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Shadow/smoke beings draining your energy

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posted on Jul, 6 2012 @ 03:48 PM
Last night I fell asleep on the couch (normal for me, I just like couch sleeping) and drifted off to a semi recurring dream scenario. Started off I was sitting on a lawn chair at night between my house and garage looking at my driveway when I noticed two people messing with my car and placing something inside. I crept on them and the closer I got they began to take a smokey shadowy appearance and started to approach me, at this point I reached for my sidearm and then became very very weak and started to lose my vision and slowly collapsed to the ground straining with all my strength and willpower to even turn my head to see them, thinking to myself " I just fell into this trap again.." The next moment I am back on my couch where I fell asleep, tv still on and one of these smokey/shadow figures was putting something on or in my leg and remembering a thread I read here earlier (I want to add that I was raised southern baptist, but since have became agnostic or atheist more less) and I was basically paralyzed and still weak with my vision greatly impaired to a near blurry tunnel vision. I strained to regain control of myself and tried with all my strength saying Jesus Christ help me, to no avail and finally with my last amount of energy shouted the best I could "I believe in God!" and boom I sit up wide awake and in control to find myself extremely drained and starving for food and water. I looked at the clock and had only been asleep for maybe 30 minutes. I am fully aware of sleep paralysis, having experience that a couple of times, but these dreams of these shadow things are very different in their feeling. I don't expect anyone to give this any credence, but I felt it was important to share this. Anyone else have anything similar?

posted on Jul, 6 2012 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by Thescripter

Not like this, no. But I did have a spell where I would wake up in a panic and see giant shadow spiders on my screen/window and when I tried to look at it it would move very fast off the screen and onto the roof. I never really believed it was a spider because it was HUGE and the fact that I kept waking up as it was "looking" at me was just too much of a coincident for me to take seriously. I have not seen them in some time, but lots has changed for me spiritually since then as well. So who knows.

posted on Jul, 6 2012 @ 04:08 PM
I will say this I woke up from a night tremor last night/ this morning and all I could see when I was half awake was this whispy smoke coming off of my body. I've experienced this before a few times but never gave it any thought, I have also experienced beings in my dreams that cause me to feel paralyzed and take away my breath or try to overtake my body. I must tell you tho that I've been diagnosed with narcolepsy since I was 13., which causes super vivid dreams, even if it seems as tho I'm awake. Crazy thing I start praying when this is happening and they/it goes away. This has been happening all my life. I Believe there is something to it, or could just be the power of our brains.

posted on Jul, 6 2012 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by LemaEcho
I will say this I woke up from a night tremor last night/ this morning and all I could see when I was half awake was this whispy smoke coming off of my body. I've experienced this before a few times but never gave it any thought, I have also experienced beings in my dreams that cause me to feel paralyzed and take away my breath or try to overtake my body. I must tell you tho that I've been diagnosed with narcolepsy since I was 13., which causes super vivid dreams, even if it seems as tho I'm awake. Crazy thing I start praying when this is happening and they/it goes away. This has been happening all my life. I Believe there is something to it, or could just be the power of our brains.

I meant night terror but tremor seems more appropriate.

posted on Jul, 6 2012 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by LemaEcho

I agree. Either way though I was relieved to have the whole experience over, but being curious as I am and remembering a idea from another forum on here, I decided to eat a bit of peanut butter to see if I could induce a lucid dream while I was it, may as well get the most from the already strange night eh? To no avail however on that test.
edit on 6-7-2012 by Thescripter because: typo

posted on Jul, 6 2012 @ 04:31 PM
You had a out of the body experience....wild rides sometimes.Did you feel electrical snaps/

posted on Jul, 6 2012 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by SarnholeOntarable

Can't quiet say electrical snaps, but as soon as I get close enough in these experiences I am instantly drained. Like that feeling right before you pass out and vision fades very quickly. I have had this dream experience in different settings at least 4 other times I can recall, the first one being around age 4 I think. For what it's worth if you ever experience this, just try saying something about God and see if that snaps you out of it. I am not preaching at all mind you, but I remember feeling I would try anything to get out of it.

Also I have had what I would call OOBEs before and the main thing for me in those "dreams" is everything for me was always in black and white and nothing electrical worked at all. I rather enjoyed those, jumping outside was also very interesting in that experience.

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 01:16 AM
reply to post by LemaEcho

Oh yeah. Those narcoleptic dreams are a thrill ride of sheer terror sometimes! I bet we narcoleptics could just overthrow the dreams forum with our stories haha.

As for the OP, this "draining" experience does seem common in a few of my own experiences as well. However, in the long run of things, I wouldn't worry about it. We are much stronger than anything in the dream world. They are lower beings and are frightened of us.

There are (working, useful) techniques for taking control of these situations. Tell those shadow wisps to step off and get a life and they usually will. And calling on Jesus, God, or whatever your source of spiritual comfort usually is enough to send them packing as well.

My opinion? Yes, things in the dream world, or lower realms of spiritual life, or whatever it is!..yeah, they like to mess with us sometimes. We are most susceptible to them when we are sleeping/dreaming. We are capable of overcoming them though. Show courage and strength and love..this sends em running scared.

I have no sources--just many, many years of personal experience, observation, and empiricism.

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 03:23 AM
reply to post by Thescripter

I had kind of the same experience.

I was in a dream, I went to a house together with my parents who sought for something. When I entered the house I began feeling weak and my vision became clouded. I had a skateboard with me and I began hitting it, but it didn't help. Then I started thinking to myself to stay strong. I could still walk and talk, but very slow and weak.


posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by NarcolepticBuddha
reply to post by LemaEcho

Oh yeah. Those narcoleptic dreams are a thrill ride of sheer terror sometimes! I bet we narcoleptics could just overthrow the dreams forum with our stories haha.

As for the OP, this "draining" experience does seem common in a few of my own experiences as well. However, in the long run of things, I wouldn't worry about it. We are much stronger than anything in the dream world. They are lower beings and are frightened of us.

There are (working, useful) techniques for taking control of these situations. Tell those shadow wisps to step off and get a life and they usually will. And calling on Jesus, God, or whatever your source of spiritual comfort usually is enough to send them packing as well.

My opinion? Yes, things in the dream world, or lower realms of spiritual life, or whatever it is!..yeah, they like to mess with us sometimes. We are most susceptible to them when we are sleeping/dreaming. We are capable of overcoming them though. Show courage and strength and love..this sends em running scared.

I have no sources--just many, many years of personal experience, observation, and empiricism.

Agreed. Also what's with narcolepsy? What's allows us to be so in tune with sleep that it almost seems that we are awake in our dreams. I am surprised that this hasn't been discussed on here. As for OP I've tried many methods of inducing lucid dreaming and I can tell u that there is a vitamin called Acetycholine check it out. Hope u haven't encountered those beings again.
edit on 7-7-2012 by LemaEcho because: posted without reply

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 09:06 PM
reply to post by LemaEcho

Yeah, I agree with you there. There is something "odd" about us narcoleptics and the dream world. Most people just write it off as chemical malfunctions and glitches in the brain. And I am surprised that it hasn't been discussed or posited before either. So, it's up to people like you and me to start the threads and discussions!

Have you ever had sleep paralysis? Apparently Narcoleptics are especialy susceptible to this experience. I will even go so far as to say that sleep paralysis seems to be the first stage in initiating astral projection or out of body experience.

I think we narcoleptics spend so much time sleeping (in another state of consciousness, if you will) for a reason. What that reason is? I don't know, but I need at least 12 hours of uninterrupted sleep before I can wake up and function. It's definitely a special place if you don't let the fear and terror creep into your dreamworld.

For a while I felt incredibly cursed to have narcolepsy.. sooooo tired!

But actually it's kind of a gift sometimes. Glad to meet another person with the N gift/curse!

You said you were diagnosed at 13? I'm pretty sure I had it since I was in elementary school. The onset happens quite early in life. I wasn't diagnosed until I was in college though
lots of confusion in those days. I had a girl break up with me before because I could never wake up on time for our lunch dates. I've spent a lot of time in detention for arriving late or falling asleep in ceramics (and even band!) class. Not to mention how all my family thinks I'm a lazy slack@$$ and doesn't understand that it's a sleeping disorder and not my lack of work ethic.

I sought treatment and experimented with docs and meds for over 2 years--nothing, not even the slightest bit of relief or a single step in the right direction.

Still, I wouldn't trade it for anything!

edit on 7-7-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-7-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-7-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-7-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by NarcolepticBuddha

Funny you two should mention this - I have always fell asleep during class back in high school unexpectedly and not intentionally. Always got me into trouble in which I felt I was not at fault or had control over. My parents thought I was diabetic due to having a lack of energy all the time, which I tested negative for, so they just shrugged it off as me being lazy. It seems anytime I have to sit still for any length of time I get this really heavy tiredness feeling and can easily fall asleep and have a tougher time waking up than most people, although the opposite is true for when I try to go to sleep, then I seem to suffer from insomnia. Is that something you two deal with as well? Sorry for the questions but everything on Google will tell you that it's cancer or a diabetes xD

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by Thescripter
reply to post by NarcolepticBuddha

I get this really heavy tiredness feeling and can easily fall asleep and have a tougher time waking up than most people, although the opposite is true for when I try to go to sleep, then I seem to suffer from insomnia. Is that something you two deal with as well?

Classic narcolepsy! I can't speak for the other poster, but this sounds exactly like me. The brain gets its signals confused--it is tired when it should have energy, and it is very energetic when it should be tired. Insomnia is a common symptom of people with narcolepsy. It sounds like a contradiction, but I go through bouts of both drowsiness and insomnia. It is unpredictable when I will experience either/or. I have had spells where I have slept up to 18 hours uninterrupted at a time. Likewise, I have also gone about 40 some-odd hours without feeling the slightest bit sleepy (sometimes I just have to take some benydryl to fall asleep).

Falling asleep against your will in inappropriate situations (like during class) is telltale of narcolepsy; the term itself literally means "seized by sleep".

Here's a good way to check if you MIGHT have narcolepsy. If you wake up in the morning or after a mild nap, you can remain lying in bed..if you fall back asleep within 10-20 minutes...this is a classic narcoleptic giveaway. (Pairing this method with some scans of your brainwaves is called a multiple sleep-latency test MSLT) and it is a chief way of diagnosing it.

Frequent, vivid dreaming is another possible symptom. One usually also experiences REM rebound, wherein one immediately begins dreaming upon falling asleep (say, if you take an hour long nap, do you experience dreams in that hour? This is indicative of abnormal REM cycles.)

I would have to check my numbers but I believe it is something like 1:1000 people may have narcolepsy to some degree...most go undiagnosed their entire life. In fact, diagnosing sleeping disorders is tough to do. I have complained to my doctors for about 5-6 years before one of them suggested I may have sleep apnea! Sure enough, I did have a sleeping disorder, but not an apnea.

Sorry for the lack of sources, but some quick internet searches should be able to verify that most of what I have typed is pretty accurate (at least they were a few years ago when I did my initial research.) Funny fact: some of my earliest probes into sleep paralysis have led me to ATS many years ago.

It is quite possible (though I wouldn't want to lead you in a misdirection) that your dream episode was simply a narcoleptic playland. I couldn't even begin to tell you some of the wild adventures I have been on as a result of my narcolepsy and its effects on dreaming. (Remember that sleep paralysis, aka hypnagogic/hypnapompic sleep, is also a common symptom associated with narcolepsy.

Talk to a doctor and raise some concerns about having a sleeping disorder if you appear to the fit the bill. The diagnosing procedures are simple, and practically definitive (albeit, expensive)

Hope this helps spread some awareness of narcolepsy and sleep disorders! I have a feeling most of the dreams and predictions forum would look different if more people were aware of them! It's not our/their fault though. Sleep science has a lot of work to do and a lot of gaps to fill.

(By the way, LOVE the Lone Gunman avatar)

edit on 7-7-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-7-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-7-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by Thescripter

These things terrorized me as a child. Seriously. Wasn't till I was 13, when it stopped. In dream,or in semi waking moments. Scary thing? My Daughter at 5 years old, seemed to have the same thing happen to her. I believe these things drain your soul, or feed off of fear.

posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 11:54 PM
With the above poster's post in mind..Please understand that while there is some science to dreaming (refer to my discussions on narcolepsy/ sleep paralysis etc.) that I still believe there is more to it.

My personal experiences and observations have led me to believe that there are some spiritual entities that like to mess with us in our sleep..possibly sapping our energy in some way. But at this point I can only speculate in lieu of scientific answers or spiritual understanding of the situation

posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 12:06 AM

Originally posted by NarcolepticBuddha
With the above poster's post in mind..Please understand that while there is some science to dreaming (refer to my discussions on narcolepsy/ sleep paralysis etc.) that I still believe there is more to it.

My personal experiences and observations have led me to believe that there are some spiritual entities that like to mess with us in our sleep..possibly sapping our energy in some way. But at this point I can only speculate in lieu of scientific answers or spiritual understanding of the situation

I agree. I have NO signs of narcolepsy/ sleep paralysis. My Parents took me to the doctors. After the battery of tests,it was decided to try medication, which my Parents refused. Now, the house I lived in had many bad things happen in it (hanging in 1902), and around it. Deaths. 4 that were known,2 that happened between the houses, near my room,a year before this started to happen. I don't know if that was part of the reason. Just the negative energy though, was there, that's for certain. Now for my child to explicitly tell me what she had seen,at the edge of her bed, brought chills to me. I told her not to worry,and to scream for me, so I could take care of it. Don't know if these things follow you, through generations,or are ALWAYS around. Creepy, none the less. Nothing though, for the last 4 years. I am happy about that.
edit on 8-7-2012 by sonnny1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 12:11 AM
reply to post by NarcolepticBuddha

I can nod off for 5 minutes and have full on hours of dream time. Sometimes I start to dream before I even fall asleep if that makes sense, very disorienting to say the least.

Thanks a lot for all your info I will look into this.

Edit : As far as bad things following people and so on, I am hesitant to admit, but where I grew up was (and this will sound cliche so I understand) an old Cherokee burial ground, or at least had one known stone covered grave that over time had more less created a form of concrete between the stones, still intact there. I had no idea as a curious 5 year old what it was and spent days hacking at it with various farm tools and afterwards things became very very interesting. I could write pages of strange events. Ever since that time, even bringing up the topic of it when I visit my mom, something weird always happens (cabinets and doors slamming, even on one occasion I heard what I thought was her Yorkie viciously attacking something, but found he was laying on my mom's lap, he actually died that night strangely enough) Just thought I would throw this in here if anyone is interested.
edit on 8-7-2012 by Thescripter because: stuff to add

posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 12:16 AM
reply to post by sonnny1

Right. And I think people with narcolepsy are more sensitive to these entities that like to mess with sleeping people. Why not? People with N spend so much darn time sleeping anyway.

I am intrigued to see what your post had to say about your daughter's sighting. I will go search for that as soon as I post this one.

I have also had a strange encounter with some being or creature or entity standing in my doorway while I was waking up from sleep. I was totally awake, alert, and cogent..yet there it was standing in my doorway.

I would be happy to further discuss this encounter and I am equally interested in hearing of your daughter's encounter as well.

It was this sighting alone that happened in 2002-2003? (it's been so long) that led me to ATS in the first place. I was seeking answers to explain this encounter ever since. Unfortunately, I am only slightly closer to understanding now than I was back when it happened.

posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 12:22 AM

Originally posted by Thescripter
reply to post by NarcolepticBuddha

Sometimes I start to dream before I even fall asleep if that makes sense

Makes perfect sense to me
I can stay perfectly aware during the transition into sleep known as the alpha stage. This is where you are aware, but your brain starts to slowly shut down. It can start spewing out all kinds of random, incoherent thoughts. However, part of your mind also acts as an outside, unaffected observer. It remains some kind of voice of reason and logic while the brain itself is winding down.

I know exactly what you mean though. I, too, have "started dreaming" in this alpha stage of awareness. Don't be surprised if you have lucid dreams or other interesting things happen from time to time, although it sounds like you already have according to your OP. You can learn quite a lot about yourself and how the mind works by paying close attention to these transitions and changes in states of consciousness.

However, this is a lesson for advanced students and I'm getting ahead of myself

Concerning your original post, I would still just tell these shadow wisps to step off and back away. A demonstration of strength and courage is usually enough to put an end to such episodes.
edit on 8-7-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 12:23 AM

Originally posted by NarcolepticBuddha
reply to post by sonnny1

Right. And I think people with narcolepsy are more sensitive to these entities that like to mess with sleeping people. Why not? People with N spend so much darn time sleeping anyway.

I am intrigued to see what your post had to say about your daughter's sighting. I will go search for that as soon as I post this one.

I have also had a strange encounter with some being or creature or entity standing in my doorway while I was waking up from sleep. I was totally awake, alert, and cogent..yet there it was standing in my doorway.

I would be happy to further discuss this encounter and I am equally interested in hearing of your daughter's encounter as well.

It was this sighting alone that happened in 2002-2003? (it's been so long) that led me to ATS in the first place. I was seeking answers to explain this encounter ever since. Unfortunately, I am only slightly closer to understanding now than I was back when it happened.

Not A problem. I have been researching this for a while,as it truly terrorized me,as a youth.

Shadow people are supernatural shadow-like humanoid figures that, according to believers, are seen flickering on walls and ceilings in the viewer's peripheral vision. They are often reported moving with quick, jerky movements, and quickly disintegrate into walls or mirrors. They are believed to be evil and aggressive in nature, although a few people consider them to be a form of guardian angel.

In 2010, the apparitions were described as one of the most regularly reported paranormal phenomena in the United States. This is attributed to occasional reports on the Coast to Coast AM show, where paranormal researcher Heidi Hollis has been interviewed several times on the subject of shadow people. Hollis believes that shadow people have always existed, that they feed upon emotions of fear, and that they can be repelled by thinking positively.Others believe that shadow people may be the extra-dimensional inhabitants of another universe.

Shadow people

This is the type of thing I had come to me night after night. Sometimes with red eyes, sometimes without. Draining me,choking me. I cant make it up.

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