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Absolutely Sickening. Designer Sneakers made of custom order stingrays!

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+5 more 
posted on May, 31 2012 @ 02:34 AM
[link removed]

Custom DNA Skin Sneakers

A new footwear company is customising the skin of living stingrays to make $1,800 bespoke sneakers. RayFish Footwear enables customers 'grow' their own stingray by having scientists mix and match DNA from several different species, breeding unique patterns and colours in their skin. The company claims to have perfected the genetic modification of stingrays, which has been met with both skepticism and disgust from PETA and bioengineering scientists. Read more:

First mink, now stingrays? Whats next kittens? I refuse to believe that this is done out of necessity but rather it is extravagance, opulence and arrogance just so you could go to a cocktail party with some rich schmoozers and talk about your custom order sneakers. These sneakers are made from mixing and matching genetic traits to your specifications. We are not far off from designer babies as well.
edit on 023131p://5America/ChicagoThu, 31 May 2012 02:43:50 -0500 by THE_PROFESSIONAL because: link fix

edit on Thu May 31 2012 by DontTreadOnMe because: two links have NOTHING to do with the topic......attempt to finx thired link

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 02:38 AM
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

Wow, I am at a loss for words. And that doesn't happen very often. WTF.....

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 02:42 AM
Links are broken, but I have to ask, whats the issue? Do the stingrays suffer somehow because of genetic modifications? If not, then I dont see the problem with this practice.

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 02:45 AM
reply to post by Maslo

Probably not, but they are being grown and killed for fashion is my main beef (pun intended) with it. Plus who knows what kinds of genetic diseases the stingrays get but are unable to tell us.

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 02:48 AM
I think every living being deserves a chance to live their life, I'm not against people hunting for food because that's a necessity to survive. But this is totally outrageous.

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 02:48 AM

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 02:53 AM
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

I mentioned on a post a while ago that if we play with DNA/genetics it should be extensively tested... But this this is different it's screwing with nature just out of vanity and that's just wrong

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 02:54 AM
reply to post by Maslo

Try this

This is like factory farming on steroids here if you ask me.....
edit on Thu, 31 May 2012 02:55:53 -0500 by TKDRL because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 03:02 AM
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

That is horrible to breed them for shoes, but the science going into that is amazing in my opinion. I wonder if you could buy a stingray that hasn't been killed and made into a shoe with the crazy colours. They would probably be very unhealthy though with all the mixing of genes and poor conditions.

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 03:14 AM

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL
Whats next kittens?

Scientists exploring possible treatments for HIV have, purely as a byproduct of their methods, earned themselves a spot in today’s science blog postings: They’ve made glowing kittens.

When these green kitties were still twinkles in their parents’ eyes, scientists investigating a macaque gene thought to protect monkeys against feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) inserted it into cat eggs with a lab-grown virus, intending to test whether cats carrying the gene were resistant to FIV as well. Researchers are interested in seeing how the macaque gene guards against FIV, which is the feline version of HIV, in hopes of transferring their insights to combating HIV.

But here’s where things get wacky: The team also included in the virus a jellyfish gene that makes a glowing green protein, to act as a signal. The virus does not always succeed in transferring the genes entrusted to it, but by including the jellyfish gene, the team gave themselves an easy way to tell when the transfer took place: kittens that glow green under fluorescent light, showing that they carry the jellyfish gene, almost certainly carry the macaque gene as well.

bin dere done dat
nice pic at link

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 03:15 AM
reply to post by TKDRL

Not quite factory farming on steroids the water looks clean and they arent all smashed in one small tank. The Stingrays look like they get better conditions than animals bred for consumption. I dont see anything wrong with this though, its the same thing as breeding animals for food. People overeat so more animals are slaughtered than need to be anyway so its not really just for survival. We are not hunter gatherers anymore, lets get real. Plus people need quality shoes, so theres need if you really need one to have peace of mind.

edit on 31-5-2012 by acmpnsfal because: (no reason given)

+2 more 
posted on May, 31 2012 @ 03:33 AM
I don't really see it any different than buying a leather jacket or chair to be honest.

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 05:19 AM

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL

Custom DNA Skin Sneakers

A new footwear company is customising the skin of living stingrays to make $1,800 bespoke sneakers. RayFish Footwear enables customers 'grow' their own stingray by having scientists mix and match DNA from several different species, breeding unique patterns and colours in their skin. The company claims to have perfected the genetic modification of stingrays, which has been met with both skepticism and disgust from PETA and bioengineering scientists. Read more: l#ixzz1wQkAqq2E

First mink, now stingrays? Whats next kittens? I refuse to believe that this is done out of necessity but rather it is extravagance, opulence and arrogance just so you could go to a cocktail party with some rich schmoozers and talk about your custom order sneakers. These sneakers are made from mixing and matching genetic traits to your specifications. We are not far off from designer babies as well.
edit on 023131p://5America/ChicagoThu, 31 May 2012 02:43:50 -0500 by THE_PROFESSIONAL because: link fix

Eh, I guess this doesn't really infuriate me that much....People have been crossbreeding animals for our needs since the beginning of human history. For instance, way back when dogs were a single species, which through time, we've gotten everything from Great Danes to Pomeranians. And all that was done without advanced DNA techniques....Just selective breeding.

Unless there's some evidence that doing these things in a modern lab setting using DNA mixed to order is causing these stingrays to suffer more so, than if they were just bred for the purpose the old fashioned way then I can't see anything worse about this than wearing leather jackets, or snake skin boots.

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 05:26 AM
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

This is one of those things like a utopian society. It could be the greatest thing to ever happen to mankind, but it also has the same ingredients for the destruction of the human race.

I think their morality and practices should be monitored closely.
edit on 31-5-2012 by Bleeeeep because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 05:35 AM

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL
reply to post by Maslo

Probably not, but they are being grown and killed for fashion is my main beef (pun intended) with it. Plus who knows what kinds of genetic diseases the stingrays get but are unable to tell us.

Jesus Christ, you suspect that stingrays might have some decease which could be harmful to humans even after the skins are processed (!), and in the same sentence mentioning "beef" you gratuitously omit the mad cow disease and other 1,000 nasty pathogens associated with domesticated animals that are known killers of humans, or can cause paralysis.

I think you were just delighted by the weirdness of raising stingrays for their skins, even though fish skin has been used in items like drums (doumbeks) for millenia. So you decided to sensantionalize a bit while not caring about substance.

Zero substance once again.

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 06:31 AM
I have been looking for seal skin to upholster the seats in my car.

But I don't want GM lab grown seals. In protest of this tinkering with nature, I will only use naturally born and clubbed baby seals.

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 06:39 AM
Here's a link to the company. I personally am offended by this. They have a picture of a Zebroid (zebra) on their blog. Are they next for designer shoes?

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 06:46 AM

Originally posted by Maslo
Links are broken, but I have to ask, whats the issue? Do the stingrays suffer somehow because of genetic modifications? If not, then I dont see the problem with this practice.

I think it's just another example of our complete arrogance as a species, that we would go to such ridiculous lengths all for nothing more than social status.

It's insanely sad that people who do things like this can't see how pathetic their lives are - that they need to fill that dark void in their soul for half an hour, and that they need to go to such extreme lengths to fill it too.

At least, that's what it means to me. Sick Humans with absolutely no common sense or true sense of value. They waste their short lives on this earth chasing sh*t that is completely meaningless and pointless for ten minutes of satisfaction that they "have something".

Pathetic Humans.

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 07:29 AM

Originally posted by detachedindividual

Originally posted by Maslo
Links are broken, but I have to ask, whats the issue? Do the stingrays suffer somehow because of genetic modifications? If not, then I dont see the problem with this practice.

I think it's just another example of our complete arrogance as a species, that we would go to such ridiculous lengths all for nothing more than social status.

It's insanely sad that people who do things like this can't see how pathetic their lives are - that they need to fill that dark void in their soul for half an hour, and that they need to go to such extreme lengths to fill it too.

At least, that's what it means to me. Sick Humans with absolutely no common sense or true sense of value. They waste their short lives on this earth chasing sh*t that is completely meaningless and pointless for ten minutes of satisfaction that they "have something".

Pathetic Humans.

I'm not applauding any sort of conspicuous consumption and much less designer stingray skins, but then again there is already too much stuff that's not vital which is being used by people with incomes much less than those who can afford $1,800 sneakers.

How about we expose TV sports like football, baseball and basketball as something that you describe as

It's insanely sad that people who do things like this can't see how pathetic their lives are - that they need to fill that dark void in their soul for half an hour, and that they need to go to such extreme lengths to fill it too.

To me, collecting baseball cards is not very different from wearing stingray shoes. Same kind of "duh" thing.

Oh and I forget -- let's throw in monster trucks and wrestling federation into the mix.

edit on 31-5-2012 by buddhasystem because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

Kumfy Kitten shoes. Made of real Kittens. All we did is turn them inside out.

No, really, this is shocking.

$1,800 for sneakers!

edit on 31/5/2012 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

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