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Next time you're in an airport, ask a pilot about UFOs

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posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by fixer1967

Funny though, whatever happens in the cockpit isn't "just" in the cockpit. I mean, to a degree, the pilots see a more expansive view than passengers, but if there is always one person looking out on each side, and those people observe well, they can see things even the pilots can't see, I'd imagine. (I don't know the angles of the windows or anything.)

Lots of people have cameras. Someone could film a decent shot, maybe, from a digital camera. (Cell phones have gotten better but are still abysmal.) Then again, it would probably still be a blurry mess.

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 11:18 PM
I have a friend who is a pilot - he indicated to me that he'd seen a ufo, and that he knew others who had as well. It was not something he would report. In his opinion, it was not uncommon.

Now, what that means is open to interpretation - doesn't mean the first conclusion is "ET Craft," but strange things in the skies...yes...yes there are.(I've personally seen a ufo with amazing tech, so I'm in the "believer" category.)

Thanks OP for a great chance to talk about this! I'm really curious to hear what others are saying about this, too.


posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by Shino

I was a flight attendant a few years back and actually lived with a few pilots in our "crash pad." A crash pad is basically a house or an apartment that flight crew rent. There can be upwards of 20 people renting a house but with the various schedules, at any given time, there are five or less people there, typically. Most of the time, you rent the bed you sleep in. So anyway, I always asked my pilot friends about UFO's and not a single one admitted to seeing one. I was rather disappointed, to say the least. I can't remember seeing anything from the air myself and I did fly a lot during those days. All the strange things I've seen in the sky, I've seen from the ground.

Just a little warning... depending on the pilots you ask, some of them will play along and tell you they've seen UFO's, just to be an ass, and then laugh about it when you leave. I'm definitely not saying that is what happened to you, but I knew some of these guys well and they would do ANYTHING for a laugh.
edit on 7/9/2012 by gemineye because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 12:14 AM
I know a pilot that flies a small plane that for laughs has a deep sea fishing reel and runs out a half dozen light sticks about 100 feet behind his plane.

Worked fine till a military C130 saw it one night and closed right behind his plane and when they saw it was light sticks they turned on there landing light.
My friend had no idea what was going on when his plane lit up.

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 02:10 AM
reply to post by NuclearPaul

Matter of fact, I was walking my dog roughly a month maybe 2 months ago and while he does his business (great danes take a long time to pee) I often stare at the stars picking out constellations and such when I noticed one star that looked out of place. So I stared for a minute then it started to move, quickly - I thought it was just either a plane or maybe I lucked up and caught a satellite or something but the speed and it's sudden change of direction really baffled me. I stood there watching it for quite a while as it zigzagged, stopped and resumed it's crazy course until it was out of sight. There were no flashing lights, sounds or anything that would be a tale tale sign of a plane or helicopter, and it's movements and stopping speeds were amazing. I know I can't accurately judge speed without knowing distance and size of whatever it was but I felt lucky to witness it. Also to note I was not drinking nor do I do any drugs, recreational or otherwise.

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 02:40 AM

Originally posted by fixer1967
I had a pilot tell me once that for a pilot to admit to seeing or to report an UFO was the quick road to the unemployment line. He said "WHAT HAPPENS IN THE COCKPIT STAYS IN THE COCKPIT".

I've heard that too.

I've never asked anybody that question.
I've had people tell me they have

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 03:02 AM
My dad has been flying planes for over 30 years. He is a captain of high seniority at a major airline. He has told me two stories about UFOs he has seen. One I can't remember, only a memory of the story, and the second I remember an exact description of what he told me. He said they looked like triangles, I wont bore yall with specifics. His co-pilot was a witness and as I said this wasn't the first time. If you ask pilots they very well might tell you. Remember though that they are under constant scrutiny and at least my dad is very secretive of things of this nature, it's "weird" and honestly could cost them a job. Trust me, pilots see things all the time. I bet you any pilot with ten years in the air has seen a UFO. Who knows what they are. My father and I share a theory, that is up for debate, however, without a doubt, these things exist. My dad isn't a crackpot. He is well respected and absolutely loves his job. When he was young, this is what he wanted to do, and he is excellent at it. So, he isn't going to tell anyone about what he saw. But I'm sure there are plenty of pilots and captains who have seen these things and would be willing to share, I'm sure they have some incredible stories!
edit on 10-7-2012 by xxPUSH0Noo because: edit

edit on 10-7-2012 by xxPUSH0Noo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 03:06 AM
I think this clip from 'Close Encounters' sums up the culture in the air industry concerning UFO's

And I don't blame them... They'd be sacked in an instant.


Rock Ape

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 04:05 AM

Originally posted by TechUnique
I should imagine asking astronomers would be noteworthy as well!

I've already not asked astronomer, corrected him. He was young, though a little older than me, I myself have studied astronomy and never seen any UFOs cause I identify objects I've seen so far, so I take it I can speak from objective point, not that of denial or belief.

I only told him not to dismiss something he doesn't know, he said those things were shot down, I said - it' possible. You know, like about Rosewell some said - why would an alien travel all the way here to crash the spaceship on our planet - I mean that would be funny. I think most of the 'crashes' are actually objects taken down by force. The fact that the astronomer mentioned them, means he quickly agreed with that event happening and that they were force taken - I'm sure he isn't into UFOs at all and that was so right he said.

To be honest, I was at that observatory as a tourist, if I were as a student meeting professors like I did in the US in one observatory, I would too be afraid of even mentioning UFOs. Because I was like a tourist there, I felt it wouldn't hurt since the other tourists asked if aliens exist and he said they did not. He knew that I've been into astronomy since we mentioned some spectral analysis stuff that usually you don't see as commonly known.
edit on 10-7-2012 by Imtor because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 04:28 AM
People that have a job that requires looking at a radar screen might be another group to ask.

I know a man that operated govt radar sets in countries near the Soviet border in the 1960's and 70's. The radar was used to eavesdrop on Soviet missile tests. He says that blips would transverse the screen(covering hundreds of miles) in a few seconds, going much faster than any aircraft that we had supposedly developed at the time, and performing maneuvers that he said were 'impossible'.

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 05:08 AM

Originally posted by Diablos
Most astronomers are the biggest skeptics and wouldn't even acknowledge they exist, let alone have a conversation on the topic.

Cloudynights, the biggest astronomy forum on the internet, where you find astronomers...

having a conversation
about UFOs
and Aliens

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 05:26 AM
reply to post by Ookie

I had a very similar experience, I was round my friends house having a BBQ/Pool Day, we were drinking ( Not lots just a few before anyone says I was drunk), I was outside smoking a cigarette and night watching as I always do when smoking, what looked like a star suddenly started moving across the sky, I shouted my girlfriend who was sat inside with everyone as it was after the BBQ and everyone was indoors, she looked up to and I pointed at what I was seeing, After about 15-20 seconds of staring at it a blue ring zipped round it and it disappeared. Its the only UFO i have ever seen but was amazing to watch, I couldn't stop thinking about it all night.

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 06:46 AM
nevermind sorry
edit on 10-7-2012 by nagabonar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 06:51 AM

Originally posted by 12voltz
You would probably get more information from the guy down the road who sits in his backyard having a ciggie . Aircraft windows have a relatively small field of vision and pilots usually spend more time scanning gauges than sightseeing. .Being licensed to fly a plane does not make anyone more credible than the dude out walking his dog.

I strongly disagree with this statement. Nowadays with the technological advancements, pilots just sit 90% of their time and read newspapers on their Ipad or sleep while the other pilot watches...a close relative of mine is a pilot.

Also from pictures i have seen pilots have the best view in all jobs availble (except astronauts)

on another note this close relative who flies commercial aircrafts with 100 + passengers for 10 years never has seen anything "strange" so far, promised me though, i would be the first to hear

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 07:17 AM
The last time I was on a plane (last year) I had a brief conversation with a airline stewardess mid flight, I explained I was nervous about flying as I was interested in UFOs and how I thought the airline industry paved over safety concerns for general well being and the relaxation of the public passenger.

I asked her if she could ask the pilot on the phone thingy(as the doors are now locked) if he'd every seen a UFO or if any of his fellow pilots had had any strange experiences. I kinda got the same response as most people when talking about UFOs or anything else out of the 'norm' and the very attractive young lady was polite enough to say she and the pilot was a little busy. ( I got the impression she probably thought I was a little weird).

the conversation ended and i sweated my way through the rest of the flight, when we landed I had pretty much forgot about the whole thing and was just glad the wheels had stopped safely on the tarmac.

As myself and the wife was exiting the plane via one of the front doors onto the boarding tunnel/ rampy thing, I could see inside the cockpit from the outside quite clear(almost like looking into a car). Then something very strange happened, the cock pit was now obviously open as the air stewardess was now inside and she was pointing me out to the pilot and co-pilot,deep in conversation. As if maybe she had concerns about me, the facial expressions on the pilots face was very serious,almost intrigued. as he stared at me fading down the tunnel

I thought about this for sometime and to this day i cannot work out whether she was pointing me out as a perceived wierdo or someone that maybe onto something and the pilots maybe had some experience

I have to say my gut feeling was the latter, and found it strange she had remembered our conversation when I had not.

Thanks for reading

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 07:49 AM

Originally posted by butcherguy
People that have a job that requires looking at a radar screen might be another group to ask.

I know a man that operated govt radar sets in countries near the Soviet border in the 1960's and 70's. The radar was used to eavesdrop on Soviet missile tests. He says that blips would transverse the screen(covering hundreds of miles) in a few seconds, going much faster than any aircraft that we had supposedly developed at the time, and performing maneuvers that he said were 'impossible'.

I was going to suggest this. My friends mum used to work in the Royal Air Force as a radar operative in the 70s. She saw these kinds of things too, the first time she told her higher ups and they just shrugged and said that you have to ignore them as they were just unexplainable, they were used to them.

To the 2 posters who saw 'moving stars'. I saw two of these in 2008, both moving in different directions, right angles, speeding up etc. After about a minute they both zoomed off in the same direction. I was staying at my friends farm and at first he made the usual jokes and laughed off what I'd seen, a few months later he admitted he sees them all the time but the thought of what they might be scares the pants off him!

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by Shino

One of my best friends is an Air Traffic Controller wannabe. He runs the biggest ATC website online and it's all professionals. So, he knows pilots... He's told me many times that every pilot he's talked to, practically, has a UFO story. There's a LOT of action up there going ignored.

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 08:29 AM

Originally posted by 12voltz
You would probably get more information from the guy down the road who sits in his backyard having a ciggie . Aircraft windows have a relatively small field of vision and pilots usually spend more time scanning gauges than sightseeing. .Being licensed to fly a plane does not make anyone more credible than the dude out walking his dog.

Yes, the alcoholic redneck down in the trailer park has far more credibility than a 30-year airline pilot entrusted with hundreds of thousands of lives every year. Which trailer do you live in? Ill stay far away.

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by 12voltz

Actually with all the sophisticated flight computers and navigation in airliners the pilots are only really needed in takeoff and landing basically making them glorified bus drivers. And visibilty is always crucial so they have a preety good field of vision in front and to the sides. Military planes have even better visibilty for obvious reasons. The fact that pilots are trained in everything having to do with flight it makes them one of the best and most reliably eyewitness to anything airbounre that is unknown. Give us a little credit, at least we can determine the difference between a craft powered by intelligence and a freakin chinises latern at 12,000ft.

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 09:22 AM
I met and talked to a pilot one evening in my friends bar/restaurant. I had asked him this question, he said that although he has never witnessed anything out of sorts, he recieved a radio message asking him to keep a eye out for strange lights in his vicinity reported by another pilot.

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