who have a soul purpose.. but many of us ONLY came here for 1 purpose. To restore the collective vibration of Earth and wake up the human kind to the cosmos. They are blind and attached to the society and system they live in, which in replace, has made up their perceptions on everything and stripped them of what they truly are, spiritual beings. They were not free from the begginning of incarnation as conformity in school >> college >> job >> religion etc .. takes place. Being 'forced' to conform to a system which existed before your first breath really is a disadvantage in life and therefore influences how your life goes if you in fact stay in that system. Your perception on LIFE, SELF, CREATION becomes hazed by concepts of the box I call society.

That box has a very low vibration, and most within it have a low frequency. There is no time to take to ourselves and work on ourselves and see life through our own perspective. We (being human) just pick up ideas, opinions, beliefs etc .. through our experience in life of soceity. This is why the system is built to occupy us everyday.. to to occupy our consciousness, and totally forget why we came to Earth in the first place. Its living in this boxed-society that has led humanity in turmoil..

And this is what the Call to Gaia is about. Restoring the peace, bringing forth new vibrations and raising frequencies through LOVE. OPENING THE LID OF THE BOX. Anyone reading this calling me a hippie or has a grumpy look on their face.. well your the ones I'm picking out here who need the star spirits. Becuase life isnt about arguing, opposing, hating, fighting, war, sickness, destruction (of self and the planet in which you incarnate) .. etc. ITs about sharing, caring, compassion for those you share this beautiful experience with, its about LOVE and Joy

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

I have a strong feeling that some sort of "vibrational physics" (not really a term, I know) is the key or even the pathway to a higher level of consciousness. I think this type of knowledge (knowing how vibrations really impact physical matter) is the answer to all types of unanswered questions - ghosts, time travel, other dimensions, crop circles, and probably space-time continuum theories. And I'd be willing to put money on it that the military is attempting to weaponize (sp?) vibration in some manner.

I get the feeling that some of what we occasionally get glimpses of, whether it's ghosts, shadow-people, or other unknown phenomena, that understanding more about vibration will unlock and explain a great deal of what is now unexplained.

Let me add that I responded to your post after reading only a few replies and I am already seeing a theme here so it looks like I'm not alone!
edit on 15-7-2012 by flashtrum because: last comment

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by LoveisanArt

The past couple years this site has become a place of bashing and opposing. Everyone thinks they have the answers, and they refuse to understand or belive anything without "proof" or pictures. Very child like.. very human indeeed..

Yes, it certainly has became a place of bashing and opposing, of personal insults and name calling, threats of eternal damnation if we fail to join a Cult and do just like they say.

ATS used to be forum of Conspiracies in most every topic you can think of. Most of the action in those days was in the Aliens thread. Then came the self styled Internet Preachers with their "all Aliens are Demons" thing, again, and again, and again. There was even a thread by that name by one of these Internet Preachers, you all know who I am talking about here.

Anymore it just seems like fighting all the time. Every few days another one comes along with a new version of the story. These days I can get through "New Topics" in 15 minutes, there have been days it took hours to get through them all.

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 12:35 AM
I believe that the ET's might be helping us but I think they are more like us in which some help some don't. You know good bad ying yang stuff. All in all I don't care to much about it all because I have enough on my plate with my family and friends. This is more a drunkin campfire talk. Most people believe in different things so they are usually short talks. Ego, but why bother I believe in God but what if we die and it's just black won't matter then will it so why worry to much. These people rave over the end times but why we all live and die in a blink of an eye so just live and try to do good for the world and our kids and be gone. I have something to say I almost feel like I am here to help others. It seems that when I go places at times I left at that exact moment to be there to help that certain person. It happens a lot not everyday but once a month or so. So there has to be something out there and I know most of you feel it to not physically but oddly like why did I leave in time to be there to help that person with there car or save that life kind of thing.

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 05:13 AM

Originally posted by autowrench
reply to post by LoveisanArt

The past couple years this site has become a place of bashing and opposing. Everyone thinks they have the answers, and they refuse to understand or belive anything without "proof" or pictures. Very child like.. very human indeeed..

Yes, it certainly has became a place of bashing and opposing, of personal insults and name calling, threats of eternal damnation if we fail to join a Cult and do just like they say.

ATS used to be forum of Conspiracies in most every topic you can think of. Most of the action in those days was in the Aliens thread. Then came the self styled Internet Preachers with their "all Aliens are Demons" thing, again, and again, and again. There was even a thread by that name by one of these Internet Preachers, you all know who I am talking about here.

Anymore it just seems like fighting all the time. Every few days another one comes along with a new version of the story. These days I can get through "New Topics" in 15 minutes, there have been days it took hours to get through them all.

I get so tired of the dualitything but unfortunatly I myself get invested in it. But it is a good place to increase your skill at argumenting. And unfortunatly we probably have to continue showing an opposite view to some of these people so other people do no fall into their dualityideatraps.

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 06:37 AM
Just because 20 billion kids believe in Santa clause doesnt make him any more real than the Easter bunny or the tooth fairy. There are limits to manifestation of reality. Make sure you know the difference before you jumping off those cliffs...

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 07:00 AM

Originally posted by TiM3LoRd
Just because 20 billion kids believe in Santa clause doesnt make him any more real than the Easter bunny or the tooth fairy.

There are 6 billion people on the planet. 1.9 billion are children from ages 0-14. Of that many, only the Christian children have santa claus and out of those it's estimated that only a few million actually believe in Santa Claus. I know you were trying to make a point .. but so am I.

There are limits to manifestation of reality. Make sure you know the difference before you jumping off those cliffs...

'limits to the manifestation of reality'. Would you explain that. Lots of big words and such ... but lets' hear what you mean by that.

The fact is - we do NOT know all there is to know. To hold a myopic view of the universes is to close your eyes to what could be happening. Like I said, I'm not a 'believer' in what Dolores is saying, but I'm not closing my mind to it either.

Up until not too long ago, scientists and doctors thought germs were a fairy tale.
Get the point??

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

From what I can understand it seems that these entities can not remember anything once they are born into our dimension, just as many of us can't remember much about our pasts/past lives before our births.
The reason that comes to mind as to why the "first wave" had such a hard time would probably be something to do with the fact that Earths vibration, or it's frequency has been shifting more now than at any other known time & this is making it a lot easier for us to realise that our eternal spirit is so much a part of our lives more than anything else, whereas back when the first wave arrived the Earth's frequency was not at a point which it was actually wakening the subconciousness of many humans [no there is nothing scientific to prove that as far as I know] & thus they were in darkness as to who they were.

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