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Dreams and other dimensions in space and time.

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posted on May, 30 2012 @ 09:30 AM
I guess I should just first point, out that this is my first thread, so I hope it's worthy of a read. The reason for this post is to reach out to the many thinkers and Smart people which exist on this brilliant site.

Ok my thinking is this ( and I doubt I am the first to wonder this) We all pretty much dream, though some of us do not remember our dreams, most of us do. Now, the mechanics of dreams have been explained as being a necessary part of our subconscious, that keeps us from going nuts. It filters through all the information we receive during the course of the day, and re-assembles it into a fairly watchable movie ( lol).

The question I would like to ask is this. Does anybody think that it is possible, that our conciousness as a whole, is actually able to travel to parallel dimensions while we are sleeping? There are certain frequencies that we sleep at. Alpha, delta ect. I do not pretend to be an expert in the field. But in truth, the dream state has never been fully explained, and we can add various other components into the mix, such as OBE, NDE, maybe even Alien abduction, though I know some Abduction cases may be down to sleep parallasis.

We hear about the possibilities of other dimensions. Like trying to explain the interference wave pattern, in the realms of quantum mechanics/physics. And the theory that it is conciousness that decides the fate of particles. IE the double split experiment. Measuring something determines its outcome. If you read about the quantum world, there are certain circumstances that state the we possibly change things, and determine outcomes by measuring, observing. BUT when we sleep, we are not observing or measuring. Even our perception of time changes in dream state. How many times have you been dreaming, what seems for hours? To then awaken, and find that you have only been sleep for a much much shorter time, with relation to our dream.

Well I won't babble on too much, but could our conciousness travel in time and space, under the right conditions? I think possibly, yes. What about you guys?

Just a thought. Thank you for reading.
edit on 2012 by Titan25 because: Punctuation

edit on 2012 by Titan25 because: Mistake

edit on 2012 by Titan25 because: Added new

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by Titan25
Does anybody think that it is possible, that our conciousness as a whole, is actually able to travel to parallel dimensions while we are sleeping?

1) There are multiple duplicates of this world running parallel in real time to this world.
2) These worlds can be accessed in dreams via astral travel.

From experience its possible to traverse from England to America whilst dreaming and talk alongside friends that are also dreaming at the same time.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 01:11 PM
From experience its possible to traverse from England to America whilst dreaming and talk alongside friends that are also dreaming at the same time.

Ok so is that a sarcastic comment?

If so, open your mind to the possibility, if not sarcastic, apologies. But I feel my theory is valid.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by Titan25

From experience its possible to traverse from England to America whilst dreaming and talk alongside friends that are also dreaming at the same time. so is that a sarcastic comment?

If so, open your mind to the possibility, if not sarcastic, apologies. But I feel my theory is valid.

I don't think the poster was being sarcastic and your theory is a valid as any other , because it is just a theory.
I too have similar thoughts/theories , so I will be watching with interest.

Interesting first post

edit on 30-5-2012 by dawnprince because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by dawnprince

Originally posted by Titan25

From experience its possible to traverse from England to America whilst dreaming and talk alongside friends that are also dreaming at the same time. so is that a sarcastic comment?

If so, open your mind to the possibility, if not sarcastic, apologies. But I feel my theory is valid.

I don't think the poster was being sarcastic and your theory is a valid as any other , because it is just a theory.
I too have similar thoughts/theories , so I will be watching with interest.

Interesting first post

edit on 30-5-2012 by dawnprince because: (no reason given)

No, your right, my bad. I read that wrong, am just used to seeing so many put down posts on here.

Another reason to believe in alternate earth/ dimensions, is the strange cases of doppelgängers, have our others selves crossed that path into OUR reality?

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by Titan25

I have beliefs in many strange things and nothing would suprise me .

You may find the following very interesting .

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 02:25 PM

edit on 30-5-2012 by nii900 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 02:33 PM

edit on 30-5-2012 by nii900 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by dawnprince
reply to post by Titan25

I have beliefs in many strange things and nothing would suprise me .

You may find the following very interesting .

Thank you, yes very interesting. I hope to do more research, and try to post something a bit more compelling.

posted on May, 30 2012 @ 06:34 PM
I believe it is possible, for many years, I had lived in Paris, France every time I slept, it was like living a second life. I would go walk around the streets, get coffee, and hop into stores. A few years later I had moved to Shanghai, China and vacationed in Greece.The last experience was walking along Cannon Beach, Oregon. Now, I don't dream as much but wish that I did. Back then I would meditate a lot.

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 04:25 AM
reply to post by Titan25

Hello Titan25 and welcome to ATS.

Dreams,as much as scientists think they have explained everything,are still a realm that we have a lot to learn about.So everything is possible.

Here are a couple of threads that you will find more information and opinions,about the subject.

Dreams are travel to parallel universes
Dreamworld into the real world

And here is a series of dreams i had in the last 10 years,that ended when i got killed there.
Not saying that was some kind of a parallel dimension experience,but for 10 years i had a life there(friends,boyfriend,was trying to survive etc),then i got shot(in the dream) and i stopped watching them/visiting.Was really weird,but to be honest i miss it.

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 08:16 AM

Originally posted by Phantom traveller
reply to post by Titan25

Hello Titan25 and welcome to ATS.

Dreams,as much as scientists think they have explained everything,are still a realm that we have a lot to learn about.So everything is possible.

Here are a couple of threads that you will find more information and opinions,about the subject.

Dreams are travel to parallel universes
Dreamworld into the real world[/
And [url=]here
is a series of dreams i had in the last 10 years,that ended when i got killed there.
Not saying that was some kind of a parallel dimension experience,but for 10 years i had a life there(friends,boyfriend,was trying to survive etc),then i got shot(in the dream) and i stopped watching them/visiting.Was really weird,but to be honest i miss it.

Thank you Phantom, I will take the time to look at your links. I doubt all dreams are linked to dimensional travel, but there are so many oddities regarding the dream state, that I believe there is a lot more going on here.
edit on 2012 by Titan25 because: Error

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 08:56 PM
Thanks for the post. I enjoyed readings everyone's responses. Much to think about.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by Titan25

From experience its possible to traverse from England to America whilst dreaming and talk alongside friends that are also dreaming at the same time.

Ok so is that a sarcastic comment?

If so, open your mind to the possibility, if not sarcastic, apologies. But I feel my theory is valid.

HA! He wasn't sarcastic at all, but you sure showed your paranoia. YOU are going to be a blast to follow!

edit on 6/14/2012 by jiggerj because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by Titan25

Not bashing, just offering my opinion without any attack whatsoever.

When we flex a muscle in our arm, does our arm bend in another dimension? Of course not, because the bending of an arm is just an outcome of our brain managing the machine that we call our bodies.

The dreams we experience are just like the arm. It is an outcome of our brain throwing images up on the screen in our minds.

Just my opinion! That's all!

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by Celeste-G
Thanks for the post. I enjoyed readings everyone's responses. Much to think about.

Why does this read as though the OP is yours? Did you switch names or something?

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