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Fasting, and my irrefultable results.

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posted on Dec, 28 2015 @ 02:01 AM
a reply to: saadad

BUT first it will consume all sugar in your body and little energy reserves before it starts consuming sugar. This are small reserves and this us done in less than minutes. After sugar it goes on carbs.

Sugar is carbs. The real definition of sugar (if not used for sucrose) is monosaccharide and disaccharide. The real "immediate" body reserve is glycogen, there is about two days of supply there.

After that it goes to consume fat and if you are really fat you can have reserves for more than few weeks.

True and sometime longer.

Only after all fat is consumed body will eat muscle aka proteins but in the order that is less important

Not always true, it is the ketone bodies produced by "burning" fat that protect againt the body protein wasting. If one, while fasting, does consume small amount of carb, it will have an interfering effect with ketone bodies production, thus making protein wasting more likely.

I believe all magic is done when body starts to consume fat since toxins are store in fat also.

Toxin are not just lipophilic, there is also hydrophilic toxic.

And some faster have cure cancer in this way, because body will eat damaged cells or cancer tumors...

No, the anti-tumoral effect is due to a metabolism botlleneck called "the Warburg effect"

"In a cancerous cell, the mitochondria are inoperative (either defective or shutdown by cancer process). This cause the accumulation of pyruvate (the output of the metabolism of glucose known as glycolysis) in the cytosol and force the cell to do fermentation and create lactate. Rapidly growing tumor cells typically have glycolytic rates up to 200 times higher than those of their normal tissues of origin, thus meaning a lot of pyruvate created."

In an advanced cancer state, cachexia will be induced by the cancer, thus blocking ketone bodies production and consuming everything available to feed cancerous cells and kill the patient.

posted on Dec, 28 2015 @ 01:46 PM

originally posted by: PeterMcFly
Not always true, it is the ketone bodies produced by "burning" fat that protect againt the body protein wasting. If one, while fasting, does consume small amount of carb, it will have an interfering effect with ketone bodies production, thus making protein wasting more likely.

Well yeah, but if you are consuming carbs while you are "fasting", then you aren't really fasting unless you are doing juices, but it's not the same thing. I'm strongly against the 1 day per week type of "fast" for this reason. It is more like anorexia. Remember, just because something causes you to lose weight, doesn't make it automatically healthy. The body does burn a small amount of muscle during the first couple days of water fasting, but burns primarily fat afterwards. Frequently switching your body in and out of survival mode on a weekly basis is bad for you and will mess with your metabolism. People that fast, need to check with their doctor and make sure they do the research as there is a lot of junk out there passed off as science when it comes to fasting.
edit on 12 28 15 by Barcs because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2015 @ 02:45 AM
a reply to: Barcs

Frequently switching your body in and out of survival mode on a weekly basis is bad for you and will mess with your metabolism.

That is a very good question.

I have a person here that is doing a constant ketogenic diet, not a fasting but still forcing the body into survival mode by burning fat. Other peoples do intermitent ketogenic diet, putting the body constantly in and out of this mode, believing it is safer and more natural.

FYI doctors don't have a clue when it come to such metabolic experiments and will generally claim a blanket statement such as it is dangerous to experiment with anything that is out of the ordinary.

posted on Dec, 29 2015 @ 07:05 AM
I notice when I eat I get lazy and sluggish
But when I fast I become wild
Like an animal
I feel like a hunter
More alert with more drive
It is good to fast now and then

posted on Dec, 29 2015 @ 09:48 AM
I 've been doing intermittent fasting basically following the warrior diet since August.

I too feel great! same as with everybody else, boosted immune system n all. I'm not exercising much or anything and I'm loosing a steady 2-3 lbs a week. muscle is more compact and dense. so far roughly 30lbs dropped.

I drink water all day. around 7 when i get home I eat a big meal n pass out. my meals start with a large salad, then meat of some sort. still hungery then a little carbs or beans. even drink a decent amount of beer and still I'm loosing weight. I used to have borderline type 2 diabetes symptoms but not anymore. when I work out a few times a week I loose roughly 3-5lbs. so imagine what I could loose if I gave up beer, and put in 45mi workouts everyday exercising.

works for me.

one thing I do that's controversial is that during the day I basically try to OD on vitamin C. on purpose. gives you the squirts and I find really helps the body eliminate waste and toxins.
edit on 29-12-2015 by BASSPLYR because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2015 @ 11:07 AM

originally posted by: BASSPLYR
I drink water all day. around 7 when i get home I eat a big meal n pass out. my meals start with a large salad, then meat of some sort. still hungery then a little carbs or beans.

Is that your diet everyday, or are you referring to once a week?

posted on Dec, 31 2015 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: Barcs

Basically Monday through Friday. Work schedule makes it easy for me to maintain. However even though I try to continue it on the Weekend I drink waaaay more beer on Sat n Sun and also eat at least twice a day. Eating pretty much whatever I want. So Weekends I'm off the Warrior Diet. Weekdays on.

Here's whats going on with my body. I weigh my self on friday. Say I way 180. After the Weekend I'll weigh about 2 pounds MORE due to water weight n bloat. By Wednesday I'm back to 180. On Friday I'm 177. Weekend goes by and on Monday 179. Wednesday 177. Friday 174.

If I were to keep it strict it would be more linear. But to be honest. I think it's important to break the intermittent fasting cycle once a week to re up on certain nutrients.

So during the weekend. I eat "Dirty" ie. Whatever/Whenever I wan't (within reason) Weekdays I eat "Clean" mostly salad n meat Once a day in the evenings. When I do eat I eat at night. Pass out two hours later and sleep on the nutrients in my belly digesting. Wake up eliminate. Go to work. When I get in I'll often Down two packets of Emergenc-C or similar Vitamin C packet. Two at a time. My goal is to OD on the Vitamin C. OD on Vitamin C basically means you've consumed more C than your Stomach and small intestines can absorb. The rest gets passed to your large intestine which views the C as a toxin and your gut secretes bile and fluids to flood the lower intestine with liquid to help flush the C out. Thus giving you the squirts for an hour or so (one or two quick stops at the bathroom) , but it gets rid of Bloat and water weight real fast. It also helps with eliminating the fecal matter and crap in your gut. Since by the time you eat again later that day. You are flushed clean.

I feel it's important to potentiate the occillation between the Anabolic and Catabolic states. The sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous system and the horomones associated. To me it's the best way to break the hormonal cocktail that's making you fat and tired. Resetting your Insulin sensitivity.
edit on 31-12-2015 by BASSPLYR because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-12-2015 by BASSPLYR because: (no reason given)

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