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Im transgendered and I wish I wasn't

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posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 05:28 AM

Originally posted by BlueMule
Mystics are very often androgynous, because mystics unite with God and God is the unity of all pairs of opposites. Including the male/female pair. Coincidentia oppositorum.

I've never heard of an androgynous mystic. All the mystics I've read about have definately been male or female. All the mystics I've read about were either married to someone of the opposite sex or were celebate (buddhist monk, Catholic priest or nun, etc). I have never heard of any androgynous mystics.

Would you provide a link for us? Thank you.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 05:42 AM

Originally posted by Star128
Great Spirits deliver us from the blind devotees of dogmatic programming.
Everything one needs to know about the bible is RIGHT HERE;

While I'm all for deprogramming, I tend to truthfully find atheistic axe grinding to be just as disasteful as fundamentalist zealotry. They're apparently getting good mileage out of Peter Joseph's solar theory, as well. The solstice and Muslims and Freemasons, oh my!

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 06:03 AM
It's never too early or late to consider a sex change, but quite an extreme measure and one that will have people looking at you funny for the next 10 year's or so.

There's a young kid that lives near me who is in fact the youngest boy/man in England to get a sex change and the ridicule he receives is unparalleled. At just 18 he's going through the stage now of attempting to become a women. Google "Ria Cooper".

When ever I see or hear of him though i'll always see him as a "him".

Just accept who you are and get on with your life if you ask me. Could be worse. You could have been born with no legs or arms or maybe born blind. Be happy in who you are!
edit on 24-6-2012 by Just Chris because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 06:21 AM
Honestly I didn't read all replies, so I'm sure this has been said in several possibly much better ways...

To feel whole is to wholly be.

In my personal experience and opinion...the inner LGTB inner struggle can be absolutely horrible. I would say even more for the transgender community. I didn't want to be bisexual. I fought it my entire life until one day...I just let myself be. That's a lot easier for a bi woman to say than any transgender person.

Seek out groups, organizations, chats if you are shy, or meetings if you are not. Any LGTB organization will point you in the right direction for someone who can help with this struggle if you WANT to be that way or NOT. Accepting this type of thing about yourself in a society that is not generally comfortable with the idea will set off a chain of struggles in your life but they will make you stronger.

You can only fight yourself for so long before it takes the life out of you. Maybe you could take solace in the fact that some of the most incredible, open-minded, kind, forgiving, fun, and loving people I know are transgender. If you don't fit in to the box, get out of it.

Lots of love and here if you ever need to chat,
edit on 24-6-2012 by ValentineWiggin because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 06:37 AM

Originally posted by ValentineWiggin
In my personal experience and opinion...the inner LGTB inner struggle can be absolutely horrible. I would say even more for the transgender community. I didn't want to be bisexual. I fought it my entire life until one day...I just let myself be. That's a lot easier for a bi woman to say than any transgender person.

I consider the greatest blessing I've been given, VW, to have the same Mars placement as Joan of Arc; Mars in Aquarius. I may be periodically depressed, but I'm not dying. Sex is the most infernal of things; may a million curses be laid upon it. Celibacy is truly divine.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 06:40 AM

Originally posted by petrus4

Originally posted by ValentineWiggin
In my personal experience and opinion...the inner LGTB inner struggle can be absolutely horrible. I would say even more for the transgender community. I didn't want to be bisexual. I fought it my entire life until one day...I just let myself be. That's a lot easier for a bi woman to say than any transgender person.

I consider the greatest blessing I've been given, VW, to have the same Mars placement as Joan of Arc; Mars in Aquarius. I may be periodically depressed, but I'm not dying. Sex is the most infernal of things; may a million curses be laid upon it. Celibacy is truly divine.

Considering I've been "celibate" for going on 8 months, can't say I disagree LOL.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 07:52 AM
To the OP: Hang in there.
I have struggled with the same issue for most of my adult life. You really aren't going to find peace until you work it out, and that really does require lots of counseling. Sure it'll go away for a while, but it always comes back stronger than before.

I used to "talk myself out of it", and I felt worse than before, always, usually within a month or two.

Finally I got counseling, because (frankly) it was either that or suicide. My Therapist helped me sort things out. I know one thing: Acknowledgement of who you are and what you are is probably the most rewarding thing you'll experience. The fact that "you're not crazy". Validation, if you will.

Some people may not like it -- big deal. It's your life, not theirs.

AND .... you aren't even required to MAKE a decision of "what do you want to be". That takes all the pressure off. Be BOTH, if you prefer, or neither. There is no right or wrong.

Love and peace to you. Don't give up.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 07:57 AM

Originally posted by soon2beaher
im ur typical average guy, early 30's and since i can remember ive had urges to be a woman. i have no idea where they come from and wish they would go away.

ive gotten used to, and dont mind being in a male body. i find women attractive, have dated before, like motorcycles, music, fishing etc and wish i could be a regular joe just like most other guys.

but these dam urges just never leave me alone. i have experienced myself having a past life or at least choosing my parents and choosing to be born. but i dont understand why i have to go through these urges.

supression doesnt work. if i do supress then the urges come in dreams or first thing upon waking.

i have also experienced in meditation that i am not this body or the mind in a kind of eckhart tollish way. but still i cant really live life because these dam urges just bother the crap out of me and i dont want them.

i can say i fully understand the lgbt community and my heart goes out to them. had i not had these urges, i probably wouldd have had some bias towards this group of folks. but now only compassion
edit on 23-6-2012 by soon2beaher because: (no reason given)

More power to you!

One thing that is certain. "Those that bash the hardest are the ones wearing the pink panties themselves"
They lash out against what they wish they had the balls (no pun intended) to do.

Adding: Not to undermine this thread but, it is very odd ATS ALSO removed this thread from RECENT POSTS and made it practically impossible to find. It seems ATS has a motive here keeping topics of little to no importance on front page and hiding IMPORTANT Threads.. HERE:

edit on 24-6-2012 by InternetGremlin because: adding

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 08:15 AM
I'd like to add that there are things you can do to alleviate some of what you're feeling. This helped me a LOT.

If you aren't comfortable being dressed up in public, you can always wear stuff when you're home. If (like me) you have roommates and a girlfriend who care more about your mental well-being than what you look like, it's a godsend. At least you can really be you at home -- and more often than not, a girlfriend can (and WILL) help you with the "girl training" and getting your look together.

(And as a side note, it brings you and your girlfriend closer together! It's true!).

It takes about ten years from start to finish for the hormones and T-blockers to do their thing. You'll look a little strange during that time, since it's a "second puberty" as far as your body is concerned. But you'll FEEL amazing. Like it's the "real" you. But you need to find a physician who will treat you -- not the easiest thing to come across, sometimes.

And if you have other health issues (like I do) such as diabetes it's a good idea to have that WELL under control. In fact, physicians will generally NOT prescribe hormones unless you are healthy. That's been my stumbling block, but losing 80 lbs and keeping a diet has really gone a long way.

You need to get all the information you can about the Standards of Care and the process in general should you decide to go ahead with this. There are "waypoints" along the journey, and really the first step is seeking a therapist experienced in this subject.

Hope that helps.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by petrus4

Originally posted by ValentineWiggin
Sex is the most infernal of things; may a million curses be laid upon it. Celibacy is truly divine.

What about the Kama Sutra, I have been celibate for many years, but sex is divine.

edit on 083030p://bSunday2012 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 10:51 AM
Hi. if its any help you could go search for "Channel 5 Big Brother 2012" and watch the vids and clips about Luke A. he was born a girl and is now a man, and reveals this on the show. Although he hasnt done down below yet. Even though he is going through all this stuff, he is still very "normal" . Until he went in the house 3 weeks ago even his workmates didnt know his secret! You could even search Luke A BB 2012 on you tube, lots of clips there.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 11:01 AM
i know you said you like and dated woman but lets say you work up the courage to go out fully dressed up make up etc the works for lets say a week would you still be attracted to women? just being curious.
I agree with those who say just go for it if you feel like dressing up do what you feel is right for you. Saw a dude dressed up and didn't care about people looking at him. I can't lie it was a little bit awkward sitting right across from him but whatever I'm not going to glare at him or anything i just stayed listening to my music.
Again hope you become comfortable with who you really want to be or appear. Not everyone will accept you but whatever stick to that close circle who will love you no matter what.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by soon2beaher

It's natural for a spiritual mix-up, more like it was "Splice" in by some entity that doesn't like people.

I would say that this is a test on how well you'll adapt when your faced with this kind of situation.

Will you conquer or will you surrender?

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by soon2beaher

Let me just say that you are very brave to admit the feelings, and tell others about them. Bravo. Do not let anyone tell you what, or how, to live your life. It's your life and your choices.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by soon2beaher

I am sorry for your confusion. The very first thing you should do is just accept who you are, whoever, whatever that might be. Then seek some council from the LGBT community and the many fine Drs who have dedicated their lives to helping those like yourself seek the best/ happiest path to self discovery.

No matter how you choose, your path will not be an easy one. Thankfully, society is becoming a bit more accepting of the concept of gender identity and the understanding that it is not a sin, demonic nor perverse but just one of those things that happens. You are lucky to be meeting your struggle today rather than any other time, in Western culture anyway.

Good luck to you. I hope you find happiness, fulfillment and contentment with the decision that you must ultimately make.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by TTAA2012

I think this is one conversation that could do without saying Hail Mary's and praying to 'Jesus'....Just saying religion doesn't have to be shoved down throats in just about every thread..

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by soon2beaher

You're not transgendered, you have a mental deficiency that needs to be checked out by a doctor. If you were truly transgendered, you would have both male and female parts. You just have a mental problem thats making you think you are part woman. Maybe a lack in hormones, who knows.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by iWantToBeelieve
reply to post by soon2beaher

You're not transgendered, you have a mental deficiency that needs to be checked out by a doctor. If you were truly transgendered, you would have both male and female parts. You just have a mental problem thats making you think you are part woman. Maybe a lack in hormones, who knows.

*shakes head*

Google Hermaphrodite and then Google Transgender, then come back and re-read your post.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by iWantToBeelieve
reply to post by soon2beaher

You're not transgendered, you have a mental deficiency that needs to be checked out by a doctor. If you were truly transgendered, you would have both male and female parts. You just have a mental problem thats making you think you are part woman. Maybe a lack in hormones, who knows.
You're thinking of a hermaphrodite. Transgender refers to identity rather than simply genital features.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by skitzspiricy

Look up the root meaning of Trans, and then gender. Multiple genders. Which one can not obtain without the genetic makings.

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